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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Explanations of vote

Text tabled : A6-0013/2008

  Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE), in writing. – (PT) The Treaty of Lisbon is the best compromise for overcoming the institutional crisis and bringing greater flexibility to the decision-making mechanisms that are essential for an enlarged European Union of 27 Members to function in today’s globalised and constantly changing world.

I applaud the fact that the EU is given legal personality, that the three-pillar structure is abolished in favour of a single institutional framework and across-the-board application of the Community method.

I applaud the measures to improve transparency and accountability, and to strengthen the participation and rights of European citizens both at the information level and through the people’s legislative initiative.

I welcome the changes in the area of freedom, security and justice, where action will have more ambitious goals and more effective procedures, no longer using intergovernmental instruments and procedures.

I applaud greater involvement of the national parliaments, in particular in monitoring respect for the principle of subsidiarity.

I am sorry that various concessions had to be made, for example postponing the implementation of important elements, such as the new voting system in the Council, and the British and Irish opt-outs/opt-ins on matters previously covered by the third pillar; I fear that establishing an elected President of the European Council will mean losing the advantages of the rotating Presidencies without bringing any added value for the functioning of the EU, creating problems in relations between the different institutions.

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