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Verbatim report of proceedings
Monday, 12 November 2007 - Strasbourg OJ edition

The role of sport in education (debate)

  Rolf Berend (PPE-DE).(DE) Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the Commission’s White Paper and Mr Schmitt’s excellent report feature both the educative function of PE in schools and the role of sport in social integration and fostering good health. Awareness of all aspects of this in society should now be increased.

Alongside what we have learned from the European Year of Education through Sport and from the Lifelong Learning, Youth and Europe for Citizens programmes, it is now time to devise initiatives to make the most, in our times, of the various forms of physical activity comprising sport, both in schools, clubs and associations, and as spontaneous, informal physical activity.

In an era when we do very little physical activity, sport has much greater significance for us than it did for our parents and grandparents. In a time when children prefer to play computer games, there is a growing need to promote active, healthy lifestyles for children and young people. Unfortunately, there are many signs that, in many schools, even the time available for PE often fails to correspond to the reality on the ground – that is, implementation sometimes fails to meet with legal obligations. It seems that a reality check is necessary in many schools in this regard.

I also support the rapporteur when he calls on the Commission to draw up guidelines on the application of the State aid rules to public sports facilities – naturally, fully respecting the principle of subsidiarity – together with the national and European umbrella organisations for sports. We need clarity on what type of state support is regarded as acceptable and lawful and which aspects can be integrated with one another, possibly including the strengthening of investment in physical education, and with regard to the financing, if necessary with assistance from European funds within the framework of the Structural Funds, of the modernisation and provision of schools.

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