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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 18 June 2008 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe (debate)

  Bernadette Bourzai, on behalf of the PSE Group. – (FR) Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I must first of all thank the rapporteur, Mr Aylward, for the excellent work he has done in consulting the professionals and the sheep and goat sector and for the very comprehensive report that he has submitted to us.

The sheep, lamb and goat sector has had a rough ride over the last ten years as a result of a series of crises, including epizootic-type diseases, but more especially because of the decoupling of aid, which has led to a marked decline in the sheep and lamb population as breeders quit the industry. The sector is currently experiencing real difficulties and it is now time for us to sit up and take notice, for this sector is capable of producing high-quality meat and milk and it plays a key role in ensuring the natural upkeep and improvement of the local terrain, which also includes reducing the risk of fire and natural disasters.

I support the proposals that have been put forward by our rapporteur and by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development relating to financial support for the production and promotion of agricultural products. Faced with foreign imports that already total nearly one quarter of European production, I believe that it is important to develop a European quality mark that can be used in addition to local and national origin labels.

I also think that the introduction of an electronic tagging system on the date set by the European institutions will only be possible if the European Union first provides the necessary funding, for the industry itself in its present predicament would not be capable of doing so. Unlike the previous speaker, I believe that setting up an implementation task force would be an appropriate step, but in my opinion this should include representatives from the professional organisations so that developments in the field can be closely monitored.

Finally, I would remind you that we need to act as a matter of some urgency, and certainly by next year, if we want to save this sector, for I fear that using Article 69, which has now become Article 68, as a health check for sectors in crisis will simply come too late in the day.

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