Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
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Il-Ħamis, 19 ta' Ġunju 2008 - Strasburgu Edizzjoni riveduta
1. Ftuħ tas-seduta
 2. Lejn Mobilità aktar Sikura, aktar Nadifa u aktar Effiċjenti madwar l-Ewropa: L-Ewwel Rapport dwar il-Karozzi Intelliġenti (dibattitu)
 3. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet
  3.1. It-trasport intern ta' oġġetti perikolużi (A6-0227/2008, Bogusław Liberadzki) (votazzjoni)
  3.2. Ġestjoni tas-sikurezza ta' l-infrastruttura tat-toroq (A6-0050/2008, Helmuth Markov) (votazzjoni)
  3.3. It-Titjib tal-kapaċità ta’ l-Unjoni fir-reazzjoni għad-diżastri (votazzjoni)
 4. Merħba
 5. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet (tkomplija)
  5.1. L-erbgħin anniversarju ta’ l-Unjoni Doganali (votazzjoni)
  5.2. Karta Ewropea dwar id-Drittijiet tal-Konsumaturi ta' l-Enerġija (A6-0202/2008, Mia De Vits) (votazzjoni)
  5.3. L-awtorizzazzjoni tat-tiġieġ ikklorurat (votazzjoni)
  5.4. Il-kriżi fis-settur tas-sajd minħabba ż-żieda tal-prezzijiet taż-żejt użat bħala fjuwil (votazzjoni)
  5.5. Il-Laqgħa Għolja UE-Russja (votazzjoni)
  5.6. Il-ġejjieni tas-settur tan-nagħaġ u tal-mogħoż fl-Ewropa (A6-0196/2008, Liam Aylward) (votazzjoni)
  5.7. Lejn Mobilità aktar Sikura, aktar Nadifa u aktar Effiċjenti madwar l-Ewropa: L-Ewwel Rapport dwar il-Karozzi Intelliġenti (A6-0169/2008, Zita Gurmai) (votazzjoni)
 6. Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot
 7. Korrezzjonijiet u intenzjonijiet għall-vot: ara l-Minuti
 8. Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta’ qabel: ara l-Minuti
 9. Dibattitu dwar każijiet ta’ ksur tad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem, tad-Demokrazija u ta' l-Istat tad-Dritt (dibattitu)
  9.1. Id-detenzjoni li tippersisti tal-priġunieri politiċi fil-Burma
  9.2. Qtil ta' routina tal-pajżana fis-Somalja
  9.3. Iran: Eżekuzzjoni ta' minuri delinkwenti fl-Iran
 10. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet
  10.1. Id-detenzjoni li tippersisti tal-priġunieri politiċi fil-Burma (votazzjoni)
  10.2. Qtil ta' routina tal-pajżana fis-Somalja (votazzjoni)
  10.3. Iran: Eżekuzzjoni ta' minuri delinkwenti fl-Iran (votazzjoni)
 11. Dokumenti mressqa: ara l-Minuti
 12. Trasferiment ta' approprjazzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti
 13. Komunikazzjoni dwar il-pożizzjonijiet komuni tal-Kunsill: ara l-Minuti
 14. Deċiżjonijiet dwar ċertu dokumenti: ara l-minuti
 15. Dikjarazzjonijiet bil-miktub imniżżla fir-reġistru (Artikolu 116 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura): ara l-Minuti
 16. Trażmissjoni tat-testi adottati waqt is-seduta li għaddejja: ara l-Minuti
 17. Dati tas-seduti li jmiss: ara l-Minuti
 18. Interruzzjoni tas-sessjoni
 ANNESS (Tweġiba bil-miktub)



1. Ftuħ tas-seduta

(Die Sitzung wird um 10.05 Uhr wieder aufgenommen.)


2. Lejn Mobilità aktar Sikura, aktar Nadifa u aktar Effiċjenti madwar l-Ewropa: L-Ewwel Rapport dwar il-Karozzi Intelliġenti (dibattitu)

  Die Präsidentin. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Frau Zita Gurmai im Namen des Ausschusses für Verkehr und Fremdenverkehr über eine europaweit sicherere, sauberere und effizientere Mobilität: Erster Bericht über die Initiative „Intelligentes Fahrzeug“ (2007/2259(INI)) (A6-0169/2008).


  Zita Gurmai, előadó. − Köszönöm szépen. Tisztelt elnök asszony! Biztos úr! Kedves kollegák! Mindennapi életünkben egyre jobban függünk a közlekedéstől. Az európai gazdaság sem nélkülözheti a hatékony közúti szállítási lehetőségeket. Az egyre növekvő forgalom azonban komoly társadalmi problémákat vet fel. Dugókat okoz az utakon és a városi térségekben, komoly környezeti és közegészségügyi problémákat, energiapazarlást és mindenekelőtt baleseteket. Néhány megdöbbentő adat röviden: a közúti közlekedés széndioxid-kibocsátása évente 835 millió tonna; évente 40 000 ember hal meg az utakon; az Unióban a forgalmi torlódások költsége évente 50 milliárd eurót tesz ki, ami a közösségi GDP 0.5%-ának felel meg, és ez a szám 2010-re akár az uniós GDP 1%-át is elérheti.

Jó hírem van azonban: a problémák enyhíthetőek. Az elektronikus stabilitás-vezérléssel évente körülbelül 4000 emberéletet lehet megmenteni, ha az e-segélyhívó teljeskörűen ki lehetne építve Európában, évente akár 5-15%-kal csökkentené a közúti sérülések és halálozások számát, ami több mint 2500 emberéletet jelent évente és 22 milliárd euró megtakarítást. A megfelelő szoftverekkel és valós idejű információkkal a közlekedési központokban a közlekedési dugók 40%-kal csökkenthetők lennének.

Már a fenti néhány adatból is kiderül, hogy az intelligens gépjármű-rendszerek előnye tagadhatatlan, ehhez képest azonban mégis kevésbé elterjedtek, míg például az Egyesült Államokban az elektronikus stabilitásvezérlő már 2012-től kötelező lesz minden új autóban. Ennek fő oka a berendezések drágasága, a megfelelő tájékoztatás és az intelligens infrastruktúra hiánya. Fel kell azonban tennünk a kérdést, megengedhető-e, hogy az európai állampolgárok ne tudjanak élni jogaikkal? Hiszem ugyanis, hogy mindegyikőjüknek és nekünk is mindegyikőnknek jogunk van a biztonságos, fenntartható és hatékony mobilitáshoz.

A fenti problémák a megnőtt és folyamatosan növekvő mobilitás miatt európai szintűek, és ha a mobilitás nem optimális, illetve nem biztonságos, akkor arra európai szintű választ kell adnunk. A piaci akadályokat meg kell szüntetni, ösztönözni kell az intelligens kommunikációs technológiák iránti keresletet, és ki kell alakítani az európai szintű, interoperábilis, intelligens infrastruktúrát. Meg kell tartani, illetve javítani kell az információs és kommunikációs technológiák kutatás-fejlesztése terén már elért európai eredményeket, különös tekintettel a megfelelő gépjármű-vezető kapcsolatra. Mindez elengedhetetlen az európai gazdaság, a társadalom miatt, illetve az európai ipar érdekében, hiszen Japán és az Amerikai Egyesült Államok ipara nagyon komoly versenytársak (csak hogy néhány példát hozzak). Ezt ismerték fel az európai döntéshozók, és ezért került az E-2010 kezdeményezés kiemelt, zászlóshajó kezdeményezései közé az intelligens autó is.

Összességében tehát üdvözlöm az Európai Bizottság közleményét, és támogatom az erőfeszítéséket is, amelyeket az érintett felek tesznek az intelligens információs és biztonságos technikák megfelelő elterjesztéséért a gépjárművekben. Látnunk kell azonban, hogy egyelőre a folyamat elején vagyunk, és jelenleg az „intelligens autó” kezdeményezés indulása óta bekövetkezett fejleményekről már kaptunk tájékoztatást. Nem kevés munka áll mögöttünk, és nem haladunk rosszul. Ugyanakkor kíváncsian várom a következő előrehaladási jelentéseket, és bízom benne, hogy a magam szerény eszközeivel én is hozzájárulok majd a cél, az életmentő, környezetkímélő és forgalomoptimalizáló rendszerek minél szélesebb körű elterjesztéséhez.

Végül, de nem utolsósorban szeretném megragadni az alkalmat, és köszönetet szeretnék mondani mindenkinek, aki segítette a munkámat: az Európai Bizottság Információs Társadalomért és Médiáért felelős főigazgatóságának, a Parlament Közlekedési és Idegenforgalmi Bizottsága titkárságának, kedves ittlévő képviselőtársaimnak és azoknak, akik nem lehetnek most itt a hozzászólásokért, a módosító indítványokért, a szakmai szervezeteknek a rengeteg hasznos tanácsért, a meghívásért és magyarázatért. Köszönöm szépen az együttműködést.


  Antonio Tajani, Membro della Commissione. − Signora Presidente, onorevoli deputati, onorevole Gurmai, io, anche se sostituisco la Commissaria Reding che è competente per il dibattito di oggi, considero l'argomento di straordinaria importanza perché rientra nella strategia che la Commissione europea e il mio dicastero intendono perseguire nei prossimi anni, cioè ridurre il numero dei morti sulle strade dell'Unione europea.

Abbiamo il dovere di considerare questa iniziativa come una priorità politica, i cittadini ci guardano e soprattutto i giovani aspettano da noi delle risposte, dei consigli, dei suggerimenti, delle idee affinché possano spostarsi sulle strade dell'Unione europea senza rischiare di perdere la vita.

Ecco perché il dibattito di oggi, come quello di ieri sera, diventa di straordinaria importanza, come diventano di straordinaria importanza gli eventi che la Commissione europea sta organizzando. Il giorno 10 a Bruxelles ci sarà un'iniziativa rivolta ai giovani per discutere di sicurezza stradale, ci saranno una serie di iniziative durante la Presidenza francese per la sicurezza stradale, la più importante sarà a Parigi il 13 ottobre, ma in altre città europee ci saranno manifestazioni per intervenire in questo settore per sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e soprattutto per sensibilizzare i giovani.

Signora Presidente, onorevoli deputati, per quanto riguarda la discussione di oggi vorrei ringraziare tutto il Parlamento e la relatrice per l'eccellente ed esaustiva relazione che ha svolto. Sono particolarmente lieto di constatare che il suo testo riconosce il grande potenziale delle tecnologie e dei sistemi promossi dall'iniziativa "automobile intelligente". Il sostegno del Parlamento è determinante al fine di far pervenire questi sistemi agli utenti della strada.

Il cittadino infatti è stato fin dall'inizio il punto focale, l'obiettivo di questa iniziativa. Il cittadino, in qualità di utente della strada, si deve confrontare con scelte sempre più difficili per quanto riguarda la mobilità ed a volte i messaggi provenienti dal settore pubblico e privato possono indurre a confusione o essere a volte anche contrastanti fra loro. Pertanto accolgo favorevolmente la richiesta del Parlamento di introdurre ulteriori misure, quali incentivi, formazione del conducente e campagne di informazione per gli utenti in modo che veicoli più sicuri ed ecologici possano affermarsi sul mercato.

È molto incoraggiante, soprattutto per me che sono stato per tanti anni deputato in questo Parlamento, vedere che l'assemblea riconosce eCall come una delle priorità chiave dell'iniziativa "automobile intelligente". Grazie a eCall abbiamo realizzato molti progressi e alla fine di quest'anno la Commissione presenterà una nuova comunicazione al Parlamento e al Consiglio nella quale saranno indicate le fasi finali per la realizzazione di eCall.

Sono inoltre grato al Parlamento per il suo sostegno ai nostri sforzi volti a identificare il modo migliore per raggiungere l'efficienza energetica e una riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 grazie alle tecnologie intelligenti e per guidarci nelle eventuali misure da prendere. Questo settore è tuttavia soltanto all'inizio, il regolamento sugli obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 deve ad esempio essere messo in atto, penso ancora ad ulteriori misure nel settore dei trasporti basate soprattutto su un approccio integrato. Il sostegno del Parlamento a questo riguardo sarà essenziale.


  Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, im Namen der PPE-DE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, lieber Herr Kommissar, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Straßenverkehrssicherheitspotentiale sollten Bürgerinnen und Bürger im doppelten Sinne erfahren können. Deshalb fordere ich, verbunden mit dem heute zur Diskussion stehenden Bericht, die verstärkte Präventions- und Aufklärungsarbeit über den Sicherheitsgewinn von Fahrerassistenzsystemen. Den meisten Menschen fehlt jegliche praktische Erfahrung mit diesen Systemen, sie können also nicht nachvollziehen, dass Fahrerassistenzsysteme erstens ein unumstrittenes Sicherheitspotential besitzen – schließlich ist bei rund 80 % aller Unfälle menschliches Versagen die Ursache –, zweitens, das Fahren komfortabler machen, drittens, den Fahrer unterstützen und entlasten, ohne ihn aus der Verantwortung zu entlassen, und viertens, ein ökonomisches sowie ökologisches Fahrverhalten fördern. Moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme könnten nach neuesten Untersuchungen bis zu einem Drittel der schweren Unfälle vermeiden, wenn sie flächendeckend zum Einsatz kämen.

Systeme wie der Abstandsregeltempomat ACC, die Spurassistenten und das elektronische Stabilitätsprogramm ESP haben einen guten technischen Stand und einen hohen Grad an Zuverlässigkeit. Allerdings müssen auch sie einer regelmäßigen technischen Überwachung und einer Funktionsprüfung nach erheblichen Unfallreparaturen unterliegen. Intelligente Fahrzeugsysteme tragen dazu bei, riskante Situationen gar nicht erst entstehen zu lassen, und, indem sie den Fahrer entlasten, ermöglichen sie einen entspannten und vorausschauenden Fahrstil.

Bislang gehören diese Systeme leider immer noch nicht zur Serienausstattung. Trotz Vision Zero wird es auch in Zukunft Verkehrsunfälle geben. Ab Ende 2010 sollten alle Neufahrzeuge mit dem elektronischen Satelliten gestützten Notrufsystem ICOL ausgestattet werden, damit bereits in der "goldenen Stunde" nach einem Unfall, wie die Ärzte sie nennen, professionell Hilfe geleistet werden kann.

Unter Verwendung der europäischen Notrufnummer 112 werden Notrufzentrale, bzw. Rettungsdienst schnellstens und präzise informiert. Aber bis zum Eintreffen des Rettungsdienstes sollte jeder von uns in der Lage sein, erste Hilfe zu leisten. In modernen Cockpits besteht aber auch die Gefahr der Reizüberflutung. Die immer kompliziertere Bedienung von Alltagsfunktionen wie Lüftung, Radio, Navigationssystemen, in Kombination mit akustischen und optischen Signalen von Assistenzsystemen wie Einparkhilfen, Stoßdämpferkontrollgeräten, Fahrsperren bei Alkoholisierung oder Überladung oder anderes, können den Fahrer ablenken oder sogar überfordern.

Bei allen Chancen bleibt das Problem der notwendigen Durchdringung der Fahrzeugflotte. Das ist in erster Linie eine Frage der Bezahlbarkeit. Anstatt, dass das Durchschnittsalter unserer Flotte sinkt, verzeichnen wir leider einen Anstieg. Fahrzeuge müssen bezahlbar bleiben. Dafür sind wir auch verantwortlich.

Zuletzt einen großen Dank an Frau Gurmai für ihre hervorragende Arbeit.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, în numele grupului PSE. – Doamnă Preşedintă, domnule comisar, stimate colege, stimaţi colegi. Doresc să o felicit pe doamna Gurmai pentru raportul domniei sale şi sunt convinsă că şi datorită domniei sale, foaia de parcurs ce va fi elaborată de Comisie în toamna lui 2008, pentru accelerarea introducerii măsurilor stimulative pentru vehicule inteligente, va fi mai ambiţioasă.

Lansată în 2006 iniţiativa „Vehicule inteligente” este un proiect principal în cadrul e2010, care constituie cadrul strategic al Comisiei pentru societatea informaţională până în 2010. Una dintre componentele programului eSafety este implementarea până în 2010 a sistemului eCall, care va apela în mod automat serviciile de salvare şi va furniza date privind localizarea exactă a vehiculului. Important este, însă, ca statele membre să semneze memorandumul de înţelegere. Susţin introducerea acestui sistem ca echipament standard pentru toate vehiculele noi începând cu 2010.

4000 de vieţi ar putea fi salvate anual în Europa prin introducerea sistemului electronic de control al stabilităţii, care permite reducerea pericolului de derapaj. Din păcate, funcţie de strategia producătorilor de autovehicule, aceste dispozitive sunt disponibile într-o proporţie destul de mică şi adesea în cadrul unui pachet de opţiuni care sunt foarte scumpe. Cred că nu este suficient să ne propunem ca obiectiv ca începând cu 2012 sistemul de control al stabilităţii să fie disponibil pentru toate modelele, ci este important să fie introduse şi măsuri care să stimuleze cumpărătorul să aleagă această opţiune. S-a constatat că 60% din coliziunile faţă - spate ar putea fi evitate dacă şoferii ar fi dispus de sisteme de frânare asistată şi de tehnologia de evitare a accidentelor. De asemenea, sistemele de îmbunătăţire a vizibilităţii ce echipează maşinile cu faruri adaptive pot reduce cu 30% accidentele mortale având victime pietoni şi cu 15% pe cele ale căror victime sunt biciclişti.

Consider extrem de importantă asigurarea confidenţialităţii datelor şi atrag atenţia că devine urgentă clarificarea juridică a responsabilităţii în caz de accident pentru maşinile echipate cu dispozitive de frânare asistată sau cu dispozitive de control al derapajului. Industria automobilistică ar trebui să adopte Codul european de bune practici pentru dezvoltarea şi testarea sistemelor avansate de asistenţă pentru producătorii....pentru conducătorii de autovehicule elaborat de REPONSE.

Nu în ultimul rând consider vitală pentru utilizarea pe scară largă a acestor sisteme, existenţa unor scheme comunitare şi naţionale de sprijin financiar pentru achiziţia de vehicule inteligente. Doresc să o felicit pe doamna Gurmai pentru raportul domniei sale şi aşteptăm într-adevăr din partea Comisiei un plan ambiţios pentru introducerea vehiculelor inteligente.


  Paweł Bartłomiej Piskorski, w imieniu grupy ALDE. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Tak jak już wczoraj mówiliśmy, w wyjątkowo dobrym momencie dla naszej dyskusji na temat transportu trafia Pan tutaj w swojej nowej roli.

Rozmawialiśmy w ciągu tych kilku dni o różnych elementach, które mają poprawić bezpieczeństwo ludzi na drogach, mają poprawić jakość transportu. Dwa dni temu mówiliśmy o bezpieczeństwie pieszych i rowerzystów, wczoraj rozmawialiśmy o przewożeniu towarów niebezpiecznych oraz o bezpiecznych systemach drogowych. Dzisiaj mówimy o samych pojazdach, o tym jak doprowadzić do tego, aby pojazdy, którymi nasi obywatele poruszają się po drogach Unii Europejskiej, były jak najbezpieczniejsze.

Cel dla nas jest oczywisty, tym celem jest to, aby obywatele Unii Europejskiej poruszali się sprawniej, mieli wygodniejsze życie, ale też żeby się czuli bezpieczniej, żebyśmy mogli dzięki naszym regulacjom powiedzieć wyborcom, powiedzieć ludziom, że przynosimy coś konkretnego. Taka konkretna rzecz ze strony Parlamentu Europejskiego podkreśla wagę nie tylko tej izby, ale też udowadnia to, że legislacja europejska, że instytucje Unii Europejskiej przynoszą dla życia każdego z nas coś pozytywnego i konkretnego.

Pamiętajmy, że rozmawiając na temat inicjatywy bezpiecznego samochodu, musimy pamiętać o dwóch elementach. Pierwszy, to jest sam samochód i te wszystkie systemy, które tutaj wyliczamy: system kontroli prędkości, kontroli stabilności, utrzymania odległości między pojazdami, wszystkie systemy wspomagania oraz systemy nawigacji. To są wszystko bardzo istotne elementy, które poprawiają samo funkcjonowanie instrumentu, jakim dla każdego poruszającego się po drogach jest pojazd.

Ale pamiętajmy również, i to słusznie jest podkreślane w wystąpieniach, że dla naszych obywateli, dla poruszających się po drogach bardzo istotny jest również element powiadamiania, jeśli dojdzie do tragedii, jeśli dojdzie do wypadku, jeśli doszłoby do nieszczęścia. Aby nasi obywatele mieli pewność, że dzięki urządzeniom technicznym, dzięki systemowi, który wprowadzamy pomoc dla nich może przyjść jak najszybciej.

Te dwa elementy są bardzo istotne. Obydwa, to znaczy jednocześnie sprawne systemy, które pozwalają w przypadku nieszczęścia powiadomić o nim i przyjść z pomocą, i jednocześnie systemy, które poprawiają same pojazdy.

Rozmawiając o tym sprawozdaniu, które moja grupa polityczna popiera, musimy pamiętać też o ograniczeniach. Po pierwsze, rozmawiając o inteligentnym samochodzie, nie możemy zapominać o tym, że bardzo ważną częścią inteligentnego samochodu jest inteligentny kierowca. To nie jest rzecz bagatelna dlatego, że ten wątek edukacyjny jest bardzo istotny. Przecież mieliśmy niejednokrotnie do czynienia z tym, że postęp technologiczny wcale nie prowadził jednocześnie do poprawienia bezpieczeństwa. Dlaczego? Dlatego, że chociażby lepsze technologie, szybsze pojazdy, to wszystko powodowało, że kierowca czuł się w kierowaniu pojazdem bardziej bezkarny. Lepsze drogi powodowały, że mógł szybciej jeździć. Dlatego ten wątek edukacyjny, pokazujący z czego warto korzystać przy nowoczesnych technologiach, ale też jakie są ograniczenia, jak kierowcy nie powinni nadużywać nowoczesnych technologii, które również my, mam nadzieję, będziemy implementować, jest bardzo istotny.

Zwracano również uwagę na element rynkowy. Ponieważ nie ma żadnej gwarancji, że wprowadzane przez nas regulacje – dobre, pożyteczne, słuszne, dobre dla kierowców – będą powodowały natychmiastową wymianę taboru samochodowego na te samochody, które my będziemy uważali za bezpieczniejsze, skuteczniejsze, łatwiejsze w eksploatacji. Nie ma takiej gwarancji, bo jest tutaj oczywiście bariera chociażby ceny. Bariera ta może powodować, że dostępność takich pojazdów będzie w znaczącej części ograniczona. Nie jestem zwolennikiem systemów, które miałyby dopłacać, ale również dla Komisji i dla nas wszystkich jest to pewne intelektualne wyzwanie, jak to zrobić, aby stworzyć nie tylko bezpieczniejsze pojazdy, lepszy system drogowy, ale także aby nasi obywatele, obywatele Unii Europejskiej, chcieli z nich korzystać i mieli do tego odpowiednie możliwości finansowe.

Bardzo serdecznie chciałbym podziękować naszej sprawozdawczyni i jeszcze raz gorąco poprzeć to sprawozdanie.


  Sepp Kusstatscher, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, geschätzter Herr Kommissar, der neu in unserer Runde ist, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Es liegt uns hier ein Bericht mit einer Fülle von Anregungen vor. Ich kann der Berichterstatterin, Frau Gurmai, durchaus Komplimente machen für die Fülle von Ideen, die hier eingeflossen sind, um die Mobilität auf der Straße technisch raffinierter zu gestalten.

Einleitend muss ich jedoch zu den Ausdrücken „intelligentes Fahrzeug“, „intelligente Infrastrukturen“ und „intelligente Sicherheitsvorkehrungen“ eine Bemerkung loswerden. Ich habe es schon im Verkehrsausschuss gesagt: Es ist für mich einfach unzulässig, diesen Ausdruck auf Autos und auf Straßen anzuwenden. Intelligenzia, intelegere, intelligence – diese lateinischen Ausdrücke haben mit Einsicht, Erkenntnisvermögen, Verstehen zu tun. Intelligenz zeigt sich im vernünftigen Handeln. Es ist also eine kognitive Fähigkeit des Menschen, die Fähigkeit, zu verstehen, zu abstrahieren sowie Probleme zu lösen und Wissen anzuwenden. Es ist rein sprachlich ein glatter Unfug, von intelligenten Autos und von intelligenten Straßen zu reden!

Frau Gurmai schreibt in der Begründung zu ihrem Bericht: „Der immer weiter zunehmende Straßenverkehr führt zu gravierenden sozialen und ökologischen Problemen: Überlastung von Straßennetzen und Städten, Umweltschäden, Beeinträchtigung der öffentlichen Gesundheit, Energieverschwendung, Unfälle und vor allem unnötige Verluste von Menschenleben.“ Dem stimme ich voll und ganz zu. Ich will auch nicht abstreiten, dass ausgetüftelte Technik – wie es in diesem Dokument allenthalben angeführt wird – eine Hilfe sein kann, um den Verkehr ungefährlicher und umweltfreundlicher zu machen. Wir lösen damit aber nur sehr eingeschränkt die wirklichen sozialen und ökologischen Probleme.

Ich war in letzter Zeit öfter in Schulklassen. Bei der Gelegenheit habe ich einige Male an Mittel- und Oberschüler die Frage gestellt: Was ist Eures Erachtens die Hauptursache für die vielen Unfälle auf der Straße? Immer kam als erste Antwort „überhöhte und gefährliche Geschwindigkeit und Alkohol“. Wir hier kommen aber fast überhaupt nur auf Lösungen im Sinne der Industrie, die immer mehr neue und technisch raffinierte Fahrzeuge verkaufen will.

Wenn die steigenden Treibstoffpreise ein Problem sind, wenn der Energieverbrauch insgesamt dringend einzuschränken ist, wenn der unverantwortlich hohe CO2-Ausstoß reduziert werden soll, und wenn wir gegen den Klimawandel etwas unternehmen wollen, so erreichen wir das nicht mit der Philosophie des immer mehr, immer höher, immer schneller, immer raffinierter, immer mobiler, sondern viel eher mit einem anderen Lebensstil, mit langsamer, bescheidener, sparsamer!

Einen Punkt muss ich besonders beanstanden. Die Berichterstatterin schreibt nämlich: „Die Bezahlbarkeit stellt für den Verbraucher eine Schlüsselfrage dar. Viele Verbraucher können sich die betreffenden Systeme einfach nicht leisten. Daher müssen die intelligenten Verkehrssysteme so bald wie möglich erschwinglich und weithin verfügbar sein.“ Das Umwelt- und Prognoseinstitut in Heidelberg hat vor einigen Jahren errechnet, dass ein Pkw in Deutschland im Schnitt pro Jahr mit rund 3.000 Euro vom Staat bzw. vom Steuerzahler unterstützt wird, wenn alle direkten und indirekten Kosten des Verkehrs berücksichtigt werden. Es kann nicht sein, dass die Umweltzerstörung und die Gesundheitsgefährdung unterstützt werden, sondern es müssen umgekehrt, nach dem Prinzip der Kostenwahrheit, jene bezahlen, die Schäden verursachen.

Nicht nur Straßenbau und Straßeninstandhaltung sind Kostenfaktoren, sondern auch der Grundverbrauch und die unterschiedlichsten Schäden, die der Natur und dem Menschen zugefügt werden. Damit ich nicht falsch verstanden werde: Ich bin nicht gegen eine bessere Technik, ich bin jedoch gegen diese blinde Technikgläubigkeit! Wir sollten, wenn wir Mobilität subventionieren wollen, in erster Linie die Eisenbahn und den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr unterstützen, das Radfahren und das Zufußgehen – das wäre intelligenter, gesünder, sicherer und umweltfreundlicher!


  Wiesław Stefan Kuc, w imieniu grupy UEN. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Sprawozdanie pani poseł Zity Gurmai i zawarte w nim zalecenia są kolejnym krokiem do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa na drogach Unii Europejskiej. Większość z nas jest użytkownikami pojazdów poruszających się po tych drogach. Są one coraz lepiej wyposażone w urządzenia techniczne – katalizatory, ABS, ASC, światła, pasy bezpieczeństwa i tak dalej. Ale jak zwykle jest jakieś „ale”. Najczęściej te elektroniczne urządzenia do zwiększania bezpieczeństwa montowane są w samochodach drogich, które przechodzą testy bezpieczeństwa, mają strefy zgniotu, wyposażone są w wiele poduszek bezpieczeństwa czy specjalne pasy. Pojazdy te wytrzymują prawie każdy wypadek, ale niestety większość pojazdów na naszych drogach to samochody w średniej cenie lub tanie. Co ważniejsze, ich sprzedaż ciągle rośnie i tak jak mówią miesięczniki motoryzacyjne, to niedługo zaleje na fala tych samochodów z Indii, z Chin, itd.. Oczywiście za ceną idzie jakość i wyposażenie. Samochód w cenie od 2 do 5 tysięcy euro nie ma prawie niczego oprócz silnika, kierownicy, kół, siedzeń, i może w niektórych państwach jednego pasu bezpieczeństwa.

Cieszy bardziej, że pomimo takiej sytuacji są ludzie, którzy starają się zwiększyć nasze bezpieczeństwo. Ceny ciągle spadają i obowiązkowe wyposażenie może być ciągle zwiększane. Nie tylko pasy bezpieczeństwa czy ekologiczne silniki. Może w przyszłości obowiązkowy będzie ABS czy system kontroli stabilności lub ASC.

Gratuluję pani poseł Zicie Gurmai nowatorskiego sprawozdania. Jestem przekonany, że pomimo skomplikowanych nazw i sposobów działania urządzeń, spotka się ono z powszechnym zrozumieniem i poparciem. Walczymy z ogromną liczbą śmiertelnych wypadków i nasza grupa polityczna poprze to sprawozdanie, tak jak i te poprzednie, o których wczoraj mówili koledzy.


  Johannes Blokland, namens de IND/DEM-Fractie. – Mevrouw de Voorzitter, ik dank de rapporteur, mevrouw Gurmai, van harte voor haar verslag. Ze heeft de juiste benadering gekozen. Collega Kusstatscher heeft natuurlijk gelijk met zijn filosofische kritiek op het gebruik van de uitdrukking intelligente auto. Het gaat hier natuurlijk over kunstmatige, artificiële intelligentie en zo moeten we dat woord ook opvatten.

Er zijn twee onderwerpen die in de resolutie over de intelligente auto duidelijk naar voren moeten komen. Ten eerste moet de ontwikkeling van de intelligente auto het belang van een schoon milieu dienen. Ten tweede dient deze ontwikkeling een positief effect te hebben op de verkeersveiligheid. Ik ben verheugd dat deze onderwerpen ook een duidelijke plaats hebben gekregen in het verslag van mevrouw Gurmai. Daarbij maak ik de volgende opmerkingen.

Ten eerste vind ik het van belang dat bij de ontwikkeling van de intelligente auto de milieudoelstellingen van de Europese Unie worden nagestreefd. In het verslag wordt melding gemaakt van het doel van de Europese Commissie om nieuwe personenauto's en lichte bedrijfsvoertuigen niet meer dan gemiddeld 120 gram per kilometer CO2 te laten uitstoten. Ik voeg hieraan toe dat het doel voor het jaar 2020 80 gram per kilometer is. Ik denk dat ook de ontwikkeling van intelligente auto's behulpzaam kan zijn om dit doel te verwezenlijken. Zeker, in het duurzaam ontwikkelen van energiebronnen voor de auto liggen er nog vele intelligente mogelijkheden om de CO2-uitstootdoelen te verwezenlijken.

Ten tweede merk ik op dat ook de verkeersveiligheid gediend is bij het verder ontwikkelen van intelligente auto's. Hierover wordt in het verslag al veel geschreven, dus ik zal hier niet uitgebreid over spreken.

Ten aanzien van overweging J moet duidelijk zijn dat, ongeacht of technologische ontwikkeling bestuurders een veiliger gevoel geeft en daarom onoplettender maakt, elke bestuurder zelf verantwoordelijk is voor een verstandig rijgedrag. Dit principe moet voorop blijven staan en het is uitstekend als bestuurders hierop worden gewezen.

Mijn laatste opmerkingen richten zich op dit verslag als geheel. Het is van het grootste belang dat de ontwikkeling van intelligente auto's niet los wordt gezien van de ontwikkeling van een intelligente auto-omgeving. Juist in deze samenwerking liggen veel mogelijkheden om milieuvervuiling terug te dringen en het verkeer veiliger te maken. Een goed vervoersysteem is van essentieel maatschappelijk belang. Wel dienen we onder ogen te zien dat vervoer ten koste van het milieu gaat en gepaard zal blijven gaan met ongelukken.

Echter, de ontwikkeling van intelligente vervoersystemen kan zeker een bijdrage leveren in het verminderen van deze negatieve effecten van vervoer. Ik wil daarom overweging 13 nog eens onder de aandacht brengen. Ik verwacht dat de lidstaten en de Europese Commissie de introductie van milieuvriendelijke en voertuigveilige voorzieningen met kracht zullen ondersteunen.

Verder benadruk ik dat het van belang is dat de kennis van intelligente vervoersystemen op een goede manier wordt gedeeld. Het is immers aannemelijk dat de kennis beschikbaar komt in lidstaten die juist in verhouding minder last hebben van de eerder genoemde negatieve effecten van vervoer. In dat geval zou het goed zijn wanneer er een systeem ontstaat dat, enerzijds, zorgt dat deze belangrijke kennis ook beschikbaar komt in lidstaten die daar groot belang bij hebben en, anderzijds, recht doet aan de intellectuele eigendomsrechten van de ontwikkelaar van de intelligente vervoersystemen. Naar mijn mening moeten de lidstaten hier onderling heldere afspraken over maken.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mi congratulo con la on. Gurmai per le tante idee proposte, devo dire che c'è veramente tanto di intelligenza umana e artificiale in questa relazione, io spero sempre che poi sia la prima a presiedere alla seconda perché altrimenti entriamo in un altro ordine di problemi, e quindi comunque proporre veicoli più sicuri, più puliti e più intelligenti è un nostro obiettivo, deve essere nostro obiettivo dimezzare, come proposto, entro il 2010 il numero dei decessi sulle nostre strade.

In Italia c'era, fino a poco tempo fa, una pubblicità progresso che andava in televisione che era agghiacciante, faceva vedere la scomparsa, da un paesaggio italiano di un intero paese, di un intero comune che valeva, pesava demograficamente quei 40 e rotti mila cittadini europei che ogni anno scompaiono dalla nostra Europa. E quindi tutto quello che si fa in vista di una riduzione drastica del numero dei decessi, ma anche dei non decessi che hanno un peso sociale enorme perché tante persone che rimangono invalide per una vita o con diverso livello di invalidità pesano sui nostri sistemi sociali oltre che sulle nostre coscienze, quindi tutto deve essere fatto in tale ottica.

Concordo che la tecnologia applicata a veicoli e infrastrutture sia importantissima per la sicurezza - tutto è essenziale diceva l'on. Piskorski e anche l'on. Kuc in termini di sicurezza e soccorso - ma occorre, dicevano anche, che un conducente sia intelligente ed educato. A mio giudizio occorrono però anche drastiche misure che limitino la velocità e aggravino le misure nel caso di responsabilità del conducente, e in questo devo dire che il nuovo governo italiano anche sta dando alcune interessanti risposte.

Mi chiedo ad esempio con che criterio poi ancora si commercializzino veicoli con velocità impensabili e, riprendendo l'on. Kusstatscher, se non c'è intelligenza da parte del consumatore conducente, che pretende di comprare questo tipo di veicoli e guidarli nelle nostre città, allora è la responsabilità di chi amministra e ha la responsabilità delle scelte quanto a libertà dell'individuo che non deve mai limitare la libertà degli altri individui, che purtroppo in questo caso addirittura spesso elimina fisicamente.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE). – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, caros Colegas, o relatório aqui em discussão, cuja relatora aproveito para cumprimentar, dá-nos uma excelente oportunidade para associarmos o melhor da evolução tecnológica ao aspecto mais importante da segurança rodoviária, que é a segurança.

De facto, a evolução das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação veio permitir dar consequência ao objectivo político e social de reduzir as vítimas dos acidentes rodoviários, essa desgraça evitável das estradas europeias.

Mas se queremos tirar todo o partido do potencial assim disponibilizado, então as campanhas de sensibilização devem ser dotadas de informações sucintas, claras e compreensíveis sobre os novos sistemas para veículos inteligentes, e devem chegar ao mais largo público possível.

Quanto às tecnologias de informação e comunicação, que estão na base dos sistemas de veículos inteligentes, assim chamados, importa garantir que o desenvolvimento e a implementação destes sistemas sejam cada vez mais aceites a nível internacional, sendo que continua a ser necessário garantir o estímulo e o apoio dos Estados-Membros e da indústria no investimento nestes sistemas.

Escolher uma abordagem integrada destes problemas permitirá ainda ter em conta um número variado de objectivos comuns em matéria de segurança e ambiente, designadamente quanto às infra-estruturas ou ao comportamento dos automobilistas, como muitos dos nossos colegas já salientaram.

Mas a verdade é que nem tudo corre bem neste processo. A taxa de comercialização destes sistemas continua fraca e débil. Os seus custos elevados, que ainda hoje transformam os carros mais seguros em carros de luxo para muitos, e a ausência de campanhas de divulgação e de sensibilização sobre os seus benefícios impedem taxas maiores de penetração no mercado.

Por isso é tão importante garantir o sucesso das negociações relativas ao sistema ICOL, como o Sr. Comissário já aqui referiu, como opção de base para todos os veículos novos a partir de 2010. Só com esta iniciativa, estima-se que possam ser salvas até 2.500 vidas por ano, após o seu lançamento completo na Europa.

Sr. Presidente, Sr. Comissário, da mesma forma, o objectivo de equipar 100% os veículos novos de um sistema electrónico de controlo de estabilidade a partir de 2012, o que permitirá salvar também milhares de vidas e inúmeros casos de ferimentos nas estradas europeias por ano, é um elemento fundamental que está presente neste relatório.

Gostaríamos, pois, de perguntar ao Sr. Comissário se está em condições de assegurar que este objectivo se mantenha para a data prevista: 2012.

É mais uma vez necessário que todos se sintam implicados na luta contra a morte nas estradas europeias, na procura de soluções eficazes e sustentadas para a aplicação das novas tecnologias ao sector do transporte rodoviário. Por isso mesmo, é indispensável que as partes interessadas coordenem a sua actividade, a Comissão e os Estados-Membros apoiem a investigação nas novas tecnologias da informação e os automobilistas sejam sensibilizados para os seus benefícios em termos de segurança.

Todos concorrendo, afinal, para tornar estes sistemas familiares no mercado e financeiramente acessíveis de forma a aumentar a sua procura pelos consumidores.


  Robert Evans (PSE). – Madam President, I echo the thanks of others to the rapporteur for her work on bringing this initiative forward to Parliament.

I said last night in one of the debates that we are in a week when there is a lot of soul-searching in the European Union about what the idea of Europe is for, and how we can re-engage with our citizens and really show the people of Europe that we are doing a worthwhile job and protecting them, their families and their interests.

I think this is another example, where we are looking at safety measures and at using the most modern technology to help them when they come into difficulties; we are trying to argue that cars should be better equipped. Of course, this has a Europe-wide dimension, because cars are made in nearly every European country (far fewer are made, I have to say, in the United Kingdom than they were before). People drive cars that are French, Italian or German, that are made in Spain or Britain and assembled elsewhere and, of course, we must have transnational legislation to support the highest possible standards. If this means, through this initiative, that we can save lives through getting medical aid around and we can help people who might not otherwise have done to survive when they have an accident, then this is something that the British citizen and the citizens of the other European countries and Ireland should be able to gauge into.

We may look at this initiative and think this is very much futuristic and not going to happen for while. But it was not such a long time ago – I am thinking of 30 years ago when I got my first car, and I look around the room and perhaps Members here may have got their first car longer ago than that – that cars did not automatically have radios in them. Now, I do not know whether it is possible to buy a car without a radio, CD player or those sorts of things. Now cars, as the previous speaker said, are made to go faster and faster and are more sophisticated than ever: satellite navigation systems, e-systems, as we are talking about here, will be in cars very shortly and they will probably be standard in 20 years’ time. This is something we should welcome, and we should spread the news. Therefore, I congratulate all involved.


  Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański (UEN). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Wyposażenie samochodów w systemy elektronicznej kontroli stabilności oraz powiadamianie o wypadkach stało się wyzwaniem czasu. Przemawia za tym wiele argumentów. Pierwszym z nich jest konieczność poprawy bezpieczeństwa użytkowników pojazdów i dróg. Rocznie dochodzi na europejskich drogach do 41 600 wypadków śmiertelnych. Utrata zdrowia i kalectwo kolejnych tysięcy użytkowników dróg przemawiają aż nadto do wyobraźni każdego z nas. Zgonów byłoby znacznie mniej, gdyby na czas docierała pomoc do potrzebujących, tak więc wdrożenie systemu powiadamiania o wypadkach jest kolejnym koniecznym rozwiązaniem.

Trzecim ważnym czynnikiem mającym główny wpływ na liczbę wypadków jest stan dróg. Inwestycje drogowe są niezbędne zwłaszcza w nowych krajach członkowskich i w regionach zapóźnionych ze słabo rozwiniętą infrastrukturą. Przy modernizacji i rozbudowie sieci dróg należy zwrócić uwagę także na ich otoczenie. Przydrożne drzewa rosnące tuż przy jezdniach to także jeden z ważnych czynników zwiększających liczbę wypadków śmiertelnych.

Nowoczesność w przemyśle samochodowym to nie tylko bezpieczeństwo pojazdów i ludzi. To także ograniczenie szkodliwego wpływu na środowisko spowodowanego emisją CO2 przez samochody. Dobrze, że sprawozdawczyni dostrzega również ten problem i wiele innych zagadnień. Dlatego składam jej pełne wyrazy uznania za dobrze wykonaną pracę.

Nie mogę zgodzić się tylko z określeniem „inteligentny samochód”. Zgadzam się z moim poprzednikiem, który zabierając głos w dyskusji powiedział, że to pojęcie jest zastrzeżone dla osób rozumnych. Jeżeli przyjmiemy taką kategorię myślenia, to dojdziemy do sytuacji, że „inteligentne samochody” będą prowadzili sprawni technicznie kierowcy. I z kim wtedy będziemy prowadzili działalność edukacyjną tak bardzo ważną w sytuacji poprawy bezpieczeństwa na drogach i wykorzystania nowych osiągnięć techniki cywilizacji?


  Reinhard Rack (PPE-DE). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich bin Berichterstatter für das Thema städtische Mobilität, und meine Hauptaufgabe ist derzeit wohl darin zu sehen, unser Plenum dazu zu bringen, über den Bericht, der im Verkehrsausschuss bereits fertig ist, noch während der Juli-Tagung abzustimmen, damit wir für den geplanten Aktionsplan der Kommission zu diesem Thema im Herbst rechtzeitig die entsprechenden Signale setzen. Eines dieser Signale betrifft unmittelbar unser heutiges Thema.

Wir haben insgesamt, vor allem aber auch in den Städten zunehmend Probleme, die Gelder dafür aufzutreiben, die Hardware – sprich: die Straße – in großem Maße auszubauen. Es gibt auch eine Reihe von guten Gründen, das nicht zu tun. Wir haben so gesehen die Notwendigkeit, mit der entsprechenden Software, mit intelligenteren Fahrzeugen, mit entsprechend vernünftig organisierter Verkehrsregelung für eine bessere Nutzung dieses knappen Guts Straße zu sorgen. Das Thema Stauvermeidung ist also eines, wo wir zweifellos neue und bessere Technologien brauchen.

Wir haben in diesem Zusammenhang im Rahmen unserer Beratungen im Verkehrsausschuss auch eine Anhörung organisiert, und wir haben dort von der Wirtschaft – nicht ganz überraschend – die Aussage bekommen: alles ist möglich. Vieles ist möglich, aber die Wirtschaft braucht zum einen rechtzeitige Signale, und zum anderen muss sichergestellt werden, dass diese dann entwickelten Fahrzeughilfen auch in die große Masse der Fahrzeuge eingebaut werden und nicht das Privileg einiger weniger bleiben, die sich eben ein sehr gut ausgestattetes Auto kaufen können.

Das ist ein Argument, das auch hier in unserer heutigen Diskussion zu Recht angesprochen worden ist. Es kann nicht darum gehen, dass wir hier beste neue Technologien für einige wenige Fahrzeuge reservieren und die große Masse dann tatsächlich erst recht wieder Probleme hat und damit auch die Systeme nicht wirklich zusammenpassen. Wenn wir daher in der Sache des Verkehrs und der Probleme, die uns der Verkehr verursacht, neben den Möglichkeiten, die uns die Flexibilität gibt, tatsächlich diesen Fragen auf den Grund gehen wollen, brauchen wir sehr viele sehr konzertierte Aktionen.

In diesem Zusammenhang ein letztes Argument – es ist vom Kollegen Koch zu Recht angesprochen worden: Neue, gute, bessere Technologie kann dazu führen, dass Fahrzeuge sicherer werden, dass der Verkehr weniger gefährlich wird, sie kann aber – wenn falsch eingesetzt – psychologisch auch zu dem Argument führen, mein Auto macht ohnehin alles, ich brauche mich als Fahrer nicht mehr wirklich um die Sicherheit zu kümmern. Entspannteres Fahren ist schön, sicheres und vor allem folgenbewusstes Fahren ist meines Erachtens noch viel wichtiger. Daher sollten wir auch in diesem Punkt die psychologische Begleitung nicht aus den Augen verlieren.


  Bogusław Liberadzki (PSE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Duże słowa uznania chciałem skierować pod adresem pani Zity Gurmai, która oprócz wkładu intelektualnego, wniosła tutaj także szereg działań promocyjnych, dała z siebie wszystko. Duże uznanie dla Pani Poseł Sprawozdawcy.

Rozmawiamy dzisiaj o inteligentnym samochodzie. Nie wnikajmy czy nazwa „inteligentny” jest adekwatna czy nie. Wczoraj rozmawialiśmy o inteligentnej drodze, nie nazywając tej drogi inteligentną. Wczoraj mieliśmy dużo więcej zastrzeżeń niż dzisiaj. Dzisiaj rozumiemy się dużo lepiej. Jest oczywiście trzeci czynnik, czyli inteligentny kierowca. I na czym ta inteligencja kierowcy powinna polegać? Po pierwsze na tym, żeby zechciał korzystać z inteligentnego samochodu. Powinniśmy przekonać, że potrzebny jest nam swego rodzaju rachunek ekonomiczny. Ile jesteśmy skłonni wycierpieć bólu, spędzić dni w szpitalu za zaoszczędzony 1 000 euro na kupnie mniej zaawansowanego technologicznie samochodu? I ta świadomość, iż ten zaawansowany technologicznie samochód i droga mogą oznaczać mniej wypadków, lżejsze skutki wypadków, lepszą jakość życia i że to może być w naszym zasięgu pod warunkiem, jeszcze raz chcę to powtórzyć, iż zdamy sobie sprawę czy warto akurat 1 000 euro zaoszczędzić z tytułu tej nowej technologii.


  Malcolm Harbour (PPE-DE). – Madam President, can I just first of all warmly welcome Antonio Tajani and congratulate him on his appointment. It is very important that he is here for this significant debate.

I want to pay tribute first of all to Zita Gurmai, who has done an excellent piece of work, not just in putting this report together but also in promoting the whole of the Intelligent Car eSafety programme.

But I just want to say to the Commission that it is a remarkable example of how a Commission initiative can bring people together across their own services, because as you will know Mrs Reding and her predecessor Mr Liikanen were actively involved in this. I am pleased to see my friends André Vits and Juhani Jaaskelainen sitting behind the Commissioner, because they have been instrumental in engaging all the participants together and really making progress; and I echo what Robert Evans says, it is a remarkable example of how the European institutions can cooperate together without heavyweight legislation and with a clear vision to move forward.

My only regret today, Mr President – and I hope you will take this up on behalf of Parliament – is that the other principal actors in the whole of the Intelligent Car programme are notably absent from the front row here, because the Council has a crucial responsibility here. The Member States are responsible in large part for much of the detailed legislation that will help introduce these programmes and help our citizens. Where are they here to listen to this debate?

I just want to make a couple of remarks to follow up what colleagues have said about the crucial issues of cars and roads. Let me say to colleagues who have talked about safety features in vehicles that the whole process of evolution of the industry has been one of technological progress; indeed it is true that safety innovations have started first on more expensive cars with lower volumes, and have then trickled down to become available on cheaper cars. Now all cars sold in the European Union will have anti-lock braking systems. That is an intelligent system because intelligence, in my view, is collecting and using information. This is what these systems do. Once you have that information collection system on, you can then use it for anti-skid systems. The incremental cost is much lower.

But if we have the eCall system, then we have all cars equipped with that external information-collection system which is what we want to interact with the intelligent highway systems too, where we are also collecting information.

Back in my region – and by the way, Robert Evans, the United Kingdom is now producing cars close to its historic high level and we have more car producers making cars in the United Kingdom than any other European Union country, so please do not run down our car industry – on my local motorway, we have Britain’s first intelligent highway which opens lanes and controls speeds according to the traffic flow, and I can tell you that not only does traffic flow more smoothly, but fuel consumption has also been improved: it is a win-win-win situation.

That is what this is all about. It is about winning by using intelligence and I hope you will all support it.


  Genowefa Grabowska (PSE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Chcę pogratulować mojej koleżance Zicie Gurmai, bo zrobiła rzecz wspaniałą – sprawozdanie z pozoru wydawałoby się bardzo techniczne, „męskie”, opanowała i przeprowadziła w znakomity sposób.

Żyjemy w społeczeństwie zdominowanym przez technologie informacyjne. Urządzenia tego typu towarzyszą nam od świtu do nocy. Bardzo szybko dostrzegliśmy, że one nam ułatwiają życie. Szybko nauczyliśmy się z nich korzystać. Dlatego znakomicie się stało, że w ramach tej obszernej strategii w dziedzinie społeczeństwa informacyjnego i mediów Komisja Europejska znalazła taki punkt styczny z tym co dla nas bardzo ważne, z bezpieczeństwem dla człowieka i bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego, i przygotowała inicjatywę „inteligentny samochód”. Mnie nazwa „inteligentny samochód” się podoba, nie mam do niej zastrzeżeń, bo rozumiem, że jest przenośnią. To jest forma interesująca poprzez którą zwraca się uwagę społeczną, przykuwa się uwagę mediów, mówiąc o „inteligentnym samochodzie”, nie dosłownie. Ta nazwa jest dla mnie symbolem nowoczesnego europejskiego transportu, który właśnie dzięki nowszym technologiom informacyjno - komunikacyjnym ma się stać jeszcze bezpieczniejszy, bardziej ekologiczny i efektywniejszy.

Inteligentny samochód ma służyć przede wszystkim człowiekowi. Na drugim miejscu stawiam korzyści płynące dla środowiska, na trzecim usprawnienie europejskiego transportu. Nie wiem, czy inteligentne samochody będą wymagały wielkiej handlowej promocji i reklamy. Człowiek ma naturalną ciekawość i taką tendencję do kupowania nowinek, zwłaszcza wtedy kiedy są one finansowo dostępne.

Jestem przekonana, że nawet jeśli będzie to samochód nieco droższy, każdy użytkownik kupując ten samochód poczuje, że inwestuje we własne bezpieczeństwo. Jestem również zdanie, że nie będzie żałował kilku euro, by takie bezpieczeństwo sobie zapewnić. Chcę tylko powiedzieć, że użytkownik musi nie tylko wiedzieć co ma w inteligentnym samochodzie, ale wiedzieć jak to działa, nauczyć się posługiwać nowoczesną technologią tak często dla nas dostępną formalnie, a nie używaną.

Chciałabym, by w ramach bezpieczeństwa „inteligentny samochód” zmuszał użytkownika do nieużywania telefonu komórkowego i żeby telefon komórkowy w samochodzie był zainstalowany w taki sposób, by nie odwracał uwagi kierowcy.

Ostatnia uwaga, nawet najbardziej inteligentny samochód naszpikowany supernowoczesnymi urządzeniami i technologią nie spełni naszych oczekiwań, jeśli zawiedzie kierowca i jeśli system dróg w Europie nie będzie równie doskonały, jak już jest w niektórych państwach Unii Europejskiej.


  Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE-DE). – Doamnă Preşedintă, stimaţi colegi, domnule comisar, este o deosebită plăcere să mă adresez dumneavoastră în noua dumneavoastră poziţie. Felicit pe doamna Gurmai pentru acest raport extrem de necesar.

Stimaţi colegi, preţul petrolului creşte alarmant, iar eforturile de înlocuire a combustibililor tradiţionali nu dau încă rezultatele scontate, soluţiile fiind deocamdată fie prea costisitoare, fie controversate, fie insuficient testate din punct de vedere tehnologic. Cu toate acestea, automobilul rămâne în continuare mijlocul de transport favorit al europenilor şi această preferinţă determină din păcate numeroase probleme, atât din punct de vedere social cât şi în ceea ce priveşte protecţia mediului, precum şi accidente cu pagube materiale şi mai cu seamă cu pierderi de vieţi omeneşti.

Se impune utilizarea pe scară largă a sistemelor inteligente de transport şi în primul rând controlul electronic al stabilităţii. În acest fel se pot salva mii de vieţi omeneşti, se reduce poluarea, se poate fluidiza traficul şi se îmbunătăţesc în mod real atât confortul şi siguranţa conducătorilor auto, cât şi relaţiile dintre partenerii de trafic. Statele membre şi întreprinzătorii privaţi trebuie să se implice tot mai activ, atât în dezvoltarea şi implementarea iniţiativelor eSafety, cât şi în conceperea de noi sisteme de evitare a accidentelor, de noi materiale şi noi tipuri de senzori, care să interconecteze atât automobilele între ele cât şi automobilele de şosele. Este limpede că iniţiativa „Vehicule inteligente” nu poate fi separată de cea referitoare la şoselele inteligente. Susţin fără rezerve propunerea Comisiei de a lansa un program pentru implementarea sistemelor cooperative de conducere, precum şi asigurarea disponibilităţii frecvenţelor radio aferente, ale căror beneficii sunt vizibile în stadii experimentale în diverse ţări şi, cu toate costurile implicate, vor da roade pe termen lung.

Este adevărat că aceste sisteme se adresează cu precădere traficului de pe autostrăzi şi de pe rutele TEN-T. Insist asupra faptului că, în timp, este imperativ ca diferenţele dintre infrastructurile majore şi celelalte categorii de şosele să se diminueze, în special în noile state membre. Este necesar ca statele membre să utilizeze cu eficienţă fondurile europene puse la dispoziţie şi să găsească şi alte soluţii financiare şi tehnice pentru a elabora şi aplica strategii pe termen lung de implementare a conducerii asistate şi cooperative şi în zonele cu adevărat problematice: pe drumurile naţionale, regionale şi locale, pe rutele ocolitoare destinate transportului de mărfuri, pe şoselele de legătură cu conurbaţii din...în zonele periurbane şi în sectoarele transfrontaliere.

De asemenea, Comisia europeană şi statele membre trebuie să continue eforturile de armonizare a cadrului legislativ pentru eCall, precum şi pentru numărul de urgenţă 112, aceştia fiind pilonii siguranţei esenţiale şi pentru consolidarea mobilităţii durabile şi pentru bunăstarea cetăţenilor europeni.




  Pierre Pribetich (PSE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, je voudrais en premier lieu féliciter notre collègue, Zita Gurmai, pour avoir mené à bien ce rapport sur l'initiative "véhicule intelligent". Dans le concept de développement de la société, nous savons pertinemment que la mobilité porte la richesse, la croissance et, par voie de conséquence, une capacité à assumer la solidarité des territoires et des hommes. Le développement durable exige de combiner les divers modes de transport afin de parvenir à une meilleure fluidité de nos villes et de nos campagnes. Loin de bâtir nos sociétés autour de la voiture comme dans le passé, le véhicule à moteur n'en demeure pas moins un vecteur essentiel de cette mobilité intelligente et durable que nous appelons de nos vœux. Cette concrétisation passe par le concept de véhicules intelligents et durables, il repose sur un triptyque: un véhicule plus sûr, un véhicule plus propre, un véhicule plus intelligent. Au-delà de cette déclaration de principe, l'Europe doit accompagner concrètement cette action par des directives et des politiques qui, à terme, intègrent tous les organes électroniques, nomades ou non, permettant le contrôle des processus et les pilotages des véhicules dans le respect d'une plus grande sécurité, d'une plus grande propreté au regard de la diminution des rejets de CO2 et des particules.

Dans cet esprit, il faut inciter les constructeurs automobiles, Monsieur le Commissaire, à penser d'ores et déjà à l'intégration de l'ensemble de ces dispositifs électroniques dans la conception des nouveaux véhicules, non seulement pour une plus grande efficience, pour un plus grand confort de conduite, mais aussi, par cette volumétrie, d'en diminuer les coûts, la fabrication et l'installation.

Si l'on désire s'insérer dans une mobilité durable, encore faut-il élargir le champ d'application de ces politiques. Les axes de recherche, les innovations doivent permettre notamment d'inscrire ces recherches pour générer à terme la route intelligente, renforçant la sécurité, gérant les dépenses énergétiques, utilisant le dialogue entre véhicules, fluidifiant le trafic. L'Union européenne souhaite promouvoir la société et la connaissance du savoir et du développement durable. Ces initiatives doivent prendre toute leur place dans ce cadre.

Je voudrais, en conclusion, revenir sur l'impérieuse nécessité d'une réelle ambition en fixant des perspectives ambitieuses et en créant en Europe les conditions de la croissance et du progrès. En écho au rapport de notre collègue Zita Gurmai, le Parlement européen est convaincu que la Commission, Monsieur le Commissaire, répondra à cette attente et à ces exigences en fixant une nouvelle frontière pour le véhicule intelligent européen en donnant enfin les moyens financiers à cette ambition.


  Etelka Barsi-Pataky (PPE-DE). – Elnök úr! Támogatom Gurmai képviselő asszony, raportőr riportját. Alelnök úr! Elérkezett az idő, hogy az intelligens közlekedés megvalósításával egy új korszakot nyissunk az európai közlekedés történetében. Tudjuk, hogy ha a megfelelő választ akarunk adni a klímaváltozásra, az egyik legfontosabb eszközünk, mondhatni legfontosabb fegyverünk, hogy megvalósítsuk az intelligens közlekedést. Éppen két éve, itt az Európai Parlament plenáris ülésén mondtam, hogy ma, akkor egyértelműen a közlekedés előtt álló legfontosabb kihívásnak tartom, hogy sikerüljön elterjeszteni az intelligens közlekedési rendszereket Európában. Utána, egy évvel később, az Európai Parlament az európai közlekedéspolitika Fehér Könyve felülvizsgálatát mutattam be itt a Parlamentben a Tisztelt Háznak, és akkor a Parlament egyértelműen támogatta az intelligens közlekedést, csak úgy, mint most, mint az európai közlekedéspolitika egyik kiemelt prioritását. Akkor miért haladunk ilyen lassan? Általában a technológia készen áll.

Például az intelligens autó, az IKT alapú városi forgalomirányítási rendszerek, 2009-től az EGNOS, 2013-tól a Galileo rendszer. Európa egyik ipari erőssége az automotiv szektor, ahol valóban sikerrel veszünk részt a globális versenyben, nem utolsósorban a kapcsolódó igen innovatív kis- és középvállalkozásoknak köszönhetően. És ma már a fejlesztések átívelnek Nyugat- és Kelet-Európán. Budapesten például két igen fontos, európai jelentőségű tudásközpont működik a Műszaki Egyetem mellett. Az ipar tehát elkötelezte magát. Most a közösségi oldalnak, elsősorban a tagállamoknak kell lépni. Például, hogy az Equal esetében a szükséges infrastrukturális beruházások megvalósuljanak, vagy az intelligens jármű, intelligens infrastruktúra esetében megfelelő ösztönző gazdasági környezetet kialakítsák. Természetes, hogy az új technológiákat nem könnyű bevezetni, de például támogathatjuk ezt a megfelelően megválasztott közbeszerzés útján. Számtalan eszközünk van. A Bizottságot arra kérjük, hogy egy megfelelő és teljes ágazatokon átnyúló stratégiát dolgozzon ki az intelligens közlekedés megvalósítására.

Európa polgárai értékes perceket, fél órákat vesztegelnek az utakon. Eközben a gépjárművek feleslegesen szennyezik a levegőt, miközben veszélybe kerül a személyes mobilitás, többek között azért is, mert az ilyen módon használt járművek esetében kezd megfizethetetlenné válni az üzemanyag ára. A megoldás egyik fontos pillére az intelligens közlekedés. Az európai polgároknak minden megoldás, ma már minden megoldás az itt felvázolt problémákra, érzékeny fülekre talál. Lépjünk előre.


  Jörg Leichtfried (PSE). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, geschätzte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Frau Berichterstatterin! Ich möchte diese Gelegenheit dazu benützen, um Dir Zita, herzlich zu diesem Bericht zu gratulieren. Ich kenne Dich als eine, die, wenn sie etwas angeht, das mit Esprit, großem Einsatz, Intelligenz und Vehemenz tut. Meines Erachtens ist dieser Bericht genau auch von diesem Geist getragen.

Ich möchte die Gelegenheit auch nützen, um auf das einzugehen, was Kollegin Grabowska angesprochen hat. Ich bin nicht der Auffassung, dass Autos etwas sind, was mehrheitlich für Männer sein sollte. Ich denke, es ist eher umgekehrt! Wenn man den Statistiken, die es dazu gibt, trauen darf, fahren Frauen vorausschauender, vorsichtiger, sicherer. Sie fahren somit intelligenter und ich denke, auch deshalb war es gut, dass dieser Bericht von einer Frau verfasst wurde.

Zum Thema selbst: Es ist uns bewusst, dass der Straßenverkehr für einen sehr hohen Energieverbrauch sorgt, für sehr hohe Abgasmengen in ganz Europa. Er zählt zu einem der höchsten Risikofaktoren für das Leben der Menschen in Europa. Gerade im Straßenverkehr sind jedes Jahr sehr viele Tote und Verletzte zu verzeichnen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass sich der europäische Gesetzgeber darum bemüht, diese Dinge zu reduzieren. Da ist es unabdingbar, dass versucht wird, Fahrzeuge im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes intelligenter zu machen, damit diese Dinge in Zukunft eingeschränkt werden können.

Ich denke, dieser Bericht weist in die richtige Richtung. Voraussetzung dafür ist aber – und da gebe ich Kollege Rack vollkommen Recht –, dass es massentaugliche Systeme sind, dass, es Systeme sind, die generell wirken und die nicht sozusagen das Privileg einer kleinen Klasse bleiben. Ich glaube, das sagt dieser Bericht auch ganz klar. Deshalb denke ich, ist es gut, dass wir das heute beschließen.


  Emanuel Jardim Fernandes (PSE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, começo por felicitar a colega Zita pelo seu excelente relatório e pela divulgação que tem dado desta iniciativa, estimulando a participação de agentes e de actores.

Este é um grave problema. Não podemos esquecer os 42 mil mortos em 2005. Eu não posso esquecer que o meu país, em 1993, em cada milhão de habitantes, teve 150 vítimas mortais, embora, em consequência disso, tenham vindo a baixar.

O contributo deste relatório e o esforço da nossa colega é fundamental, e eu sublinharia dois aspectos.

A mobilidade é hoje essencial no funcionamento da sociedade europeia. Todos dependemos do transporte nas nossas vidas diárias, e a intensidade dos transportes e da mobilidade provoca problemas sociais e ambientais, cada vez maiores. Daí a necessária resposta que tem de ser dada de uma forma faseada, mas é necessário que seja dada e prontamente dada. Os condicionalismos com que o consumidor e a indústria automóvel se debatem têm de ser ponderados, mas não nos podem impedir de atingirmos o objectivo da segurança.

O segundo aspecto é o da informação. Os consumidores têm de ser informados das infra-estruturas e dos automóveis inteligentes. As informações devem ser claras e compreensíveis e devem ser dadas em momento oportuno. As empresas de venda de automóveis, os vendedores, todos os agentes nesta área, os Estados-Membros, as regiões, o poder local, têm uma grande responsabilidade nesta matéria, a par dos meios de comunicação social – esforço este de cooperação que deve ser levado a cabo pela União Europeia, porque só nós próprios não podemos atingir os objectivos finais, que é o objectivo, certamente, da Comissão e é o objectivo da nossa relatora.


  Inés Ayala Sender (PSE). – Señor Presidente, quiero felicitar calurosamente a mi colega, la señora Gurmai, por el entusiasmo que ha puesto en convertir este «coche fantástico» de nuestra juventud en un coche real para el futuro europeo.

Es, desde luego, la tecnología que está planteándose, y con todas las propuestas que ella está haciendo en su informe de iniciativa, algo que nos va a ayudar a seguir avanzando en el desarrollo logístico, en el que ahora mismo la Unión Europea está empeñada.

Creo, además, que después del acuerdo alcanzado sobre Galileo y la situación de despliegue actual, esta iniciativa sobre el coche inteligente va a ser precisamente uno de los aspectos que ayudarán a llenar de contenido el proyecto Galileo en ese despliegue.

Ayer, sin ir más lejos, aprobamos la Directiva sobre seguridad en las infraestructuras, donde ya se planteaba la necesidad de prever sistemas inteligentes e interactivos entre la infraestructura y los vehículos. Si ya tenemos la infraestructura, nos falta, evidentemente, ese vehículo inteligente.

En el caso de las infracciones de tráfico, también el coche inteligente nos ayudará a mejorar la prevención y el control, sobre todo, con los aspectos relacionados con la interacción con los semáforos, con los límites de velocidad que plantean o con los bloqueos antialcohol. En la seguridad vial, por supuesto, todo lo relacionado con los sensores de masa para peatones y otros usuarios vulnerables será fundamental.

En cuanto al sistema eSafety, que desde luego se retrasa demasiado, señor Comisario, ya en su día planteamos la necesidad de incluirlo no sólo en los vehículos premium, sino también en los vehículos de todas las gamas, lo que apoya la señora Gurmai que se ponga en marcha lo antes posible.

Pero también habíamos previsto que se incluyera en los vehículos de uso profesional, especialmente en los agrícolas, en los que el aislamiento del conductor hace que las consecuencias de cualquier accidente se agraven con el tiempo transcurrido.

Le pregunto, señor Comisario, para cuándo podremos plantearnos la utilización de ese sistema eSafety también en los vehículos profesionales y, esencialmente, en los agrícolas.

Para todo ello, de todos modos, necesitamos que ese coche inteligente sea un coche accesible para todos y que esas tecnologías sean apoyadas convenientemente para abaratarlas y hacerlas accesibles, no solamente a los países que más las necesitan, sino a toda la ciudadanía europea.


  Milan Gaľa (PPE-DE). – Správa konštatuje, že inteligentné vozidlo sa nedá realizovať v plnej miere bez iniciatívy inteligentnej cesty. Určite sa však nebude dať realizovať ani bez inteligentného vodiča, ktorý je vzdelaný v pravidlách cestnej premávky a primerane sa vyzná v technických otázkach, ako konštatovali už niektorí kolegovia predo mnou.

Ako lekár však dodávam, že inteligentný európsky vodič by mal byť oveľa lepšie pripravený aj v otázkach poskytovania prvej pomoci pri dopravných nehodách. Je ďaleko viac potrebné, a nielen teoreticky, ale aj vhodným praktickým výcvikom a názornou simuláciou problematiky, pripraviť a opakovane školiť vodiča, aby v nehodovom strese vedel efektívne reagovať a poskytnutím kvalitnej prvej pomoci zachrániť čoraz viac životov. Záchrana životov je jedným z cieľov predkladanej iniciatívy, preto som chcel o tom krátko pohovoriť.


  Маруся Иванова Любчева (PSE). – Г-н Председател, г-н Комисар, г-жо Докладчик, повече от очевидна е необходимостта от приемане на общ подход и реализиране на интегрирана политика за сигурност на гражданите по пътищата. Това означава няколко важни неща. На първо място - превенция, подобряване на инфраструктурата, подобряване капацитета на шофьорите, въвеждане на сигурни, технологични иновации в автомобилостроенето. На следващо място - контрол и осъществяването му по цялата верига в обезпечаване движението по пътищата. Прави чест на докладчика за инициативата, за усилията по подготовката на този доклад и за неговото качество. Безопасността по пътищата е от изключително значение за всички нас, защото мерките, които трябва да бъдат приети, спасяват човешки живот. Инициативата "интелигентна кола" е не само технологично решение. Това е намален риск, повишена сигурност. Това е живот и той трябва да бъде достъпност за всички граждани. Подготовката на този доклад беше съпътствана с добра кампания, което прави също чест на докладчика.


  Tomáš Zatloukal (PPE-DE). – Bezpečnost silničního provozu by měla být podporována systémy asistence. Ty mají pozitivní vliv jak na řidiče, tak i na plynulost silničního provozu. Řidičům by měly také usnadnit obsluhu vozidla, snižovat nebezpečí ztráty koncentrace. Technologie „inteligentních automobilů“ nabízí možnosti tyto problémy zmírnit nebo dokonce odstranit. Podporuji názor zpravodajky, že současná míra rozšíření systémů a aplikací pro „inteligentní automobily“ vzhledem k jejich potenciálu je stále velmi malá. Jsem také přesvědčen, že musíme tyto systémy a aplikace co nejdříve plně využívat. Je nezbytná také podpora „inteligentní silniční infrastruktury“, která zatím není připravena. Požadavky kladené na prvky aktivní bezpečnosti vozidel jednoznačně mají pozitivní dopad na snižování počtu dopravních nehod. Systém eCall je efektivním doplněním celkového systému ochrany účastníků silničního provozu. Blahopřeji paní zpravodajce k předložení této zprávy.


  Antonio Tajani, Membro della Commissione. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, io credo che grazie al lavoro del Parlamento, grazie al testo della comunicazione elaborata dalla Commissaria Reding che io sostituisco, ma anche all'eccellente lavoro della on. Gurmai, oggi noi abbiamo dato un segnale importante ai cittadini che ci ascoltano in tribuna, ma che idealmente rappresentano il mezzo miliardo di cittadini europei, che le istituzioni sono vicine ai cittadini e cercano di dare risposte alle esigenze dei cittadini, che deve essere la nostra prima priorità, Parlamento, Consiglio e Commissione.

Soltanto così noi avvicineremo la gente, i popoli d'Europa alle istituzioni. La risposta migliore che possiamo dare a chi è scettico, a chi ha votato anche no nei referendum è quella di dimostrare che l'Europa è vicina ai cittadini, dobbiamo dare un messaggio positivo, dobbiamo avere il coraggio di andare avanti e di far capire che la gente, le esigenze del cittadino sono la nostra prima priorità, e colgo quindi volentieri il suo invito, signor Presidente.

Quella della sicurezza stradale sarà, per quanto mi riguarda, e per quanto riguarda la Direzione generale che dipende dal Commissario ai trasporti, la priorità - l'ho detto nel corso dell'intervento che poi mi ha portato ad avere la fiducia di questo Parlamento, che ringrazio ancora, dopo esservi stato per tanti anni, per la fiducia accordatami - ecco dicevo, la sicurezza dei cittadini: la persona deve essere al centro della nostra iniziativa.

Io ho ascoltato con grande interesse tutto quanto il dibattito, c'è stata veramente la voglia oggi da parte delle istituzioni di dare risposte, di salvare le vite umane, ogni vita umana che noi saremo stati capaci di salvare grazie alla nostra azione legislativa, grazie al nostro impegno sarà un'opera meritoria che ci verrà riconosciuta. Ecco perché bisogna andare avanti, ecco perché condivido la posizione di tanti parlamentari che oggi hanno sottolineato l'importanza, certo, degli strumenti intelligenti e delle macchine intelligenti, ma dobbiamo prima fare in modo che l'uomo sia intelligente, perché la prima responsabilità è quella del cittadino che è al volante, che deve sapere che ci sono altri cittadini la cui vita dipende dal suo comportamento.

La tecnica certo deve essere al servizio dell'uomo, l'elemento umano è fondamentale, ecco perché condivido l'impostazione di chi - e l'ho detto nel corso dell'intervento di presentazione - sostiene che bisogna formare i conducenti, bisogna informare i cittadini delle nuove strumentazioni che la tecnica e la ricerca ci permettono di mettere sempre al servizio del cittadino. È inutile altrimenti spendere denaro pubblico nella ricerca o anche denaro privato se le scoperte che si fanno, se le iniziative che si riescono a realizzare non sono messe al servizio dei cittadini e per salvare tante vite umane. Ecco perché, ripeto, il settore della sicurezza stradale sarà una priorità - è un impegno che prendo solennemente davanti al Parlamento europeo - sarà uno degli impegni, ripeto, maggiori che avremo nei prossimi mesi come Commissione e come settore dei trasporti.

Volevo rispondere brevemente anche alla questione che aveva posto l'on. Pribetich a proposito dei tempi. In base ai risultati di una consultazione aperta il 23 maggio del 2008, la Commissione europea ha proposto un regolamento sui requisiti dell'omologazione per tipo riguardo alla sicurezza generale degli autoveicoli, che prevede che a partire dal 2012 siano montati a bordo degli autoveicoli nuovi sistemi di controllo elettronico della stabilità per migliorare significativamente la sicurezza dei veicoli stessi. Il regolamento si richiama ai regolamenti tecnici armonizzati nell'ambito del Forum mondiale della commissione economica per l'Europa delle Nazioni Unite.

Rispondo anche alla on. Ayala Sender che, per quanto riguarda i veicoli pesanti, nel novembre 2007 il Forum mondiale dell'UNECE per l'armonizzazione dei regolamenti in materia di veicoli ha approvato un testo riguardante il montaggio obbligatorio dell'ESC e le relative norme tecniche. Il testo ha ricevuto il sostegno della Commissione europea, ciò significa che l'ESC diventerà obbligatorio sui nuovi tipi delle categorie più comuni di veicoli pesanti a partire dal 2010.

Per quanto riguarda i veicoli professionali e ai quali lei si è riferita, soprattutto quelli nel settore agricolo - purtroppo in Europa ci sono ancora morti a causa di incidenti provocati da mezzi agricoli, a volte per irresponsabilità del conducente che non conduce bene, comunque ci sono - per ora non è previsto nulla, perché si è data priorità agli autoveicoli e ai veicoli pesanti. Però accolgo il suo suggerimento, per quanto riguarda la mia competenza lo riferirò anche alla Commissaria Reding, perché mi sembra una proposta importante che soprattutto nelle zone rurali è sentita in modo particolare. Nel settore dell'agricoltura, lo ripeto, ancora purtroppo ci sono tante morti che non sono morti che avvengono sulle strade, ma avvengono nei terreni agricoli, ma noi non possiamo far finta che questo non sia un problema.

Ecco perché, onorevole, la ringrazio del suo suggerimento, come ringrazio tutti quanti i parlamentari che sono intervenuti, ripeto, la Commissione, e concludo, signor Presidente, e mi scuso se ho rubato qualche minuto in più ma mi pare che questo argomento sia talmente importante che possiamo anche sforare le regole burocratiche legate ai tempi. Dicevo, accogliamo favorevolmente la relazione della on. Gurmai, che ringrazio ancora per l'entusiasmo, perché dobbiamo dimostrare di avere entusiasmo quando ci impegniamo a difendere i diritti dei cittadini.

Accogliamo favorevolmente l'incoraggiamento del Parlamento, il sostegno dato al sistema eCall e alle azioni volte a favorire la sua realizzazione, quindi credo che il dibattito di oggi a mio giudizio si concluda positivamente perché Commissione, Parlamento, e mi auguro anche Consiglio, signor Presidente, si sono trovati d'accordo nello stare dalla parte dei cittadini nel tentativo di salvare il maggior numero di vite umane possibile.


  Zita Gurmai, előadó. − Köszönöm szépen elnök úr! Biztos úr! Képviselőtársaim! Tisztelt európai állampolgárok! Köszönöm szépen a hozzászólásokat, véleményeket, meggyőződésem, hogy egy új korszak az európai közlekedés történetében, ahogy ezt Barsiné Pataki Etelka képviselőtársam megfogalmazta. Nagyon fontos az, hogy az összes ittlévő kollegám támogatóan szólt, kétségtelen tény, hogy meglehetősen zöldnek kell lenni ahhoz, hogy a zöldeket is ki tudjuk elégíteni, de örülök, hogy végül is ők is támogatják ezt a jelentést. Azt kell mondjam, hogy nagyon, nagyon fontos. Egyetértek Önnel, Biztos úr, hogy ha egy szem emberéletet meg tudunk menteni az utakon, akkor már tettünk valamit, hiszem meggyőződésem, hogy európai döntéshozóként számunkra az emberi élet védelme a legfontosabb. Többen elmondták a sokkoló számot: 41 600-an halnak meg az utakon.

Azért is köszönöm a támogatást, mert ahhoz, hogy ezt az ügyet végigvihessük, mindenkire szükség van a fedélzeten. Én nagyon büszke vagyok Viviane Redingre és csapatára, Andréra és Juhanira, akik itt ülnek, és végigcsinálták ezt. Nemcsak az elmúlt néhány hónapot, hanem az elmúlt néhány évet, hiszen ki kellett próbálni ezeket a technológiákat, hogy valóban működőképesek-e. Emlékszünk-e arra, hogy annak idején nem volt biztonsági öv, és ma már teljesen természetes, vagy ahogy Robert Evans fogalmazta, ma már minden egyes autóban megtaláljuk a rádiót. Ez olyan természetes lesz, mint amilyen természetesek ezek ma már. Szükségünk van az európai állampolgárokra, akik ha világosan látják az intelligens rendszer előnyeit, meg fogják vásárolni azokat. Fontos, hogy az autógyártók is velünk legyenek, hiszen évente Európában 17 millió autót gyártanak, és 2 millió embert alkalmaznak eközben. Fontos, hogy a tagállamok itt legyenek, és azt kell mondjam, hogy Malcolm Harbournak igaza van, hiányzik a Tanács.

Hiába tesz meg mindent a Bizottság és az Európai Parlament, hogy ha a Tanács nem veszi ezt az ügyet elég komolyan. Márpedig a Tanácsnak tudnia kell, hogy őneki is az európai állampolgárokat kellene, hogy képviselje. Dolgozzunk hát együtt! Kérem Önöket, hiszen a tettek kellenek, hogy beszéljenek, nem pedig a szavak. Közös érdekünk felismerni, hogyha ezen a területen eredményeket érünk el, akkor valóban mindenki tud ezen nyerni, hiszen biztonságosabban tudunk közlekedni, a forgalom optimális lesz, csökkenhet a környezet szennyezése, az európai ipar az információs kommunikációs technológiák terén képes lesz az élre törni. Ez egy igazi kitörési lehetőség. Ne szalasszuk el ezt a lehetőséget!

Köszönöm a figyelmüket, és nagyon bizakodó vagyok, hogy Tajani biztos úr megtesz mindent azért, hogy ez az álom valóvá válhasson.


  Robert Evans (PSE). – Mr President, on a point of order, I do not have in front of me Parliament’s Rules of Procedure but I am sure that your services do, so you will forgive me if I rise. This is not related to the Gurmai report because we have spoken about that.

Whilst you were speaking, indeed whilst Mrs Gurmai was summing up her report, I noticed that there were members of the public coming into the visitors’ gallery. I warmly welcome them and I think it is very good and important that people are coming into the visitors’ gallery, but I am also conscious that as soon as I sit down from this momentous speech that I am making, what will happen is that you will suspend the sitting until 12.00 for the voting period.

These poor people, who have come many hundreds of kilometres, will not have the benefit of hearing a debate and a speech this morning. They are getting a little bit from me, but I wonder if it would be possible for you and your assistants to go back to the relevant authorities and look for a way of ensuring that, in the event of the debate finishing at 11.30, as it has done this morning, with nothing scheduled until 14.00, something could be put in to fill the half-hour gap between now and 12 noon, whether it be the urgencies from this afternoon or something else of mind-boggling importance?

I am speaking on behalf of these perhaps 100 or so people in the gallery who have come to hear people speaking and all they are going to hear at the moment is me rabbiting on for two minutes about nothing – but making a very serious point.



  El Presidente. − Disponía usted de un minuto, no de dos, señor Evans.

Tomamos nota de la idea que nos lanza el señor Evans, siempre ocurrente.

De todos modos, antes de suspender la sesión, lo que sí quiero es compartir con nuestros colegas y con el Comisario la buena noticia de que la Cámara de los Lores de un país tan importante como el Reino Unido, de Gran Bretaña y de Irlanda del Norte, ha ratificado hace unas horas el Tratado de Lisboa. Suponemos que la Reina Isabel debe de estar en estos momentos firmando el documento pertinente, de manera que el Reino Unido, con esta medida, ratifica el Tratado de Lisboa y yo creo que es una noticia que nos llena de felicidad, incluso a aquéllos que no están presentes, aunque dejan la banderita puesta en su escaño, pero que, cuando se trata de trabajar, no suelen estar presentes en el hemiciclo.

Con esta noticia, para todos feliz, terminamos este debate.

La votación tendrá lugar a las 12.00 horas.

(La sesión, suspendida a las 11.30 horas, se reanuda a las 12.00 horas)




3. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet

  President. − The next item is the vote.

(For the results and other details on the vote: see minutes.)


3.1. It-trasport intern ta' oġġetti perikolużi (A6-0227/2008, Bogusław Liberadzki) (votazzjoni)

3.2. Ġestjoni tas-sikurezza ta' l-infrastruttura tat-toroq (A6-0050/2008, Helmuth Markov) (votazzjoni)

3.3. It-Titjib tal-kapaċità ta’ l-Unjoni fir-reazzjoni għad-diżastri (votazzjoni)

- After the vote on Amendment 37:


  Iratxe García Pérez (PSE). – Señora Presidenta, la enmienda 37 se ha retirado, por lo cual no tiene lugar la votación de la misma.


  President. – Unfortunately we had not been informed that it had been withdrawn, so it was put to the vote anyway.

- Before the vote on Amendment 15:


  John Bowis (PPE-DE). – Madam President, on behalf of our group and in the interests of trying to seek compromise and agreement on this, we would be willing to withdraw the subsequent amendment if the rapporteur would accept a small oral amendment, as written in the list, simply to make this less specific in terms of calling for the legally binding ‘directive’ and leaving it as bringing forward ‘measures’. If the rapporteur will agree to that, then we can withdraw the subsequent amendment.


  Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης (GUE/NGL). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, ως ο συντάκτης του σχετικού ψηφίσματος, που εγκρίθηκε σχεδόν ομόφωνα από την Επιτροπή Περιβάλλοντος, λυπάμαι, αλλά δεν μπορώ να αποδεχθώ την πρόταση του συναδέλφου Bowis, γιατί η προφορική τροπολογία που προτείνει αποδυναμώνει δραστικά την ουσία του κειμένου. Παρακαλώ τους συναδέλφους που συμφωνούν με την άποψη αυτή να εγερθούν.


  President. – Mr Bowis, it would seem that there are more than 40 Members on their feet, so we cannot deal with the oral amendment.

(The oral amendment was not accepted.)

– Before the vote on Amendment 35:


  John Bowis (PPE-DE). – Madam President, if nothing else it is a little bit of exercise. The oral amendment suggested to the Socialist amendment is on the order paper and I hereby propose it on behalf of our group. We will see if there is a little bout of aerobics coming from across the room.


  President. – It’s exercise from one side of the Chamber to the other!

(The oral amendment was not accepted.)


4. Merħba

  President. − I would now like to welcome a delegation from the Swiss Federal Assembly to the official gallery. The Swiss delegation is headed by Mrs Brigitta Gadient.


It is a pleasure for me to welcome you all to the European Parliament in Strasbourg where you have been taking part in the 27th EU-Switzerland interparliamentary meeting yesterday and today.

I know there have been some interesting discussions on developments and the current state of play, and future challenges for the relations between Switzerland and the EU, with special emphasis on the EU-Swiss dialogue on tax issues, free movement of persons and the experiences from the latest EU enlargements, cross-border service provision and the Schengen-Dublin agreements, Swiss financial contributions to the EU enlargement, and free trade in agricultural products.

There is a long relationship between our parliaments – almost three decades – and it has led to the development of a profound knowledge both on the EU side and the Swiss side. I am sure that the exchange of views that has taken place this week will enhance our parliamentary cooperation.



5. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet (tkomplija)

  President. − We now continue with the vote.

(For the results and other details on the vote: see minutes.)


5.1. L-erbgħin anniversarju ta’ l-Unjoni Doganali (votazzjoni)

5.2. Karta Ewropea dwar id-Drittijiet tal-Konsumaturi ta' l-Enerġija (A6-0202/2008, Mia De Vits) (votazzjoni)

5.3. L-awtorizzazzjoni tat-tiġieġ ikklorurat (votazzjoni)

5.4. Il-kriżi fis-settur tas-sajd minħabba ż-żieda tal-prezzijiet taż-żejt użat bħala fjuwil (votazzjoni)

5.5. Il-Laqgħa Għolja UE-Russja (votazzjoni)

5.6. Il-ġejjieni tas-settur tan-nagħaġ u tal-mogħoż fl-Ewropa (A6-0196/2008, Liam Aylward) (votazzjoni)

5.7. Lejn Mobilità aktar Sikura, aktar Nadifa u aktar Effiċjenti madwar l-Ewropa: L-Ewwel Rapport dwar il-Karozzi Intelliġenti (A6-0169/2008, Zita Gurmai) (votazzjoni)

6. Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot

Oral explanations of vote


Resolution – European Union’s disaster response capacity (B6-0303/2008)


  Oldřich Vlasák (PPE-DE). – Vážený pane předsedo, dámy a pánové, dovolte mně, abych vysvětlil své hlasování k rezoluci Evropského parlamentu o posílení schopnosti Unie reagovat na katastrofy. Rozhodně nastoupený směr solidarity a vzájemné pomoci je správný a potřebný. Je potřeba navázat konkrétními kroky na Barnierovu zprávu a sdělení Komise je v tomto ohledu cestou kupředu. Je totiž nesporně zapotřebí, aby docházelo k zajištění kompatibility a posilovala se spolupráce záchranných složek různých úrovní na hranicích našich států. Rezoluci jsem bohužel nemohl podpořit, protože nedošlo k přijetí našeho ústního pozměňovacího návrhu, a tím zavádíme požadavek na vytvoření právně závazných nástrojů, které budou zasahovat do národních programů, politik a zákonů a dojde i k narušení prvku solidarity. Jsem totiž přesvědčen, že vyšší ochranu našich zájmů před dopady katastrof zajistíme podporou záchranářů našich členských zemí, jejich koordinací a investicemi do vybavení, nikoliv novými zákony, které vnesou do celého procesu pouze další prvky byrokracie.


Resolution – Fortieth anniversary of the Customs Union (B6-0297/2008)


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE). – Colná únia zastáva od roku 1968 kľúčovú úlohu pri zachovávaní a rozvíjaní jednotného trhu. 40 rokov trvania colnej únie prinieslo EÚ výrazné úspechy a výhody nielen pre podniky, ale aj občanom Európskej únie.

Vítam a hlasovala som za uznesenie, ktoré predložila Arlene McCarthy v mene Výboru pre vnútorný trh a ochranu spotrebiteľa o 40. výročí colnej únie.

Colná únia vzhľadom na globalizáciu a technologický pokrok čelí výzvam ako falšovanie výrobkov, zvýšený dovoz nebezpečných tovarov, potreba elektronizácie colných procedúr . Iba vzájomná spolupráca colných úradov a úradov dohľadu nad trhom na medzinárodnej úrovni dokáže zabrániť vstupu nebezpečných a falšovaných výrobkov na európsky trh, a tým zaručiť lepšiu ochranu spotrebiteľa. Presvedčila som sa o tom na návšteve ústredných colných orgánov a colných správ v Prahe, v Antverpách, vo Washingtone, ale aj v Pekingu a v Šanghaji.

Toto jubileum nám dáva priestor poďakovať colným úradníkom za ich náročnú, mnohokrát aj nebezpečnú prácu a vyjadriť uznanie za ich úspechy v boji proti nebezpečným výrobkom a falšovaniu produktov a pirátstvu.


  Daniel Hannan (NI). – Madam President, the 40th anniversary seems an opportune moment to address a misapprehension that has existed, I think, in our country ever since your constituents and mine voted to join what they thought was the Common Market some 35 years ago – the misapprehension concerning the difference between a free-trade area and a customs union.

What I think most British people understood by the Common Market was that there would be mutual product recognition, that if you could sell something in the UK, you should also be allowed to sell it in Germany, France and Spain and the other way round.

But of course what we have instead is standardisation. Something is required to contain certain ingredients, to be of a volume of not less than ‘x’ and not more than ‘y’, and even if that product was never intended for export, even if it never crosses frontiers, it can find itself criminalised and prohibited in its own country; and this is often because a rival somewhere in the EU – as often as not in Britain – which happens to meet all of a group of specifications anyway, uses the mechanisms of the European Union in order to pass on its costs to its rivals.

I think it is a shame that we have lost the original concept of free circulation of goods and services in favour of harmonisation, which reduces consumer choice.


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). – Madam President, how wonderful it is to see you in the chair.

When I give speeches in my constituency of London – for those of you who may have heard of London, the greatest city in the world, capital of the greatest country in the world – it is often pointed out to me by my constituents that they thought in 1973 that we were joining a customs union. Then I say, ‘Do you not understand the nature of the beast? Do you not understand the nature of the European project? It is all about further political and economic integration’.

In fact in my first week in Parliament the leader of my group, Hans-Gert Pöttering, stood up and said, ‘Nothing must be allowed to get in the way of European integration; nothing must be allowed to get in the way of the European project’. So clearly, there is a misapprehension of the nature of the project in my constituency.

My plea to you, those of you in this Chamber who support the project, is: please be honest about its intentions. If you seek to deny the truth about this project, then, once you ask the people, they will reject it, as they did in the referendum in Ireland.


Resolution – Imports of poultry carcasses (B6-0309/2008)


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I too am delighted to see you in the chair.

I voted for Amendment 6 because I believe that the authorisation of the chlorinated chicken imports would undermine European standards and I see that happening on two fronts. First of all, there is a lack of scientific data on the environmental and health impact of using the substances that are proposed. Secondly, given the regime under which poultry producers operate, it is unreasonable to have two different standards, both from the perspective of the producers and more importantly from that of the consumers.

The previous speaker mentioned the Lisbon referendum in Ireland. Certainly one of the issues on the ground that I came across when canvassing was that people do object to different standards. But what we are doing here in Parliament today is dealing with that, so I am delighted that Parliament has passed that resolution.


Joint resolution – Crisis in the fisheries sector caused by rising fuel oil prices (RC-B6-0305/2008)


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I fully support the resolution passed by Parliament. Again, one of the things we often speak about in Parliament is how we respond to the needs of citizens. I think this is a clear case where a response is needed.

The fishing industry is in crisis, with fuel prices having increased by more than 300% in the last five years while prices for fish are similar to those paid 20 years ago. So the bottom line is that fishermen cannot survive, they are going out of business and I think some of our proposals in this resolution will help to improve the situation.

I am pleased to see that the Slovenian presidency has said that they will take this on board, and I would call on the Council of Fisheries Ministers when it meets next week to pay particular attention to this resolution.


  President. − Now, Mr Kamall, I suppose you are going to tell us about fishermen in London?


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). – Madam President, I do not think there are any left, thanks to the common fisheries policy!

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to explain the way I voted on this important debate. But what I would say to my colleagues in the House is, actually, let us look at what the real problem is. Whenever there is an international crisis, you seek to blame that for the problems in the fishing industry. Actually it is not the rise in fuel prices that is the real problem in the fishing industry. It is the common fisheries policy, a system of central planning that the Soviets would have been proud of. I find it amazing that colleagues in this House are so willing to espouse Soviet economics.

Let us look at some of the more successful fish preservation systems around the world. If you look at the ones, for example, in Iceland and New Zealand, you will find that they are based on the rule of law and property rights and transferable property rights. If we really want to solve the problem in the fisheries industry, it is time to trust the rule of law; it is time to trust property rights; it is time to trust the free market.


Resolution – Imports of poultry carcasses (B6-0309/2008)


  Peter Skinner (PSE). – Madam President, I do not want to speak on this item but the previous item. I was trying to attract your attention.

I abstained on the poultry carcass issue, primarily because I believe there is evidence to refute the claims that we need to keep the ban in place. I particularly think there is scientific evidence in place to allow this ban to be lifted. But, in any case, none of this discussion has come to the fore.

What we have instead is a very expensive process in Europe for cleaning chicken carcasses. That is the real problem because any carcasses that come into the European Union would seem to be cheaper; as a result they sell more quickly and obviously suit the consumers.

This is not about health claims, this is about protectionism. I think it is a very sad day for Europe that we have this particular debate in such a short and truncated way, rushed through as a resolution this week in Parliament.

I abstained as a result of this and I believe our relationship with the US and with other countries is stained as a result.


Joint resolution – EU-Russia Summit of 26-27 June 2008 in Khanty-Mansiysk (RC-B6-0235/2008)


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE-DE). – V prípade samitu EÚ – Rusko je mu právom venovaná veľká pozornosť. Vzhľadom na dôležité geopolitické postavenie Ruska, jeho pretrvávajúce historické a kultúrne väzby k Európe, podporujem vybudovanie silného politického partnerstva medzi EÚ a Ruskou federáciou.

Toto partnerstvo by malo zahŕňať vzájomnú pomoc v bezpečnostných otázkach, najmä v oblasti boja proti terorizmu a organizovanému zločinu, odstraňovanie prekážok pre voľný obchod a cestovanie. Pritom nesmieme prehliadať, že vo vzťahoch medzi Úniou a Ruskom sa vyskytujú aj viaceré problematické aspekty. V tomto ohľade je potrebné, aby Únia vystupovala jednotne.

Žiadna členská krajina, ktorá to so spoločnou zahraničnou a bezpečnostnou politikou myslí vážne, by nemala budovať svoje bilaterálne vzťahy s Ruskom za cenu poškodenia oprávnených záujmov členských krajín. Avšak v citlivých medzinárodných problémoch by sa Únia a Rusko mali zhodnúť na zásade rešpektovania medzinárodného práva a územnej integrity, napríklad v prípade Srbska a Kosova.

Na záver mi dovoľte zdôrazniť môj názor, že EÚ by mala podporovať Rusko v budovaní a upevňovaní demokracie, právneho štátu a ochrany ľudských práv.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Zbliżający się szczyt Unia – Rosja to ważne wydarzenie, dlatego tak istotna była dyskusja o działaniach przygotowawczych w naszym Parlamencie.

Relacje Unii Europejskiej i Rosji mają ogromne znaczenie dla stabilizacji, rozwoju gospodarczego i bezpieczeństwa w Europie i na świecie. Relacje te nabrały nowego wymiaru po rozszerzeniu Unii o 12 krajów, głównie z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Krajów, które w przeszłości były bardzo mocno powiązane gospodarczo, politycznie i wojskowo z dawnym Związkiem Radzieckim.

Dotychczas dwustronne relacje handlowe poszczególnych państw zostały przeniesione na szczebel Unii z Rosją. Ale Rosja często podejmuje działania, aby dogadywać się z poszczególnymi państwami z pominięciem Unii. Proponuje się często pewne wyjątkowe warunki tej dwustronnej współpracy.

Rosja to wielki kraj z ogromnymi aspiracjami polityczno-militarnymi, zasobny w surowce energetyczne, co określa pozycję tego kraju w Europie i na świecie. Rosja po przystąpieniu do protokołu z Kyoto staje się ważnym partnerem, którego należy włączyć do działań przeciwdziałających zmianom klimatycznym, i tych związanych z ochroną środowiska.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE-DE). – Madam President, in the case of paragraph 29, which ends, ‘to offer a greater EU involvement in the conflict resolution process’, I support the original version, which adds and continues, ‘including the possibility of an EU peacekeeping mission on the ground and a replacement of the CIS and Russian troops’.

I find that it is absolutely important just now to send a clear message on behalf of the EU that we are ready to make a concrete commitment in the form of a peacekeeping mission in Abkhazia.


- Report: Liam Aylward (A6-0196/2008)


  Jim Allister (NI). – Madam President, I voted for this report because, as in other sectors, I am concerned to see the EU decline in sheepmeat production against a rising tide of imports.

There are not just farm income issues here but pertinent environmental issues because, of all farmed animals, sheep probably contribute the most to the natural upkeep of less fertile areas and the maintenance of biodiversity.

Environmental degradation of many upland and less-favoured areas will result from diminishing sheep farming. Thus the necessity to sustain this industry and contemplate environmentally-linked payments to support it.

I also believe a proper country-of-origin labelling regime could greatly help promote growth in consumption of local lamb, particularly with rising imports.

Finally, the Commission’s rush to electronic tagging will impose further costs on a sector already diminishing because of uneconomic returns. At most, such tagging should be voluntary for each Member State and region.


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I agree with the final speaker about the electronic tagging. It certainly should be voluntary.

I supported Amendment 4 because I want to ask the Commission and the Council to look at introducing some kind of Community financing for the system of electronic tagging. The goat, sheep and lamb sectors are in crisis and they certainly cannot afford to have further costs foisted upon them.

Indeed, I would have preferred Amendment 1 – but of course that fell on the adoption of Amendment 4 – where it was recommended that the implementation of the electronic identification system be deferred until 2012 at the earliest. I agree with the former speaker, as I said, that the bureaucracy and cost involved far outweigh any of the benefits.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE). – Madam President, as I said last night, this is a very good report. Unfortunately last night the Commissioner ruled out possibility of the Commission agreeing to the rapporteur’s proposal to have a task force to look at the industry.

Now I am not a great believer in task forces because the place is littered with them; every time we have a problem we set up a task force and you never hear tell of it again.

But I think if we had had better cooperation before we came to this Chamber, we could have put forward a firm proposal that would have helped the industry and worked for the industry.

Now we have got nothing. We have got electronic tagging. We have not got what we asked, that it be put back to 2012. The industry cannot afford it. But I think we will return to this; we have not heard the last of it, because we have got to defend the sheep industry throughout the whole of the European Union.


Written explanations of vote


- Report: Boguslaw Liberadzki (A6-0227/2008)


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. O transporte de mercadorias perigosas tem sido tema de muitas discussões e, em consequência, uma clarificação e simplificação das normas de segurança tem vindo a estabelecer-se. Assim, com o relatório do colega Liberadzki, a legislação existente sobre o transporte de mercadorias perigosas irá dar um sinal positivo, nomeadamente quanto ao campo de aplicação da directiva, que é alargado à navegação interior. Felicito os negociadores pelo acordo que permitirá fechar este dossier em 2ª leitura.

A extensão desta directiva à navegação interior envolverá um período transitório de dois anos para a adaptação dos Estados-Membros. Estes poderão regular ou interditar o transporte de mercadorias perigosas no seu território por razões além da segurança do transporte.

É, pois, de realçar que esta legislação representa um sinal dos nossos esforços para que o transporte de mercadorias perigosas na União se torne cada vez mais eficaz e seguro, destituído de burocracia supérflua e dos seus custos acrescidos ou ainda de normas que não contribuam para a eficiência da gestão do transporte deste tipo de mercadorias.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non c'è in vero molto da discutere sull'ottima relazione del collega Liberadzki relativa al trasporto interno delle merci pericolose. L'ho votata in commissione e qui confermo il mio voto.

Più aumentano gli scambi di merci intra moenia come tra i paesi dell'Unione e più, a mio avviso, è utile che le condizioni di questi flussi siano omologhe, soprattutto in termini di sicurezza, ma anche dei controlli e delle relative pratiche amministrative. Del resto, non avrebbe alcuna logica criticare o peggio respingere un testo così tecnico, sul quale la consultazione di tanti esperti dei paesi membri è stata ampia e qualitativamente informata.


  Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. − Ik steun dit verslag ten volle. Jaarlijks wordt er een enorme hoeveelheid aan gevaarlijke goederen in de Europese Unie via de binnenwateren vervoerd, zoals bijvoorbeeld chloor en benzine. Hiervoor zijn nog geen regels opgesteld, terwijl er wel wetgeving is voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen over de weg en per spoor.

Wetgeving voor het transport van gevaarlijke stoffen per schip is hard nodig. Niet alleen om de veiligheid te garanderen, maar ook om de bescherming van milieu en de volksgezondheid Europees te regelen. Veel van dit soort vervoer is namelijk grensoverschrijdend. Bovendien zijn de Europese regels ook in het voordeel van ondernemers die nu in verschillende lidstaten aan uiteenlopende, nationale eisen moeten voldoen. Transport via binnenwateren zorgt bovendien voor minder uitstoot aan broeikasgassen. Het is dus erg belangrijk de eisen voor de verschillende manieren van transport op elkaar af te stemmen. Op die manier wordt het aantrekkelijker om meerdere vervoerswijzen met elkaar te combineren. Bijvoorbeeld door een deel van het traject per spoor af te leggen, om de vracht vervolgens per schip verder te transporteren. Dat is niet alleen efficiënt, maar vooral ook duurzaam. Ik hoop daarom dat vervoersbedrijven daadwerkelijk vaker voor een combinatie van verschillende vervoerswijzen zullen kiezen.


- Report: Helmuth Markov (A6-0050/2008)


  Stanisław Jałowiecki (PPE-DE), na piśmie. − Wstrzymałem się od głosu w trakcie głosowania nad sprawozdaniem Helmuta Markova dotyczącego zarządzania infrastrukturą bezpieczeństwa drogowego. Sprawozdanie to kłóci się bowiem w znacznym stopniu z zasadą subsydiarności: "Niech wspólnoty większe nie biorą na swoje barki tego, co mogą udźwignąć wspólnoty mniejsze". Trzeba tej zasady strzec, jak źrenicy oka. Niestety także w tej izbie wielokrotnie byłem świadkiem łamania tej zasady. Tym razem, mam nadzieję, zasadę tę obroniliśmy częściowo, ale ile na to straciliśmy czasu! Nasza praca legislacyjna nie była skierowana na stanowienie dobrego prawa, ale na zmianę złej propozycji prawnej. Nie mam jednak złudzeń, że nie jest to ostatni zamach na zasadę subsydiarności. Paradoksalnie zresztą, te zamachy rodzą się w tym samym miejscu, gdzie podnoszą się największe krytyki wobec Irlandii, kraju który odrzucił przed kilkoma dniami Traktat Lizboński. Nie dostrzega się, że obywatele tego kraju powiedzieli "nie" właśnie dlatego, że ta zasada w praktyce Unii Europejskiej jest notorycznie łamana. I właśnie ten ostatni przykład - irlandzki - powinien nam uświadomić, że nie wolno nam subsydiarności lekceważyć, poświęcać w imię rzekomo wyższych celów, np. bezpieczeństwa drogowego. To się bowiem prędzej czy później, a raczej prędzej, musi zemścić.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, esprimo il mio voto favorevole sulla relazione del collega Markov. Ritengo, infatti, la proposta molto organica e comprensiva di vari aspetti, ponendosi l'obiettivo di considerare la sicurezza in tutte le fasi di vita di un'infrastruttura stradale: dalla pianificazione alla progettazione ed al funzionamento.

Concordo con il rispetto del principio di sussidiarietà della proposta, che lascia la possibilità di scegliere l'intensità di applicazione relativamente alla "valutazione d'impatto sulla sicurezza stradale", agli audit sulla sicurezza stradale e alle ispezioni di sicurezza agli Stati membri.

L'adozione di uno strumento legislativo volto allo sviluppo sicuro della rete stradale, anche mediante un approccio non troppo rigido, deve pertanto ritenersi un risultato positivo, i cui effetti dipenderanno dall'intensità di attuazione che verrà scelta. Tuttavia, ritengo essenziale prevedere degli standard vincolanti minimi inderogabili da applicare in tutti gli Stati.


Resolution – European Union’s disaster response capacity (B6-0303/2008)


  Richard James Ashworth (PPE-DE), in writing. − British Conservatives know how devastating the effects of a natural disaster can be. From the floods in the UK last year, we are aware of the human, economic and environmental damage that can be caused. We also understand the effects such natural disasters have upon other countries.

Nonetheless, we believe that individual Member States are best placed to respond rapidly and appropriately to disasters occurring within their own territory. We believe that the creation of a European Civil Protection Force would merely slow down the capacity for response by adding an extra bureaucratic burden. What those affected require is timely and necessary intervention, not more bureaucracy.

Finally, we cannot agree with further EU legislation in the area of disaster prevention and response. We consider that adequate legislation already exists at both Member State and EU level, and that financial aid is already available through the Solidarity Fund which serves, as it should, to mitigate structural and long-term damage.

In supporting this resolution in the final vote, we wish to make clear that we have also voted in favour of the amendments which called for the deletion of references to the Civil Protection Force and further EU legislation in this area.


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Voto convintamente a favore di questa proposta di risoluzione inerente il potenziamento delle capacità di reazione dell'Unione europea alle catastrofi.

Come membro della commissione per lo sviluppo di questo Parlamento ho avuto modo di visitare alcune tra le aree più povere e disastrate del mondo, a volte colpite (come nel caso dello tsunami) da eventi naturali distruttivi. Voglio in questa sede sottolineare il buon lavoro portato avanti dal nostro Commissario allo sviluppo Louis Michel che ha sempre rappresentato in maniera celere ed efficace il desiderio di solidarietà e cooperazione in occasione di queste tristi contingenze.

Ma, come evidenza la risoluzione, sono ancora troppo macchinose le procedure previste dalla nostra cornice normativa: vanno resi più agili i meccanismi e vanno comunque riservate delle risorse cospicue per le emergenze che, purtroppo, si verificano con cadenza costante. Dal Parlamento parte oggi un segnale chiaro in questa direzione. Ora è importante passare dalle parole ai fatti.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Apesar do nosso voto favorável, lamentamos que não tenham sido aprovadas algumas das nossas propostas, designadamente a que considerava imperioso dar especial atenção às regiões mais desfavorecidas, denominadas de convergência, em caso de catástrofes naturais, no âmbito do regulamento dos fundos estruturais, ou as que sublinhavam a importância da manutenção da elegibilidade de catástrofes de índole regional no Fundo de Solidariedade Europeu e da sua adaptação, ao nível de prazos e de acções elegíveis, à especificidade das catástrofes naturais, como a seca e os incêndios.

Mas consideramos positivo que outras tenham sido adoptadas relativamente ao reconhecimento das catástrofes naturais de índole mediterrânica, designadamente a seca e os incêndios florestais. Só que são necessários mecanismos de apoio às populações afectadas e à reflorestação, que contenham uma vertente de prevenção de mais catástrofes em larga escala, e um regime público de seguro agrícola, financiado pela União Europeia, a fim de garantir aos agricultores um rendimento mínimo em situações de calamidade pública, tais como secas, incêndios e inundações.

É necessária uma profunda alteração da Política Agrícola Comum para apoiar pequenos e médios agricultores e a agricultura familiar, estimulando a produção agrícola, a biodiversidade e a ocupação do território.


  Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Consideramos necessário promover um quadro de cooperação entre os Estados-Membros relativamente à prevenção e ao combate e minimização das consequências das catástrofes. No entanto, e entre outros aspectos, discordamos da criação de uma qualquer força europeia de protecção civil (nomeadamente, com dimensão militar), pois as capacidades e meios operativos nesta área deverão estar sob a alçada dos Estados-Membros, aqueles que têm que garantir os meios e as estratégias para dar resposta (rápida) às necessidades e aqueles que mais bem conhecem o seu território.

Consideramos positiva a aprovação das nossas propostas que instam:

- Ao reconhecimento da especificidade das catástrofes naturais de índole mediterrânica, como a seca e os incêndios florestais, ao nível comunitário, e à adaptação em consonância dos instrumentos comunitários no domínio da prevenção, investigação, gestão de riscos, protecção civil e solidariedade, de forma a melhorar a resposta ao nível de cada Estado-Membro;

- E à necessidade de um maior financiamento comunitário das medidas de prevenção.

Mas lamentamos a rejeição das nossas propostas que:

- Sublinham a importância da manutenção da elegibilidade de catástrofes de índole regional no Fundo de Solidariedade Europeu;

- E instam à adaptação do Fundo de Solidariedade Europeu, ao nível de prazos e de acções elegíveis, à especificidade das catástrofes naturais, como a seca e os incêndios.


  Margie Sudre (PPE-DE), par écrit. – Je salue l'initiative de la Commission de produire enfin un document relatif au renforcement de la cohérence, de l'efficacité et de la visibilité de la réaction de l'UE en cas de catastrophes naturelles ou causées par l'homme.

Je regrette néanmoins qu'il ne s'agisse toujours pas d'une véritable proposition concrète susceptible de doper les capacités européennes dans le domaine de la protection civile, incluant prévention et réaction rapide, lors de crises majeures survenant à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur de l'Union.

Je remercie les membres du Parlement européen d'avoir apporté leur soutien à mon amendement visant à exploiter "l'expertise conjuguée à la localisation géographique des régions ultrapériphériques (RUP) et des pays et territoires d'outre-mer (PTOM)".

En effet, grâce à ces collectivités ultramarines, l'Europe est présente au large des côtes africaines (Canaries, Madère), dans l'océan Indien (Réunion), à proximité du continent américain (Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Açores), sans oublier les PTOM du Pacifique (Polynésie française, Nouvelle Calédonie).

Les territoires d'outre-mer de l'Europe sont prêts à devenir des points d'appui pour faciliter le pré-positionnement de produits essentiels et de logistique. La projection de moyens humains et matériels européens en serait facilitée, en cas d'intervention d'urgence hors de l'Union.


  Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE), in writing. − Clearly there is great merit in improved coordination and readiness for mutual assistance of disaster response organisations in European countries. However, as always, the European Commission seizes on another opportunity to extend its own remit and responsibilities – here ‘to develop a knowledge base, identify gaps’, etc. The report, against the wishes of British Conservatives, also includes a call for legally-binding instruments. For these reasons I abstained in the vote.


Resolution – Fortieth anniversary of the Customs Union (B6-0297/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − Apesar do balanço positivo que o relatório tece aos 40 anos da união aduaneira, muitos sectores produtivos, designadamente em Portugal, não têm a mesma opinião. Pelo contrário. Sabem que a total abertura de fronteiras, em nome da livre concorrência, criou situações profundamente injustas e agravou défices estruturais, dados os desiguais patamares de desenvolvimento entre os diversos países.

A esta situação de desigualdade nas forças produtivas e no desenvolvimento do processo produtivo, acresceram outras medidas, políticas e instrumentos que contribuíram para agravar a situação, com destaque para a criação do mercado único, a liberalização do comércio internacional, o Pacto de Estabilidade no âmbito da união económica e monetária e o neoliberalismo presente na dita Estratégia de Lisboa.

Por isso, embora o relatório tenha algumas propostas positivas no âmbito do reforço da cooperação, a base de que parte é inaceitável. Daí o nosso voto contra.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Vi ställer oss positiva till denna resolution, eftersom vi stöder den gemensamma handelspolitiken och tullagstiftningen som en förutsättning för att den inre marknaden ska fungera. Vi vill dock påpeka att vi är djupt kritiska till många av de handelsavtal som faktiskt har ingåtts mellan EU och tredjeland.


  Kartika Tamara Liotard, Erik Meijer, Søren Bo Søndergaard and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL), in writing. − Whereas we fully support cooperation between the Member States to prevent the import of dangerous toys, drugs and other illegal or dangerous products, and whereas we fully support cooperation with trading partners to this end, we cannot vote in favour of this resolution due to the severe impact of the Customs Union on developing countries’ trade.

The EU uses the Customs Union as a tool to negotiate favourable trade deals with developing countries while at the same time imposing high tariffs on products that are seen as unwanted competition for EU products. This policy is hampering the potential for economic growth in developing countries.




- Report: Mia De Vits (A6-0202/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Este relatório começa por apoiar o conjunto dos pacotes de liberalização dos mercados da electricidade e do gás natural, pressionando a sua privatização, apesar de se tratar de sectores estratégicos para o desenvolvimento e o progresso social. A aplicação destes pacotes em Portugal contribuiu, como é conhecido, para agravar problemas de abastecimento das populações, para o aumento dos preços pagos pelos consumidores, além de ter aumentado o desemprego e a precariedade do trabalho no sector.

Agora, a Comissão Europeia pretende escamotear os problemas que criou com a sua estratégia, apresentando a tal Carta europeia dos direitos dos consumidores de energia. Pese embora a escassez de direitos apontados, não discordamos da referida Carta. A questão está no seu cumprimento por parte dos grupos económicos que controlam o sector e a que cada vez mais as políticas comunitárias se subordinam. Daí a nossa abstenção na votação final deste relatório.


  Małgorzata Handzlik (PPE-DE), na piśmie. − Przyjęte sprawozdanie w sprawie Europejskiej karty praw odbiorców energii znacznie zwiększa prawa konsumentów w dziedzinie energii. Podniesiony zostanie poziom informacji udostępniany obywatelom, co ułatwi wybór pomiędzy dostawcami i różnymi opcjami dostaw. Karta jest niezwykle ważnym elementem liberalizacji rynku energii.

Jestem przekonana, iż bardziej klarowne i czytelne informacje przekazywane konsumentom umożliwią najbardziej korzystny dla konsumentów wybór. Ma to szczególnie istotne znaczenie, gdy ceny energii stale rosną i stają się źródłem coraz większych obaw konsumentów.

Za sprawą przyjętego rozwiązania łatwiejsze będzie porównywanie ofert, rzeczywistego zużycia energii, co będzie stanowiło element zachęcający konsumentów do zmiany dostawcy w przypadku braku satysfakcji z oferowanej usługi. Efektem tego będzie prawdziwa konkurencja pomiędzy dostawcami energii, większa dbałość o zadowolenie klienta, a tym samym większa możliwość pośredniego oddziaływania konsumentów na decyzje koncernów energetycznych.

Wierzę, iż Karta praw odbiorców energii powoli, ale skutecznie przyczyni się do zmian rynku energii, na które tak długo czekamy. Nie zapominajmy, iż najważniejszym elementem rynku wewnętrznego pozostają konsumenci, którzy oczekują od nas rzeczywistych zmian.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (PSE), în scris. − Am votat pentru raportul doamnei De Vits referitor la Carta europeană a drepturilor consumatorilor de energie. Date fiind preţurile tot mai mari ale energiei, este necesar să se garanteze aprovizionarea cetăţenilor care au venituri mai scăzute şi a persoanelor care trăiesc în regiuni îndepărtate, unde pieţele de energie sunt mici şi necompetitive. Statele membre trebuie să ia măsuri cât mai curând posibil pentru a defini exact aceste grupuri de consumatori şi să promoveze şi să sprijine măsuri, de exemplu tarife sociale, prin care să asigure continuitatea accesului acestora la electricitate şi gaze naturale.

Am votat pentru amendamentele 3, 4, 5, 6 şi 7 depuse de Grupul Socialiştilor Europeni. Acestea susţineau necesitatea introducerii unor tarife sociale, a informării trimestriale a consumatorilor cu privire la consumul propriu de energie şi impuneau informarea publicului privind prevederile Cartei europene a drepturilor consumatorilor de energie. Regret că aceste amendamente nu au trecut.

Protecţia consumatorilor de energie trebuie să se bazeze şi în viitor pe acţiuni comune ale Uniunii şi ale statelor membre. Carta europeană a drepturilor consumatorilor de energie este o modalitate de a veni în sprijinul cetăţenilor pentru ca aceştia să obţină informaţii despre drepturile lor într-un mod mai eficient şi mai simplu.


  Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE), in writing. − I am strongly in favour of consumers being able to obtain secure, safe, reliable and sustainable supplies of gas and electricity at reasonable prices. National Regulatory Authorities should play an important role in this. However, I oppose the efforts by the European Commission to move into this area, to extend its powers and remit through ‘studies’, a ‘Charter’ and ‘harmonisation’, and I do not recognise the concept of ‘Citizen of the Union’. For these reasons I abstained in the vote.


Resolution – Imports of poultry carcasses (B6-0309/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Consideramos positivo que o Parlamento Europeu se tenha pronunciado contra a proposta da Comissão Europeia que visa alterar as normas de comercialização de carne de aves, apenas para autorizar a comercialização desta carne sujeita a tratamento antimicrobiano, para consumo humano.

Na prática, tal proposta da Comissão Europeia visa somente dar cumprimento à solicitação dos EUA de que a União Europeia autorize que seja importada a sua produção de carne de aves tratada com substâncias químicas ou antimicrobianas.

Ora, deste modo, a Comissão Europeia esquece o princípio da precaução, esquece a adopção e o reforço de normas que já existem a nível da União Europeia em matéria de segurança e higiene alimentares, muito superiores às que são usadas pelos EUA, que se limitam a usar uma solução barata de fim de linha, que agora querem que a União Europeia aceite para venderem a sua produção para a Europa.

Esperamos, pois, que o Conselho não aceite a proposta da Comissão Europeia.


  Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Klordoppning av kyckling har inte visats vara skadligt för hälsan eller skadligt på annat sätt, och våra ställningstaganden bör alltid vara evidensbaserade. Jag har därför i frihandelns namn röstat nej till detta betänkande, som jag betraktar som protektionistiskt motiverat.


Med tanke på den vitt spridda oron bland allmänheten i EU vad gäller klordoppad kyckling är det dock av yttersta vikt att vi får lagstadgade krav på märkning så att varje individ kan välja att undvika denna produkt t.ex. i handeln eller på restauranger.


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. − I voted in favour of this resolution as it highlights one of the most pressing issues facing the EU internally and externally.

We have decided in the EU to push for high food production standards – conscious of the needs for food safety and quality.

We do not permit the use of chlorine dipping of chicken carcases within the EU for produce consumed in the EU and therefore it makes no sense to allow imports of US chicken into the EU which is so treated.

In recent months we have a similar problem with imports of beef from Brazil – where traceability standards fall far short of those in the EU.

We may face a similar problem when we ban caged egg production in the EU but end up importing from outside the EU powdered egg products produced in caged systems.

If the EU insists on internal standards, it must be prepared to defend them and stop imports which fail to meet our internal standards.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE), in writing. − The Commission proposal to lift the ban on the importation of poultry treated with anti-microbial substances such as chlorine is extremely worrying. It must be recognised that these practices simply do not meet EU standards of food safety.

This proposal seems to be politically motivated and blatantly disregards the valid health and safety concerns of EU citizens. Assurances that this poultry will be labelled and clearly identifiable to the consumer are simply not adequate.

The use of anti-microbial substances in the treatment of poultry should not be promoted by the European Union in any way. This ban has been in place more than ten years and was originally implemented with good reason. Unfortunately, therefore, the Commission proposal to lift it represents a huge step backwards and is totally unacceptable.


  Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – H Επιτροπή οφείλει να επανεξετάσει την αρχική της απόφαση που βασίζεται αποκλειστικά και μόνο σε εμπορικά κριτήρια και οδηγεί σε έγκλημα εις βάρος της δημόσιας υγείας και της προστασίας των καταναλωτών. Δεν μπορούμε να αγνοούμε την ισχύουσα ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία, κάνοντας παραχωρήσεις στους Αμερικανούς και προκρίνοντας τα εμπορικά συμφέροντα εις βάρος της δημόσιας υγείας. Αναμένουμε τις αντιδράσεις της αρμόδιας Επιτρόπου για την Υγεία κ. Βασιλείου καθώς και τις αντιδράσεις της Ελληνικής Κυβέρνησης.


Joint resolution – Crisis in the fisheries sector caused by rising fuel oil prices (RC-B6-0305/2008)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente, la presente risoluzione costituisce una prima risposta alla gravissima crisi che sta investendo il settore della pesca nella nostra Unione in seguito all'aumento dei prezzi del petrolio. Nei giorni scorsi ho personalmente visitato diversi porti del mio paese riscontrando una situazione assai difficile e complicata, alla quale dobbiamo essere in grado di fornire proposte celeri ed efficaci.

L'aumento abnorme del prezzo del gasolio rischia di mettere in ginocchio un intero settore. L'Unione dispone di fondi straordinari per la pesca da utilizzare in contingenze di particolare gravità. Invito il Commissario Borg ad attivarsi subito per verificare l'opportunità immediata di un intervento della Commissione in tale direzione. Fatti, e non parole. Atti, e non promesse. Ho riscontrato, tra i lavoratori, una crescente sfiducia verso le Istituzioni europee. Abbiamo il compito di recuperare questo gap ma, soprattutto, di assumerci le nostre responsabilità di fronte a una vicenda economica e sociale che rischia seriamente di precipitare.


  Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Como salientámos em comunicado de imprensa, não apoiamos a presente resolução porque esta:

- Não responde ao problema imediato dos salários dos trabalhadores, não resultando claro que os pescadores (trabalhadores) pagam os combustíveis e que é por isso que o problema os atinge directamente (tanto quanto aos proprietários da esmagadora maioria das pequenas embarcações);

- Omite a inércia e a recusa da UE em tomar as decisões necessárias;

- Não avança com nenhuma proposta concreta relativamente ao preço dos combustíveis (gasolina e gasóleo) e quanto à formação do preço do pescado em primeira venda;

- Não denuncia uma política que utiliza o aumento do preço dos combustíveis para diminuir e concentrar ainda mais o sector, criar mais desemprego, deteriorar um sector produtivo e agravar as balanças alimentares e comerciais;

- Fica muito aquém de posições anteriormente adoptadas pelo PE, aliás, propostas pelo PCP;

Uma resolução que, na linha das recentes propostas anunciadas pela Comissão Europeia, e independentemente de um ou outro aspecto que, se aplicado, poderia ter efeitos positivos para o sector, no fundo, incentiva ainda mais o abate de embarcações e oferece como saída para os pescadores o abandonar a sua profissão.

Porque as pescas têm futuro, insistimos na adopção urgente de medidas, como as propostas na resolução que apresentámos.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE), in writing. − The fishing industry has faced many crises over the years, but none greater than at present, with rising fuel prices which are pushing the industry over the edge to the point where it can no longer survive.

The continuing spiralling price of oil could prove to be disastrous for many industries, but none is more vulnerable than the fishing industry, with jobs at sea and on shore at risk.

We must look into all the options which are available to us. One route that should be explored is reducing taxes in order to ensure that fuel costs come down.

May I ask the following question: if we do not have fishermen, where will the fish we require come from? Are we going to sit back and allow foreign imports to take over our markets and put our industry out of business?

Saving our fishing fleets and the industry in general will prove to be a massive challenge. However, I am confident that with good will and all-round cooperation it is possible. I welcome yesterday's statement from the Commission announcing its intention to provide emergency assistance to fishing fleets. I sincerely hope that these measures will be formally adopted by the Council of Fisheries Ministers next week and then swiftly implemented.


  Margie Sudre (PPE-DE), par écrit. – L'augmentation dramatique du prix du gazole, 300% depuis 2003, affecte de plein fouet le secteur de la pêche. De fait, l'aggravation continue de la crise a placé de nombreuses entreprises de pêche dans une situation de grande fragilité financière.

Or, la filière pêche constitue un pilier particulièrement important du développement économique et social des régions ultrapériphériques. De plus, le renchérissement du prix du carburant est d'autant plus accentué du fait de leur situation géographique éloignée. Cette situation est inadmissible. Il est du devoir de l'Union européenne de dégager un compromis.

Le Parlement européen vient d'envoyer un signal fort aux pêcheurs. En demandant un relèvement du plafond des aides publiques à 100 000 euros par navire et non par entreprise, en appelant à l'application immédiate des mesures d'urgence et d'accompagnement social, enfin, en exigeant une réorganisation des dépenses du Fonds européen pour la pêche, les eurodéputés ont fait comprendre aux pêcheurs que leur détresse a été entendue.

Ces propositions seront discutées par le Conseil des ministres européens de la pêche, les 23 et 24 juin prochains. L'Union européenne n'a pas d'autre choix que de rétablir la confiance avec les marins pêcheurs, colmatant ainsi le décalage abyssal qui s'est dernièrement fait jour.


Joint resolution – EU-Russia Summit of 26-27 June 2008 in Khanty-Mansiysk (RC-B6-0235/2008)


  Adam Bielan (UEN), na piśmie. − Panie Przewodniczący! Chciałbym podkreślić po raz kolejny, że żadna z zachodnich spółek nie jest tak ściśle powiązana z państwem jak Gazprom z Kremlem. W obecnej chwili mamy do czynienia z zimną polityczną kalkulacją. Energetyczna dominacja Gazpromu doprowadzi do kolejnego wzrostu cen energii w Europie. Rosja będzie mogła wymusić jeszcze większe koncesje polityczne za dostawy gazu i ropy. Skutki drożyzny obserwujemy już teraz w coraz częstszych protestach w Europie. Mamy również świeżo w pamięci wielokrotne zakręcanie kurka z gazem naszym wschodnim sąsiadom.

Panie Przewodniczący, poparłem tę rezolucję gdyż uważam, iż Europa musi zacząć mówić jednym głosem w relacjach z Rosją, ponieważ tylko to zagwarantuje UE skuteczność.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. A Rússia é, notoriamente, um importante parceiro estratégico da União Europeia, e a geografia torna-nos dependentes uns dos outros. Daqui resulta que há uma necessidade de fazer uso da diplomacia para procurar as melhores soluções para esta proximidade incontornável. Mas a necessidade de cooperar não pode impor-nos uma ignorância, real ou disfarçada, quanto aos graves problemas que a Rússia suscita.

Internamente, não se pode ignorar que a Rússia não é uma Democracia completa e não é um Estado de Direito que respeite efectivamente os Direitos Humanos. Externamente, não se pode ignorar a utilização da energia como arma de relações externas, nomeadamente promovendo a desagregação da UE nesta matéria, o papel equívoco que tem tido na questão iraniana, a indisponibilidade para forçar a China a comprometer-se com os Direitos Humanos, entre outros.

A voz da Europa sobre a Rússia deve ser a de um parceiro sério, disponível para colaborar, mas indisponível para transigir no que é fundamental em termos de Democracia, Direitos Humanos e Segurança.


  Andrzej Jan Szejna (PSE), na piśmie. − Złożone relacje między Unią Europejską a Rosją wymagają sprawnie prowadzonych i spójnych działań dyplomatycznych.

Zbliżający się szczyt UE-Rosja wzbudza wiele emocji, gdyż negocjowane mają być porozumienia o bardzo dużym znaczeniu zarówno dla Rosji jak i Unii Europejskiej. W przeddzień tego szczytu musimy uzmysłowić sobie jak ważne dla przyszłości Unii Europejskiej jest, aby mówiła ona jednym spójnym głosem na arenie międzynarodowej. Z tego względu szkoda, iż społeczeństwo Irlandii w zeszłotygodniowym referendum postawiło znak zapytania nad ratyfikacją traktatu lizbońskiego, bowiem właśnie ten traktat zawiera uregulowania, które będą czyniły z Unii Europejskiej solidnego partnera w stosunkach międzynarodowych.


- Report: Liam Aylward (A6-0196/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Votámos favoravelmente este relatório que tem várias propostas importantes para a defesa da produção de ovinos e caprinos, designadamente em áreas mais desfavorecidas e em zonas de montanha, embora gostássemos que se tivesse ido mais longe, designadamente na defesa das raças autóctones e da produção artesanal de queijo. Mas, mesmo assim, é fundamental que a Comissão Europeia e o Conselho tenham em conta estas propostas aprovadas e o debate que se realizou no plenário, onde também explicitámos as nossas posições sobre este tema tão importante.

Com a revisão da PAC que está em curso, é necessário corrigir os problemas criados com a reforma de 2003, designadamente com a dissociação dos pagamentos directos, e insisto na importância de garantir um pagamento suplementar para os produtores, dando particular atenção às raças autóctones de gado ovino e caprino, pagamento esse que deve ser reforçado nas zonas montanhosas e em outras zonas específicas, a fim de preservar a diversidade biológica na agricultura, de manter estes animais em áreas sensíveis e de ocupar o território de forma natural, o que é um importante contributo para a defesa do ambiente e a prevenção de fogos florestais nos países da Europa do Sul.


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. − I voted in favour of this report as it highlights the problems in the sheep sector, which is in terminal decline unless action is taken.

The Parliament has voted in favour of EU funding for electronic tagging of sheep and, while this is welcome, I would have preferred to see electronic tagging taken off the agenda until the future viability of sheep farming is secured.

In relation to the proposal for a task force, which was rejected by Parliament, there is now an onus on the Commission to upgrade its focus on the sheep sector and to report to the Parliament on progress or otherwise in implementing the proposals in this report.


- Report: Zita Gurmai (A6-0169/2008)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente, voto a favore della relazione della collega Zita Gurmai alla quale rivolgo i miei complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro svolto.

In particolare, sostengo l'iniziativa "eSafety" ( ) che vede fianco a fianco la Commissione europea, le istituzioni pubbliche, l'industria del settore e altri protagonisti per cercare di accelerare lo sviluppo e la messa in uso di "Intelligent Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems". Questi sistemi si avvalgono di informazioni e tecnologie di comunicazione con l'obiettivo di aumentare la sicurezza sulle strade e di ridurre complessivamente il numero di incidenti sulle nostre strade. "eSafety" è il primo step dell'iniziativa "Automobile intelligente" lanciata nel 2006 dalla Commissione europea. Credo che si debba proseguire speditamente su questo percorso per favorire in futuro la crescita di un trasporto che la Commissione auspica "smarter, safer and cleaner".


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE), písomne. − V dnešnej dobe sme čoraz viac závislí od dopravy. Všetci občania majú právo na bezpečnú a udržateľnú mobilitu. Dnešný pokrok v informačných a komunikačných technológiách nám vytvára priestor vyrábať a kupovať modernejšie, bezpečnejšie a čistejšie vozidlá. Spotrebitelia musia mať k dispozícii informácie, aby dokázali urobiť kvalifikované rozhodnutia v prospech inteligentných vozidiel. Dôležité je, aby takéto vozidlá boli cenovo dostupné.

Správa spravodajkyne Zity Gurmai prináša podnety, aby bezpečnostný potenciál v doprave mohli európski občania využívať čo najskôr, preto som ju v hlasovaní podporila.

Dopravné nehody sú dôsledkom jednak ľudského zlyhania, ale tiež nezodpovedajúceho technického stavu vozidla. Zavedením týchto inteligentných technológií môžeme predísť 16% nehôd. Moderné systémy dokážu znížiť počet smrteľných nehôd až na jednu tretinu. Významným spôsobom môže k tomu prispieť aj program Galileo.

V oblasti celoplošného zavedenia celoeurópskeho palubného tiesňového volania eCall majú svoju veľkú zodpovednosť aj členské krajiny EÚ. Systém eCall by mal byť zavedený do roku 2010, preto vyzývam tie členské krajiny, ktoré ešte nepodpísali memorandum o porozumení o systéme eCall, aby tak urobili ešte v roku 2008.

Na európskych cestách každoročne zahynie podľa štatistík 41 600 občanov, preto v dopravnom sektore musíme začať novú epochu. Keď zachránime akýkoľvek počet ľudských životov, urobíme veľa pre európskych občanov.


  Brian Simpson (PSE), in writing. − My colleague, Zita Gurmai, has produced an excellent report and needs to be congratulated on her detailed work and the commitment she has shown.

The first intelligent car report is a flagship project within the Commission’s strategic policy framework for information society and the media, and our rapporteur is right to recognise that intelligent vehicle systems could reduce the annual death toll, currently around 42 000, on the roads of the EU. She is also right to point out that, at present, many people cannot afford the new systems, so the need to bring down costs has to be a priority.

Electronic stability control technology, the use of portable or nomadic devices and work towards providing cleaner vehicles are all topics covered by the rapporteur.

This is an excellent report, and it has my full support.


  Bernard Wojciechowski (IND/DEM), na piśmie. − Inicjatywa „Inteligentny samochód" jest niezwykle cenna. Należy szeroko wykorzystywać nowoczesne technologie do usprawniania i zwiększania bezpieczeństwa transportu. Szacunkowe dane wskazują, że gdyby wszystkie samochody zostały wyposażone w system elektronicznej kontroli stabilności (ESC) liczba ofiar śmiertelnych w UE mogłaby spaść aż o cztery tysiące w skali roku. Dużym wsparciem dla bezpieczeństwa, a jeszcze nie wszędzie wprowadzonym, jest ogólnoeuropejski pokładowy system powiadamiania o wypadkach eCall. Badania wykazują, że jego wprowadzenie na terenie całej Wspólnoty mogłoby spowodować spadek liczby ofiar śmiertelnych o dwa i pół tysiąca osób w skali roku. Ostatnia sprawa, na którą warto zwrócić uwagę, to duża emisja dwutlenku węgla i gazów cieplarnianych przez samochody - 12 % łącznej emisji CO2 w UE. Uważam, że należy promować samochody o jak najmniejszym zużyciu CO2 np. za pomocą kampanii społecznych. Należy także wprowadzić bardziej restrykcyjne przepisy ograniczające emisję szkodliwych gazów przez samochody.


  President. − That concludes the explanations of vote.

(The sitting was suspended at 12.45 and resumed at 15.00.)




7. Korrezzjonijiet u intenzjonijiet għall-vot: ara l-Minuti

8. Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta’ qabel: ara l-Minuti

9. Dibattitu dwar każijiet ta’ ksur tad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem, tad-Demokrazija u ta' l-Istat tad-Dritt (dibattitu)

9.1. Id-detenzjoni li tippersisti tal-priġunieri politiċi fil-Burma

  Le Président. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur six propositions de résolution concernant la Birmanie(1).


  Mikel Irujo Amezaga, Autor. − Señor Presidente, como decía, según la Campaña por los derechos humanos, la paz y la democracía en Birmania, el 12 de marzo, el prisionero político birmano de mayor edad, cumplió 78 años en una celda de aislamiento en la prisión de Insein.

Se trata de U Win Tin, un eminente periodista y líder de la Liga Nacional para la Democracia. U Win Tin es el prisionero de conciencia más antiguo en Birmania. Ha estado consecutivamente 19 años en prisión, desde julio de 1989.

Fue condenado tres veces a 21 años de prisión, sólo tenemos conocimiento de susituación a través del último informe sobre las condiciones de los prisioneros birmanos elaborado por el señor Yozo Yokota, Relator especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Birmania.

U Win Tin ha rechazado renunciar a sus ideales políticos a cambio de su liberación. Fue ingresado, además, este año en el hospital para una segunda operación de hernia, en enero de 2008.

Éste es sólo un ejemplo de los 1 873 prisioneros políticos que actualmente se encuentran en cárceles de Birmania. Obviamente, en esta resolución queremos expresar, además, nuestra condena por la extensión del arresto domiciliario a Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Mi Grupo exige medidas inmediatas para iniciar un proceso urgente y necesario de reformas políticas y económicas. En primer lugar, la liberación de todos los presos políticos. En segundo lugar, la restauración de las libertades civiles básicas y, obviamente, el inicio de un diálogo político entre todas las partes.

Reiteramos, asimismo, nuestra demanda al Consejo para que adopte medidas enérgicas contra la Junta Militar birmana, que se ha convertido en estos momentos en la campeona mundial de violaciones contra los derechos humanos.


  Marios Matsakis, author. − Mr President, numerous resolutions have been passed by this House condemning Burma’s military junta for the severe breaches it has committed repeatedly against the human rights of the Burmese people. Yet these heartless generals take little notice of what we tell them. Instead, they continue their firm hold on power in a most disgustingly pompous and irritating manner.

Even following the devastation of the recent cyclone, they not only hampered aid attempts from the free world but also took advantage of the misery of their citizens in their time of need by promoting their own image as apparent Samaritans and angels of good by gross exhibitionist appearances on the junta-controlled state media and by holding a referendum on the Constitution only days after the cyclone catastrophe struck.

Those who oppose the junta are tortured, killed or put in detention. An example, of course, is the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who led the National League for Democracy to victory in elections held 18 years ago and has spent 12 years in detention – and recently the junta decided to further extend the period of her house arrest.

I feel that the time has come for more severe measures to be taken against the monstrous junta in Burma. The most effective measure would be to exert pressure on China to stop supporting it. If China does not cooperate on this, then we must take action in relation to our trade relations with Beijing and with regard to the Chinese Olympic Games. This is probably the only way left to us to do something about freedom and democracy in Burma.


  Ryszard Czarnecki, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Myślę, że stosunek do międzynarodowej pomocy w razie kataklizmów, katastrof pokazuje z jakim państwem mamy do czynienia. Rzeczywiście mając setki uzasadnionych zastrzeżeń do Chin, wiemy, że to państwo potrafiło jednak w chwili dramatycznej otworzyć się na pomoc międzynarodową. Widzimy też jaki był stosunek Birmy do pomocy międzynarodowej, w tym także pomocy świadczonej przez kraje członkowskie Unii Europejskiej.

Była taka sztuka amerykańska zatytułowana „Za rok o tej samej porze”. Trochę jest tak z Birmą w naszym Parlamencie. Jest tak, że my co roku spotykamy się i rozmawiamy na temat sytuacji w Birmie. Tak naprawę nie ma realnych, istotnych zmian. Zgadzam się z faktami, o których mówili moi szacowni przedmówcy. Sytuacja, w której kobieta – lider opozycji jest od kilkunastu lat przetrzymywana w areszcie domowym jest niespotykana w skali światowej. Nie dajmy przyzwyczaić się do tej sytuacji. Mam nadzieję, że ponad podziałami w tym Parlamencie zabierzemy głos jednoznaczny w obronie demokracji w Birmie.


  Thomas Mann, Verfasser. − Herr Präsident! Die Versuche der Militärjunta in Birma, das Land und die Menschen vom Rest der Welt zu isolieren, halten an. Im September 2007, nach der blutigen Zerschlagung des Protests buddhistischer Mönche, gab es eine Nachrichtensperre. Letzten Monat wurden internationale Organisationen daran gehindert, den Opfern des Wirbelsturms zu helfen. Erst spät, für viele zu spät, gelang es, Menschen in Not zu erreichen.

Jetzt gibt es andere, jedoch ebenso alarmierende Nachrichten, etwa die Verhaftung von Betroffenen des Zyklons, die bei UN-Büros um Hilfe baten. Außerdem waren Ordnungskräfte im Einsatz, die Häftlinge beim Versuch, aus einem durch Nargis zerstörten Gefängnis zu fliehen, schwer verwundeten oder erschossen. Die EU hat nicht weggeschaut. Sie verhängte ein Handelsembargo, bisher allerdings ohne ausreichende Wirkung. Sie drohte härtere Sanktionen an, falls sich die Menschenrechtssituation nicht verbessern sollte. Doch Burma hat sich keinen Millimeter bewegt.

Lassen wir nicht nach in unseren Forderungen! Die politischen Gefangenen müssen freigelassen werden. Der Jahrzehnte lange Hausarrest von Frau Aung San Suu Kyi muss aufgehoben werden. Das mutige Engagement dieser Friedensnobelpreisträgerin ist für jeden Diktator ein Gräuel. Burma muss endlich Rechenschaft darüber ablegen, wie es mit seinen eigenen Bürgern umgeht, von denen viele noch vermisst werden. Ein erster Schritt ist der Dialog mit dem Sonderberichterstatter der Vereinten Nationen, indem ihm zugesichert wird, dass er das Land besuchen kann. Auch die ASEAN-Staaten sollten ihren Einfluss nutzen, um die Junta zur Vernunft zu bringen. Weiter erhöht werden muss auch der Druck auf China, das wohl noch der einzige Unterstützer von Birma ist. Gegebenenfalls müssen Rat und EU-Mitgliedstaaten die Sanktionen verschärfen. Herr Kommissar, wir warten wirklich auf Ihre Aktivitäten – die Bürger Burmas brauchen unsere Solidarität.


  Erik Meijer, Auteur. − Voorzitter, het militair regime in Birma wil de indruk wekken dat het een goed beleid en belangrijke binnenlandse waarden beschermt tegen een vijandige buitenwereld die deze positieve waarden bedreigt. Het verlangt van de bevolking eensgezinde steun bij het verdedigen van deze waarden.

Ik zou willen dat die claim waar was en dat de inwoners van Birma gelukkig zouden kunnen zijn met de toestand van de afgelopen 40 jaar. Maar waaruit bestaan de waarden die dit regime verdedigt? Vier kenmerken springen eruit. Ten eerste: voorrechten voor een militaire kaste; een gesloten bewapende groep heeft de zeggenschap over het bestuur en over de economie. Die groep kan zichzelf verrijken, terwijl de anderen arm blijven. Ten tweede: het onderdrukken van de nationale minderheden: de groepen in het binnenland met een andere taal en een andere cultuur die zelfbestuur willen. Het Britse koloniale verleden heeft hun gebieden aan Birma toegevoegd, maar in dat land zijn zij veroordeeld tot de positie van derderangs burgers. Ten derde: het verwerven van buitenlandse inkomsten door middel van export op de grondslag van concurrentie door middel van uiterst lage lonen of dwangarbeid. Ten vierde: het stelselmatig van enige medebeslissing uitsluiten van groepen die deze toestand willen veranderen, ook al hebben die ooit de enige vrije verkiezingen gewonnen die dit regime durfde te organiseren.

Bij de hulpverlening na de overstromingsramp hebben we kunnen zien hoe bang dit regime is voor de mogelijkheid dat buitenlanders ter plekke waarnemen hoe erg het er is of dat zij de bevolking beïnvloeden. Binnenlandse vluchtelingen moeten zonder wederopbouw snel naar hun verwoeste dorpen terug met als enig doel contacten tussen ontevreden massa's onmogelijk te maken. Meteen na de ramp werd met voorrang een referendum doorgezet dat als voornaamste doel had om door middel van een valse uitslag de democratische oppositie permanent van de bestuursmacht uit te sluiten. Het om politieke redenen gevangenzetten van mensen is voor zo'n regime een instrument om te kunnen overleven. De buitenwereld moet voor die gevangenen en andere opposanten opkomen. Dat zouden naast Europa ook China en India moeten doen.


  Józef Pinior, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Zajmujemy się sytuacją w Birmie, tutaj w Strasburgu, w czwartek popołudniu właściwie każdego miesiąca w ostatnim czasie. Mam przed sobą dzisiaj dwa sprawozdania, które odnoszą się do sytuacji w Birmie. Pierwsze, wydane przez Unię Międzyparlamentarną oraz drugie – sprawozdanie specjalnego sprawozdawcy Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych dla sytuacji praw człowieka w Birmie. Te sprawozdania są jednoznaczne – więzienie parlamentarzystów, zamachy, bardzo niedobra sytuacja w więzieniach dla więźniów politycznych, katastrofa cywilizacyjna w tym kraju.

Jako Parlament Europejski musimy bardzo wyraźnie oddziaływać na władze w Birmie. Aby ta sytuacja mogła się zmienić w nadchodzących tygodniach i miesiącach potrzebna jest wspólna akcja wszystkich parlamentów demokratycznych na całym świecie, a także współdziałanie w tej sprawie takich państw jak Indie i Chiny, oddziaływanie na władze w Birmie, aby rzeczywiście ta sytuacja mogła się poprawić.

Chcę wspomnieć o losie parlamentarzystów, którzy znajdują się dzisiaj w więzieniach w Birmie, tych parlamentarzystów, którzy zostali aresztowani jesienią w 2007 roku oraz tych parlamentarzystów, którzy zginęli, zmarli, w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach, w momencie, kiedy byli zatrzymani, a także tych parlamentarzystów, na których dokonano zamachów, którzy zginęli w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach.

Raport sprawozdawcy Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych jest jednoznaczny – natychmiastowe uwolnienie Aung San Suu Kyi jest wstępem do rozmów z władzami Birmy na temat demokratyzacji i poprawy sytuacji w dziedzinie praw człowieka w tym kraju. Zagwarantowanie wolności dla więźniów politycznych, a przede wszystkim natychmiastowa możliwość badania lekarskiego dla tych więźniów jest podstawową kwestią, którą musimy wymusić na władzach Birmy.


  Laima Liucija Andrikienė, PPE-DE frakcijos vardu. – Šiandien kalbame apie Birmą, tūkstančius politinių kalinių, kenčiančių šios šalies kalėjimuose ir apie Aung San Suu Kyi, charizmatiškąją Nacionalinės demokratijos lygos lyderę, kurios vadovaujama partija 1990 m. rinkimuose laimėjo 82 proc. balsų, tačiau valdžią turintys generolai atsisakė gerbti tautos valią ir štai jau 13 metų San Suu Kyi yra laikoma namų arešte.

„Kad Jūsų laisvė galėtų padėti mūsiškei“, – taip kažkada yra pasakiusi ši Nobelio taikos premijos laureatė. Neabejoju, Birmos žmonės vis tiek nugalės generolų valdžią. Jokie diktatoriai nėra amžini, o laisvės dvasia yra amžina.

Barbariško, nežmoniško elgesio akivaizdoje negalime būti neutralūs. Juk ir Martinas Liuteris Kingas pasakė: „pabaigoje prisiminsime ne savo priešų žodžius, o savo draugų tylėjimą“.

Taigi, šiandien Europos Parlamentas atsako į klausimą su kuo mes! Mes su Aung San Suu Kyi, mes su tais tūkstančiais politinių kalinių! Ir mes reikalaujame, kad jie būtų nedelsiant išlaisvinti, kad žmogaus teisės Birmoje būtų gerbiamos.


  Genowefa Grabowska, w imieniu grupy PSE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Nie minął nawet rok, a my już po raz trzeci dyskutujemy o sytuacji w Birmie, wzywamy rząd tego państwa do respektowania praw człowieka, podstawowych standardów humanitarnego traktowania więźniów, zwracamy uwagę na nieprawidłowości, apelujemy, wzywamy, ubolewamy, nakładamy sankcje i po raz kolejny potępiamy birmański reżim. Ten z kolei wykazuje zadziwiającą odporność na wszelkie naciski społeczności międzynarodowej, ignoruje kolejne apele, po prostu nic sobie z nich nie robi. Z tego powodu ja z pewnym zażenowaniem zabieram głos w sprawie Birmy. Widzę dotychczasową niemoc, nie tylko naszą – Parlamentu i Unii Europejskiej – ale właściwie wszystkich gremiów łącznie z Organizacją Narodów Zjednoczonych.

Dlatego uważam, że dość już słów. Powinniśmy bardzo silnie zażądać, by podjęto naciski dyplomatyczne, by kanałami dyplomatycznymi przez Radę Unii Europejskiej, przez państwa członkowskie wymusić na tym reżimie należyte postępowanie i traktowanie.

Chcę tylko zaapelować o przyjęcie punktu siódmego i dziesiątego rezolucji, które nawołują do procesu pojednania narodowego w tym państwie.


  Marcin Libicki, w imieniu grupy UEN. – Panie Przewodniczący! Bardzo rzadko się zdarza, żeby reżimy dyktatorskie, reżimy używające siły, reżimy prześladujące ludzi upadały tylko wskutek jakichś ogólnikowych nacisków dyplomatycznych. Ja oczywiście zgadzam się z Panią Poseł Grabowską, że naciski są niezbędne. Takie reżimy mogą upaść tylko wtedy, jeżeli wewnętrzna sytuacja doprowadzi do tego, że reżim straci tych, na których się w swojej wewnętrznej polityce opiera. I dlatego cały wysiłek dyplomatyczny powinien iść z jednej strony w kierunku wspierania nawet słabej i niewidocznej dość wyraźnie opozycji, a z drugiej strony rozwiązaniem byłoby również, gdyby międzynarodowe organizacje polityczne, gdyby presja międzynarodowa była wsparta siłą. Dlatego powtórzę raz jeszcze: Unia Europejska powinna mieć swoje siły policyjne do interwencji w takich sprawach, jak sprawa Birmy.


  Urszula Krupa, w imieniu grupy IND/DEM. – Panie Przewodniczący! Problem łamania praw człowieka w Birmie był omawiany kilkakrotnie w obecnej kadencji Parlamentu Europejskiego. Niestety debaty czy przyjmowane rezolucje nie zmieniają sytuacji polityczno-społecznej w tym kraju, w którym od 1962 roku władzę sprawuje armia odpowiedzialna za jeden z największych reżimów politycznych na świecie.

Od ponad 40 lat w tym doświadczanym nie tylko reżimowymi kataklizmami kraju tysiące ludzi prześladowanych i skazanych za działalność polityczną przebywa w więzieniach. Birmańczycy są zmuszani do pracy, nawet dzieci są wcielane do wojska. Sekretarz Generalny Narodowej Ligi na rzecz Demokracji trzynaście spośród osiemnastu ostatnich lat spędziła jako więzień polityczny w areszcie domowym, a ostatnio 1900 osób zostało aresztowanych i przebywają w uwłaczających godności człowieka warunkach jedynie za wyrażanie woli wprowadzenia demokracji w Birmie, albo nawet za skierowanie prośby o pomoc humanitarną, która była niezbędna po przejściu cyklonu.

Rząd birmański nie tylko prześladuje opozycjonistów, ale łamiąc prawa człowieka uniemożliwia także udzielanie międzynarodowej pomocy humanitarnej po przejściu cyklonu, narażając obywateli na utratę życia, zmuszając ofiary cyklonu do opuszczania tymczasowych obozów i powrotu do zniszczonych kataklizmem domostw. Apele Sekretarza Generalnego ONZ i innych organizacji skutkują kolejnymi aresztowaniami i zabijaniem tej udręczonej ludności.

Oczywiście popieramy rezolucję, w której nie tylko istnieje sprzeciw wobec prześladowania laureatki Nagrody Nobla, ale także postulat wypuszczenia pozostałych więźniów za poglądy polityczne oraz przeprowadzenia śledztwa pod auspicjami ONZ w związku z doniesieniami zabijania przez birmańską armię więzionych osób podczas ostatniego kataklizmu.


  Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (PSE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Minął rok od ostatniej rezolucji Parlamentu Europejskiego alarmującej o dramatycznej sytuacji wewnętrznej w Birmie. Rządzący reżim wojskowy nie poczynił jednak żadnych postępów na drodze do demokracji. Sekretarz Generalny Narodowej Ligii na rzecz Demokracji spędził 13 ostatnich lat w areszcie domowym. Podobnie jak laureatka Nagrody Nobla i Nagrody Sacharowa nadawanej przez Parlament Europejski, Aung San Suu Kyi, która więziona jest bez procesu, pomimo presji wywieranej przez organizacje międzynarodowe. Tysiąc dziewięciuset opozycyjnych działaczy politycznych przetrzymywanych jest w nieludzkich warunkach w birmańskich więzieniach. Niepokoją doniesienia o zamordowaniu 36 i ranieniu 70 więźniów zakładu karnego w Rangun na skutek paniki wywołanej przez cyklon, który dotknął Birmę w maju bieżącego roku.

Rządzący reżim powinien jak najszybciej znieść wszelkie ograniczenia wolności słowa i podstawowych praw, w tym do pokojowej działalności politycznej. Birma ma obowiązek nieść pomoc mieszkańcom poszkodowanym na skutek cyklonu i umożliwić wolny dostęp do tych obszarów międzynarodowym organizacjom humanitarnym. Wzmocnienie dotychczasowych sankcji ekonomicznych i kontroli dostępu junty do środków pomocowych z Unii oraz zwiększona presja polityczna ze strony ASEAN-u na pewno wzmocniłaby szanse na stabilizację sytuacji w Birmie.


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE). – Súhlasím s mojimi predrečníkmi, že ku krajine, kde arogancia totalitnej moci nepozná hraníc, musí Európsky parlament zaujať razantný postoj. Je nepochopiteľný a odsúdeniahodný taký totalitný režim, ktorý si z nešťastia vlastných občanov vytĺka svoj politický kapitál.

Vážení kolegovia, musíme využiť všetky dostupné prostriedky, aby sme v spolupráci s OSN pomohli obetiam cyklónu Nargis. Vyzývam Radu, aby prijala ďalšie opatrenia a účinne zamedzila junte prístup k finančnému systému EÚ. Na základe dôkazov o prekračujúcom porušovaní ľudských práv v Barme je nevyhnutné, aby EÚ podporovala demokratické sily v krajine a žiadala o prepustenie všetkých politických väzňov.


  Marianne Mikko (PSE). – Kallid kolleegid. Täna Birma inimõiguste ja demokraatia eest võitleja Aung San Suu Kyi 63. sünnipäeval peame eriti pöörama tähelepanu Birmas toimuvale.

Birma kaugeneb kosmilise kiirusega demokraatlikest väärtustest. Nobeli preemia ja Sahharovi auhinna võitnud Aung San Suu Kyi on tänaseks veetnud vangistuses 12 aastat ja 239 päeva. Tal ei ole lubatud vastu võtta külalisi, pidada telefonikõnesid ega saada posti.

Lisaks sellele silmapaistvale naisele on poliitilistel põhjustel vangistatud tuhandeid rahumeelseid meeleavaldajaid ja isikud on salapäraselt kaduma läinud. Birma hunta kasutab brutaalset vägivalda.

Peame mõistma hukka Birma sõjaväelise valitsuse ebademokraatliku ja jõhkra tegevuse. Hiina peab lõpetama Birma toetamise. Aung San Suu Kyi ja teised poliitvangid tuleb vabastada viibimatult, see tähendab täna. Ei saa lubada Birma jätkuvat vastuhakku ÜROle ja rahvusvahelisele üldsusele.


  Ewa Tomaszewska (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Około 1900 osób przebywa w aresztach w bardzo złych warunkach za wyrażenie aprobaty dla wprowadzenia demokracji w Birmie. Kilkudziesięciu uczestników protestów zniknęło bez śladu. Aung San Suu Kyi trzynaście lat przebywała w areszcie bez postawienia zarzutów, co jest sprzeczne z nawet obowiązującym w Birmie prawem. Za prośbę o pomoc humanitarną aresztowano kolejnych kilkanaście osób – ofiary cyklonu Nargis, a do więźniów w Rangunie otwarto ogień, gdy cyklon uderzył w więzienie. Wzywamy władze birmańskie do zniesienia zakazów pokojowej działalności i natychmiastowego uwolnienia więźniów politycznych. Oczekujemy, że zostanie przeprowadzone dochodzenie w sprawie morderstw dokonanych na więźniach politycznych po uderzeniu cyklonu Nargis.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pomimo tak znacznego zainteresowania świata, różnych instytucji i organizacji międzynarodowych sytuacją w Birmie, nie widać jakichkolwiek zmian wewnątrz tego państwa. Nadal tysiące ludzie jest więzionych w okropnych warunkach za to, że upomnieli się o demokrację czy protestowali przeciwko referendum konstytucyjnemu, którego wyniki nie mogą być uznane za wiarygodne. Reżim wojskowy zaostrza działania wobec więźniów politycznych. Oczekiwania, że władze birmańskie podejmą rozmowę z opozycją i organizacjami międzynarodowymi są mało realne. Dlatego niezbędne jest nałożenie skutecznych sankcji i nacisków na funkcjonujący tam reżim, do których przyłączy się jak najwięcej państw.


  Filip Kaczmarek (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Zaledwie w osiem dni po przejściu cyklonu rząd birmański zmusił naród, swój własny naród do wzięcia udziału w referendum. Referendum w sprawie szeroko krytykowanego i kontrowersyjnego projektu konstytucji. Wyniki? Absurdalne, jakby żywcem wzięte ze starych komunistycznych czasów: frekwencja – 99%, poparcie dla projektu konstytucji – 93%. Modelowo nierealne, bo tylko za takie możemy je uznać.

Głęboko wierzę, że takie reżimy jak reżim birmański muszą prędzej czy później upaść i Unia Europejska powinna pomóc w tym upadku.


  Charlie McCreevy, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, Mrs Ferrero-Waldner is unfortunately not here today, so I shall – on her behalf – share with you a few remarks about the situation in Burma/Myanmar.

The European Parliament’s motion for a resolution focuses on the political situation and in particular on the continued detention of political prisoners. Before commenting on this issue, I would like to inform you about the Commission’s activities in response to the cyclone which devastated the delta of the Ayeryawaddy River six weeks ago.

The Commission’s response to the cyclone was quick and substantial: we have approved EUR 17 million in humanitarian aid, including EUR 5 million in food aid. We have also activated the civil protection mechanism – the cooperation with the EU Member States having joined the mechanism has worked very well. We cover water purification, boat transport, primary health care and other issues of importance in the post-disaster context.

The humanitarian emergency is not over. So far, approximately half of the survivors reached, that is, one million, are still in desperate need. Accessing the disaster-hit areas and distribution of aid is not without difficulties. This has as much to do with the size of the disaster as with the bureaucracy. Our field workers in Myanmar report gradually better cooperation from authorities. Our own humanitarian activities continue with reasonable efficiency. We recognise that the international NGOs are in a more difficult situation, as regards access to the stricken areas.

In the mean time, the ASEAN countries have taken the lead in coordinating external assistance. They are a member of the so-called ‘Tripartite Mechanism’, which comprises the ASEAN countries, the Government of Burma/Myanmar, and the United Nations.

The Government has issued new ‘guidelines’ for external aid. We have no evidence yet whether they are being used to narrow the space for aid delivery.

For us, the cyclone and its terrible consequences are a purely humanitarian issue. We defend the concept of ‘needs-based’ humanitarian relief.

On the political situation in Burma/Myanmar, the Government seems committed to proceed with its so-called ‘Road Map to Democracy’. We read this road map as a tightly controlled, slow transition towards a civilian government where the military still plays a dominant role. The Government seems committed to deliver, at its own pace and without regard to views and comments from outside. Realistically, there is hardly an alternative.

National reconciliation would require an inclusive dialogue. Such dialogue cannot take place with political stakeholders in jail or under house arrest. This is why we continue to push for the release of all political prisoners. My colleague, Mrs Ferrero-Waldner, has said publicly that the Government has missed a chance to send a signal of reconciliation at a moment of national distress when the Government again extended the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi.

The people of Burma/Myanmar would deserve a system of government which focuses on economic and social development, and on the participation of the electorate in the political process. For Europe, expressing our indignation and isolating the country is clearly not an adequate response. The people of Burma/Myanmar shall not pay the price of a political stalemate. They deserve better.

In conclusion, I wish to highlight our commitment to follow closely the situation in Burma/Myanmar. This includes continuing to push for a release of all political prisoners, and for an inclusive dialogue, including legal political parties and ethnic groups.

We continue a balanced approach. We are not up to confrontation for the sake of confrontation. Our ultimate goal remains to help a peaceful transition to a legitimate, civilian government. This is why we are fully supportive of the good offices of the UN Secretary General and his Special Advisor for Myanmar.

The interest of the Burmese people is best served with a balanced policy, including substantial assistance. The Commission has carefully chosen the areas of assistance to help the most vulnerable class of society. We have already significantly increased funding and hope that – in a coordinated effort with other donors – the overall funding level could reach the equivalent of what is spent per capita in comparable countries, like Laos and Cambodia. The people of Myanmar deserve a better future.


  Le Président. – Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu à la fin des débats.


(1)Voir procès-verbal

9.2. Qtil ta' routina tal-pajżana fis-Somalja

  Le Président. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur six propositions de résolution concernant la Somalie(1).


  Mikel Irujo Amezaga, Autor. − Señor Presidente, en primer lugar, quiero expresar mi más profunda preocupación por los recientes casos de secuestro de buques en aguas del Estado de Somalia, así como por el trato vejatorio que reciben los tripulantes por parte de sus secuestradores.

Desde este mismo escaño solicité que la Unión Europea se dotara de un régimen comunitario de coordinación y asistencia mutua que permita a los buques militares que navegan en aguas internacionales, con pabellón de un Estado miembro, proteger, en la primera oportunidad posible, a los buques mercantes y pesqueros de otros Estados miembros.

Pero, además de lo anterior, quisiera denunciar, de manera categórica, el comercio de armas y de municiones con las bandas organizadas y facciones paramilitares. Nos gustaría, a mi Grupo, solicitar a las organizaciones internacionales competentes y a las regionales apropiadas que recomienden medidas preventivas adecuadas para que las armas no lleguen a manos de dichos grupos.

Asimismo, mi Grupo desearía pedir a los países donantes, y en concreto a la Unión Europea, que respeten sus compromisos y que garanticen una estrecha coordinación previa, a fin de aumentar la eficacia de la ayuda al desarrollo.

Nos gustaría también solicitar a la Comisión, aquí presente, que proponga un incremento rápido y considerable de los recursos financieros concedidos por la Unión Europea a Somalia, en particular con ocasión de la revisión intermedia del 10º Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo, así como un aumento de su presencia física en ese país. Aprovechando la presencia de la Comisión, me gustaría preguntar qué está haciendo o si va a hacer algo en este sentido.

Obviamente, no puedo terminar mi intervención sin hacer un llamamiento —al igual que lo hace esta resolución— a todas las facciones somalíes para que terminen con uno de los conflictos armados más largos y más destructivos de los últimos años.


  Marios Matsakis, author. − Mr President, Somalia is a country stricken by civil war and poverty over a number of years now. Thousands of civilians have died as a result, and hundreds of thousands have suffered and are still suffering.

The international community has taken some action and, it has to be said, with some limited success. But the plight of the Somali people continues, and the killing of civilians in that region, unfortunately, has now become a routine matter.

Bold and effective additional action is necessary, mainly – in my view – as follows:

Firstly, the UN arms embargo on Somalia must be strictly enforced. This must include China, which is the usual culprit in such situations.

Secondly, it must be ensured that all UN and EU aid going to Somalia reaches those in real and legitimate need and does not enter the pockets of war lords.

Thirdly, pressure must be exerted on the UN Security Council to proceed urgently with the implementation of its unanimous decision of 15 May 2008 to deploy a sufficiently strong UN peacekeeping force in the region – making sure, of course, that such peace-keepers are not of the same quality as those who recently were accused of committing crimes against the local population they were supposed to protect.

Fourthly, the African Union must, once again, be made to understand that it bears primary responsibility for what is happening in African regions such as Somalia, and – instead of much ineffective rhetoric – it must take urgent and practical action against all those regimes or other parties or factions that are throwing African people deeper into primitive and desperately dramatic situations.


  John Bowis, author. − Mr President, in 1960, British and Italian Somaliland looked forward to their dream of independence. But that dream very soon turned sour and I remember as chairman in the British Parliament of the British Somali Group, having this string of refugees coming to tell us first about the authoritarian regime in that country and then, of course, about the factional fighting and the anarchy.

Somaliland still has a degree of independence and stability, as does Puntland. But Mogadishu is a name synonymous with violence, murder, riots, hunger and a failed economy.

So what do we do? Well, we cannot do that much. Certainly not individually; probably not as Europe. But we can work with other international players to put pressure on the players inside the country to agree to halt the ongoing conflict, to halt violence, to stop the violations of international human rights and to work towards peace.

We have got to persuade them to allow humanitarian assistance to reach those most in need, and we have, perhaps, to help them ensure the safety of those humanitarian aid workers.

We must appeal to those outside who can help. We appeal to Kenya to allow Somali refugees to have access to the El Wak border and the right to assistance in that country.

We appeal to everyone, as has been referred to already, to ensure that we have the embargo on the sale of arms to that country. We insist that those who have committed war crimes must be brought to justice and, where appropriate, to the International Criminal Court. And, of course, we welcome the UN Security Council’s resolution of May calling for the deployment of 28 000 troops as a peacekeeping force; more realistically, perhaps, we urge that AMISOM be mandated to take protective action.

We need action: not just resolution, but we need international action.


  Erik Meijer, Auteur. − Voorzitter, het geweld in Somalië heeft alles te maken met het feit dat er sinds 1991 geen algemeen erkende regering meer bestaat. In het zuiden en midden van het land is jarenlang gevochten tussen de legertjes van verschillende krijgsheren en in het noorden wordt het daar functionerende bestuur voor het grondgebied van de voormalige Britse kolonie Somaliland internationaal niet erkend.

Daarna is er een strijd ontstaan tussen de Unie van islamitische rechtbanken en het leger van het buurland Ethiopië. Afspraken over hereniging van het land werden nooit algemeen ondersteund en diegenen die ze wel ondersteunden, maakten daar vaak een eind aan.

Die langdurige chaos maakt steun van de buitenwereld voor welke overgangsregering dan ook al gauw tot inmenging in onoplosbare gewapende binnenlandse conflicten.

In de afgelopen jaren heb ik er een aantal keren voor gewaarschuwd dat de Europese Unie door medefinanciering van falende constructies wordt gebonden aan een van de strijdende partijen zonder dat uitzicht ontstaat op een duurzame en breedgedragen oplossing.

Europa moet zéker helpen als er een oplossing mogelijk is, maar voorbarig ingrijpen leidt tot ongelukken.

Op 15 november 2007 heeft dit Parlement tijdens een eerder urgentiedebat over Somalië een resolutie aangenomen die opriep tot beëindiging van buitenlandse militaire interventies en tot dialoog en verzoening in het binnenland.

Het is goed dat ook de nu voorgelegde resolutie zich uitspreekt tegen misbruik van steun van de Europese Unie voor krijgsheren die hun macht willen herstellen, tegen het inzetten van kindsoldaten en tegen nieuwe wapenleveranties.

Gisteren is een moordaanslag op de overgangspresident Abdullahi Yusuf mislukt. Nog steeds staan gewapende troepen scherp tegenover elkaar. We moeten nu zien of het vorige week gesloten akkoord om binnen 30 dagen het geweld te stoppen en binnen 3 maanden de Ethiopische interventiemacht te vervangen door een vredesmacht van de Verenigde Naties een serieuze kans krijgt. Als dit leidt tot echte oplossingen, wordt Europese steun daarvoor zinvol.


  Adam Bielan, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Wznowienie w ostatnich dniach walk w Somalii pomiędzy oddziałami tymczasowego rządu federalnego a powstańcami pochłonęło życie ponad stu osób i doprowadziło do masowego exodusu ludności cywilnej ze stolicy Somalii Mogadiszu. W Somalii na porządku dziennym są ciągłe przypadki naruszania praw człowieka przez wszystkie strony konfliktu obejmujące tortury, gwałty, zabójstwa oraz ataki na ludność cywilną.

Społeczność międzynarodowa nie może być obojętna wobec jawnych aktów przemocy w Somalii. Unia Europejska musi zdecydowanie zwiększyć swoje zaangażowanie na rzecz rozwiązania konfliktu w Somalii i wezwać strony konfliktu do podjęcia wszelkich możliwych kroków dla zapewnienia pozbawionego przeszkód dostępu organizacji humanitarnych do niesienia pomocy poszkodowanej ludności tego kraju. Krokiem w dobrą stronę byłoby także rozmieszczenie żołnierzy sił pokojowych ONZ do czasu poprawy sytuacji politycznej oraz wznowienie embarga ONZ na dostawy broni do Somalii.


  Filip Kaczmarek, w imieniu grupy PPE-DE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Miesiąc temu ogłoszono Światowy Indeks Pokoju. Jest to badanie przeprowadzane corocznie w 140 państwach przez Instytut Ekonomii i Pokoju.

W badaniu tym uznano Somalię za drugi najbardziej niebezpieczny kraj na świecie, zaraz po Iraku. Rzeczywistość jest zasmucająca. Nie widać postępów w rozwiązywaniu tego długiego konfliktu, a napływające informacje są przerażające. Nie będę ich wszystkich tutaj powtarzał, ale powiem tylko, że jeśli chodzi o piratów somalijskich, to od początku tego roku uprowadzili oni 26 statków.

W konflikcie tak beznadziejnym jak somalijski każde porozumienie pomiędzy stronami należy traktować z należytą uwagą. Miejmy zatem nadzieję, że porozumienie z 9 czerwca z Dżibuti stanie się momentem przełomowym w tym konflikcie i doprowadzi do trwałego pokoju.


  Marianne Mikko, fraktsiooni PSE nimel. – Kallid kolleegid. Somaaliast on saanud kokkupõrgete tallermaa, et mitte öelda põrgu. Inimõigusi ja rahvusvahelist õigust rikutakse rängalt, maa vaevleb vaesuses.

Islamistide ja valitsuse üksuste vahelises võitluses on hukkunud tuhandeid tsiviilisikuid ja sajad tuhanded on olnud sunnitud põgenema. Inimesi tapetakse, vägistatakse, piinatakse igapäevaselt.

Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni statistika 2007. aasta kohta näitab, et maailmas on ligikaudu 457 000 somaali põgenikku. See tähendab poolt miljonit somaallast, kes on sunnitud ellujäämise nimel oma kodumaa jätma.

Viimase kolme kuu jooksul on vägivald Mogadishus sundinud üle viiekümne tuhande isiku põgenema. Olukord on väljunud igasuguse kontrolli alt.

Tunnen kaasa vägivalla eest põgenevatele isikutele. Peame tegema kõik Euroopast oleneva, et aidata Somaalial võtta suund rahule. Konfliktil ei tohi lasta areneda regionaalseks sõjaks. Aafrika vajab rahu nagu õhku.


  Ewa Tomaszewska, w imieniu grupy UEN. – Panie Przewodniczący! Od lat Somalia jest terenem brutalnych walk. W ostatnich dniach liczbę zabitych szacuje się na około stu osób, około dwustu zostało rannych. Tysiące ludzi musiały porzucić swe domy w Mogadiszu. Ataki wobec ludzi i mediów zaostrzają się. 7. czerwca brutalnie zamordowano Nasteha Dahira Faraha, wiceprzewodniczącego krajowego związku somalijskich dziennikarzy. Mordowani są pracownicy organizacji pomocowych, wśród nich Mohamed Mahdi. Narasta przymusowa rekrutacja dzieci do oddziałów zbrojnych. 2,6 miliona Somalijczyków (ok. 35% ludności) potrzebuje pomocy humanitarnej. O drastycznych formach ataków na bezbronną ludność cywilną informuje w swoich raportach Amnesty International. Nastolatkom, kobietom napastnicy często po prostu podrzynają gardła.

Apelujemy do Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ o wzmocnienie kontyngentu sił pokojowych w Somalii zgodnie z przyjętą 15 maja rezolucją, a także o wzmocnienie embarga na dostawy broni do Somalii.


  Bernd Posselt (PPE-DE). – Herr Präsident! Kaum eine Entschließung in diesem Haus hatte jemals – zumindest auf Deutsch – einen grausameren Titel: Routinemäßige Tötung der Zivilbevölkerung. Darauf können wir nicht mit Routine reagieren, liebe Kollegen, sondern nur mit vollem Einsatz. Ein Achtel der Bevölkerung wurde in den letzten zwölf Monaten vertrieben, bis Jahresende könnte die Hälfte der Zivilbevölkerung von humanitärer Hilfe abhängig sein.

Ich bin dem Kollegen Dess und anderen dankbar für die Lebensmittelhilfe, für die medizinische Hilfe, die dort gegeben wird, doch wir müssen jetzt auch eine politische Lösung ansteuern, die es seit 1991 nicht gegeben hat. Hier sehe ich nur folgende Möglichkeiten: Die UNO-Truppe muss stationiert werden, aber sie muss durch entsprechende zivile Strukturen ergänzt werden. Bei der Übergangsregierung müssen wir uns fragen: Übergang wohin? Übergang zu einer funktionsfähigen eigenständigen Struktur, oder es muss wie anderswo eine internationale Zivilstruktur etabliert werden. Gelingt uns dies nicht, werden wir am Schluss das ganze Volk der humanitären Hilfe unterwerfen müssen. Das kann keine Lösung sein gegen Mord, Vergewaltigung und Hunger.


  Colm Burke (PPE-DE). – Mr President, the humanitarian situation in Somalia is deteriorating rapidly due to a combination of conflict, political instability and severe drought, as well as high inflation compounding matters further.

We could be in danger of a return to the scenes of the 1992 famine if the international community does not give Somalia greater priority. 2.6 million people out of a population of around 8.6 million urgently need assistance. If there is no significant improvement in this country, this figure could rise to 3.5 million by the end of 2008. 1.1 million people are now internally displaced. Since January alone, over 300 000 people have fled their homes.

Humanitarian organisations are severely hampered in their efforts to help Somali civilians and are experiencing attacks, theft and obstruction at checkpoints. Such personnel face significant risks on a daily basis in their attempts to deliver food to those most in need. The African Union Mission in Somalia and any succeeding UN peacekeeping mission must be mandated to protect civilians, including women, children and internally displaced persons. Attempts must also be made to stem the increase in the recruitment of child soldiers, particularly in Mogadishu.


  Manuel Medina Ortega (PSE). – Señor Presidente, me levanto para hacer referencia a un único tema, a la piratería en aguas somalíes.

Algunos de los intervinientes —creo que el señor Kaczmarek y la señora Tomaszewska— han mencionado este tema y en la propuesta de resolución común se hace referencia al mismo en el considerando G y en el apartado 8, pero quiero advertir que, tal y como está redactado el apartado 8, la acción contra la piratería se limita a la defensa de los buques que transportan ayuda humanitaria, por lo que conviene separar esta parte y votar que no a la parte final.

Y, finalmente, quisiera preguntar a la Comisión si hay algo nuevo con respecto a una posible acción de la Unión Europea, en coordinación con el Consejo de Seguridad, para garantizar la seguridad marítima en esa zona.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Dla społeczeństw i państw szczególnie groźne są konflikty wewnętrzne i wojny domowe, które prowadzą do napaści i grabieży, do ucieczek i przymusowych wysiedleń, do gwałtów i tortur oraz innych okrucieństw. Tego wszystkiego doświadcza ludność cywilna, która jest bezbronna i często atakowana przez różne strony konfliktu.

Pomimo działań podjętych przez Sekretarza Generalnego ONZ, Unię Afrykańską i wsparcia, jakiego udziela Unia Europejska, sytuacja w Somalii jest tak trudna, że mówi się o klęsce humanitarnej. Szczególnego okrucieństwa doznają dzieci, które są włączane do tych walk.

Wydaje się, że najskuteczniejszą formą zapobieżenia tej klęsce, tej wojnie jest rozmieszczenie w Somalii żołnierzy sił międzynarodowych.


  Charlie McCreevy, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, unfortunately my colleague Louis Michel is not here today, so on his behalf I wish to share with you some remarks about this issue in Somalia.

Firstly, I would like to share your concern about the continuing conflict and political instability in Somalia. Somalia remains a context where fundamental rights and respect for basic human dignity continue to be shunned by armed entities perpetrating systematic and widespread attacks against civilians. Seventeen years of statelessness have seen loss of civilian life, mass displacements and destruction of physical infrastructures. One third of the population, corresponding to 2.6 million people, depends on humanitarian aid today. The European Union, together with other key international actors, is committed to helping at this critical juncture.

At the political level, the EU will continue to provide its full support to the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General in his efforts to coordinate the action of the international community and to facilitate inter-Somali political dialogue. We are now examining – together with other donors – the appropriate ways and means to better assist Somalis to effectively implement the Djibouti Agreement reached on 9 June. This agreement offers fresh hope for long-term peace and stability to the people of Somalia.

At humanitarian level, the EU is mainly focusing on supporting basic sectors such as health, nutrition, food assistance, shelter and non-food relief items, water and sanitation, as part of a range of activities particularly targeting central and southern areas of the country that have been badly affected by civilian strife and extreme natural hazards.

In 2007 our Humanitarian Aid Department managed to provide EUR 18 million in humanitarian assistance. In response to the worsening humanitarian situation and to the increase in food prices, the level of assistance should reach a total of EUR 27 million for this year.

At the development level, the EU is already the main aid donor for Somalia, providing medium- to long-term support for establishing a peaceful and self-sustainable society.

The EU Country Strategy for Somalia allocates more than EUR 212 million for the period 2008-2013, under the 10th European Development Fund. One third of this programme will be spent on education, which is relevant to respect for human rights. The critical goal is to encourage reconciliation, democracy and the development of governance structures at all levels. However, without peace and security it is not possible to engage effectively in longer-term development. Priority is therefore given to promoting a peaceful and secure environment in which human rights are respected and democratic processes and institutions can develop.

Commissioner Michel met with the Somali President, just a few days ago, on the margin of the IGAD Summit in Addis Ababa. On that occasion, President Yusuf made a strong appeal for international assistance to support a better, secure environment for people living in Somalia. We gave a commitment to provide strong support for the Somali Government to this end. The European Commission is already financing the training of Somali police forces through the UN, and funds are also being contributed to the costs of the AMISOM operation.

Ultimately the political process of reconciliation and stabilisation will also depend on the engagement and support of key regional players, namely Ethiopia and Eritrea, which have used the Somali theatre for a ‘proxy war’. In this respect the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia is a key element for any political breakthrough.

Commissioner Michel, who met Prime Minister Meles of Ethiopia and President Isaias of Eritrea last weekend, urged them to support the Djibouti process, which, although far from being perfect, offered a real if not the only opportunity to bring together the different Somali actors.

Despite the difficult circumstances, the Commission will continue its programme of aid to Somalia, which has been designed with Member States, in order to alleviate the suffering of the Somali population and to establish the ground for a peaceful society.

Some questions were raised about piracy and I would add that, although it is not competent for the deployment of naval forces as foreseen by UNSC Resolution 1816, the Commission has set up, together with the Council, a working group composed of the relevant directorates-general – namely the Energy and Transport DG, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries DG, the Development DG and EuropeAid – to study the best way to implement the UN resolution.


  Le Président. – Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu à la fin des débats.


(1)Voir procès-verbal

9.3. Iran: Eżekuzzjoni ta' minuri delinkwenti fl-Iran

  Le Président. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur six propositions de résolution concernant l'Iran(1).


  Mikel Irujo Amezaga, Autor. − Señor Presidente, es un hecho que la situación de los derechos humanos en Irán viene deteriorándose dramáticamente desde 2005.

El sistema judicial iraní tiene el triste récord de haberse convertido en el segundo país con más ejecuciones de penas de muerte per capita del mundo. En números totales, sólo China realiza más ejecuciones que Irán.

Dos importantes Tratados —como se menciona en la resolución—, la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, prohíben la pena capital como castigo para crímenes cometidos cuando el perpetrador tenía menos de 18 años. Y, lo más grave —es positivo, pero no los respeta— es que Teherán ha ratificado ambos convenios.

El asesinato, la violación, el robo a mano armada, el secuestro o tráfico de drogas son los delitos punibles con pena de muerte en Irán. La mayoría de los niños y niñas fueron condenados por homicidio, pero, sin embargo, hay muchas sentencias que parecen estar basadas en confesiones no fiables, extraídas de torturas e interrogatorios en los que se negó a los detenidos su derecho a acceder a un abogado.

Los tribunales rutinariamente ignoran evidencias presentadas por los defensores, demostrando que los acusados actuaron en defensa propia.

La ejecución de menores en Irán será uno de los temas incluidos en el informe del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, ante la Asamblea General, en septiembre.

Pedimos, pues, a Irán que ponga fin, de una vez por todas, a estas ejecuciones, incluidas las de al menos 85 personas más que permanecen condenadas a muerte por delitos cometidos cuando eran menores de edad.

No quisiera terminar sin decir que considero que esta misma semana hemos perdido, como Parlamento y como Unión Europea, cierta fuerza moral para defender el derecho de los menores de edad, máxime cuando ayer esta Cámara aprobó una vergonzosa directiva que permite recluir a los menores de edad por haber cometido exclusivamente el único delito de haber venido a Europa sin papeles.


  Marios Matsakis, author. − Mr President, the brutal activities of the theocratic Iranian regime against its own people are well known and have been the subject of previous resolutions by this Parliament.

This regime is known to commit – in the name of God, they claim – systematic and despicable crimes against innocent civilians. Resistance in Iran is extremely difficult and fraught with the risk of death. Outside the country Iranian civilians are struggling to fight for a democratic change in their country.

Such people include those belonging to the entirely non-violent PMOI organisation. Yet the Commission had put this organisation on the terrorist list and until recently was refusing to correct this mistake, even after relevant EU court rulings. I ask the Commissioner: why was this Iranian resistance organisation put on the terrorist list in the first place? Is it because some EU Member State or States having lucrative trade contracts or relations with Iran wanted to please the regime in Tehran?


  Marcin Libicki, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Kiedy dyskutujemy o sprawach łamania podstawowych praw ludzkich na świecie, to jednak musimy wprowadzić pewne rozgraniczenie, mianowicie na te wypadki, gdzie mówimy o niestabilnych rządach, wojnach domowych, o zbrodniach dokonywanych w sytuacji absolutnego chaosu, od tych sytuacji jak w Iranie, gdzie państwo jest względnie stabilne, nie ma wojny domowej, od czasu do czasu odbywają się wybory i to państwo stosuje tak zbrodnicze metody jak np. egzekucje wykonywane na dzieciach. To jest zupełnie inny przypadek niż dyskutowane przez nas kwestie, jak choćby dzisiaj dyskutowana sprawa Somalii czy Birmy. Tutaj jest kwestia nie jakiegoś wewnętrznego chaosu, tu jest kwestia innej cywilizacji. Tu się przypomina książka Huntingtona „Zderzenie cywilizacji”, tu się przypominają wielkie książki wielkiego historiozofa Feliksa Konecznego, który mówił o fundamentalnych różnicach cywilizacji. Jeżeli chcemy te problemy rozwiązać, to musimy jednak myśleć o tym, jak wpłynąć na te reżimy by zmieniły swoją mentalność.


  Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Autorė. − Liaukitės žudę vaikus – tai svarbiausias dalykas, pozicija, kurią šiandien Europos Parlamentas išreiškia savo rezoliucija. Tai yra ir mūsų žinia naujajam Irano Madžlisui, kuris turėtų suprasti savo pareigą – neatidėliojant pataisyti Irano baudžiamąjį kodeksą, kad jis atitiktų šios šalies prisiimtus tarptautinius įsipareigojimus, tarptautinės teisės normas.

Irane vykdomi mirties nuosprendžiai nepilnamečiams arba tiems asmenims, kurie nusikaltimus padarė būdami nepilnamečiai, mano giliu įsitikinimu, yra visiškai nepriimtinas elgesys. Apie tai, kad tokia valdžios vykdoma politika prieštarauja tarptautinei teisei, neseniai Iranui priminė ir Jungtinių Tautų Aukštoji žmogaus teisių komisarė.

Europos Parlamentas ne kartą yra pareiškęs tvirtą įsitikinimą ir poziciją prieš mirties bausmės taikymą, už mirties bausmės moratoriumą visame pasaulyje. Mes kalbame apie vyrus, moteris, vaikus, paauglius, mažumas, todėl baigdama noriu paraginti Irano valdžią sustabdyti mirties bausmės vykdymą ir tiems nepilnamečiams, kurie yra jau nuteisti mirti, nes tai nežmoniška.


  Věra Flasarová, Autorka. − Dámy a pánové, nesdílím názor Bushovy administrativy, že by Írán představoval hrozbu pro světovou bezpečnost a že je kvůli tomu třeba zbrojit. Jsem rovněž proti tomu vnucovat odlišným kulturám naše hodnoty a náš životní styl jen proto, aby měl nadnárodní kapitál usnadněnou cestu k surovinovým zdrojům planety a tím i k novodobému kolonialismu. Jsem ale proti barbarství, které přetrvává, ačkoliv pro ně už dávno neexistuje důvod. Barbarství, jakého se dopouští íránský režim Mahmúda Ahmadínedžáda popravami mladistvých delikventů a dokonce politických odpůrců, nemá zdůvodnění ani v kultuře Íránu. Tato země v minulosti uplatňovala trest smrti jen ve výjimečných případech a veřejné popravy se konaly pouze, jednalo-li se o trest pro hromadné vrahy či vrahy dětí. V letech současné vlády v Íránu se však konají stovky exekucí ročně, z nichž mnohé postihují mladistvé osoby. Tak tomu bylo i u 17letého Muhammada Hasanzádeha, který byl popraven 10. června. Na vlastní oči jsem nedávno viděla fotografie veřejných poprav v Íránu a věřte mi, že to patří k nejhrůznějšímu, co jsem kdy v životě viděla.

Moje frakce GUE/NGL prostřednictvím Evropského parlamentu žádá islámskou republiku Írán, aby vykonávání poprav okamžitě zastavila, zejména provádění exekucí na osobách, které se dopustily kriminálního činu v mladistvém věku. Írán za Ahmadínedžáda už dávno neposílá na šibenici jen hromadné vrahy, ale také lidi, kteří se dopouštějí činů, jaké vyspělý svět trestá nesrovnatelně mírněji nebo je vůbec nepovažuje za nezákonné jednání. Země musí přehodnotit své pojetí práva a přizpůsobit je respektování lidského života. Jinak Írán zůstane na okraji civilizovaného světa.


  Paulo Casaca, Autor. − Senhor Presidente, traz-nos hoje aqui de novo o tema da violação sistemática dos direitos humanos no Irão. Trata-se da questão fundamental da execução de menores por alegados crimes.

Permitam-me aqui que clarifique que, em muitos casos, se trata, por exemplo, de relações entre menores do mesmo sexo, não se trata sequer de qualquer crime, e que levam à condenação à morte e execuções públicas, como já pudemos testemunhar em filmes que dão a nota da barbárie do regime.

Mas é uma barbárie que não se confina à questão dos menores, não se confina à lapidação, aos records da execução. Passa também para o plano exterior, passa para o terrorismo.

E, perante isto, é preciso perguntar uma vez mais às Instituições europeias por que razão é que elas insistem em negociar com o regime terrorista de Teerão a condenação por terrorismo das organizações que fazem a sua oposição, como muito lembrou o nosso colega Matsakis, a organização dos Mujahiddin do povo do Irão.

Porque é que, em vez de condenarem o terrorismo, em vez de condenarem a violação dos direitos humanos, negoceiam em pacotes económicos e comerciais a condenação das vítimas do terrorismo? Isto é absolutamente imoral, indefensável, e é esta a política que inevitavelmente nos vai levar a uma confrontação, a uma guerra, se não a pusermos rapidamente em causa.

E eu, por isso, queria apelar à Comissão e ao Conselho para mudarem de política e para obedecerem aos tribunais e para não premiarem o terrorismo desta forma.


  Tadeusz Zwiefka, w imieniu grupy PPE-DE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Potrafię zrozumieć, chociaż tego absolutnie nie akceptuję, że istnieją na świecie systemy prawne, które akceptują karę śmierci, Ale nie potrafię sobie wyobrazić, aby nawet zwolennicy stosowania kary śmierci, szczególnie w naszym kręgu kulturowym, dopuszczali możliwość orzekania tej kary i jej wykonywania w stosunku do dzieci, w stosunku do nieletnich. A taka sytuacja ma właśnie miejsce w Iranie. Według najnowszego raportu Amnesty International ponad stu nieletnich oczekuje na wykonanie kary śmierci, a liczba ta zapewne nie jest pełna, bowiem nie wszystkie te kary są rejestrowane.

Słusznie wezwiemy dzisiaj władze polityczne i sądownicze Iranu do zastosowania moratorium na wykonywanie kary śmierci. Ale musimy sobie zadać też pytanie odnośnie nas samych: jak ocenić społeczność międzynarodową, jak ocenić nas, skoro nie potrafimy wyegzekwować od sygnatariuszy umów międzynarodowych stosowania zapisów zawartych w tych właśnie umowach kosztem nieletnich skazywanych na karę śmierci? Podtekst jest tylko jeden, jest to podtekst gospodarczy, który zwycięża niestety nad humanitaryzmem.


  Marianne Mikko, fraktsiooni PSE nimel. – Kallid kolleegid. Maailm ei tolereeri surmanuhtlust, Iraan aga ajab oma joont. Selle riigi olukord on karm. Iraani võimud ei vali hukatavaid, surmanuhtlust kohaldatakse ka noortele.

Lapseõiguste konventsiooni ratifitseerinud riigina minnakse teravasse vastuollu maailmaga. Surmanuhtluse kohaldamine on täielikus vastuolus inimõigustega. Selline karistamisviis on ebainimlik. Siiani vähemalt kolmekümne alaealise hukkamine Iraanis on ülimalt ülekohtune.

Tahan loota, et hetkel surmanuhtlust ootavad kaheksakümmend viis alaealist päästab maailm – meie nendega kaasa arvatud – nende julmast saatusest.

Lootkem, et vast valitud parlament toob kaasa uued inimlikud tuuled. Keskaegsed hukkamisviisid tuleb jätta ajalukku. Seadusandlus tuleb viia Iraanis kooskõlla rahvusvahelise õigusega. Iraanil on viimane aeg kohanduda 21. sajandiga. Toetan täielikult resolutsiooni.


  Janusz Onyszkiewicz, w imieniu grupy ALDE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Podejmujemy dzisiaj tą dyskusję poruszeni groźbą wykonania wyroku śmierci na czwórce młodych, bo mających poniżej 18 lat, ludzi. Nie jest to pierwsza tego rodzaju decyzja irańskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Iran znajduje się na szczęście w nielicznym gronie krajów, które wydają wyroki śmierci dla młodocianych i co gorsza, wyroki te wykonują. Co więcej, w ciągu ostatnich 3 lat ponad dwie trzecie takich wyroków wydanych na świecie to wyroki w Iranie.

Jest rzeczą oburzającą, że Iran w tak jaskrawy sposób łamie międzynarodowe konwencje, których jest sygnatariuszem, a które tego rodzaju działań kategorycznie zabraniają. Pojawia się więc pytanie znacznie bardziej ogólnej natury – czy społeczność międzynarodowa ma jakieś mechanizmy i instrumenty działania wobec takich krajów? Innymi słowy, czy łamanie podjętych przez dany kraj dobrowolnie zobowiązań może skutkować jakimiś widocznymi i odczuwalnymi sankcjami?

Ta sprawa wywołuje dwie refleksje. Pierwsza, to konieczność zwracania uwagi na używany często termin „rządy prawa”. Skazywanie także młodocianych za zachowania homoseksualne może być zgodne z prawem obowiązującym w Iranie – z tak rozumianymi „rządami prawa” nie możemy się przecież pogodzić.

Sprawa druga, jeśli domagamy się od innych przestrzegania zobowiązań i rozumnego, zgodnego z podstawowymi wolnościami prawa to sami powinniśmy je szanować. W tym kontekście nie sposób nie przywołać naszej opieszałości, żeby nie użyć mocniejszych słów, jeśli chodzi o wypełnienie ostatecznego werdyktu sądu i usunięcie irańskich mudżahedinów z listy organizacji terrorystycznych.


  Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, w imieniu grupy UEN. – Panie Przewodniczący! Najcenniejszą wartością dla każdego człowieka jest życie, nikt więc nie powinien pozbawiać go tej wartości pod żadnym pozorem. Szczególnie oburzające jest wymuszanie na nieletnich poprzez bicie i znęcanie się zeznań potrzebnych do uzasadnienia wyroków skazujących na śmierć. Wśród krajów, w których wykonywane są liczne wyroki śmierci (w tym na nieletnich), jest niewątpliwie Iran. Z aktualnych informacji wynika, że co najmniej 85 nieletnich przestępców oczekuje w tym kraju na egzekucję.

Nadszedł więc najwyższy czas, by Iran zaniechał uprawiania tego procederu i przyjął normy prawne uznane już przez inne kraje. Ludzi młodych trzeba wychowywać, a nie zabijać.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE-DE). – Mr President, just nine days ago an Iranian youth, Mohammed Hassanzadeh, was executed, having not reached the age of 18. There are also others who are waiting on death row, sentenced for alleged crimes they committed when they were still minors.

I think this is an occasion to remind public opinion that Tehran has become the world leader for the number of executions of juvenile offenders. We therefore urge in the strongest terms the Iranian regime to stop these executions.

However – and I address my remarks to the Commissioner – there are more practical things we can do. We can finally free the hands of the Iranian democratic opposition, the National Council of Resistance, to get rid of this inhuman dictatorship once and for all.


  Philip Bushill-Matthews (PPE-DE). – Mr President, Mr Matsakis opened the debate wondering if there was one country responsible for encouraging the whole of the EU to ban the PMOI. I can answer his question: it was the UK. The reason the UK Government did this is because the Government of Iran asked it to.

I regret to say that in my country we have a government that will not allow its own people a vote on the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and will also insist that the voice of the people of Iran cannot be heard anywhere throughout Europe.

I call upon the UK Government, when they vote in Westminster next week, to ensure that they remove the ban in accordance with the EU court ruling. For too long the UK Government has been part of the problem. It needs to become part of the solution.


  Peter Skinner (PSE). – Mr President, this is a very serious issue. Iran is executing young men and women as a means of social control. It is incredible in an age of modern civilisation that young girls and boys are executed, stoned to death or hanged from industrial cranes.

We ask and we call for the international community do more, but instead of actually standing together with the international community we hear cries against parts of the international community. We hear condemnation against the USA, for example; we hear differences in this House as to how we will handle it. We will never solve this crisis until we stand as one against this medieval crisis that is occurring in this country. It is something that we must do ourselves.


  Marios Matsakis (ALDE). – Mr President, I only wanted to take the floor for the second time in order to bring to the attention of my colleagues a book which discusses human rights abuses in Iran in 2007. It was brought to my attention just a little while ago and it contains many shocking references, one of which is about a girl waiting to be hanged named Ameneh Salam from a village in Naqadeh whose crime is that she became pregnant without being married. Incidentally the man who made her pregnant was sentenced to 99 lashes.


  Ewa Tomaszewska (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Od 1990 roku w Iranie wykonano co najmniej 430 egzekucji na nieletnich przestępcach. Karanie śmiercią dzieci to hańba dla dorosłych. Każde przestępstwo dokonane przez nieletniego to efekt porażki wychowawczej dorosłych. Przenoszenie odpowiedzialności za własną winę lub niekompetencję na nieletniego, stosowanie wobec dzieci nieludzkich kar, z karą śmierci włącznie, to zbrodnia. W Iranie wyroki śmierci wykonuje się nawet na dziesięciolatkach. Wyroki śmierci na młodocianych są sprzeczne z międzynarodowymi zobowiązaniami Islamskiej Republiki Iranu. Władze irańskie powinny natychmiast wstrzymać proceder mordowania nieletnich w imię nieludzkiego prawa.


  Zbigniew Zaleski (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Wydawało się, że po publikacji przez Roberta Hughes'a „Fatal Shore”, książki w której opisywał wysyłanie przez Koronę Brytyjską, a więc sądy, łącznie z rodzicami także i małych dzieci do Australii, że to się więcej nie powtórzy. Okazuje się, że minął wiek, albo półtora, i mamy to w Iranie – islamskim kraju, gdzie z jednej strony dba się o rodzinę, bo to widać. Dochodzi tam do większego barbarzyństwa, a niżeli można sobie to wyobrazić.

Jeżeli nie będziemy bronić tych dzieci, jeżeli nie będziemy bojkotować reżimu, jeżeli nie będziemy go potępiać jak tylko to jest możliwe na świecie, to będziemy posądzani o to, że mamy spolegliwe oko, milczymy i nie bronimy życia ludzkiego.


  Michael Cashman (PSE). – Mr President, I condemn the human rights abuses that occur daily in Iran. I believe also that we should lift the ban on the People’s Mujahedin, and we should do that as soon as possible.

I want to speak out against the death penalty being used against juveniles. I will never forget the picture of two boys who were publicly hung by the neck until they were dead. Their crime was that they were young homosexuals who dared to love one another. Such inhumanity should be condemned universally. That is why, Commissioner, we need a radical change in our policy towards Iran. We cannot sit back and wait: there is no more time!


  Avril Doyle (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I too would like to condemn the ongoing human rights abuses in Iran today, and I would also like, once the British have their vote next week, the Council – I think it will be under the French presidency – to remove, once and for all, the PMOI from the terrorist list.

Could I say, in fact – even though the UK were responsible having the PMOI in the first place on the list – thank goodness for the common law justice system and the system of the British courts, which at least ensured independent, free, objective justice and, indeed, the recommendation that injustice had been done to the PMOI in the first place by having them on the terrorist list, and recommending their removal.

I urge the French presidency – as I understand, it will be in their court – to follow through and remove them immediately. We cannot stand over the continuing abuse of human rights and the use of the death penalty at all, particularly where young men and young women and juveniles are concerned.


  Charlie McCreevy, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, my colleague Benita Ferrero-Waldner is unfortunately not here today, so on her behalf I thank you for the opportunity to address the issue of juvenile executions in Iran.

The Commission shares your deep concern about this harrowing question. While, as you know, the Commission lacks a representation in Tehran, it follows the human rights situation very closely and acts in close concertation with the EU Member States’ embassies represented there. It is important to note that the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the Commission have taken a coherent and consistent line. The seriousness of our concerns has been clearly stated through the three statements published by the EU Presidency over the past two weeks: on 4 and 10 June, over the cases of Mr Fadaei, Mr Shojaee and Mr Jazee, all facing imminent executions for crimes committed when they were minors; and on 13 June, on the execution of Mohammad Hassanzadeh.

The Commission fully supports the principle and the content of these statements: there can be no justification for the use of the death penalty by the Iranian authorities in the case of juvenile offenders. This explicitly runs counter to the legally binding provisions of international law, which Iran has ratified, notably the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The fact that we have had to issue so many statements at such a rapid pace obviously reflects the growing number of executions in Iran, including of minors. The moratorium decreed by Iran’s Chief Judiciary, Ayatollah Shahroudi, on youth executions is blatantly violated by his own judges.

But, unfortunately, the tone and the frequency of our statements on Iran also reflect the fact that our dialogue and démarches on human rights in general and on the issue of juvenile executions in particular have not been effective. The Iranian authorities increasingly turn a deaf ear to our calls for compliance with international human rights law and we have therefore no choice but to resort to the so-called ‘megaphone diplomacy’ via public statements that Tehran claims to abhor and reject.

Iran must face up to its own responsibilities. For its part, following the execution of Mr Hassanzadeh, the Commission has explicitly told the Iranian authorities that such an act could only cast a shadow over’s Iran’s international reputation and our relationship. Without a concrete improvement of the human rights situation, our common objective of developing substantively the relationship between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Iran is hindered.

I trust that the European Parliament and all EU partners will agree to this line and act accordingly. Therefore, I solemnly reiterate our call to the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to abide by the international conventions to which it is party and spare the life of all minors still on death row.


  Le Président. – Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu a la fin de débats.


(1)Voir procès-verbal

10. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet

  Le Président. – L'ordre du jour appelle l'Heure des votes.

(Pour les résultats des votes et autres détails les concernant: voir procès-verbal)


10.1. Id-detenzjoni li tippersisti tal-priġunieri politiċi fil-Burma (votazzjoni)

10.2. Qtil ta' routina tal-pajżana fis-Somalja (votazzjoni)

– Avant le vote sur le paragraphe 8:


  Marios Matsakis (ALDE). – Mr President, in order to avoid any possible confusion about the vessels which have been the victims of piracy off the coast of Somalia, I propose to insert the words ‘especially those’ after the word ‘vessels’ in paragraph 8. This is in agreement with the PPE-DE and PSE Groups, I understand.


  Manuel Medina Ortega (PSE). – Señor Presidente, el Grupo socialista había propuesto, para el apartado 8, una votación por partes, con la intención de votar en contra de la segunda parte, porque la frase final de «buques humanitarios» limitaba el contenido. Con la enmienda que nos presenta el señor Matsakis no haría falta la votación por partes, sino que podríamos votar conjuntamente el texto, con lo cual yo propongo que se acepte la enmienda oral y que votemos ese apartado 8 sin división.


(L'amendement oral est retenu)


10.3. Iran: Eżekuzzjoni ta' minuri delinkwenti fl-Iran (votazzjoni)

11. Dokumenti mressqa: ara l-Minuti

12. Trasferiment ta' approprjazzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti

13. Komunikazzjoni dwar il-pożizzjonijiet komuni tal-Kunsill: ara l-Minuti

14. Deċiżjonijiet dwar ċertu dokumenti: ara l-minuti

15. Dikjarazzjonijiet bil-miktub imniżżla fir-reġistru (Artikolu 116 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura): ara l-Minuti

16. Trażmissjoni tat-testi adottati waqt is-seduta li għaddejja: ara l-Minuti

17. Dati tas-seduti li jmiss: ara l-Minuti

18. Interruzzjoni tas-sessjoni

  Le Président. – Je déclare interrompue la session du Parlement européen.

(La séance est levée à 16 h 25)


ANNESS (Tweġiba bil-miktub)
QUESTIONS TO COUNCIL (The Presidency-in-Office of the Council of the European Union bears sole responsibility for these answers)
Question no 9 by Gay Mitchell (H-0368/08)
 Subject: Overseas Development Assistance funding

The EU Member States have undertaken to bring their Overseas Development Assistance spending to 0.56% by 2010 and 0.7% of GNI by 2015. The OECD has found that total official development assistance (ODA) from EU Member States fell from 0.43% of GNI in 2006 to 0.4% of GNI in 2007 - a fall nearly 6%.The EU average is now below the OECD average of 0.45%. From these figures it is increasingly likely that EU countries will fall a long way short of their commitments. This does not sit well with the importance placed by the EU on development policy and our solidarity with the world's poorest people. Will the Council make a statement on this matter?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

V drugi polovici leta 2008 bodo organizirana tri pomembna mednarodna srečanja: forum III na visoki ravni o učinkovitosti pomoči (Akra, 2.–4. september), dogodek na visoki ravni o razvojnih ciljih tisočletja (New York, 25. september) in mednarodna konferenca o spremljanju financiranja za razvoj pri pregledu izvajanja soglasja iz Monterreya (Doha, 29. november–2. december).

Svet je 27. maja 2008 v okviru priprav za udeležbo EU na teh srečanjih sprejel sklepe o EU kot globalnem partnerju za razvoj: pospeševanje napredka na poti k uresničitvi razvojnih ciljev tisočletja, v katerih "EU ponovno izraža svojo močno in dolgoročno finančno zavezo do držav v razvoju, da bo dosegla skupni cilj 0,56 % URP/BNP do leta 2010 in 0,7 % URP/BNP do leta 2015, kakor je določeno v sklepih Sveta iz maja 2005, sklepih Evropskega sveta iz junija 2005 in evropskem soglasju o razvoju".

Evropska unija je v letih 2002 in 2005 sprejela zaveze zgodovinskega pomena, da bi prispevala k napredku in uspehu mednarodnega financiranja za razvoj, vendar je resno zaskrbljena zaradi znižanja zneska skupne uradne razvojne pomoči (URP) s 47,7 milijard € v letu 2006 na 46 milijard € v letu 2007. Kljub temu ostaja Evropa največji donator na svetu, zlasti v Afriki, sodeč po sporočilu Komisije pa je znižanje zneska pomoči samo prehodno: če so bodo napovedi držav članic za leto 2008 uresničile, bi morala stopnja pomoči letos spet doseči rekordno raven.

Da bi bile zaveze EU v očeh mednarodne skupnosti bolj kredibilne, je Svet močno spodbudil države članice, naj čim prej in ob upoštevanju konference o spremljanju iz Dohe oblikujejo kontinuiran orientacijski večletni časovni načrt, v katerem bo prikazano, kako nameravajo v nacionalnih proračunskih postopkih in v okviru sedanjih pristojnosti doseči cilje URP.

Kar zadeva razvojne cilje tisočletja, bo EU – po možnosti do zasedanja Evropskega sveta junija 2008 – pripravila akcijski načrt, v katerem bo opredelila specifične mejnike in ukrepe s časovnim okvirom na ključnih področjih, kot so izobraževanje, zdravje, enakost spolov, voda, kmetijstvo, rast in infrastruktura, ki bodo prispevali k uresničitvi razvojnih ciljev tisočletja do leta 2015.


Question no 10 by Sarah Ludford (H-0370/08)
 Subject: Ahmadiyya community in Indonesia

How is the Council responding to recent events in Indonesia involving violence directed towards the minority Muslim Ahmadiyya community, including setting fire to a mosque, vandalisation of a religious school and attacks on individuals? These despicable acts appear to be tolerated by the Indonesian authorities, since they reflect official hostility to Ahmadiyya Muslims in Indonesia, which is expected to result in a decree banning the Ahmadiyya community and placing restrictions on their civil liberties.

Will the Council give assurances that it will prevail upon the Indonesian Government to condemn the violence and vandalism, to respect the right to religious freedom and to refrain from a ban or any restrictions on the civil liberties of Ahmadiyyas?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet Evropske unije je seznanjen s položajem islamskega gibanja Ahmadija (Jamaah Ahmadiyah) v Indoneziji. Zaskrbljen je zaradi poročil o nasilju in nestrpnosti do tega gibanja, pa tudi zato, ker je videti, da indonezijska vlada razmišlja o prepovedi oziroma omejitvi njegovih dejavnosti.

Indonezijo poznamo predvsem po njeni demokratični, pluralistični in strpni družbi, ti dogodki pa bi lahko omadeževali njen ugled, ki si ga vsekakor zasluži.

Indonezijska vlada je 9. junija 2008 odločila, da Ahmadija lahko tudi v prihodnje deluje kot verska skupnost. Moralo ji biti omogočeno, da izraža versko prepričanje in izvaja verske obrede. Treba pa je prepovedati vse dejavnosti tega gibanja, katerih cilj je razširjanje različnih razlag "osnovnih naukov islama".

Delovna skupina Sveta EU za človekove pravice (COHOM) je na problematiko napadov na skupnost Ahmadija opozorila na svoji majski seji. Trojka EU je 28. maja 2008 predala indonezijski direktorici za človekove pravice in humanitarne zadeve na indonezijskem ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve usklajeno demaršo, v kateri je vlado Indonezije pozvala, naj si po svojih najboljših močeh prizadeva za varstvo pripadnikov skupnosti Ahmadija in zaščito njihovih mošej, opravi pa naj tudi ustrezno preiskavo požara v eni od mošej. Sogovornica se je na zaskrbljenost EU glede napadov in morebitne prepovedi obstoja gibanja odzvala zaskrbljeno in zagotovila, da se indonezijska vlada s problematiko ukvarja resno in na visoki ravni.


Zapytanie nr 11 skierowane przez Zdzisław Kazimierz Chmielewski (H-0372/08)
 Przedmiot: Promowanie stosowania źródeł odnawialnych

W projekcie dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie promowania stosowania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych (COM(2008)0019) występuje rozbieżność między wymaganiami wynikającymi z projektu przedmiotowej dyrektywy i projektu zmiany dyrektywy 98/70/WE(1), gdzie zakłada się 10 proc. redukcję emisji gazów cieplarnianych w cyklu zużycia paliw transportowych w okresie od 2011 r. do 2020 r. Ten obowiązek w praktyce będzie skutkował potrzebą realizacji znacznie większego udziału biopaliw niż założony w projekcie tejże dyrektywy w sprawie promowania stosowania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych.

Czy zdaniem Rady obowiązek dotyczący emisji gazów cieplarnianych w cyklu zużycia paliw transportowych nie powinien być dostosowany do wynikającego z dyrektywy w sprawie promowania stosowania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych poziomu udziału biopaliw?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet se zaveda perečih vprašanj, na katere opozarja poslanec. Vendar so razprave glede obeh direktiv še vedno v precej zgodnji fazi. Zaenkrat se tri institucije še niso dogovorile o ustreznih ravneh za oba cilja. Eden od ciljev Sveta pri nadaljnjih pogajanjih bo, da se zagotovi skladnost in sorazmernost dogovorjenih ciljev.

Zelo težko je narediti neposredno povezavo med obema ciljema. Cilj predlagane direktive o obnovljivih virih energije zadeva vse vrste obnovljivih goriv za promet pri čemer ne gre samo za biogoriva, ampak na primer tudi za vodik in elektriko, pridobljeno iz obnovljivih virov. Nanaša pa se tudi na vse oblike prevoza, vključno z letalskim in ladijskim prevozom. Medtem ko je cilj direktive o kakovosti goriva zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov iz goriv, ki se uporabljajo za pogon cestnih vozil in necestne mobilne mehanizacije. Uporaba biogoriva je ena od mnogih možnosti, ki bi jih zadevne industrije lahko uporabile za zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov. Druge možnosti vključujejo tudi zmanjšanje sežiganja na črpališčih in povečanje učinkovitosti rafinerij. Zato je obseg uporabe biogoriv odvisen od njihove razpoložljivosti, relativnih stroškov in prihranka iz emisij toplogrednih plinov.

Tri institucije so se načelno tudi dogovorile, da morajo biogoriva spoštovati trajnostna merila za zmanjšanje morebitnih negativnih neposrednih učinkov, ki bi nastali zaradi proizvodnje. Vsebina teh meril, ki so še vedno predmet razprave, bi vplivala tudi na prodor biogoriv na trg.


(1) Dz. U. L 350 z 28.12.1998, str. 58.


Question no 12 by Mairead McGuinness (H-0373/08)
 Subject: Current situation in Burma

Can the Council comment on the current situation in Burma?

Since the anti-government protests were forcefully quashed, last September, the country is even more remote. While ministers have asked for help to deal with the crisis caused by the recent cyclone, the ruling military junta has yet to allow aid in. International aid agencies have called on the Burmese Military Government to relax restrictions on their operations to deal with the disaster.

Does the Council agree that this disaster could have some positive outcome for the Burmese people if the Burmese Government accepted help and opened up the country to outside assistance?


Question no 13 by Brian Crowley (H-0415/08)
 Subject: The political situation in Burma

Could the Council give an updated assessment of the political situation in Burma at this time?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

EU se je v tednih po ciklonu Nargis osredotočila na zagotavljanje nujne pomoči. Predsedstvo je v tesnem sodelovanju z Evropsko komisijo 14. maja 2008 sklicalo izredno sejo Sveta GAERC (razvoj), na kateri so obravnavali humanitarne razmere v Burmi/Mjanmaru. Svet je v svojih sklepih pozval tamkajšnje oblasti, naj omogočijo neoviran dostop do območij v Burmi/Mjanmaru, ki jih je prizadel ciklon.

Ministri za razvoj so na majski seji Sveta GAERC ponovno pozvali oblasti v Burmi/Mjanmaru, naj uresničijo obljube, ki so jih dale zvezi ASEAN/ZN na donatorski konferenci v Rangunu (25. maj 2008), zadevajo pa dostop humanitarnih delavcev in humanitarne pomoči do prizadetih območij. Svet je menil, da je primerneje, če se posebna pozornost nameni humanitarnim vprašanjem, saj bi lahko tako pomagali več žrtvam nesreče.

Svet javno obžaluje, da je bil hišni pripor Dav Ang San Su Či 27. maja podaljšan, in ponovno poziva k takojšnji izpustitvi vseh političnih zapornikov in pripornikov. Poleg tega EU obžaluje, da so oblasti v Burmi/Mjanmaru 10. in 24. maja izvedle ustavni referendum v splošnem ozračju ustrahovanja; izid zaradi tega ni verodostojen.

EU upa, da bodo večstrankarske volitve, ki so jih oblasti napovedale za leto 2010, pripravljene in izvedene na način, ki bo zagotovil verodostojen prehod v demokracijo. Le dejanski dialog z vsemi političnimi zainteresiranimi stranmi bo Burmi/Mjanmaru pomagal pri doseganju stabilnosti in blaginje. EU si bo v tej smeri prizadevala tudi v prihodnje (tudi v okviru forumov ZN), in sicer z izražanjem podpore nadaljnjim dejavnostim generalnega sekretarja ZN Ban Ki-Moona in posebnega svetovalca Ibrahima Gambarija ter z ukrepanjem posebnega odposlanca EU Fassina, ki se je pravkar vrnil iz jugovzhodne Azije.

Vsekakor lahko upamo, da bo država na podlagi pozitivnih izkušenj z mednarodno pomočjo spoznala, da bi ji koristila bolj odprta politika.


Question n° 14 de Marie Anne Isler Béguin (H-0375/08)
 Objet: Résolution des conflits au Mali et au Niger

Au Mali et au Niger les conflits armés entre les rebelles et les autorités ont repris. Au Mali, malgré l'accord d'Alger (juillet 2006) et les médiations menées par l'Algérie et la Libye, les violences se multiplient avec l'assassinat, le 11 avril 2008, de deux responsables targuis et les attaques de casernes, dont celles du 21 mai 2008, entraînant la fuite des populations civiles vers les pays voisins. Au Niger, les violences ont pour toile de fond la redistribution des revenus et l'impact sanitaire et environnemental de l'extraction d'uranium par l'entreprise française AREVA.

Dans le cadre du Partenariat stratégique Afrique/Union européenne, signé à Lisbonne le 6 décembre 2007, le Conseil compte-t-il proposer une médiation pour aider à la résolution des conflits dans ces deux pays?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet je zelo zaskrbljen zaradi vse slabših razmer na severu Malija in Nigra. Te razmere dejansko pomenijo nadaljevanje večje krize med drugim zaradi suše, dezertifikacije, pomanjkljivega razvoja in vtihotapljanja političnega islama, ki je prizadela celoten Sahel od Somalije vse do Mavretanije.

Svet si zato prizadeva, da bi prispeval k rešitvi te krize. Razmestitev evropskih sil (EUFOR) v Čadu (in v Srednjeafriški republiki) na določen način prispeva k stabilizaciji celotnega Sahela. Če pa bi čadska zapora popustila, bi celotnemu Sahelu grozila anarhija in nasilje.

Vprašanje, ki posebej zadeva Mali in Niger, se redno obravnava v okviru Sveta. Zadevo pozorno spremlja tudi GS/VP: tako je v Bruslju sprejel malijskega predsednika in nigrskega predsednika vlade. Prav tako je bil zastopan na investituri predsednika Touréta. Njegov odposlanec je z odgovornimi na vodilnih položajih v Maliju dolgo obravnaval vprašanje Sahela. GS/VP v pogovorih z najvišjimi organi Alžirije in Libije, ki igrajo ključno vlogo pri trenutnih prizadevanjih za pomiritev krize, redno obravnava to zadevo. V zvezi s tem je treba opozoriti, da temeljijo vsa prizadevanja na sporazumih iz Alžira, sklenjenih maja 2006. GS/VP je zadevo obravnaval tudi s predsednikom komisije ECOWAS, dr. Ibnom Chambasom, in sicer na nedavnem srečanju trojke s tem organom, GS/VP je 23. maja 2008 objavil izjavo o nedavnem napadu v Abeibari.


Question n° 15 de Jacky Hénin (H-0378/08)
 Objet: Problème du système de refinancement des banques par la BCE

Le 15 mai 2008, le président de la Banque centrale du Luxembourg a déclaré que la qualité des garanties apportées par les banques commerciales au guichet de refinancement de la BCE s'était fortement détériorée. Ainsi, une suspicion existerait sur la nature des liens entre la BCE et les banques commerciales touchées par la crise financière. Ces banques élaborent des titres de dettes dont la notation est faible afin de les échanger contre des emprunts du Trésor de meilleure qualité auprès de la BCE. Les opérations de refinancement à long terme effectuées par les banques auprès de la BCE, à partir de ces titres de valeur problématique, se sont fortement accrues ces derniers mois. On ne peut qu'être légitimement très inquiet face à cette situation.

Devant le refus de la BCE de communiquer sur cette question, le Conseil peut-il informer le Parlement sur la réalité des problèmes du système de refinancement des banques auprès de la BCE et leurs conséquences pour l'Union?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Institucije Skupnosti morajo v skladu s členom 108 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in členom 7 Protokola o Statutu Evropskega sistema centralnih bank in Evropske centralne banke spoštovati neodvisnost Evropske centralne banke, nacionalnih centralnih bank in Evropskega sistema centralnih bank.

Svet namerava to obveznost spoštovati, zato vprašanja ne bo komentiral.


Ερώτηση αρ. 16 του κ. Αθανασίου Παφίλη (H-0390/08)
 Θέμα: Προκλητικές διώξεις αντιφασιστών στην Εσθονία

Οι αρχές της Εσθονίας, μετά τον "πόλεμο" που διεξήγαγαν το 2006 με τα αντιφασιστικά μνημεία, προχωρούν τώρα και σε δίκες κατά αντιφασιστών, όπως κατά του 89χρονου παρασημοφορημένου, «Ήρωα της ΕΣΣΔ», Αρνόλντ Μέρι, καθώς και κατά 4 νεολαίων, μελών της κοινωνικής οργάνωσης που αντιτάχθηκε το 2006 στην απομάκρυνση του αντιφασιστικού μνημείου από το κέντρο του Ταλίν. Οι τελευταίοι έχουν καταγγείλει ότι κακοποιήθηκαν μετά τη σύλληψή τους, ενώ ένας μάρτυρας κατηγορίας παραδέχτηκε στο δικαστήριο πως οι αρχικές καταθέσεις τους ήταν προϊόν βίας που χρησιμοποίησαν πάνω τους οι αρχές ασφαλείας της Εσθονίας.

Πώς κρίνει το Συμβούλιο αυτές τις προκλητικές κι ανιστόρητες ενέργειες των αρχών της Εσθονίας; Τι προτίθεται να πράξει ώστε να σταματήσει ο κατήφορος του αντικομμουνισμού και αντισοβιετισμού, που οδηγεί στη δικαίωση των ναζί και στο διωγμό των αντιφασιστών;


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet od vedno in tudi sedaj trdi, da so človekove pravice na prvem mestu; zavzema se za preprečevanje in izkoreninjenje vseh oblik poniževalnega in diskriminatornega ravnanja ter bo tako ravnal tudi v prihodnje.

Vendar sodijo incidenti, o katerih govori poslanec, v pristojnost držav članic. Svet ne more posegati v zadevo, ki jo obravnavajo pravosodni organi države članice, niti ne more izvajati preiskav o vzdrževanju javnega reda in miru s strani organov države članice.

Predsedujoča verjame, da bo Estonija to vprašanje rešila v skladu z najvišjimi standardi na področju človekovih pravic.


Zapytanie nr 17 skierowane przez Leopold Józef Rutowicz (H-0398/08)
 Przedmiot: Trend podwyżek cen energii elektrycznej i paliw

Znacznie rosną ceny energii elektrycznej i paliw dla obywateli na rynkach UE. Równocześnie rosną zyski firm handlujących energią elektryczną i paliwami. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że istniejący trend podwyżek nie zmieni się. Jakie działania podjęto, aby osłabić ten wzrost cen, mający duże znaczenie dla obywateli UE o niskich dochodach oraz dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet se dobro zaveda posledic naraščajočih cen energije za evropske državljane, pa tudi njihovega negativnega učinka na evropsko gospodarstvo; to vprašanje je bilo obravnavano tudi na nedavnih zasedanjih.

Svet že nekaj časa podpira aktivno politiko na področju energetske učinkovitosti in raznovrstnosti oskrbe z energijo, s katero se lahko prispeva k upočasnjevanju porasta cen energije, raznolike poti oskrbe z energijo pa zadevajo države in regije, prometne poti ter vrste goriva.

Svet je že leta 2003 skupaj s Parlamentom sprejel direktivo 2003/30/ES o pospeševanju rabe biogoriv ali drugih obnovljivih goriv v prometnem sektorju; ta direktiva izrecno določa okvirne cilje za minimalni delež obnovljivih goriv, ki bi jih morale države članice v določenih rokih dati na svoje trge. Svet opozarja, da je bil na spomladanskem zasedanju Evropskega sveta marca 2007 sprejet akcijski načrt "Energetska politika za Evropo", ki določa zavezujoč cilj 20-odstotnega deleža energije iz obnovljivih virov v celotni porabi energije v EU do leta 2020. Trenutno skladno s temi cilji preučuje predlog Komisije za direktivo o spodbujanju uporabe energije iz obnovljivih virov, ki bo, ko bo sprejeta, še dodaten prispevek k zmanjšanju porabe fosilnih goriv.

Drugo pomembno področje ukrepanja je energetska učinkovitost, kar je v svojem pozivu k večji energetski učinkovitosti potrdil tudi spomladanski Evropski svet marca 2007, in sicer, da se doseže cilj 20-odstotnega prihranka porabe energije do leta 2020. K uresničitvi tega cilja prispeva veljavna zakonodaja, na primer direktiva o učinkovitosti končne rabe energije in energetskih storitvah, ki sta jo leta 2006 sprejela Evropski parlament in Svet. Poleg tega Svet s ciljem spodbujati energetsko učinkovitost na svetovni ravni dejavno podpira ustanovitev mednarodne platforme za sodelovanje na področju energetske učinkovitosti.

Svet poudarja, da je treba izboljšati preglednost naftnih trgov, spodbujati konkurenco na energetskih trgih in okrepiti dialog z državami proizvajalkami nafte. Svet opozarja tudi na dogovor, dosežen leta 2005 v Manchestru, po katerem bi se morali izogibati davčnemu in drugemu političnemu posredovanju, ki izkrivlja konkurenco, saj gospodarskim subjektom onemogoča, da bi se ustrezno prilagodili. Ukrepi, s katerimi naj bi omilili posledice višjih cen nafte za revnejše sloje prebivalstva, bi morali biti kratkoročni in ciljno usmerjeni ter ne bi smeli izkrivljati konkurence.


Pergunta nº 18 do Pedro Guerreiro (H-0405/08)
 Assunto: Situação dos cinco cidadãos cubanos presos nos EUA - Os cinco de Miami

Na sequência da resposta do Conselho (H-0132/08(1)) sobre a inaceitável situação de António Guerrero, Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Ramon Sabañino e René González, patriotas cubanos que defenderam o seu país de acções terroristas promovidas e realizadas por organizações sedeadas em Miami, nos EUA, impõe-se clarificar que o Grupo de Trabalho das Nações Unidas sobre Detenções Arbitrárias nunca se pronunciou sobre a concessão de vistos aos familiares destes 5 patriotas cubanos encarcerados nos EUA;

Pela obstrução e recusa sistemática por parte das autoridades dos EUA na concessão de vistos aos seus familiares, nos últimos dois anos, o período de espera para obter um visto se prolongou em média a cerca de um ano, chegando a prolongar-se até 2 anos, como no caso de Elizabeth Palmeiro, esposa de Ramón Sabañino, que desde Junho/2006 não recebe a visita dos seus familiares. Antonio Guerrero permaneceu por mais de 17 meses sem receber visitas de familiares. Fernando González permaneceu mais de um ano nessa situação. As autoridades dos EUA impossibilitam Adriana Pérez de visitar Gerardo Hernandéz, o seu esposo, desde 12.9.1998. Olga Salanueva é impossibilitada pelas autoridades dos EUA de visitar o seu esposo, René Gonzáles, desde Agosto/2000.

Como pretende o Conselho actuar para que sejam respeitados os mais elementares direitos humanos destes 5 cidadãos patriotas cubanos detidos em prisões nos EUA, como o direito de receberem a visita dos seus familiares?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet je seznanjen s tem, da ameriške oblasti družinskim članom in drugim osebam ne dovolijo, da bi imeli stike s petimi kubanskimi državljani, ki so jih te oblasti obsodile. Svet je že v odgovoru na pisno vprašanje E-6094/07 obžaloval, da niti poslanci Evropskega parlamenta niso dobili dovoljenja, da bi jih obiskali.

Izrečena sodba je interna zadeva, za katero so pristojna sodišča ZDA. Odločitev o dodelitvi vizuma za vstop na ozemlje neke države prav tako sodi v notranjo pristojnost te države. Svet zato ni pristojen, da bi se izrekal o teh vprašanjih.

Kljub temu želi Svet poudariti, da ne odobrava nobenega primera, v katerem se ne more v zadostni meri zajamčiti človekovih pravic in spoštovanja oseb.


(1) Resposta escrita de 12.3.2008.


Zapytanie nr 19 skierowane przez Ryszard Czarnecki (H-0410/08)
 Przedmiot: Sytuacja w Macedonii

Jak Rada ocenia sytuacje w Macedonii, gdzie w trakcie niedzielnych wyborów doszło do zamachów, zabójstw i zamieszek?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje Sveta in držav članic, ni bil predstavljen ustno v času za vprašanja, ki ga ima Svet na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet je v sklepih, sprejetih v ponedeljek, 16. junija 2008, obsodil nasilne incidente in druge večje pomanjkljivosti, povezane z volitvami 1. junija, ki jih je ugotovil Urad za demokratične institucije in človekove pravice (ODIHR) pri OVSE. Oblasti je pozval, naj preučijo vse prijavljene incidente in ustrezno ukrepajo v skladu s priporočili ODIHR/OVSE. V zvezi s tem je pozdravil njihovo odločenost, da nemudoma obravnavajo ta vprašanja in izvedejo ponovne volitve v vseh krajih, v katerih je prišlo do nepravilnosti.

Predsedstvo opozarja na pripombe iz predhodne ocene ODIHR/OVSE, iz katerih je razvidno, da so pri ponovnih volitvah sicer bile zagotovljene bistvene varnostne izboljšave, kar je omogočilo večini volivcev svobodno glasovanje, hkrati pa je bilo kljub prizadevanju državnih institucij, da bi zagotovile uspešne ponovne volitve, pri pripravah in na dan volitev 15. junija mogoče opaziti nadaljevanje napetosti in primere ustrahovanja.

Svet pričakuje, da bosta kmalu vzpostavljena novi parlament in vlada, kar bo omogočilo, da država doseže trajen napredek pri reformah. Vse politične stranke je tudi pozval, naj spodbujajo konstruktiven dialog, ki vključuje vse strani, in v njem sodelujejo ter izvajajo prednostne naloge iz partnerstva za pristop.

Nazadnje je Svet izjavil, da je EU trdno zavezana evropski perspektivi Zahodnega Balkana in države v regiji spodbuja, naj izpolnijo potrebne pogoje.


Question no 20 by Eoin Ryan (H-0413/08)
 Subject: Common position of Economic Partnership Agreements

Given the heated discussions and the marked discord and disagreement that has hung over the issue of Economic Partnership Agreements for some time, can the Council tell us what the state of play is at the moment and if the EU and ACP countries are any nearer to a common position on EPAs?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

V skladu z direktivami, ki jih je Svet sprejel junija 2002, je za pogajanja glede sporazumov o gospodarskem partnerstvu na strani EU odgovorna Komisija. Komisija vodi pogajanja ob posvetovanju s posebnim odborom, ki ga imenuje Svet v okviru teh direktiv, katere lahko Svet vsak čas spremeni. Pogajanja vztrajno napredujejo na regionalni ravni, njihov cilj pa je čimprejšnja sklenitev regionalnih SGP v dogovorjenih časovnih okvirih in ob vključitvi raznolikih sektorjev.

Pogajalski proces za SGP je eno pomembnejših vprašanj pri delu Sveta. Svet za splošne zadeve in zunanje odnose (GAERC) je na seji 27. maja 2008 sprejel nov sveženj sklepov o sporazumih o gospodarskem partnerstvu (SGP). Svet je še enkrat poudaril v razvoj usmerjeno naravo teh sporazumov. Svet pozdravlja parafiranje celovitega SGP z regijo CARIFORUM, ki bo podpisan 23. julija 2008 na Barbadosu in za katerega meni, da ima pospeševalno vlogo pri procesih regionalnega povezovanja v regiji. Kar zadeva druge regije, je Svet ugotovil, da je parafiranje začasnih sporazumov preprečilo nevarnost motenja trgovinskih tokov, kar je bilo velikega pomena. Sedaj je treba začasne sporazume podpisati in o tem obvestiti STO. Vendar pa se začasni sporazumi lahko štejejo le kot prvi korak, saj bodo lahko le celoviti regionalni sporazumi o gospodarskem partnerstvu uresničili polni razvojni potencial zadevnih regij.

V sklepih Svet z zadovoljstvom ugotavlja, da so ob začetku nadaljevanja pogajanj v letu 2008 pogodbenice poudarile skupno željo, da nadaljujejo pogajanja, usmerjena k sklenitvi celovitih regionalnih sporazumov o gospodarskem partnerstvu. Svet močno podpira ta skupna prizadevanja in se zaveda pomislekov, ki jih izražajo partnerji AKP, ter zahteva, da se pri obravnavi odprtih vprašanj upoštevajo prožnost, tako vsebine kot samega procesa sprejemanja začasnih ali celotnih EPA sporazumov, in asimetrije, ki so združljive na ravni celotne STO.

Svet meni, da lahko sporazumi o gospodarskem partnerstvu igrajo ključno in pozitivno vlogo pri regionalnem povezovanju držav AKP ter da bi morali graditi na obstoječih procesih regionalnega povezovanja. Svet je pripravljen podpreti regionalno povezovanje in sporazume o gospodarskem partnerstvu tudi s sredstvi za pomoč trgovini, medtem ko opozarja, da pomoč trgovini ni pogojena s podpisom SGP ali začasnega sporazuma. Svet poudarja pomembnost trenutnega političnega dialoga z regijami AKP o SGP, da bi okrepili duh partnerstva iz sporazuma iz Cotonouja, in bo še naprej nadzoroval proces na strani EU.


Question no 21 by Liam Aylward (H-0417/08)
 Subject: Scientific risk-based analysis of plant protection products

Given the fact that world food prices are rising, that this has repercussions for EU citizens and developing countries and that we need to continue to produce more food, can the Council inform us, regarding the pesticides (plant protection products) package, as to the status of Council negotiations to reach a Council compromise proposal and whether a more scientific risk-based approach will succeed as the preferred outcome?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Sveženj za pesticide je sestavljen iz več zakonodajnih predlogov.

Glede predloga direktive o določitvi okvira za ukrepe Skupnosti za doseganje trajnostne rabe pesticidov je Svet na svoji seji 19. maja 2008 sprejel skupno stališče. Stališče bo septembra posredovano Evropskemu parlamentu.

Glede uredbe o dajanju fitofarmacevtskih sredstev v promet in uredbe o statističnih podatkih za fitofarmacevtska sredstva bo Svet za kmetijstvo in ribištvo na zasedanju 23. in 24. junija 2008 skušal doseči politični dogovor o teh dveh predlogih. Potem ko bodo skupno stališče dokončno oblikovali pravniki lingvisti, bo Svet sprejel skupno stališče, ki bo vaši instituciji posredovano septembra.

Svet je pri preučevanju zakonodaje o pesticidih skrbno upošteval vplive dveh različnih pristopov. Svet si vseskozi prizadeva za ravnotežje med ustreznim varovanjem zdravja ljudi in okolja ter zaščito evropskega kmetijstva.

Svet se veseli, da bomo v okviru pogajanj v drugi obravnavi med našima institucijama skupaj preučevali ta vprašanja.


Question no 22 by Seán Ó Neachtain (H-0419/08)
 Subject: Regional development of research and innovation frameworks

Can the Council specify what concrete measures are being put in place to encourage regional development – especially away from large urban centres – of research and innovation frameworks that will allow balanced regional growth and job creation in line with the Lisbon Strategy, as discussed by the Council in March of this year?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Najbrž veste, da je zadnja leta spodbujanje razvoja okvira za raziskave in inovacije na regionalni ravni ena od poglavitnih prednostnih nalog politike EU na področju raziskav in inovacij. Kar zadeva raziskovalno politiko, sedmi evropski okvirni program za raziskave in tehnološki razvoj (2007–2013) vključuje vrsto zelo učinkovitih instrumentov – posebnih programov (zlasti so to programi "Sodelovanje", "Zmogljivosti" in "Ljudje").

Nova pobuda "Regije znanja" naj bi poleg tega okrepila raziskovalni potencial v evropskih regijah, zlasti s spodbujanjem in podpiranjem razvoja regionalnih, v raziskovanje usmerjenih grozdov, ki združujejo univerze, raziskovalna središča, podjetja in regionalne organe, po vsej Evropi.

Omeniti pa bi morali tudi pet skupnih tehnoloških pobud, pobude iz člena 169 ter pobude v zvezi s sistemom ERANET.

Učinkovito podporo inovacijam in uvajanju tehnologije na regionalni ravni poleg tega zagotavlja Okvirni program za konkurenčnost in inovacije (2007–2013). Namenjen je predvsem malim in srednje velikim podjetjem, zato imajo neposredne koristi programa v največji meri prav regionalne inovacije in razvoj.

Slovensko predsedstvo Sveta je podprlo tudi stockholmsko konferenco o regionalnih inovativnih grozdih v Evropi januarja 2008. Svet se je v neposrednem partnerstvu z Odborom regij zavzel za oblikovanje priročnika, namenjenega akterjem na področju raziskav in inovacij, ki bi vseboval informacije o tem, kako izkoristiti možnosti financiranja iz vseh obstoječih virov Skupnosti, tudi iz strukturnega sklada; Evropska komisija naj bi priročnik predvidoma izdala letos poleti. V tem pogledu bi bilo treba opozoriti tudi na izredno pomembno preusmeritev posegov strukturnih skladov, ki veliko obeta; uskladili naj bi jih s cilji iz Lizbonske strategije glede konkurenčnosti, inovacij, rasti in novih delovnih mest.

Regionalni razvoj in blaginjo naj bi spodbudila tudi pobuda Komisije za vodilni trg. Načela iz te pobude je potrdil Svet za konkurenčnost na zasedanju 29. in 30. maja 2008.

Izvajanje navedenih lizbonskih ciljev na regionalni ravni pa naj bi pospešil tudi prihodnji vmesni pregled finančnega okvira za obdobje 2007–2013.


Ερώτηση αρ. 23 του κ. Γεωργίου Τούσσα (H-0422/08)
 Θέμα: Nέες διώξεις της κολομβιανής κυβέρνησης ενάντια αγωνιστών

H κολομβιανή κυβέρνηση, με χαλκευμένες κατηγορίες "περί σχέσεων με την τρομοκρατία", έχει βάλει στο στόχαστρο τους βουλευτές Γουίλσον Μπόρχα, Γκλόρια Ινές Ραμίρες και Αμίλκαρ Φιγκερόα, τη γερουσιαστή και κύρια διαπραγματεύτρια μεταξύ FARC και προέδρου της Βενεζουέλας και ξένων κυβερνήσεων, Πιεδάδ Κόρδοβα, τον πρώην υπουργό Αλβαρο Λέβια, το μέλος της Συντακτικής Συνέλευσης του Εκουαδόρ Μαρία Αουγκούστα Κάγιε, τους δημοσιογράφους Λάσαρο Βιβέρος, Γουίλιαμ Πάρα και Ιβάν Λαρέα, τον ακαδημαϊκό Τζέιμς Τζόουνς, την κοινωνιολόγο Λιλιάνα Πατρίτσια Ομπάντο και τον Κάρλο Λοσάνο, διευθυντή της εφημερίδας Βος. Η δήλωση της Προεδρίας στις 19.5.2008 παραβλέπει τις ευθύνες της κολομβιανής κυβέρνησης για την συνέχιση των δολοφονικών ενεργειών, την "καλεί" να συνεχίσει τον αγώνα ενάντια στην βία ενθαρρύνοντας την επιχείρηση τρομοκράτησης και τη συνέχιση των διώξεων.

Καταδικάζει το Συμβούλιο τις ενέργειες της κολομβιανής κυβέρνησης που στοχεύουν στην τρομοκράτηση του κολομβιανού λαού, με διώξεις παραγόντων της πολιτικής και κοινωνικής ζωής;


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Čeprav EU dosledno zavrača vsakršno teptanje človekovih pravic in teroristična dejanja v Kolumbiji, ne glede na to, kdo jih je povzročil, Svet priznava okrepljena prizadevanja kolumbijske vlade, da ponovno vzpostavi mir in pravico v zelo zapletenih razmerah. EU, ki je spodbudila vlado, naj nadaljuje s temi prizadevanji, je s svojim sodelovanjem prispevala k različnim vidikom tega procesa.

Svet poziva vse udeležence, naj bo njihova vloga konstruktivna, naj zmanjšajo napetosti ter pospešijo proces pravice in miru, ki je v korist ljudstva.


Question no 24 by Laima Liucija Andrikienė (H-0423/08)
 Subject: Security of energy supplies to Lithuania

EU energy security is at the top of the EU political agenda. In order to guarantee stable energy (i.e. electricity) supplies, Lithuania is trying to prolong the work of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Point until the new NPP is built in the country.

Taking into account energy security issues, the challenges of climate change, the world economic situation, rising energy prices, potential shortages in energy supply in Lithuania after 2009 and Lithuania's long-standing commitment to close the INPP but with a few years postponement, will the Council support Lithuania in overcoming the difficulties which occurred already after 2004 when Lithuania joined the EU?


Odgovor, ki ga je pripravilo predsedstvo in ne zavezuje ne Sveta ne držav članic, ni bil dan ustno v času za vprašanja, odmerjenem Svetu na delnem zasedanju Evropskega parlamenta junija 2008 v Strasbourgu.

Svet se močno zaveda morebitnih težav, ki jih poslanka opisuje v svojem vprašanju in izhajajo iz zaveze Litve, da bo v skladu z Aktom o pristopu iz leta 2003 in najpozneje do 31. decembra 2009 zaprla enoto 2 (zadnja enota v obratovanju) jedrske elektrarne Ignalina in to enoto zatem razgradila.

V zvezi s prevzetimi obvezami iz ustreznega Protokola št. 4 k Aktu o pristopu o jedrski elektrarni Ignalina v Litvi Svet opozarja, da so vse države članice prevzele obveze; za kakršno koli spremembo obvez, kot je na primer nekajletno podaljšanje obratovanja jedrske elektrarne Ignalina, ki ga omenja poslanka, bi bila potreba sprememba v skladu s postopkom iz Akta o pristopu, zlasti njegovega člena 7.

Svet želi poslanko opozoriti na člen 4 Protokola št. 4, ki navaja, da se Litva lahko do 31. decembra 2012 v posebnem primeru, da "je oskrba z energijo v Litvi motena", sklicuje na splošno zaščitno klavzulo iz člena 37 Akta o pristopu. Poudariti je treba, da bi se navedeni člen 4 uporabljal "brez poseganja v določbe člena 1", ki določa datum zaprtja.

Svet se zaveda, da je za omejitev in odpravo morebitnih posledic zaprtja jedrske elektrarne Ignalina potrebnih veliko različnih ukrepov. Med ukrepe sodijo, vendar niso omejeni na, razvoj novih proizvodnih zmogljivosti, večje število povezovalnih daljnovodov za električno energijo med Litvo in drugimi državami članicami in izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti ter uporaba obnovljivih virov energije. Če se Komisija odloči, da bo predložila predloge o takšnih ukrepih, jih bo Svet ustrezno obravnaval.


Ερώτηση αρ. 33 του κ. Δημητρίου Παπαδημούλη (H-0354/08)
 Θέμα: Απόφαση της UNFCCC σχετικά με την ανεπάρκεια του συστήματος καταγραφής των εκπομπών αερίων θερμοκηπίου στην Ελλάδα

Η αδυναμία εφαρμογής της Σύμβασης του Κιότο αποτελεί μία από τις κορυφαίες παραβιάσεις του κοινοτικού και διεθνούς δικαίου περιβάλλοντος από την Ελλάδα. Η αρμόδια Επιτροπή UNFCCC του ΟΗΕ με απόφασή της (17.4.2008) έκρινε ανεπαρκές το σύστημα καταγραφής των εκπομπών αερίων θερμοκηπίου στην Ελλάδα και απαγόρευσε τη συμμετοχή της χώρας στους μηχανισμούς εμπορίας του πρωτοκόλλου.

Θεωρεί ενδεχομένως η Επιτροπή ότι η έξοδος της Ελλάδας από το σύστημα Κιότο θα έχει επιπτώσεις σε όλο το σύστημα εμπορίας των δικαιωμάτων εκπομπής αερίων θερμοκηπίου στην ΕΕ; Ποιες θα είναι οι επόμενες ενέργειές της; Προτίθεται να ξεκινήσει διαδικασία για την παραπομπή της Ελλάδας στο Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων;


The fact that Greece will not be allowed to make use of the Kyoto mechanisms until it manages to re-establish its eligibility will not have an impact, at this stage, on the European Community as a whole.

However, continued non-compliance by Greece might endanger Community compliance if it affects its capacity of providing reliable aggregate figures, for the Community as a whole, to the United Nations.

The European Commission has already started an infringement procedure against Greece for not having properly established its national system. Upon proof to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that Greece's national system is fully operational, the infringement process may be closed.


Question no 35 by Sarah Ludford (H-0366/08)
 Subject: Air Quality

In 2003, the average hourly mean for NO2 at the Heathrow LHR2 testing site near London’s Heathrow airport was 59 ug/m3. That is almost 50% higher than the current targets. The highest recorded mean at this site (over a 15 minute period) was 224 ug/m3, which is 570% above EU targets.

Given those pollution levels, what steps is the Commission taking to advise the UK Government that, in order to prevent a failure to achieve the legally-binding targets in the new directive on ambient air quality, a third runway should not be built at Heathrow?

Furthermore, is the Commission willing to meet with leaders of the 2M group of London councils, which represents 19 councils and over 4 million London residents, in order to discuss the effect a third runway would have on attempts to achieve air quality targets?


The Commission is following closely the expansion of Heathrow airport and its environmental impact. The competent UK authorities have now finalised the environmental impact assessment of the project, with the public consultation closing in February 2008. The Commission has also received up to date air quality data which confirm exceedance of limit values in the London region.

According to European Union (EU) legislation, it is the responsibility of the United Kingdom (UK) authorities to assess the impact of particular infrastructure projects and ensure that all relevant environmental standards are respected before, during and after the implementation of the project.

The Commission follows UK implementation of provisions in the relevant Community legislation. The 'Project for the sustainable development of Heathrow'(1) includes the UK government's commitment to consider adding a third runway only after public consultation and whilst “complying with strict conditions on air quality and noise”.

On the basis of available information the assessment of environmental impacts has complied with the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive 85/337/EEC(2), and the public consultation has taken place as required. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC(3) has not been applied as the process was launched before it was applicable.

The model results of the impact assessment include explicit projections of the exceedance of the annual nitrogen dioxide limit value, even after 2015. This is five years after its attainment date, and beyond maximum possible postponement conditionally allowed under the new Air Quality Directive(4). This is a cause of concern. The UK may however introduce further abatement measures to compensate for the increased environmental pressure.

The air pollution originating from the potential expansion of Heathrow airport should be included in the update of the air quality plan for greater London. Projected compliance with all the limit values by their respective attainment dates must be demonstrated in the plan by identifying the abatement measures chosen.

In summary, the Commission is aware of the significant environmental pressures, in particular in noise and air pollution, caused by the increase in air traffic throughout Europe. It therefore follows with interest the developments at the EU's largest airport, and monitors implementation of relevant provisions under Community legislation. After the limit value attainment dates, the Commission will enforce compliance with these standards where necessary. Specific decisions related to airport development, such as building the third runway, are under national competence.

The Commission confirms its willingness to discuss these issues further with MEPs and stakeholder groups.


(2) Directive 85/337/EC, OJ L 175, 5.7.1985, p.40-48, as amended by Directive 97/11/EC, OJ L 73, 14.3.1997, p. 5-15
(3) OJ L 197, 21.7.2001, p. 30-37
(4) Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, OJ L 152, 11.6.2008, p. 1


Question no 36 by Vittorio Prodi (H-0371/08)
 Subject: Biocides legislation - review programme and animal testing

The EC biocides legislation requires participants in the review programme to make 'all reasonable efforts' to avoid duplicate animal testing, and to record these efforts in the dossiers they submit for review to Rapporteur Member States.

In what way do Rapporteur Member States and the Commission make sure that participants in the biocides review engage in such reasonable negotiating efforts?

Is my information correct that dossiers of participants, without mention of reasonable negotiating efforts, have nevertheless been found complete by Rapporteur Member States?

Has the Commission, having the ultimate responsibility to see to it that Member States correctly implement EC legislation, ever challenged findings by Rapporteur Member States that reasonable negotiating efforts were made? If so, what happened next?


Article 13 of the Biocides Directive 98/8/EC(1) requires of those who seek authorisation of a biocidal product to take all reasonable steps to reach an agreement on sharing information with holders of former authorisations for similar products.

Commission Regulation (EC) 1451/2007(2) on the 10-year review programme for active substances used in biocidal products also requires that participants in the review programme make all reasonable efforts to submit a collective dossier. Otherwise, they have to detail in their dossier why co-operation was not possible. The Member States designated as Rapporteurs for the active substances are responsible for verifying compliance with this obligation.

It has to be noted that, while the Directive is against any duplication of animal testing, it does not go as far as to make data-sharing mandatory. For this reason, the Member State in charge of evaluating the active substance has to appreciate in each case what constitutes "reasonable efforts" and whether these have been made or not.

The Commission is not aware of any cases where a Rapporteur Member State declared a dossier complete without checking, where applicable, that data-sharing efforts were made. However, the Commission is aware of a case where a company submitted several incomplete dossiers (vertebrate animal studies missing) within the same deadlines as the notified participants for the active substances in question, and requested additional time to negotiate an agreement with the notified participants to refer to their animal studies. These were initially refused on the grounds that the active substances they are defending are not chemically identical to the ones supported by the company. This claim was challenged by the company and duly examined by the Rapporteur Member State; it appears that it is not correct.

None of the dossiers submitted by the company have been rejected so far as incomplete. The notified participants have meanwhile agreed to discuss data sharing for one of the substances and submitted legal arguments against data sharing for the others.

The Commission has since organised several meetings, addressed a series of letters and is in consultation with all parties involved to clarify the situation.


(1) OJ L 123, 24.4.1998, p. 1-63
(2) OJ L 325, 11.12.2007, p. 3–65


Klausimas Nr. 37, pateikė Justas Vincas Paleckis (H-0383/08)
 Tema: Dėl apyvartinių taršos leidimų

Uždarydama atominę elektrinę Lietuva, kaip ir kai kurios kitos ES valstybės turės pereiti prie daugiau aplinką teršiančių elektros energijos gamybos būdų, kai naudojamas kietasis kuras (anglis, mazutas), arba gamtinės dujos, kurių kaina rinkoje labai išaugusi. Skaičiuojama, kad vien dėl šios priežasties į aplinką išmetamų šiltnamio dujų kiekis 2010 m. Lietuvoje padidės 5–7 mln. tonų per metus, o elektros energijos kaina padidės 2 kartus, palyginti su 2008 m. Šalia to dėl apyvartinių taršos leidimų numatomas papildomas 20–30% brangimas. Deja, Lietuva vis dar išlieka sala ES energetinėje sistemoje, tiesiogiai priklausanti nuo viduje pagaminamos arba iš Rusijos importuojamos elektros energijos. Dėl šios išskirtinės energetinės situacijos ir socialinio ekonominio poveikio Lietuva prašo EK kompensacinio mechanizmo – laikinų išlygų – nemokamų apyvartinių taršos leidimų šiluminėms elektrinėms, kurios pakeis atominės elektrinės pagaminamą elektros energijos kiekį (4,5 mln. tonų CO2 per metus), iki kol bus pastatyta nauja atominė elektrinė.

Kaip Komisija ketina spręsti išskirtinėje energetinėje situacijoje atsidūrusios Lietuvos, taip pat ir kitų ES šalių problemas? Kokias Komisija numato kompensacines priemones, susijusias su apyvartinių taršos leidimų paskirstymu?


Electricity prices freely determined in a well functioning and competitive electricity market are essential in terms of both fighting climate change and security of electricity supply. In this context, the European Union (EU) emission trading scheme integrates the cost of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in electricity prices. However, EU emission trading is not linked to the liberalisation of the Lithuanian energy market, which would be the main driver for higher electricity prices.

The Commission is aware of the fact that rising electricity prices may entail cases of social hardship.

For this reason, its proposal to amend the EU Emissions Trading System provides the possibility for revenues from auctioning allowances to be used to address social aspects in lower and middle income households. Through the distribution of auctioning rights, Lithuania would be able to raise substantial revenues that can be used for this purpose.

It is also worth mentioning that, in overall economic terms, Lithuania is expected to benefit from the implementation of the climate and energy package as proposed by the Commission, notably through the redistribution of auctioning rights. This will provide sufficient scope for Lithuania to address potential social impacts.

The Commission would like to highlight that the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant is a separate issue.

Detailed provisions on the closure are laid down in Protocol No 4 attached to the Accession Treaty of the ten new Member States including Lithuania. The Council and the Commission have acknowledged the need to help Lithuania in decommissioning Ignalina and in providing alternative energy sources making up for the generation capacity lost through the shut-down. In 2006, the relevant legal framework has been extended up to 2013, providing another € 837 million from the Community budget to this end, which adds to the € 285 million granted for the period 2004 to 2006.

The shut-down of Ignalina has also been fully taken into account in the decision on the Lithuanian National Allocation Plan for the 2nd trading period of the EU ETS from 2008 to 2012: Lithuania has received one third more allowances than its 2005 verified emissions to cater for the closure of Ignalina.


Interrogazione n. 38 dell'on. Monica Frassoni (H-0391/08)
 Oggetto: Decreto legge 23 maggio 2008 n. 90 (rifiuti)

Lo scorso 23 maggio, il governo italiano ha emesso un decreto legge con cui, a causa dell'emergenza rifiuti in Campania, si deroga a numerose norme nazionali che recepiscono le direttive comunitarie, come la 1999/31/CE(1) sulle discariche o la 85/337/CEE(2) sulla valutazione d'impatto ambientale. In particolare, con il decreto in oggetto, si abolisce la distinzione tra rifiuti ammissibili e non, in una discarica per rifiuti non pericolosi, consentendo in pratica il conferimento di rifiuti anche tossici laddove non si potrebbe; si chiamano "impianti" quei luoghi dove i rifiuti in attesa di trattamento vengono stoccati per più di anno (e addirittura oltre i tre), mentre si tratta di discariche di fatto; si consente di realizzare discariche senza barriere geologiche o con barriere geologiche non a norma, e si consente la pratica del mescolamento e della diluizione dei rifiuti.

Come intende la Commissione ristabilire il rispetto delle normative europee e porre fine a questo vero e proprio abuso del concetto di stato di emergenza?


The waste crisis in Campania has now existed for more than a decade.

To date, whereas over 7000 tonnes of waste are produced daily in Campania, the waste management capacity of the Region is close to zero.

On 6 May 2008 the College therefore decided to refer Italy to the Court of Justice for failure to establish a sufficient network of waste treatment facilities compliant with standards set by Community law accompanied by a coherent long-term waste management strategy with a view to boosting recycling and separate waste collection.

The Commission is aware that Italy is making serious attempts in solving the waste crisis in Naples. Italy is aware that now a point of no return has been reached.

The new law decree of 23 May 2008 no.90 which was presented to the Commission in a technical meeting on 30 May 2008 appears to be a rigorous step in the right direction, making separate waste collection plans and targets obligatory as well as providing for new waste infrastructure such as additional landfills and incinerators.

However, the Commission has already expressed on a technical level its deep concern about provisions in this new decree allowing for a wide derogation of Community law, notably key provisions of the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC(3) and other Directives.

Even where the situation appears difficult, Italian authorities must comply with Community environmental legislation.

Compliance with the acquis is not a bureaucratic exercise. Community environmental law establishes a framework for the protection of human health and of the environment. It would be paradoxical if, in order to face sanitary risks in the short term, human health and the environment were again put at risk, for example by not applying key provisions of the Landfill Directive providing for long term sanitary requirements which depend on the nature – hazardous or non-hazardous – of the waste to be landfilled.

The Commission is ready to assist Italy in identifying certain flexibility mechanisms as provided for by other acts of Community legislation, including the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive(4), to help Italy to tackle the current crisis without breaching EC law.

However, the Commission, as the guardian of the Treaty, will stay firm in its position that no derogation of any binding acquis will be permissible.

The Decree-Law of 23 May 2008 is now before the Italian Parliament for conversion into Law, and the Commission will closely scrutinise the legal text which will be finally enacted. Should Italy put legislation in force allowing undue derogations from the acquis, taking legal action under Article 226 of the Treaty would be the only option available to the Commission.


(1) GU L 182 del 16.7.1999, pag. 1.
(2) GU L 175 del 5.7.1985, pag. 40.
(3) OJ L 182, 16.7.1999, p. 1
(4) Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, OJ L 175, 5.7.1985 as amended by Council Directive 97/11/EC of 3 March 1997 OJ L 73, 14.3.1997 and Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC, OJ L 156


Question no 39 by Margarita Starkevičiūtė (H-0393/08)
 Subject: Relocation of hazardous materials recycling and waste processing production

The fragile environment of the Baltic Sea coast is now being threatened by a number of hazardous material and waste processing plants relocating from the old EU Member States to Lithuania. It should be noted, however, that environmentally friendly production did not experience such a trend. The lower costs of production in Lithuania therefore appear to be an insufficient justification for the process.

Would the Commission agree that EU regulations can be seen as encouraging the relocation of this type of enterprise? Has the Commission carried out any analysis on concentration and relocation of this kind of production? What are the factors influencing it?


The Commission is not aware of a relocation process of waste treatment facilities from "old" EU Member States to Lithuania.

Installations for the treatment of more than 10 tonnes of hazardous waste per day have to be reported to the European Pollutant Emission Register which was established in 2000(1) . Lithuania reported the number and location of installations in 2004. Any recent trends about the number of waste treatment facilities should become visible from the report for the period ending in 2007 which is due in 2009.

The Commission does not regard EU legislation as encouraging the relocation of waste treatment facilities to new Member States as this legislation applies in all Member States.

Installations for the treatment of hazardous waste are covered by the Waste Framework Directive(2), the Directive on hazardous waste(3) and – for installations with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes a day – by the Directive on integrated pollution prevention and control(4). These Directives ensure a high level of environmental and health protection, and the implementing them should prevent adverse effects from waste treatment in all European countries.

Furthermore European legislation on shipments of waste has to be taken into account. Article 5 of the Waste Framework Directive states that waste should be disposed of in suitable installations in the proximity of the waste generation. The European Regulation on shipments of waste(5) allows the Member States to raise objections against waste shipments in case the waste treatment in the country of destination would not comply with environmental standards or would lead to treatment under lower standards as in the country of the waste origin.

Ensuring a high level of environmental and health protection in all European Member States and preventing the circumvention of environmental standards by waste shipments within or outside the European Union does not set incentives for the relocation of waste treatment facilities for environmental reasons.


(1) Commission Decision 2000/479/EC of 17 July 2000 on the implementation of a European pollutant emission register (EPER) according to Article 15 of Council Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC), OJ L 192, 28.7.2000, p. 36
(2) Directive 2006/12/EC, OJ L 114, 27.4.2006, p. 9
(3) Directive 91/689/EEC, OJ L 377, 31.12.1991, p. 20, as amended
(4) IPCC Directive 2008/1/EC, OJ L 24, 29.1.2008, p. 8
(5) Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006, OJ L 190, 12.7.2006, p. 1


Question no 40 by Neena Gill (H-0395/08)
 Subject: Preventing the tiger from extinction

Following a successful tiger day organised in the European Parliament, MEPs expressed the gravest concerns about this majestic species becoming extinct in 17 years. This demise is largely due to illegal poaching and trafficking of tiger-related products which are sold across China and East Asia.

Could the Commission explain what actions it will undertake immediately to halt this extinction? In particular, will it provide technical and financial assistance on enforcement of poaching laws to India? Will it ensure that the issue is raised at all meetings the EU has with tiger range states, including India, China and Nepal? What measures can the Commission propose to change attitudes in countries which trade and consume tiger products?


The Commission shares the grave concern about the poaching and illegal trade of tigers.

Under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) commercial international trade in tigers and tiger products has been prohibited since 1975.

However, in several countries poaching is ongoing and poses a big threat to wild populations of the species.

The Community is fully committed to CITES and plays a key role within the Convention, in particular in order to ensure that its provisions are effectively implemented and enforced.

The Commission has urged China on numerous occasions to step up its efforts to tackle illegal wildlife trade. It understands that China has made progress in improving enforcement of CITES, but intends to raise the matter with them again at relevant opportunities in order to ensure that CITES is being enforced effectively.

The Commission has been critical of the slow progress by India on taking enforcement measures and setting up a specialised wildlife crime organisation, but has noted that this country has now recently taken new measures.

The Commission has expressed on many occasions its willingness to provide funding and technical assistance to India in order to support conservation programmes for the species and to address poaching. It is the Commission's intention to raise this further with India in appropriate bilateral meetings.

Although such funding and assistance has not yet been requested by India, the Commission has provided funding through its multilateral programme for an Asian CITES implementation and enforcement workshop in China in 2005. This workshop addressed enforcement issues and regional cooperation in combating illegal trade in tiger products.

The Commission also intends to provide funding for a CITES enforcement meeting due to take place next year, which will focus on illegal tiger trade as well.

The European Community fully supported the decisions to strengthen existing measures under CITES at the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention in June 2007. These decisions include in particular a requirement that the countries concerned improve international cooperation in conservation and trade controls for tigers. It also calls for the set up of regional enforcement networks.

The Range States, including India, China and Nepal, are due to report about progress made to the next CITES Standing Committee meeting in July 2008. The Standing Committee will review the progress and consider any further actions needed. The Commission is studying the documents presented by the Range States and will call on the Standing Committee to ensure that the agreed measures are indeed taken by the countries involved.

The Commission is fully convinced that urgent steps are needed in order to ensure the protection of the species, and will use appropriate opportunities in its regular contacts with the countries concerned to express this view.


Ερώτηση αρ. 41 του κ. Εμμανουήλ Αγγελάκα (H-0402/08)
 Θέμα: Ρύπανση υδάτων του ποταμού Νέστου με στερεά απόβλητα προερχόμενα από την Βουλγαρία

Σύμφωνα με καταγγελίες κατοίκων που ζουν κοντά στο ποταμό Νέστο και οικολογικών οργανώσεων της περιοχής, εντός της ελληνικής επικράτειας για άλλη μια φορά ο ποταμός γέμισε με μεγάλες ποσότητες απορριμμάτων προερχόμενες από την βουλγαρική πλευρά. Tο φαινόμενο αυτό επαναλαμβάνεται τακτικά μετά από έντονες βροχοπτώσεις όταν οι περιοχές γύρω από το φράγμα Θησαυρού κατακλύζονται από όγκους απορριμμάτων όπως σκουπίδια, κουτιά φυτοφαρμάκων, υλικά νοσοκομείων, λάστιχα, κ.α. που προέρχονται από την Βουλγαρία. Tο θέμα έχει τεθεί επανειλημμένα από τις Ελληνικές Αρχές προς την βουλγαρική πλευρά και έχουν γίνει συναντήσεις σε Νομαρχιακό και Περιφερειακό επίπεδο μεταξύ των δύο χωρών, χωρίς όμως αποτέλεσμα. Να ληφθεί υπ όψιν ότι από τα νερά του ποταμού Νέστου αρδεύονται περισσότερα από 200.000 στρέμματα καλλιεργήσιμης γης!

Γνωρίζει η Επιτροπή το μέγεθος του προβλήματος και με ποιό τρόπο προτίθεται να ασκήσει πιέσεις προς την γείτονα χώρα, ώστε να υποχρεωθεί να εφαρμόσει τις δεσμεύσεις όσον αφορά την εφαρμογή των οδηγιών για την προστασία των επιφανειακών υδάτων και του περιβάλλοντος και να σταματήσει την ρύπανση του ποταμού Νέστου; Υπάρχει δυνατότητα άμεσης χρηματοδότησης ενός προγράμματος παρακολούθησης των επιπέδων μόλυνσης των υδάτων του ποταμού Νέστου ώστε να ελεγχθεί και να αντιμετωπιστεί η μόλυνση που προέρχεται από την βουλγαρική πλευρά;


Clear and ambitious environmental legislation is in place addressing the quality of our waters as well as environmentally safe collection and disposal of solid waste

– the Water Framework Directive(1) and

– as regards waste, the Waste Framework Directive(2) and the Landfill Directive(3).

In particular, the Water Framework Directive provides

– for an obligation to achieve or maintain good water quality ('good status') for all waters (rivers, lakes, groundwaters, coastal waters) as a rule by 2015;

– for an obligation to develop for each river basin district the necessary plans and programmes by 22.12.2009, taking into account all human activities;

– for an obligation, in the case of river basins shared between Member States (such as the Nestos/Mesta basin) for coordination and cooperation between the Member States concerned.

Complementary to this, the EU waste legislation provides for a set of key obligations such as:

– ensuring that waste is recovered or disposed of without endangering human health and the environment, and that waste management plans are drawn up;

– prohibiting abandonment, dumping or uncontrolled disposal of waste;

– taking appropriate measures to establish networks of disposal installations;

– or ensuring that only waste that has been subject to treatment is landfilled.

The Commission is aware that the quality of Europe's waters is – despite efforts taken in past years and improvement achieved – not yet fully satisfactory. This is notably the case of the waters of the Nestos / Mesta river basin shared between Bulgaria and Greece.

Both countries will be obliged to jointly develop the necessary plans and programmes by December 2009, and to implement the necessary measures, based on the Water Framework Directive.

The Commission is closely following the implementation measures being prepared and taken by Member States based on this key piece of legislation. The Commission's first Implementation Report was presented to the European Parliament and the Council in 2007(4). The Commission can assure the Parliament that it will continue to monitor this closely in all Member States and where necessary take legal enforcement action.

As regards waste management in Bulgaria, the Commission has received information about possible problems with a number of landfills, and has accordingly written to the Bulgarian authorities.

As regards funding possibilities, EU funding instruments are in place to support achievement of environmental objectives.

Measures relating to water management and waste management, from data collection and planning to operational implementation, are eligible under both the Cohesion Fund and the European Fund for Regional Development.

It is however ultimately for Member States to select – within these eligible measures– their priorities and projects.

It is also worth recalling that, whilst funding under the European Fund for Regional Development is available for all Member States, funding under the Cohesion Fund is targeted at certain Member States, inter alia Bulgaria and Greece.


(1) Directive 2000/60/EC, OJ L327 of 22.12.2000, as amended
(2) Directive 2006/12/EC, OJ L114 of 27.04.2006, as amended
(3) Directive 1999/31/EC, OJ L182 of 16.7.1999, as amended
(4) COM(2007)128final of 22.3.2007


Question no 42 by John Bowis (H-0403/08)
 Subject: Combating deforestation

It is widely believed that deforestation is responsible for about 20% of global CO2 emissions. In addition, deforestation can lead to a loss of biodiversity, increased flooding and damage to the soil. Urgent action is needed to curb deforestation if we are to achieve our aims of reducing CO2 emissions. What actions does the Commission believe the EU can take to tackle deforestation in the EU and in developing countries, how can these measures be financed, and when will the Commission be coming forward with concrete proposals in this area?


Deforestation is responsible for approximately 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Tackling deforestation is therefore a priority and not only will this contribute to emission reductions but also to other policy goals, in particular poverty eradication and stopping the loss of biodiversity.

Deforestation has been a prominent topic of discussion at recent international negotiations on climate change and on biodiversity. To further develop the policy at European level the Commission is working on a Communication that will explore the options of combating deforestation in developing countries, where the rate of forests loss is on a steady rise.

The total European Union (EU) forest area has been increasing steadily over recent decades. The expansion of forest area in the EU far outweighs the loss of forest land to infrastructure and urban planning.

The issues that will be covered by the Communication include capacity building in developing countries, incentive measures to conserve forest resources as well as a renewed commitment to ensure policy coherence at EU level.

In addition, the Commission has been funding actions to fight deforestation under the environment and tropical forests budget line (B7-6200), and will continue to do so through the Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy(1) (ENRTP).

The question of a new global financial mechanism to cover activities to fight deforestation in developing countries –is a question that is still being debated although a possible source of funding could be earmarking a percentage of the proceeds from the EU-Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) auctioning after 2012.

The timing is important as the period before Copenhagen is key for shaping the future climate change regime, including actions to reduce emissions from deforestation.

The Commission is preparing a stakeholder consultation and is working on an impact assessment study. Based on the results, the Commission will work towards an adoption of the Communication by the end of 2008.


(1) COM(2006)20 final of 25.1.2006


Vraag nr. 43 van Ivo Belet (H-0406/08)
 Betreft: Herziening richtlijn ter bescherming van dieren gebruikt voor experimentele en andere wetenschappelijke doeleinden

De Commissie heeft reeds herhaaldelijk aangekondigd dat zij een voorstel zal lanceren voor de herziening van Richtlijn 86/609/EEG(1) ter bescherming van dieren gebruikt voor experimentele en andere wetenschappelijke doeleinden. Tot op heden is er nog geen dergelijk voorstel.

Kan de Commissie aangeven wanneer zij een voorstel zal doen voor de herziening van Richtlijn 86/609/EEG?


The Commission is aware of the urgency to have the proposal for the revision of the Directive on the protection of experimental animals adopted as soon as possible so that the debate at the EP and the Council can start as soon as possible.

The protection and welfare of animals used in experiments is an important matter which can only be taken to a higher level with a comprehensive revision of Directive 86/609EEC(2).

The revision process has been lengthy. However, the time taken was necessary to ensure that all available scientific, technical information and the latest knowledge on animal welfare were taken into account. Furthermore, options that were pursued need to be appropriately assessed for their socio-economic and animal welfare impacts. The debate has been complex. Stakeholders including the scientific community, industry, national authorities and animal welfare organisations have made significant and well appreciated contributions into this process.

Extended cooperation between various Commission services has taken place to establish an optimal balance between different objectives so that the resulting proposal can fully reflect the announced objectives and significantly improve the welfare and protection of animals still needed for scientific purposes. The Commission is now in the process of finalising its work, with the understanding shared by all that this now needs to be done diligently.

The Commission is doing its utmost to have the proposal adopted swiftly.


(1) PB L 358 van 18.12.1986, blz. 1.
(2) OJ L 358, 18.12.1986, p. 1


Question no 44 by Laima Liucija Andrikienė (H-0424/08)
 Subject: Environmental impact assessment of Nord Stream gas pipeline project to the Baltic Sea

The Nord Stream gas pipeline project raises many concerns as regards the potential negative impact on the Baltic Sea. According to international environmental standards, and EU legal requirements and practice, a project cannot be implemented without a comprehensive environmental impact assessment study, carried out by independent bodies. Is the Commission ready to share with the EP the findings and conclusions of the study mentioned above? If so, what are these results and conclusions? If not, when will the EP receive concrete and detailed information concerning the study and its findings?


The Nordstream gas pipeline is included in the list of Trans-European Energy Network (TEN-E) priority projects and in particular in Decision No 1364/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down guidelines for Trans-European Energy Networks(1).

Due to the nature of the Nordstream project (a pipeline of 1200 km running across the territory of more than one Member State and with consequent environmental impacts in one Member State potentially affecting another one) an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is currently being carried out in the framework of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo Convention 1991), which also satisfies the requirements of the EIA Directive 85/337/EC as amended(2). This process includes EIA documentation, usually called an "environmental report", prepared under the responsibility of the developer, which in this case is a private company "Nordstream AG", and consultations of the competent national authorities and the public in general. All "parties concerned" must be consulted, that is both "parties of origin" (the contracting parties to the Espoo Convention under whose jurisdiction a proposed activity is envisaged to take place) and "affected parties" (the contracting parties to the Convention likely to be affected by the transboundary impact of the proposed activity).

Although the notification of the project, with preliminary information on its possible impacts took place in late 2006, the EIA is still ongoing with additional studies, reports and specific information still being produced and used for consultations. The final environmental report is expected later this year. The competent national authorities, as well as the general public, will have an opportunity to express their views and submit their comments during the consultation procedure. These views will be taken into account in the development consent to be granted by the national authorities. It is clear that all relevant information, including the environmental report, will be available also to the Commission and Parliament.

However, it must be noted that the responsibility for assessing the environmental impact and eventually granting development consent lies with the competent authorities of the Member States. The Commission can intervene and take appropriate legal action only in the case of a breach of Community legislation is identified.


(1) OJ L 262, 22.9.2006, p.1
(2) OJ L 175, 5.7.1985, p.40; OJ L 73, 14.3.1997, p.5; OJ L 156, 25.6.2003, p.17


Question no 49 by Anne Van Lancker (H-0394/08)
 Subject: Regularisation programmes in the EU

In recent years, various EU Member States have undertaken large-scale regularisation programmes for illegally residing third-country nationals on their territories. Certain countries are currently considering the introduction of national frameworks with general criteria for regularisation. Given the lack of information on this issue at EU level, the Commission announced - in its communication of 2006 on the fight against illegal migration (COM(2006)0402) - that it would launch a study in 2007 a study on current practices, effects and impacts of regularisation measures in Member States, which would also assess whether there was a need for a common legal framework on regularisations at EU level. Furthermore, Council Decision 2006/688/EC(1) of 5 October 2006 set up a mutual information mechanism between the Commission and the Member States on planned national asylum and immigration measures.

Can the Commission clarify when the results of the study on regularisation measures can be expected? Does the Commission have data about national regularisation programmes? Does it envisage proposing a common legal framework on regularisations at EU level?


In an area without internal borders ("Schengen"), regularisations conducted by one Member State may have repercussions for the other Member States, in particular large-scale amnesties.

We are facing a severe lack of up-to-date information on Member States´ approaches to regularisations as well as the outcome and impact of such programmes. At the same time, the presence of persons who have been illegally staying, often for many years, and who are unlikely to be returned is an issue in all Member States.

The Commission therefore launched a study which looks into Member States´ current regularisation practices and, in particular, the policy effectiveness of such measures. Results of this study are expected for the end of July 2008.

The study will also include country reports, that is, detailed information about regularisation programmes that have been conducted in Member States in the last 10 years.

With this study, we will have a solid basis for future discussion, including on whether there is a need for common criteria for regularisations at European Union level.


(1) OJ L 283, 14.10.2006, p. 40.


Question no 50 by Wiesław Stefan Kuc (H-0396/08)
 Subject: Al Qaeda and Khalistan (Sikh) terrorist activities in Europe

Islamic terrorist groups affiliated to Al Qaeda and Khalistan (Sikh) terrorists continue to operate from Pakistan. Does the Commission foresee a situation in which Khalistani terrorists might join with Al Qaeda and Islamic terrorist groups to destabilise India and conduct terrorist activities in Europe?


The Commission does not wish to speculate on the sort of issues raised by the Honourable Member in his question, since the gathering and analysis of the information and intelligence required to provide an answer to it is a task of the Member States alone.

The Commission is informed on a regular basis of possible terrorist threats against the European Union and/or its interests abroad and takes the necessary action as required, in accordance with its prerogatives and competences.


Interrogazione n. 51 dell'on. Giusto Catania (H-0397/08)
 Oggetto: Conformità del "decreto-sicurezza" al diritto comunitario

Lo scorso 21 maggio, il Governo italiano ha approvato il "pacchetto sicurezza", composto di un decreto legge e alcuni decreti legislativi, che ha lo scopo di criminalizzarne l'immigrazione e che legifera sulla mobilità dei cittadini comunitari.

Può chiarire la Commissione se ritiene le misure contenute nel "pacchetto sicurezza" proporzionali e compatibili con lo spirito della normativa comunitaria e la giurisprudenza della Corte? Non ritiene la Commissione che l'introduzione della nuova circostanza di aggravante comune e dell'automatismo delle espulsioni per le pene superiori ai due anni per i cittadini di paesi terzi e dei cittadini comunitari, inclusi nel decreto legge già in vigore, siano in contrasto con il principio di non discriminazione (ex art. 12/13 TCE), con lo spirito della Carta dei diritti fondamentali (Art. 21) e con le normative comunitarie specifiche della direttive 2000/43/CE(1) (parità di trattamento) e della direttiva 2004/38/CE(2) (mobilità dei cittadini europei)? Non ritiene la Commissione che le sanzioni imposte a chi affitta abitazioni a persone in situazione irregolare, incluse nel decreto legge, possano contrastare con il diritto all'assistenza abitativa volta a garantire un'esistenza dignitosa, contenuto nell'articolo 34, par. 3 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'UE?


Le paquet "sécurité" n'a pas encore été notifié à la Commission. Selon les informations dont elle dispose, le décret loi n. 92 du 23 mai 2008 portant mesures urgentes en matière de sécurité publique est entré en vigueur le 27 mai 2008 et est déjà applicable mais il devra être confirmé par le Parlement italien dans les 60 jours. La position de la Commission dépendra du texte final du décret loi. La Commission est aussi informée de l'adoption par le Conseil des Ministres le 21 mai 2008 d'un projet de décret législatif en matière de libre circulation des citoyens communautaires mais ne dispose pas du texte définitif.

En ce qui concerne l'introduction des expulsions automatiques à laquelle fait référence l'honorable parlementaire, selon la directive 2004/38/CE les mesures prises pour des raisons d'ordre public ou de sécurité publique doivent être fondées exclusivement sur le comportement de la personne concernée qui doit constituer une menace réelle, actuelle et suffisamment grave pour un intérêt fondamental de la société. Ceci implique une analyse individuelle de chaque cas. La directive précise aussi que la seule existence de condamnations pénales ne pourrait automatiquement motiver ces mesures. L’existence d’une condamnation pénale ne peut ainsi être retenue que dans la mesure où les circonstances qui ont donné lieu à cette condamnation font apparaître l’existence d’un comportement personnel constituant une menace actuelle pour l’ordre public. Tel que confirmé par la Cour de Justice, le droit communautaire s’oppose également aux dispositions nationales partant d’une présomption selon laquelle les ressortissants d’autres Etats membres ayant été condamnés à une certaine peine pour des délits spécifiques doivent être expulsés.

Toutes les directives adoptées dans le domaine de l’asile et de l’immigration contiennent déjà des clauses dites «d’ordre public » qui permettent aux États membres de procéder au retrait du titre de séjour et d’éloigner les ressortissants de pays tiers qui constituent une menace à l’ordre public ou à la sécurité nationale. Il faut souligner que la convention européenne des droits de l'homme ainsi que les principes généraux du droit communautaire demandent toujours une approche individuelle en ce qui concerne l'éloignement pour raison d'ordre public/sécurité publique. Il faut toujours procéder a un examen individualisé qui prend en considération la gravité et la nature de l'infraction, le danger représenté par la personne concernée, la durée de la résidence sur le territoire, l'âge de la personne concernée, les conséquences pour elle et pour les membres de sa famille et les liens avec le pays de résidence. Une législation nationale qui prévoit un automatisme d´éloignement des ressortissants de pays tiers dans les cas de condamnation à plus de deux ans d’emprisonnement sans prevoir un examen individualisé pour prendre en considération les aspects susmentionnés, pourrait être considéré non-conforme au droit communautaire.

En ce qui concerne l'introduction d'une nouvelle circonstance aggravante à laquelle se réfère l'honorable parlementaire, le droit des citoyens de l'Union de séjourner dans un Etat membre dérive du traité et ne dépend pas de l'accomplissement des démarches administratives comme l'obtention d'un certificat d'enregistrement, ce qui en aucun cas ne peut constituer un motif d'expulsion en raison de l'ordre public ou de la sécurité publique. Par ailleurs, l'application d'une telle circonstance aggravante aux délits commis par les citoyens de l'Union non-nationaux serait contraire au principe de proportionnalité et de non discrimination en raison de la nationalité.

Quant à l'amendement introduit au décret législatif 286 du 25 juillet 1998 concernant l'immigration qui prévoit que les propriétaires qui louent des appartements à des étrangers en séjour illégal sont punis avec la réclusion de six mois à un an, visé par l'honorable parlementaire, ce décret ne semble pas d'application pour les citoyens de l'Union.

Selon l´article 1 (1) (b) de la Directive 2002/90/CE du Conseil du 28 novembre 2002 définissant l'aide à l'entrée, au transit et au séjour irréguliers(3), chaque Etat membre adopte des sanctions appropriées "à l'encontre de quiconque aide sciemment, dans un but lucratif, une personne non ressortissante d'un Etat membre à séjourner sur le territoire d'un État membre en violation de la législation de cet Etat relative au séjour des étrangers." L´article 1 de la décision-cadre du Conseil du 28 novembre 2002 visant à renforcer le cadre pénal pour la répression de l'aide à l'entrée, au transit et au séjour irréguliers(4) prévoit que "chaque Etat membre prend les mesures nécessaires pour assurer que les infractions visées aux articles 1er et 2 de la directive 2002/90/CE fassent l'objet de sanctions pénales effectives, proportionnées et dissuasives susceptibles de donner lieu à extradition."

Ainsi certains propriétaires des biens loués à des immigrés en situation irrégulière pourraient être visés par ces dispositions s'ils les aident sciemment, dans un but lucratif à séjourner illégalement sur le territoire d'un Etat membre. Une législation nationale qui introduit des sanctions visant de manière générale tous les propriétaires de logements qui aident sciemment, dans un but lucratif, des immigrés en situation irrégulière à séjourner sur le territoire d'un Etat membre constitue une mise en œuvre de la directive 2002/90/CE. Une legislation qui va au dela de la mise en œuvre de cette directive relève du droit national. La Commission rappelle que la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne conformément à son article 51 paragraphe 1, s'applique aux Etats membres uniquement lorsqu'ils mettent en œuvre le droit de l'Union.


(1) GU L 180 del 19.7.2000, pag. 22.
(2) GU L 158 del 30.4.2004, pag. 77.
(3) JO L 328 du 5.12.2002
(4) Décision-cadre 2002/946/JAI du Conseil du 28 novembre 2002 visant à renforcer le cadre pénal pour la répression de l'aide à l'entrée, au transit et au séjour irréguliers JO L 328, 5.12.2002


Question no 52 by Eoin Ryan (H-0414/08)
 Subject: Organised crime in the European Union

Could the Commission spell out what new initiatives it will implement to combat organised crime within the European Union?


La Commission contribue à la lutte contre le crime organisé transfrontalier, à travers des mesures et actions qui s'expriment par le biais de la législation; de la création de réseaux permettant l'échange de bonnes pratiques et la dissémination de connaissances et d’informations (statistiques, évaluation de la menace…) et du financement de projets de coopération.

Dans le cadre de la lutte contre la cybercriminalité la Commission a mis en place une politique globale dans sa communication "Vers une stratégie générale de lutte contre la cybercriminalité" de mai 2007(1). La Commission a créé un groupe ad hoc public-privé qui l'assiste dans la préparation des propositions de recommandations concrètes qui toucheront notamment à l'échange d'information opérationnelle et stratégique, la création des points de contacts permanents public-privé et la mise en place d'une structure public-privé pour la formation d'experts.

La traite des êtres humains constitue aussi une priorité pour la Commission européenne. A l'initiative de la Commission, le Conseil a adopté une décision cadre qui criminalise la traite, ainsi qu'un plan d'action de mesures spécifiques pour combattre la traite(2). La Commission a établi une série d'indicateurs pour apprécier la qualité des politiques nationales contre la traite et un dialogue actif avec les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG). Pour 2007 la Commission a déjà financé des projets pour un montant total de plus de 7 millions d'euros. La Commission a aussi établi un groupe d’experts pour alimenter sa réflexion, et une étude est en cours pour examiner la faisabilité d’une « hotline » (ligne d'appel d'urgence) européenne. Le 18 octobre 2007, la Commission a organisé la première journée européenne contre la traite, plaçant les droits de la victime au centre de la stratégie européenne, avec une série de Recommandations sur l'assistance et la protection des victimes, endossées par le Conseil.

Dans le cadre de la protection des mineurs contre l'exploitation sexuelle la Commission a entamé des réflexions sur le besoin de mettre à jour la Décision Cadre dédiée à cette question(3), y compris l'introduction du crime de sollicitation des enfants à des fins sexuelles par le biais des technologies de l'information ("grooming"). La Commission va promouvoir les opérations des unités policières spécialisées visant soit à l'identification des sites et des réseaux pédopornographiques et à la poursuite des responsables, soit à l'identification des enfants victimes présents sur les images. Elle va aussi encourager la formation d'un pacte entre les différentes parties prenantes (institutions financières, fournisseurs d'accès à Internet…) visant à faciliter la recherche des criminels et la résiliation des contrats utilisés pour l'achat des images à caractère pédophile sur Internet. La Commission s'est aussi engagée à l'établissement d'un système d'échange d'information sur les casiers judiciaires qui permettra aux autorités judiciaires des États membres de tenir compte des condamnations prononcés dans un autre État membre.

Dans le cadre de la lutte contre la corruption en février 2008 la Commission a adopté un Document de Travail qui explore le lien entre la corruption et la criminalité organisée(4). Ce document identifie les vulnérabilités spécifiques à la corruption au sein des organisations du secteur privé et considère les contre-mesures à mettre en place. Sur la base des conclusions du document, la Commission lancera prochainement une étude, dont les résultats compléteront également les travaux du groupe d'experts de la Commission sur les besoins politiques des données sur le crime et la justice pénale notamment en ce qui concerne la promotion du développement de définitions opérationnelles harmonisées et d'indicateurs statistiques sur la corruption. En mars 2008, la Commission a reçu les résultats d'un sondage Eurobaromètre sur la corruption. Selon ce sondage, 75% des citoyens de l'Union Européenne(UE) considèrent que la corruption est un problème important dans leur pays.

La confiscation du produit du crime permet d'intensifier et de renforcer la lutte contre la criminalité organisée et le terrorisme, en privant les criminels de leurs revenus illicites et en les empêchant de les réinvestir dans toutes sortes de trafics illicites. Divers instruments législatifs ont été institués au niveau européen pour faciliter dans toutes les phases du procès pénal l'identification, le gel, la confiscation et le recouvrement des biens criminels par l'harmonisation du droit national et la reconnaissance mutuelle des jugements. Vu le retard dans la mise en œuvre de ces instruments, la Commission prépare pour la fin 2008 une communication en vue d'améliorer l'efficacité de l'action de l'UE dans ce domaine.

Quant à la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme, la politique de l'UE est basée sur le document de stratégie globale de l'UE de 2004(5) qui précise les objectifs de travail de la Commission : l'utilisation efficace du renseignement financier et la coopération entre les unités de renseignement financier (FIUs). Un rapport sur l'application de la décision cadre 2006/141 a été adopté en décembre 2007(6) et un suivi est en cours.

La Commission investit également dans la création d’un réseau des unités nationales de renseignement financier, à travers notamment un projet de près de 2 millions d'€ pour le développement de ce réseau.

Actuellement, les statistiques disponibles sur la criminalité au niveau de l'Union Européenne (UE) ne sont pas suffisantes, notamment en termes de comparabilité des données entre Etats Membres. Les services de la Commission, y compris l'Office statistique des Communautés européennes (Eurostat), ont initié un exercice de grande ampleur et mettent maintenant en pratique, avec les Etats membres et d'autres acteurs, un plan d'action 2006-2010(7). Le but est d'améliorer la qualité et la comparabilité des statistiques criminelles et judiciaires des Etats membres, de coordonner la collecte de données des Etats membres et de publier des statistiques et des analyses sur les sites web de la Commission.

En décembre 2006, la Commission a adopté une proposition de Décision(8) pour remplacer l'actuelle Convention Europol par une décision du Conseil, afin de permettre une adaptation plus rapide du cadre juridique d'Europol aux évolutions des phénomènes criminels et pour remplacer le financement intergouvernemental par un financement communautaire. Le 18 avril 2008, le Conseil est parvenu à un accord politique sur le texte de la Décision qui devrait être adoptée en automne.

Le programme financier 2007-2013 "Prévention et lutte contre la criminalité" est un outil important au service des Etats membres. Il leur permet de bénéficier d'un cofinancement pour des projets à caractère transfrontalier dans les domaines prioritaires identifiés par la Commission. Le programme de travail annuel, préparé et adopté par la Commission, est modulé de telle sorte qu'il puisse répondre au mieux à des besoins en constante évolution et concentrer les efforts des Etats membres de manière à créer de véritables synergies. En 2008 plus de 50 millions d'euros sont disponibles.


(1) Communication de la Commission au Parlement européen, au Conseil et au Comité des régions - Vers une politique générale en matière de lutte contre la cybercriminalité, COM (2007) 0267 final
(2) Décision-cadre 2002/629/JAI du Conseil, du 19 juillet 2002, relative à la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains, JO L 203 du 01.08.2002
(3) Décision-cadre 2004/68/JAI du Conseil du 22 décembre 2003 relative à la lutte contre l'exploitation sexuelle des enfants et la pédopornographie, JO L 13 du 20.1.2004
(4) SEC (2008) 196
(5) COM(2004) 700 final du 20/10/2004
(6) COM(2007) 827 final du 20/12/2007
(7) Communication de la Commission au Parlement européen, au Conseil et au Comité économique et social européen – Elaboration d'une stratégie globale et cohérente de l'UE en vue de l'établissement de statistiques sur la criminalité et la justice pénale : Plan d'action 2006-2010, COM (2006) 0437 final
(8) COM ( 2006) 817 final du 20/12/2006


Question n° 53 de Alain Hutchinson (H-0341/08)
 Objet: Environnement et réfugiés climatiques

Il est désormais établi que les principales victimes du changement climatique seront les populations les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables de la planète, à commencer par les Africains qui seront les plus durement touchés. Selon l'ONU, parmi les victimes du changement climatique, 50 millions de personnes pourraient devenir des réfugiés climatiques, lesquels ne bénéficient actuellement d'aucune forme de protection juridique spécifique.

Dans quelle mesure les politiques de développement actuelles de l'UE s'emploient-elles à réduire le nombre des réfugiés environnementaux?

La Commission partage-t-elle par ailleurs la conviction qu'il est absolument nécessaire de parvenir à la reconnaissance juridique du statut de ces réfugiés, afin qu'ils puissent bénéficier des mêmes droits que ceux définis dans la convention de Genève relative au statut des réfugiés et, le cas échéant, comment compte-t-elle s'y prendre pour faire en sorte que cette reconnaissance devienne une réalité au niveau européen et international?


The impact of climate change on migration movements is a topic of growing political interest worldwide.

As the recent paper on Climate Change and International Security prepared by the High Representative and the European Commission(1) pointed out, climate change may act as a 'threat-multiplier', exacerbating trends, tensions and instabilities which would already have an influence on migration patterns.

Although there is strong anecdotal evidence pointing to the interconnection between climate change and migration, establishing a direct and exclusive linkage between the two phenomena is difficult due to lack of reliable research data and conclusions. Individual decisions to migrate are usually the results of complex considerations: personal, social, economic and also environmental factors that cannot typically be transformed into one single relationship of causality. Presently available studies also highlight that environmentally-induced migration takes place in most cases in an intra-state context.

"Environmental refugee" does not exist as a legal term in the international human rights regime and is not used by Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). However, the European Union's cooperation programmes with the countries in question do aim at improving living conditions and stimulating economic growth which has an indirect effect on migration patterns. Beyond this, the European Union (EU) endorsed in November 2007 a proposal by the European Commission on establishing a Global Climate Change Alliance(2), aimed at raising significant resources for adaptation action in the most vulnerable developing countries, to ease the negative effects of climate change.

Overall, the Commission is convinced of the need for a comprehensive strategy on climate change addressing both its causes and consequences. However, in order to be able to formulate informed policy decisions on some of the interlinking issues such as migration, emphasis should be placed first on filling the knowledge gaps. An ongoing two-year EC research project on Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios (EACH-FOR)(3)focuses on the trends of multiple environmental problems and the associated socio-political and demographical aspects in a large number of regions and countries, including those of Northern Africa and the Middle East.

As regards the multilateral scene, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Social and Human Sciences programme has recently begun working to develop knowledge, research and capacity on urban policy, giving consideration to the environmental impact of uncontrolled urbanization of rural and coastal territories due to climate change-related migration and consumption. The UNHCR is also planning to look into the issue of environmentally induced displacement from a human rights/protection perspective(4).

These processes may also contribute to a more advanced multilateral thinking on conceptual questions like the definition of environmental migrants or the development of more inclusive international human rights protection regimes. The Commission is following closely this international work so to ensure that any future EU policy response designed to address the nexus of climate change and migration can take full account of these developments.

The Commission is committed to promoting better coherence among our policies. The comprehensive European migration policy under development seeks to explore and strengthen the coherence between migration and environment. Moreover, the ongoing work on the Commission White Paper on Adaptation will involve aligning external policies in the broadest sense in accordance with the emerging global challenges that climate change poses.


(1) The joint paper was presented to the European Council and to the European Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Security and Defense in March 2008 and is available at
(2) COM (2007) 0540 final
(4) The UN SG report on UN activities in the field of climate change, available at


Question no 54 by Robert Evans (H-0343/08)
 Subject: Delays in online bank transfers

The Commission will be aware that although online bank transfers, both within Member States and internationally, can on request be carried out immediately, they can frequently take up to a week to go through. This results in both considerable inconvenience and loss of interest to the consumer, whilst the bank gains interest for several days.

Will the Commission consider proposing legislation to ensure that these transactions, particularly from Member State to Member State, are instant or, at the very least, do not take more than 24 hours to complete?


One of the main objectives of the recently adopted Directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the internal market(1), which has to be implemented by 1 November 2009, is to provide a single set of rules with regard to the information requirements and the rights and obligations linked to the provision and use of payment services, including, among others, strict rules on execution time of electronic credit transfers. Under these rules, banks and other payment service providers will need to guarantee the maximum time it takes to make a payment and that this will be standardised for all credit transfers within the EU, no matter which Member State the payment is coming from or going to.

In accordance with Article 69(1) of the Directive, from 1 January 2012 all credit transfers without any currency conversion must mandatorily be carried out at the latest by the end of the next business day (i.e. the so-called "D+1" basis). This "D+1" rule will apply to: a) euro currency payment transactions, both national and cross-border within the EU; b) national payment transactions in the currency of the Member State concerned; c) certain payment transactions involving currency conversion between the euro and the currency of a non-euro Member State. However, the Directive recognises that banks need time to upgrade existing products and systems. Therefore, up to 1 January 2012, this provision allows parties to agree on a maximum execution time of "D+3" for credit transfers. Furthermore, the Directive allows the parties to agree on an extra business day for paper-initiated payment transactions.

The Commission would like to underline that the "D+1" execution time under Article 69(1) of the Payment Services Directive is only a maximum period. Hence, where payments are currently carried out within one day, this practice should be maintained. To guard against the risk of payment services providers actually increasing the execution time, Article 72 of the Directive allows Member States to opt for a shorter payment time for purely national payment transactions. In addition, the Directive always allows payment service providers to give customers more favourable terms.


(1) OJ No. L 319 of 5.12.2007.


Question no 55 by Ari Vatanen (H-0345/08)
 Subject: Non-transparent decision making in the EU's transport policy funding

When will the EU’s transport policy funding be put under economic scrutiny and the normal control mechanisms of the Commission, in order finally to meet the criteria of accountability for the use of public funds? What defence is there for the way in which public money is used avoiding democratic cross-checks? This erodes people’s trust in political decision making.

In the spirit of the Common Market, transparency and economic efficiency, the European Commission has a working method whereby the financial decisions of other Commission directorates are put under the scrutiny of the Competition Directorate.

A few policy-making sectors were, however, excepted from this scrutiny for strategic reasons. The decisions to do so were taken long ago, and both the EU and the world around it have changed dramatically since then.

Rather than being simply a strategic aspect of society, transport and mobility in wider terms are nowadays a key factor in people’s and businesses’ everyday lives; they are the source of our well-being and economic prosperity, and constitute one of our basic freedoms and a key element in our quality of life.

The current system whereby one and the same body ‘decides and executes’ clearly leads to biased transport policy decisions and abuse of public funds.


The Commission would point out that with respect to the funding of EU transport policy, it is important to distinguish on the one hand between funding from the Community budget, and on the other hand funding from Member State budgets.

1. Decisions on funding from the Community budget are prepared by the responsible Commission Directorate General (i.e. Directorate General (DG) for Energy and Transport, DG for Research, DG for Regional Policy and DG for Information Society and Media), and following consultation of all concerned Directorates General approved by the Commission as a college.

2. Decisions on funding from Member State budgets are (if they amount to State aid falling within Article 87(1) of the EC Treaty) subject to State aid control by the Commission. State aid decisions are prepared by the responsible Directorate General (i.e. DG for Energy and Transport for transport and coal, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development for agriculture, DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for fisheries and DG for Competition for all other industry and service sectors), and then following consultation of all concerned Directorates General approved by the Commission as a College.

The Commission considers that the principle of collegiality ensures that there is therefore adequate control of funding decisions in the area of transport.


Question n° 56 de Giovanna Corda (H-0348/08)
 Objet: Non-application du règlement sur les droits des passagers aériens

En dépit de plusieurs initiatives de la Commission – précisions sur l'application du règlement (CE) n° 261/2004(1) sur les droits des passagers aériens, définitions de "cas de force majeure" et de "circonstances exceptionnelles" justifiant des annulations ou des retards de vols –, les compagnies aériennes, selon les organisations de consommateurs, continuent à contourner ou à ignorer le règlement communautaire.

La Commission, après plusieurs mises en demeure, compte-t-elle finalement prendre des sanctions ou modifier radicalement le règlement pour protéger et indemniser les citoyens européens lésés?


The Communication of 4 April 2007(2) sets out the views of the Commission related to the application of Regulation 261/2004. Following that Communication, the Commission has worked, during six months, with national authorities and industry to obtain the following results:

– agreement among the National Enforcement Bodies on a clear division of labour and responsibilities in complaint handling and exchanging information;

– making progress towards a common interpretation of some parts of the relevant legislation.

These new procedural agreements among the National Enforcement Bodies need to be applied and the application will be closely monitored by the Commission; if appropriate, infringement procedures will be initiated against those Member States which do not fully comply with Article 16 of Regulation 261/2004. Furthermore, National Enforcement Bodies together with the airlines have confirmed that the burden of proof as regards the existence of extraordinary circumstances is with the airline and not with the passenger. If an airline would not present substantial and detailed evidence to the designated national authority, the National Enforcement Body concerned will decide on the basis of the facts presented by the passenger.

In the light of the progress realised between April and November 2007, it would be untimely to propose new amendments to Regulation 261/2004. At the same time, the Commission keeps up its intensified activities related to the monitoring of application and enforcement by the Member States through their National Enforcement Bodies but the Commission has no competence whatsoever to directly impose sanctions on airlines neither Member States for the Regulation concerned.

The Commission will organise a new roundtable with the National Enforcement Bodies and airline industry in September 2008 where the European Consumer Centres will be invited as well.


(1) JO L 46 du 17.2.2004, p. 1.
(2) COM(2007)0168 - SEC(2007)0426


Question no 57 by Marian Harkin (H-0351/08)
 Subject: Side impact testing for child restraint systems

Given the Commission’s previous response to priority written question P-3159/07, has it taken any significant steps to ensure that side impact tests will be conducted on all categories of child restraint system?


The Commission shares the concern of the Honourable Member that proper levels of safety are provided for children transported in motor vehicles.

Since May 2006, all children have to be transported in suitable seats which comply with technical criteria as specified under Regulation 44 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva.

With regards to the safety provisions for child restraints, the Commission is of the view that the requirements of Regulation 44 can and need to be improved. For this reason the Commission has ensured priority is given to updating these requirements in the Geneva working goup responsible for these issues. The need for such improvements has been widely recognised by members of the working group and, consequently, the group has accepted side impact protection as a high priority.

The review of requirements for child restraints is now underway and it is now agreed that a proposal for amendments, to strengthen the security provided by them, will be developed under the current forum in Geneva. Three meetings have been held for that purpose during the first semester of 2008.

It is intended that this topic will be maintained on the agenda of the main working party under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in forth-coming sessions in Geneva.

The Commission will continue to be closely involved in the work of this group and ensure that the necessary changes will be adopted by the Geneva parties in an aceptable timeframe taking account of the safety aspects of this topic for children. The time needed for this process of adaptation of new requirements is due to the necesssity to ensure that the foreseen requirements will be properly tested and thus effective in the proctection of the child.


Anfrage Nr. 58 von Bernd Posselt (H-0353/08)
 Betrifft: Schnellbahnverbindung München-Mühldorf-Salzburg

Welche Möglichkeiten sieht die Kommission nach dem Scheitern des Transrapid-Projektes, um die Magistrale für Europa von Paris nach Wien beziehungsweise Pressburg (Bratislava) und Budapest in ihrem Teilstück zwischen München und Salzburg zu beschleunigen, insbesondere was den Bau einer ICE-Strecke vom Münchener Hauptbahnhof zum Münchener Flughafen und von dort über Mühldorf (Chemiedreieck) nach Salzburg betrifft?

Welche zeitlichen Dimensionen und welches Ausmaß an EU-Förderung kann sich die Kommission bei diesem für das EU-Schnellbahnnetz zentralen und prioritären Vorhaben vorstellen?


Le projet Transrapid n'était pas un projet prioritaire tel qu'établi dans la décision arrêtée par la Parlement et le Conseil en 2004(1). Pour cette raison, les autorités allemandes n'ont pas soumis de demande de financement dans le cadre de la programmation pluriannuelle 2007-2013. Par conséquent, l’échec de ce projet ne libère pour ainsi dire aucun budget communautaire qui pourrait être investi ailleurs.

En ce qui concerne le projet prioritaire 17, l'axe ferroviaire Paris-Strasbourg-Stuttgart-Vienne-Bratislava, la Commission a décidé d'octroyer des subventions importantes, à hauteur de 438 millions €, notamment pour les trois sections transfrontalières et pour le goulet d'étranglement Stuttgart-Ulm.

Aucun financement n’a été prévu pour la section München-Mühldorf-Freilassing en raison de l’absence d’une approche globale pour cette section, permettant une circulation des trains internationaux par Mühldorf et non plus par Rosenheim. Le coordonnateur européen nommé par la Commission en juillet 2005, M. Balázs, a inclu une analyse détaillée dans son deuxième rapport annuel sur cette section. Il a souligné le besoin d’une approche intégrale, y compris l'électrification. Sans cette approche, la Commission a décidé ne pas accorder de subvention pour cette section.

Comme vous le savez, la Commission a consulté le Parlement européen sur sa proposition de programmation pluriannuelle le 19 novembre 2007. Le Parlement européen a donné un avis favorable et la Commission a adopté une décision de sélection 19 février 2008. La Commission ne pourra donc pas revenir sur cette Décision en ce moment.


(1) Décision 884/2004/CE du 29 avril 2004 du Parlement européen et du Conseil sur les orientations communautaires pour le développement du réseau transeuropéen de transport


Anfrage Nr. 59 von Daniel Caspary (H-0355/08)
 Betrifft: TEN-Mittel für die Eisenbahnachse Nr. 24, Abschnitt Basel-Karlsruhe

Im Rahmen der Transeuropäischen Netze - Verkehr wurde die Eisenbahnachse Lyon/Genua - Basel - Duisburg- Rotterdam/Antwerpen als vorrangige Achse Nr. 24 ausgewählt. Als Verbindungsglied zwischen den Alpen und Nordwesteuropa sowie als Anschluss an die Achse Paris-Bratislava (vorrangige Achse Nr. 17) kommt dem viergleisigen Ausbau des Streckenabschnitts Basel-Karlsruhe eine besondere Bedeutung zu.

Wie beurteilt die Kommission die Bedeutung dieses Streckenabschnitts in Bezug auf die Achsen Nr. 24 und Nr. 17? Ist die Einsetzung eines Koordinators für die Achse Nr. 24 geplant?

Wie beurteilt die Kommission den Stand des Projekts im Abschnitt Basel-Karlsruhe im Hinblick auf den von ihr angestrebten Fertigstellungstermin 2015?

Wird die Kommission den Streckenabschnitt oder Teile davon als Engstelle ("bottleneck") einstufen?

Wie ist der Sachstand des Förderverfahrens für den Streckenabschnitt Katzenbergtunnel? Steht die Kommission zu ihrer Aussage, dass hierfür 94,5 Mio. Euro Fördermittel zu erwarten sind? Welchen Betrag hat die Bundesregierung für diesen Streckenabschnitt bei der Kommission angemeldet? Wann ist für diesen Streckenabschnitt mit einer abschließenden Entscheidung der Kommission zu rechnen?

Kann die Kommission bereits Aussagen über die Höhe der zu erwartenden TEN-Mittel für die anderen Teile des Streckenabschnitts Karlsruhe-Basel machen?


La section Bâle-Karlsruhe fait partie du projet prioritaire 24, l'axe ferroviaire Lyon/Gênes–Bâle–Duisburg–Rotterdam/Anvers, comme défini par les orientations communautaires pour le développement du réseau transeuropéen de transport (RTE-T) qui ont été adoptées par le Parlement européen et le Conseil le 29 avril 2004.(1)

La section Bâle-Karlsruhe est très importante pour les connexions avec les tunnels alpins en Suisse. En même temps, le projet prioritaire 17, Paris-Bratislava et le projet prioritaire 24, Lyon-Rotterdam/Anvers, se croisent à Appenweier. Pour ce croisement, il est important de garantir la capacité future à travers un "saut-de-mouton" (Überwerfungsbauwerk) pour que les trains ne se croisent pas à niveau.

Enfin le montant de 94.5 millions d'euros a été attribué au titre du programme multiannuel RTE-T 2007-2013 pour la construction et la remise en état de toute la section Bâle-Karlsruhe, y inclus le tunnel de Katzenberg. Le gouvernement allemand cofinance ce projet.

Basé sur les informations obtenues par le gouvernement allemand, il semble fort probable que toute la section Bâle-Karlsruhe sera réalisée en 2020. La réalisation du tunnel de Katzenberg est ainsi prévue pour 2011. Dans le cadre de la programmation pluriannuelle, la section Bâle-Karlsruhe est considérée comme un goulet d'étranglement.

La Commission évaluera dans le cadre de l'évaluation générale des coordinateurs s'il faudrait prévoir un coordinateur pour le projet prioritaire 24.


(1) Décision no 884/2004/CE du parlement européen et du conseil du 29 avril 2004 modifiant la décision no 1692/96/CE sur les orientations communautaires pour le développement du réseau transeuropéen de transport


Question no 61 by Jim Higgins (H-0360/08)
 Subject: Research funding for wave energy

Could the Commission outline in detail the nature of its current strategy for research in the field of wave energy and provide a global comparison of EU Member States’ performance in research and development in this area?


The response to the Honourable Member will consider ocean energy in a wider context, which includes energy converters for the exploitation of wave, tidal and current energy, as well as salinity and thermal gradients.

Ocean energy is part of the Commission's current overall strategy for research in the field of new and renewable energy sources aimed at raising substantially the share of renewable electricity production in the EU, while taking into account the different regional conditions where sufficient economic and technical potential can be identified.

The existing Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market(1) sets a 21% indicative share of electricity to be produced from renewable energy sources in total Community electricity consumption by 2010. On 23 January 2008 the Commission adopted a new energy and climate package(2) including a proposal for a new Directive on the promotion of the use of renewable energy, setting national binding targets for the share of renewable energy consumption, aimed at together achieving the overall 20% EU target. Once adopted, this Directive will take over and strengthen many of the provisions currently included in Directive 2001/77/EC.

At present, most efforts in research, development and demonstration activities are concentrated on tidal currents and wave power. In 2007, there were worldwide 53 ocean wave energy converter technologies at different development stages. Since it is not yet clear which schemes will be the most cost-effective in the harsh marine environment, more research, development and demonstration (RD&D) efforts are needed in this field, notably to select and optimise the most promising design solutions.

Research should increase overall conversion efficiency, cost efficiency, significantly drive down the cost of electricity production, enhance process reliability and further reduce the environmental impact and eliminate existing obstacles such as electrical grid connection challenges, absence of assessment guidelines and standards, administrative barriers linked to licensing and permitting processes.

Under the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP6) (2002-2006) the European Commission supported 14 ocean energy projects with a total EC contribution of €21 million. This effort is already being continued under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) (2007-2013) with 2 EU-funded projects for a total EC contribution of about €7.5 million in the first call in 2007.

The current cost of electricity generation from the first-generation prototype plants varies from € 0.08/kilowatt hour (kWh) to € 0.20/kWh. It is expected that a continued effort in research and development (R&D) should lead to an electricity cost of around 0.05 €/kWh in the coming 10-20 years.

A global comparison of EU Member States' performance in research and development in this area shows UK, Ireland, Portugal and Denmark as having the largest number of projects and the biggest budget spent in this field. This is essentially due to the fact that along the western coast of Europe the wave climate is highly energetic and thus particularly favourable to this kind of application.

Other EU Member States (notably Belgium, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden) are also developing ocean energy technologies, mainly in the field of wave energy.

The European Commission, together with 11 other member countries, also participates in the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems (OES), and the membership is expected to increase to 18 members in 2008


(1) O.J. L283, 2.10.2001
(2) COM (2008) 30. Member States are also required to reduce administrative and regulatory barriers to the growth of renewable energy and to improve their access to the electricity grid.


Ερώτηση αρ. 62 του κ. Σταύρου Αρναουτάκη (H-0363/08)
 Θέμα: Βελτίωση των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών στον τομέα των μεταφορών, στις νησιωτικές περιοχές της Ελλάδας

Το ελληνικό αρχιπέλαγος με 7500 χιλιόμετρα νησιωτικών ακτών - στη συνολική ακτογραμμή των 16000 χιλιομέτρων που διαθέτει η χώρα - είναι γεωπολιτικό, και όχι μόνον, χαρακτηριστικό, που επιδέχεται αξιοποίηση σε επίπεδο αναπτυξιακής στρατηγικής, αλλά και μόνιμο μειονέκτημα που δυσχεραίνει ακόμη περισσότερο την ανταγωνιστικότητα των νησιών. Σημαντική προτεραιότητα για την ανάπτυξη των νησιωτικών περιοχών είναι η άρση κάθε εμποδίου στην προσβασιμότητα, κυρίως σε επίπεδο παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών: μεταφορών, επικοινωνιών, υγείας, παιδείας, κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης και μέριμνας, ενεργειακής ασφάλειας, διαχείρισης απορριμμάτων.

Πώς σκοπεύει η Επιτροπή να υλοποιήσει στην πράξη τις διακηρυγμένες και κατοχυρωμένες αρχές της εδαφικής συνοχής και της επικουρικότητας στην περίπτωση των ελληνικών νησιών και ιδιαίτερα των μικρών νησιών; Μπορεί να χρηματοδοτήσει, μετά από σχετικές μελέτες σκοπιμότητας, τη βελτίωση των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών, ιδιαίτερα στον τομέα των μεταφορών;


Islands and in particular small remote islands have since long occupied a special place in Cohesion policy. Article 29(3) of Council Regulation (EC) n° 1260/1999 on the Structural Funds(1) for the 2000-2006 period foresaw the possibility of a Community co-financing rate up to 85% (as opposed to the normal ceiling of 75%) for the outermost regions and the outlying Greek islands.

In a similar spirit, Article 52(f) of Council Regulation (EC) n° 1083/2006 on the Structural and Cohesion Funds(2) for the 2007-2013 period provides for the possibility of modulating co-financing rates under the Regional competitiveness and employment objective specifically in the case of islands. Moreover, Article 10 of the Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006(3) provides that programmes co-financed by this Fund, covering areas facing geographical and natural handicaps as referred to in point (f) of Article 52 of Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 shall pay particular attention to addressing the specific difficulties of those areas. To this purpose the ERDF may, in the cases of islands, contribute towards the financing of investments aimed at improving accessibility, promoting and developing economic activities related to cultural and natural heritage, promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, and encouraging sustainable tourism.

Concerning the programming period 2007-2013 in Greece, most islands are covered by the regional operational programme "North and South Aegean islands and Crete". The Ionian islands and the Sporades are covered by, respectively, the regional operational programmes "Western Greece, Peloponnesus and Ionian islands" and "Thessaly, Continental Greece and Epirus". For each of the regions covered by these programmes, a specific priority axis addresses needs in terms of accessibility infrastructures and services. Because the South Aegean region has become part of the Regional competitiveness and employment objective, the relevant priority axes have been reinforced by additional national resources allocated specifically to the South Aegean islands, in order to compensate for the relative decrease of available Community funds for this region.

Apart from these regional programmes, all islands are eligible to receive support under the thematic operational programmes "Improvement of accessibility" and "Environment and Sustainable development", of which the former covers accessibility infrastructures and services.

As concerns small island communities, in 2005 the Greek authorities and the Commission agreed to create under the Third Community Support Framework a special package in support of such islands. This same idea has inspired the inclusion, in the 2007-2013 regional operational programme "North and South Aegean islands and Crete" already mentioned, of a specific priority axis to address the needs of small islands in the South Aegean region.


(1) Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds, OJ L 161, 26/06/1999
(2) Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, OJ L 210, 31.7.2006
(3) Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the European Regional Development Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1783/1999, OJ L 210, 31.7.2006


Zapytanie nr 63 skierowane przez Zdzisław Kazimierz Chmielewski (H-0367/08)
 Przedmiot: Odpowiedzialność za treści ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych zamieszczane w Internecie

Podmiot zatrudniający może realizować swobodę korzystania z ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych w następujących płaszczyznach: a) swoboda wyboru ogłoszenia jako sposobu rekrutacji, b) swoboda ustalenia treści ogłoszenia, c) swoboda wyboru podmiotu umieszczającego ogłoszenie w Internecie. Ze względu na dużą swobodę zamieszczania treści w Internecie coraz częściej zdarza się, że przy formułowaniu tego typu ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych ma miejsce naruszenie zakazu dyskryminacji w zatrudnieniu (można zaobserwować przypadki dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć, wiek, niepełnosprawność, wymóg spełnienia określonych obowiązków lub innych rygorów).

Jakie działania są podejmowane lub mogą zostać podjęte przez Komisję na szczeblu europejskim, aby zwalczać tego typu naruszenia związane z dyskryminacją w praktyce korzystania z ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych przy zamieszczaniu treści w Internecie?


EC legislation on anti-discrimination and equal treatment in the employment field covers the recruitment and selection process. Directive 2000/43/EC(1) implements the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin and Directive 2000/78/EC(2) establishes a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation. These two Directives prohibit discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, disability, age, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. Moreover, Directive 2002/73/EC(3) implements the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions.

Jobs may be advertised by email, direct mail and in-company notices, as well as by notices to the general public published in newspapers or on the radio, TV or the Internet. Job advertisements published on the Internet are covered by the above-mentioned Community legislation.

The Member States are responsible for ensuring the transposition of Community legislation in their national legal orders and for its correct and effective implementation. As the guardian of the Treaties, the Commission closely monitors the implementation of Community law at national level and takes the necessary measures as provided for in the EC Treaty where Member States are found to be in breach of Community law. Nevertheless, once Community legislation has been correctly transposed, it is in principle for the individual persons to initiate legal proceedings as provided for in national law.


(1) Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin, OJ L 180, 19.7.2000
(2) Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation, OJ L 303, 2.12.2000
(3) Directive 2002/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 amending Council Directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions, OJ L 269, 5.10.2002


Question n° 65 de Marie Anne Isler Béguin (H-0376/08)
 Objet: Résolution des conflits au Mali et au Niger

Au Mali et au Niger les conflits armés entre les rebelles et les autorités ont repris. Au Mali, malgré l'accord d'Alger (juillet 2006) et les médiations menées par l'Algérie et la Libye, les violences se multiplient avec l'assassinat, le 11 avril 2008, de deux responsables targuis et les attaques de casernes, dont celles du 21 mai 2008, entraînant la fuite des populations civiles vers les pays voisins. Au Niger, les violences ont pour toile de fond la redistribution des revenus et l'impact sanitaire et environnemental de l'extraction d'uranium par l'entreprise française AREVA.

Dans le cadre du Partenariat stratégique Afrique/Union européenne, signé à Lisbonne le 6 décembre 2007, la Commission compte-t-elle proposer une médiation pour aider à la résolution des conflits dans ces deux pays?


La Commission remercie l'honorable parlementaire pour sa question orale concernant les résolutions des conflits au Mali et au Niger.

En ligne générale, et dans le cas particulier des actes violents perpétrés au Nord du Mali et des confrontations opposants de Mouvement Touareg du Niger (MNJ) à l'armée du Niger, la Commission privilégie fermement le règlement négocié et n'approuve pas le recours aux armes. La Commission désapprouve tout particulièrement l'utilisation de mines anti-personnelles qui auraient déjà fait des morts parmi les civils au Niger et au Mali.

Il s'agit bien de renforcer le dialogue sur les défis à relever en matière de paix et de sécurité tel qu'indiqué par le document proposé pour un Partenariat stratégique Afrique-UE. La Commission privilégie une solution au niveau régional et est prête à appuyer toute initiative dans ce sens, qu'il s'agisse des conférences qui sont proposées en ce moment par les responsables nigériens et maliens ou du soutien aux organisations régionales concernées, telles que la Communauté Economique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) et la Communauté des Etats sahélo-sahariens (CEN-SAD).

Dans le cas du Mali, la CE a toujours été favorable à l'approche de dialogue et de paix choisie par le Gouvernement du Mali et l'Alliance du 23 mai pour le changement, ayant débouché sur l'accord d'Alger en juillet 2006.

Cet accord, ainsi que les résolutions du Forum de Kidal de mars 2007, restent d'application pour la résolution du conflit d'après les dernières déclarations officielles du Ministère des Affaires étrangères malien. La Commission se félicite pour cela.

Concernant plus particulièrement le Niger, la Commission suit de près l'évolution de la situation. Notamment, elle s'inquiète pour la détérioration des conditions de sécurité dans le nord du pays, conditions qui frappent des populations civiles déjà éprouvées par les conditions de vie difficiles dans cette région. L'instabilité se fait aussi sentir dans l'ensemble de la coopération en cours dans le nord du pays.

Par ailleurs, la Commission soutient les initiatives annoncées par les Présidents du Mali et du Niger d'organiser prochainement une conférence régionale sahélo-saharienne sur la sécurité, la paix et le développement.

Enfin, la Commission s'efforce de mettre tout en œuvre pour contribuer au développement du Nord du Mali et du Niger, la région plus touchée par le conflit. Dans ce contexte, la Commission tient à rappeler que les documents de "Stratégie Pays" et les Programmes Indicatifs respectifs pour le Mali et le Niger ont été récemment approuvés pour la période 2008-2013. La programmation prévoit un montant très substantiel à l'appui au développement de ces deux pays, notamment en matière de gouvernance.


Question n° 66 de Jacky Hénin (H-0377/08)
 Objet: Respect de la législation européenne sur la hauteur des camions

En 2007, on inaugurait l'Autoroute ferroviaire Bettembourg – Perpignan (AFBP). Cette réalisation préfigure le futur réseau d'autoroutes ferroviaires d'une Union européenne des transports soucieuse du respect de l'environnement et rompant avec le "tout camion". Mais sept mois après sa mise en service, l'AFBP ne fonctionne qu'entre 30 et 40% de sa capacité. Le manque de fréquentation de l'AFBP a pour origine le non-respect des directives européennes 96/53/CE(1) et 97/27/CE(2), qui limitent la hauteur maximale des camions à 4 mètres (+/- 1%). Or la majorité des semi-remorques circulant sur les routes de l'Union ont une hauteur dépassant les 4 mètres de plus de 30%. Ils ne peuvent donc être transportés sur des wagons en raison des gabarits des caténaires et des tunnels. Cette situation compromet le développement et l'existence même des autoroutes ferroviaires sur le territoire de l'Union.

Que compte faire la Commission pour que la réglementation sur la hauteur des camions circulant dans l'Union soit enfin strictement respectée?


The issue raised by the Honourable Member concerns the difficulty that l’Autoroute ferroviaire Bettembourg Perpignan (AFBP) has in ensuring its freight trains are full due to the fact that tractor/semi-trailers are turning up with heights above the 4 metres limit set by the rail infrastructure operators.

Directive 96/53/EC, which lays down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorized dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorized weights in international traffic, and Directive 97/27/EC which concerns the vehicles construction standard, stipulate the maximum height of 4 metres, 96/53/EC regarding free circulation within the Community and 97/27/EC regarding the vehicle's construction, albeit with a minor permitted tolerance.

However, these Directives do not prohibit the normal circulation within Member States’ territories of vehicles or vehicle combinations for the national transport of goods which are not in conformity with the maximum height limit.

Consequently, Member States may authorise for use in national transport, vehicles that are higher than 4 metres and they may also either be non specific about the size of the load carried or set limits that are outside the vehicle maxima specified within Directive 96/53/EC. France does not stipulate a maximum height limit.

Therefore the stipulation of a maximum height of 4 metres by the infrastructure managers because of potential tunnel clearance problems exists outside the Community regulatory framework.

The Commission is aware of the difficulties that arise as a result of the lack of harmonisation of certain vehicle and load dimensions. It has launched a study that looks at the effect of adapting the rules on weights and dimensions of heavy commercial vehicles as established within Directive 96/53/EC and that will include the potential for stipulating loading limits. The results of this study are due in the Summer of 2008 and the Commission intends to draw the appropriate conclusion from that analysis.


(1) JO L 235 du 17.9.1996, p. 59.
(2) JO L 233 du 25.8.1997, p. 1.


KYSYMYS NRO 67 Esko Seppänen (H-0382/08)
 Aihe: Verheugenin lausunto

Venäläisen lehden mukaan komission jäsen Verheugen on lausunut:"Tilanne, jossa muut vievät puuta Venäjältä pois, jalostavat ja myyvät kalliilla takaisin, ei ole hyväksyttävä. Puunviejät ovat kohdelleet Venäjää kuin kolmannen maailman maata". Kuinka komission jäsen voi tällä tavalla vaarantaa toisen komissaarin toimialaan kuuluvalla alalla koko komission uskottavuuden neuvoteltaessa Suomelle elintärkeästä kansallisesta edusta eli raaka-aineen saamisesta myös Saksaan vietävään paperiin ja korvaavan raaka-aineen saamisesta Suomesta jalostamattomana Saksaan toimitettavalle puulle Saksan valtion tukeman puunpolton takia ? Kun kysymys on pienen maan edusta, samaan aikaan kun herra Verheugen lobbaa suuren maan etua Itämeren Nord Stream -kaasuputken rakentamiseksi ja toivoo Suomen vähättelevän putken ympäristöongelmia, kysyn, eikö Saksakin kohtele Venäjää tässä merkityksessä ikään kuin kolmannen maailman maana ja eikö saksalaiskomissaarilla ole teollisuuskomissaarina puolustettavana muita kuin Saksan etuja?


The Commission is seriously concerned about the impact on the competitiveness of the European Union (EU) forest based industries, of Russian duties on exports of wood, and has been consistently clear with the Russian authorities that it does not agree with Russia on this point.

Accordingly, the Commission has sought continually to find a solution to this issue and the matter has been raised on several occasions with the Russian authorities, including at the highest political levels. This is an issue which the Commission considers has to be resolved before agreement can be reached on Russia’s World Trade Organization (WTO) accession.

As regards the statements attributed to the Vice-President of the Commission responsible for Enterprise and Industry by certain Russian media, he has already made clear that he was quoted out of context: the quotes purporting to present his own personal position were rather his description of the explanation given by the Russian authorities as to why they have chosen to impose export duties on Russian timber.

The Commission reassures the Honourable Member that, in line with its Communication adopted earlier in 2008(1), the Commission is fully committed to promoting the competitiveness of the forest based industries in Finland and elsewhere in the EU, and can be counted on to defend its interests on this difficult point.


(1) Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on innovative and sustainable forest-based industries in the EU - A contribution to the EU's growth and jobs strategy, COM (2008) 113 final


Ερώτηση αρ. 68 του κ. Γεωργίου Τούσσα (H-0384/08)
 Θέμα: Σε κίνδυνο η δημόσια υγεία από την εισαγωγή επιμολυσμένου ηλιελαίου

Σύμφωνα με τεκμηριωμένα στοιχεία των δημόσιων υπηρεσιών, χιλιάδες τόνοι επιμολυσμένου ηλιέλαιου με ορυκτέλαια έχουν μεταφερθεί στην Ελλάδα και έχουν διοχετευτεί στην αγορά, με ανυπολόγιστες άκρως επικίνδυνες συνέπειες για τη δημόσια υγεία. Στις 26/5/08 οι λιμενικές αρχές «μπλόκαραν» στο λιμάνι της Ελευσίνας και το με σημαία Γιβραλτάρ δεξαμενόπλοιο «Leoni Teresa», που μετέφερε στη χώρα μας 1500 μετρικούς τόνους ηλιελαίου. Με τις οδηγίες 2004/4/ΕΚ(1).και 96/3/ΕΚ(2), επιτρέπεται η μεταφορά υγρών ελαίων και λιπών σε δεξαμενές πλοίων που έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη μεταφορά ορυκτέλαιου και άλλων υγρών τοξικών αποβλήτων, αυξάνοντας την κερδοφορία των επιχειρήσεων τροφίμων σε βάρος της δημόσιας υγείας. Οι αόριστες αναφορές στις οδηγίες για καθαρισμό των δεξαμενών και η επικουρικότητα δεν εγγυώνται την προστασία της δημόσιας υγείας, όπως αποδεικνύεται με τη μεταφορά επιμολυσμένου ηλιελαίου με ορυκτέλαιο στην Ελλάδα και σε άλλες χώρες της ΕΕ.

Αντιλαμβάνεται η Επιτροπή ότι με την παραπάνω νομοθεσία θέτει σε κίνδυνο τη δημόσια υγεία;


Analytical data for the sunflower oil contaminated by mineral oil originating from Ukraine indicated that the mineral oil is of high viscosity. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that exposure estimates indicate that the sunflower oil contaminated with high viscosity mineral oil, although undesirable for human consumption, would not be of public health concern. It is therefore not correct to talk about extremely dangerous consequences for public health.

Investigations as regards the source of contamination are still ongoing but there are for the time being no indications that the contamination is linked to transport in tankers which have been used for the transport of products other than foodstuffs.

The availability of sea-going vessels reserved for the transport of foodstuffs is insufficient to ensure the supply of oils and fats intended for or likely to be used for human consumption. The derogation foreseen by Commission Directive 96/3/EC of 26 January 1996 granting a derogation from certain provisions on the hygiene of foodstuffs as regards the transport of bulk liquid oil and fats by sea(3), as amended by Directive 2004/4/EC(4), is to ensure sufficient availability of sea-going vessels for transport of oils and fats. However this derogation is subject to strict conditions ensuring equivalent protection of public health and safety of the foodstuffs concerned.

The list of acceptable previous cargoes has been established following scientific evaluations demonstrating that, on the condition that the hygiene provisions and cleaning requirements are fulfilled, the protection of public health and safety of the foodstuffs concerned is guaranteed equivalent to that assured by transport in sea-going vessels exclusively dedicated to foodstuffs.

Therefore the above mentioned legislation, which provides the derogation for the transport of foodstuffs in sea-going vessels not exclusively dedicated to foodstuffs, does not put public health at risk, as the strict legal conditions for this derogation ensure an equivalent level of food safety as that assured by transport in sea-going vessels dedicated for transport of foodstuffs.


(1) ΕΕ L 15 της 22.1.2004, σελ. 25.
(2) ΕΕ L 21 της 27.1.1996, σελ. 42.
(3) OJ L 21, 27.1.1996, p.42
(4) OJ L 15, 212.11.2004, p. 25


Spørgsmål nr. 69 af Anne E. Jensen (H-0385/08)
 Om: Cabotagekørsel i Frankrig

Når udenlandske vognmænd ønsker at udføre cabotagekørsel i Frankrig, skal de udfylde en blanket i fire forskellige kategorier, og disse blanketter skal sendes til myndighederne forud for selve transporten. Denne procedure er både tidskrævende og unødvendig, idet mange cabotagekørsler ikke er planlagt, når vognmanden forlader sit hjemland med den oprindelige last. Blanketten findes på følgende hjemmeside, som kun er på fransk:

Finder Kommissionen det ikke konkurrenceforvridende, at udenlandske vognmænd, som har tilladelse til at køre cabotagekørsel, bliver stillet over for yderligere administrative byrder?

Finder Kommissionen ikke, at de franske myndigheder bevidst prøver at hindre cabotagekørsel?

Hvad vil Kommissionen gøre for at lægge pres på de franske myndigheder for bedre at åbne for cabotagekørsel?


Le règlement (CEE) N° 3118/ 93 fixant les conditions de l'admission de transporteurs non-résidents aux transports nationaux de marchandises par route dans un Etat membre(1) stipule que le cabotage ne peut être exercé qu’à titre temporaire sans fixer des limites temporelles pour ces opérations de transports. Selon la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice le caractère temporaire d’une prestation de service est à apprécier, au cas par cas, en fonction de sa durée, de sa fréquence, de sa périodicité et de sa continuité. De plus, la directive 96/71/CE sur le détachement de travailleurs(2) s'applique aux opérations de cabotage; cette directive autorise un Etat membre à appliquer certaines règles de sa législation sociale au conducteur étranger.

L'obligation d'un Etat membre imposée aux transporteurs routiers de fournir une déclaration, même préalable, n'est pas à priori contraire à la réglementation communautaire pour autant qu'elle ne devienne une charge administrative qui ne peut être justifiée par le but recherché, à savoir le contrôle de respect des règles nationales qui s'appliquent. L'examen de cet aspect de la réglementation française par les services de la Commission est en cours. S'il s'avère que l'obligation de fournir une déclaration préalable ou la façon par laquelle elle doit être fournie est disproportionnée la Commission prendra les mesures nécessaires pour assurer le respect du droit communautaire par la France.


(1) Règlement (CEE) n° 3118/93 du Conseil, du 25 octobre 1993, fixant les conditions de l'admission de transporteurs non-résidents aux transports nationaux de marchandises par route dans un État membre JO L 279 du 12.11.1993
(2) Directive 96/71/CE du parlement européen et du conseil du 16 décembre 1996 concernant le détachement de travailleurs effectué dans le cadre d'une prestation de services, JO L 18 du 21.1.1997


Zapytanie nr 70 skierowane przez Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk (H-0387/08)
 Przedmiot: Modulacja w odniesieniu do nowych państw członkowskich

W wystąpieniu na posiedzeniu Komisji Rolnictwa PE w Strasburgu w dniu 20 maja 2008 r. Pani Komisarz Fischer Boel stwierdziła, że konieczne jest już od 2012 r. zastosowanie modulacji (przeniesienia środków finansowych z dopłat bezpośrednich na rozwój obszarów wiejskich) także w odniesieniu do nowych państw członkowskich. Nie negując idei tego rozwiązania chcę jednak stwierdzić, że modulacja powinna mieć miejsce od momentu, kiedy wielkość wsparcia na 1 ha użytków rolnych będzie identyczna w starych i nowych krajach członkowskich.

W sprawozdaniu Pana Posła Tabajdi z 20 marca 2007 r. w sprawie włączenia nowych państw członkowskich do WPR (A6-0037/2007) przyjętego przez PE zdecydowaną większością głosów jest zawarte ustalenie, że średnie wsparcie na 1 ha użytków rolnych w nowych krajach członkowskich wyniesie zaledwie 62-64% wsparcia w starych krajach członkowskich.

Dlaczego więc w sytuacji, kiedy do tego wyrównania poziomu wsparcia tak dużo brakuje, Komisja proponuje modulację w odniesieniu do starych jak i nowych państw członkowskich?


The Honourable Member has raised a question concerning the principles of applying modulation, which has been proposed as part of the Health Check of the 2003 reform. The Commission proposal has been designed such that all farmers in the European Union Member States are treated equitably with respect to the levels of payments received.

The Honourable Member will note that the basis of calculation are the levels of direct payments expressed as a percentage of the then applicable level of such payments in the Community as constituted on the 30 April 2004 (EU-15). On the other hand, the report cited in the question refers to the average level of all agricultural support in the current Financial Perspective.

In the Health Check proposal, modulation shall only apply to farmers in new Member States when their level of direct payment is equal or higher than the level in EU-15, which will not take place until 2012. In this case, the applicable modulation rate is the difference between the two levels of payments.

In the calendar year 2012, the level of payments in EU-15 will be reduced by a total of 13% (that is the current 5% plus an 8% increase in basic additional modulation). This means that an EU-15 farmer will receive 87% of the full payment.

In 2012, the level of payment in EU-10 as indicated in the schedule of phasing in of direct payments will reach 90%. Therefore, to ensure equal treatment, a basic rate of 3% modulation will be applied to EU-10 farmers receiving above € 5 000. In other words, farmers in EU-10 will also be receiving 87% of the full payment in this year.


Vraag nr. 71 van Philip Claeys (H-0388/08)
 Betreft: Rechten van de vrouw in Turkije

Recentelijk plaatste het Turkse directoraat voor religieuze aangelegenheden (Diyanet), de hoogste religieuze instelling in Turkije die de hoogste macht uitoefent over alle moskeeën en imams, op zijn webstek allerlei aanbevelingen over aanbevolen gedrag voor vrouwen. Zo moeten vrouwen zich 'behoorlijk gedragen' en 'voldoende bedekken' om hun lichaam niet aan derden te tonen en mannen niet te provoceren. Buitenshuis dienen vrouwen elk contact met vreemde mannen te vermijden en vrouwen mogen zich niet in gesloten ruimten met mannen ophouden. Vrouwen die hun huis verlaten, mogen ook geen parfum of deodorant gebruiken omdat de profeet Mohammed dit als 'immoreel' beschouwt.

Is de Commissie op de hoogte van de betreffende aanbevelingen? Hoe evalueert de Commissie deze aanbevelingen in het licht van de mensenrechten in het algemeen? Welke stappen zal de Commissie ondernemen ten aanzien van Turkije en welke invloed heeft dit alles op het onderhandelingsproces?


Diyanet is the Turkish Religious Affairs Presidency. One of the main tasks of Diyanet is to inform people about religion.

In this respect, Diyanet commissioned a study by specialised religious scholars to prepare a "religious guidance book".

This book was published in Turkey in 2002 and on the Diyanet's site in 2005.

According to Diyanet, the religious guidance book provides information on the way the teachings of prophet Mohammed have been understood and implemented historically by the Islamic communities.

For instance, information is provided on polygamy. However, as Diyanet claims in its press release of 29 April 2008, this does not mean that Diyanet allows or encourages polygamy.

In addition, as again Diyanet claims in the same press release, they make an effort to also outline the current legal framework applicable on the issues. This includes the Civil Code that regulates marriage and divorce and defines the details of the Family Law.

In the context of the accession negotiations, the Commission is discussing with the Turkish authorities in detail the current Turkish legal framework on these issues. We have looked into the Turkish Constitution, the Civil and Criminal Codes, the Family Law and other relevant pieces of legislation on matters mentioned in the Oral Question of the Honourable Member.

The Commission is working with the Turkish authorities and the civil society to assist in ensuring the full implementation of all these provisions in practice such that rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the European Convention of Human Rights are fully respected in Turkey.


Vraag nr. 74 van Frieda Brepoels (H-0400/08)
 Betreft: Het gebruik van de Koerdische taal in Turkije

In een rapport gepubliceerd eind 2007 door "The Institute for international assistance and solidarity" wordt gedetailleerd beschreven wat de wettelijke obstakels zijn om de Koerdische taal in de Turkse publieke ruimte te gebruiken. Heel wat wetten en reglementen laten niet toe dat er in de verschillende facetten van het publieke leven Koerdisch wordt gebruikt. Het gebruik van het Koerdisch wordt bemoeilijkt in het onderwijs, de administratie, de media, justitie, het politieke leven, het private leven en de handel.

Heeft de Commissie zicht op de wettelijke bepalingen die Turkije moet aanpassen opdat het Koerdisch in Turkije als volwaardige taal van een nationale minderheid wordt behandeld? Ziet de Commissie het aanpassen van de wettelijke bepalingen met betrekking tot het gebruik van talen in al deze facetten van de Turkse maatschappij als prioriteit in de onderhandelingen en absolute voorwaarde voor de toetreding van de Turkse staat tot de Europese Unie? Ziet de Commissie enige verbetering in de Turkse wetgeving rond het gebruik van het Koerdisch in alle bovenstaande facetten van de Turkse maatschappij? Kan de Commissie wijzen op inspanningen die de Turkse overheid reeds nam om het Koerdisch als minderheidstaal te erkennen? Op welke manier oefent de Commissie druk uit op de Turkse overheid om de nodige wettelijke aanpassingen door te voeren om het Koerdisch als minderheidstaal te erkennen en te laten gebruiken in de verschillende facetten van de maatschappij?


Under the Copenhagen political criteria, Turkey must ensure respect for cultural rights. The Accession Partnership, revised in 2008, requests Turkey to ensure cultural diversity and promote protection of minorities in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights and the principles laid down in the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and in line with best practice in Member States.

Short-term priorities in this area include improved access to radio and TV broadcasting in languages other than Turkish and the adoption of appropriate measures to support the teaching of such languages.

The Commission follows closely developments on the ground. Progress was made as regards the use of Kurdish in daily life. In 2006 broadcasting in languages other than Turkish was allowed. The national public channel currently broadcasts in several languages nationwide, while four local radio and TV stations broadcast in Kurdish in the Southeast. However, time restrictions apply, with the exception of films and music programmes.

Most recently, the Turkish government has announced that the national state-owned television company will fully dedicate a national channel to broadcasting in Kurdish and other languages. Legislative adaptations are ongoing in this respect.

The Commission will continue to follow up the implementation of such measures and will continue to encourage the Turkish authorities to make further progress in this area. The Commission will report on the situation in its November 2008 progress Report.


Ερώτηση αρ. 75 του κ. Νικόλαου Βακάλη (H-0401/08)
 Θέμα: Euronews - FYROM

H έγκυρη ενημέρωση σε θέματα ευρωπαϊκού ενδιαφέροντος είναι ένας από τους στόχους του τηλεοπτικού σταθμού Euronews και ο λόγος χρηματοδότησής του από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, η οποία ανέρχεται σε 5 εκατομμύρια ευρώ ετησίως, σύμφωνα με το συμβόλαιο υπηρεσιών πενταετούς διάρκειας που υπεγράφη τον Φεβρουάριο του 2005.

Είναι ενήμερη η Επιτροπή ότι το εν λόγω τηλεοπτικό κανάλι χρησιμοποιεί τον μη αναγνωρισμένο από τον ΟΗΕ όρο "Μακεδονία" όταν αναφέρεται στην Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας (ΠΓΔΜ), και ότι μάλιστα σε πρόσφατο δελτίο ειδήσεων που μεταδόθηκε στις 31.5.2008 με αφορμή τις βουλευτικές εκλογές στην ΠΓΔΜ προβλήθηκε χάρτης με ανακριβή γεωγραφικά στοιχεία της ευρύτερης περιοχής; Ποια μέτρα παίρνει ή προτίθεται να πάρει η Επιτροπή έτσι ώστε να εξασφαλίσει την έγκυρη ενημέρωση των πολιτών με τη διασφάλιση του σεβασμού της διεθνούς νομιμότητας για το συγκεκριμένο θέμα;


The Commission would like to draw the Honourable Member's attention to the replies given to questions E-3404/06(1) and E-5053/06(2) by Mr Karatzaferis, and H-0040/08(3) by Mr Georgiou.


(1) OJ C…
(2) OJ C…
(3) Written reply of 19.2.2008.


Question n° 76 de Mia De Vits (H-0404/08)
 Objet: Évolution récente dans le secteur du gaz en Belgique

Étant donné les évolutions récentes dans le secteur énergétique belge à la lumière de la fusion annoncée Suez/GDF et en vue de créer une sécurité d'approvisionnement gazière en Belgique ainsi que d'assurer des investissements suffisants dans les réseaux, la Commission estime-t-elle que les éléments essentiels pour garantir un accès réel des tierces parties à des conditions correctes, non discriminatoires et objectives sont suffisamment présents pour créer un marché concurrentiel en Belgique? Dans ce contexte, la Commission ne considère-t-elle pas le terminal de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) et le Hub à Zeebrugge comme des facilités essentielles faisant partie du réseau infrastructurel gazier duquel Suez devrait se retirer, juridiquement et de facto, afin de pouvoir remplir la condition imposée par la Commission à la fusion annoncée?


Un bon fonctionnement des marchés permet d'assurer une meilleure sécurité d'approvisionnement et de donner les signaux corrects pour les investissements nécessaires. L'enquête sectorielle sur les secteurs électriques et gaziers en Europe, menée récemment par la Commission, a révélé que ces secteurs ne fonctionnaient pas correctement et que plusieurs obstacles à la concurrence persistaient. Afin que la concurrence puisse jouer correctement, l'accès des tiers aux réseaux et aux autres infrastructures est essentiel.

La fusion entre Gaz de France et Suez a été autorisée le 14 novembre 2006 par la Commission sous la condition d'engagements pris par ces deux groupes(1). Ainsi, en Belgique, la totalité des infrastructures gazières (réseau de transport et de transit, stockage, terminal gaz naturel liquide (LNG) et hub de Zeebrugge) sera gérée par une seule entité, à savoir Fluxys SA. Bien que conservant une participation ne pouvant excédant 45% dans le capital de Fluxys SA, la nouvelle entité fusionnée s'est engagée à abandonner tout contrôle sur cette société, que ce contrôle soit de droit, de fait ou par pacte d'actionnaires.

Si ces engagements doivent favoriser la concurrence, ils ne sauraient avoir pour but de résoudre l'ensemble des problèmes de concurrence pouvant par ailleurs préexister sur un ou plusieurs marchés gaziers. En effet, les engagements pris dans le cadre du contrôle d'une concentration donnée ne peuvent viser qu'à remédier aux problèmes de concurrence engendrés par la seule concentration en question.




Vraag nr. 77 van Saïd El Khadraoui (H-0407/08)
 Betreft: Hoge inflatie in België

Met een prijsontwaarding van 5,2% heeft België het hoogste inflatiecijfer van alle eurogroeplanden. Dat doet vragen rijzen over de Belgische inflatie. De maand april zat België met een cijfer van 4,1% duidelijk boven het gemiddelde van de vijftien landen tellende eurozone (3,3%). De afgelopen maand is het verschil in de cijfers nog verder opgelopen. Met zijn 5,2% zit België ver boven het gemiddelde van de eurozone (3,6%). Volgens economen zijn er verschillende redenen waarom de inflatie in België een stuk hoger ligt dan in de rest van de eurozone. Er is de verhoging van de distributietarieven in de energiesector en ook de stijging van de olieprijzen heeft een grotere impact op de inflatie.

Ziet de Commissie een aantal redenen voor de enorm hoge Belgische inflatie? Raadt de Commissie de Belgische regering aan om van de inflatie een beleidsprioriteit te maken?


The rise in inflation in Belgium is largely due to the considerable increase in world commodity prices in recent months. This rise has had a larger impact on inflation in Belgium than in the euro area for a number of reasons. First, the energy component has a higher weight in the consumption basket in Belgium than in the euro area (10.3% versus 9.6%). Second, the lower taxes – in particular excise duties – on fuel and heating oil in Belgium than in the euro area on average causes rising oil prices to have a larger impact on consumer prices which is a purely mechanical effect. On top of this, energy prices rose more in Belgium as the main providers decided on an important increase of the transport (electricity) and distribution (electricity and gas) fees, after a court order annulled the tariffs imposed by the regulator. Although the higher inflation rate in Belgium also relates to the sharper increase in processed food prices than in the euro area (8.3% versus 6.9%), this difference exists since mid-2006 and should thus not be seen as one of the main factors contributing to the widening inflation differential since the beginning of the year. Price increases for non-energy industrial goods, unprocessed food and services were in line or even below these observed in the euro area until April (no data for the euro area available yet for May).

As the differential can be largely explained by the particular developments in the energy component, core inflation – i.e. inflation excluding the energy and unprocessed food component – remained below the euro area average in April (2.2% versus 2.4%).

However, in the future, it should be avoided that the automatic (but incomplete) indexation of wages in Belgium further drives up inflation, leading to price-wage spiral with a negative impact on the competitive position.

Since inflation erodes the purchasing power of households, especially at the lower-end of the income spectrum, it is indeed important for governments to make containing inflation a priority and, together with the other euro area governments, support the European Central Bank in maintaining price stability.


Question no 78 by Ewa Tomaszewska (H-0408/08)
 Subject: Killings in Indian Punjab

Terrorism associated with the Khalistan Movement had led to the killing of thousands of innocent people in Indian Punjab. Is the Commission aware that many of the leaders of these terrorist groups continue to enjoy sanctuary in Pakistan? If so, has the Commission taken action under the Global War Against Terror to demand that Pakistan hand over these terrorist leaders to India to face justice?


Question no 79 by Mirosław Mariusz Piotrowski (H-0412/08)
 Subject: Killings in Indian Punjab

Would the Commission clarify whether it is true that the advocates of Khalistan (separate Sikh homeland), a movement that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people in the Indian State of Punjab and in other states, have approached the European Parliament and the European Union for assistance in fulfilling their agenda of subverting the sovereignty and integrity of democratic India?


The issue of terrorism associated with the Khalistan movement, seeking independence for a Sikh nation (Khalistan), needs first to be seen in the larger context of Punjab’s recent political history. The Indian state of Punjab, marred by violence for over 15 years due to Sikh separatists in the 1980s, returned to normalcy after the movement was successfully handled in the mid-1990s. After years of direct rule from New Delhi, the democratic process was successfully revived with a democratically elected government in 1997. The latest State election in 2007 resulted in putting back the Akali Dal party (representing exclusively the interests of the Sikhs) at the helm.

There have been articles in the Indian press indicating that a surviving network of terrorism continues to exist, in particular outside India, which can partly explain how Sikh militants managed to trigger a bomb blast inside a cinema hall in Ludhiana (seven dead, including a 10-year old child, and 40 injured) on October 14, 2007. The Commission’s analysis, however, is that the ideology that inspired a decade and a half of terrorism in Punjab has been rejected by the population.

In reply to the Honourable Member’s first question, the Commission believes that it is mainly for India, whose authorities have declared having evidence of Khalistan movement leaders’ presence in Pakistan, to request their extradition.

Regarding the second question, the Commission has not received any application for assistance from Khalistan advocates to fulfil their separatist agenda.


Pergunta nº 80 do Pedro Guerreiro (H-0409/08)
 Assunto: Ponto de situação das actuais negociações no âmbito da OMC

Tendo em conta as propostas revistas de 19 de Maio de 2008 quanto à agricultura e ao acesso ao mercado de produtos não agrícolas no quadro das negociações da OMC, pergunto à Comissão qual o actual ponto de situação das negociações, nomeadamente, quanto à agricultura, aos produtos não agrícolas (incluindo o têxtil e o vestuário) e às pescas (que pela primeira vez integra o pacote negocial).


New versions of the Agriculture and non-agricultural market access (NAMA) (Industrial Goods) negotiating texts were issued by the World Trade Organization (WTO) Chairs of those respective negotiating groups in mid May and discussions are underway on this basis. If negotiations progress sufficiently, there are prospects that a Ministerial meeting may be convened by the Director General of the WTO shortly.

In the area of agriculture, the Commission has sought on behalf of the EU to engage with third countries, in a manner which responds to their ambitions but which remains within the framework of the 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. It is the view of the Commission that these dual objectives can be met on the basis of current proposals, even if further issues remain to be clarified and agreed. This approach was however undertaken solely on the basis that this negotiation is a single undertaking and that concessions in one area should be balanced by gains in other areas.

The Chair's new NAMA text still provides for a wide range of possible negotiating outcomes. It is therefore difficult to assess at this stage whether the final result is likely to be acceptable to the EU. The EU is pushing for an agreement to fulfil the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) mandate, i.e. to create real new trade opportunities in industrial goods in developed and emerging economies. The principal means for achieving this is via a so-called "Swiss formula" for tariff reductions, as well as by introducing stronger disciplines to address non-tariff barriers. For this to be effective, it will be important to ensure that flexibilities granted to emerging economies are carefully circumscribed, and that the parameters for liberalisation for industrialised and emerging economies are such that real and new market access is created not just in North/North and North/South trade, but also in South/South trade. Whilst the EU fully accepts the principle that the poorest developing countries (Least Developed Countries and Small and Vulnerable Economies including all Sub-Saharan African countries except South Africa) should not cut their applied customs tariffs, it cannot accept that major emerging economies do not take their responsibility towards the rest of the world. This position has been made clear to other WTO Members. There may also be scope for progressing on sectoral tariff reduction agreements. In this context, the EU has tabled a proposal to negotiate a sectoral agreement on textiles, and continues to push hard to target tariff peaks in developed and emerging countries in this area, as well as in other sectors of important export interests to the EU.

In the area of fisheries subsidies, discussions have also been underway for some time in the framework of the so called "Rules" negotiation. There is as yet no agreed position on this issue. The EU is promoting disciplines which ban all harmful capacity enhancing subsidies while allowing those that positively contribute to the sustainable exploitation of available fishery resources and mitigate the negative impacts of adjustment measures on fishing communities. The EU also advocates strong and effective enforcement and transparency mechanisms which would ensure that the disciplines on fisheries subsidies are respected by all.

Negotiations are also moving ahead in services, geographical indications, non-tariff barriers, trade facilitation, and trade and environment, with differing levels of progress. The EU remains committed to securing useful results across all these areas.

In services, it will be essential that any WTO Ministerial set out common conclusions on the need for an ambitious outcome in this area. A plurilateral signalling conference, aimed at gauging with key partners areas of common interest, will be held in the margins of any WTO Ministerial. The results of this Conference will therefore feed into the EU's overall assessment of the balance likely to be achieved across the negotiations as a whole.

Finally, it is vital for the Commission that common conclusions agreed in any Ministerial Conference should also make significant progress on the issue of Geographical Indications.


Zapytanie nr 81 skierowane przez Ryszard Czarnecki (H-0411/08)
 Przedmiot: Rynek gazu

Jak Komisja ocenia fakt, że niemiecki koncern RWE szuka strategicznego inwestora dla swojej sieci gazociągów w RFN w kontekście sprzeciwu Kanclerz Niemiec Angeli Merkel wobec planowanej przez UE liberalizacji rynku gazu ?


The Commission welcomes the structural remedies offered by the German energy company RWE to settle an ongoing antitrust investigation in the gas sector.(1) RWE offered to divest its German gas transmission network to an independent operator. The Commission intends to market test RWE's proposals, with a view to adopting a decision under Article 9 of Regulation 1/2003(2). Under this procedure, the commitments would be made legally binding by a decision of the Commission and the Commission would not pursue the antitrust investigation.

These developments result from an antitrust investigation and are based on the European Union (EU) rules currently in force, not on the Commission's new proposals which are currently under discussion in the Parliament and the Council.


(1) Commission press release MEMO/08/355 of 31 May 2008.
(2) Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, OJ L 1, 4.1.2003


Question no 82 by Liam Aylward (H-0418/08)
 Subject: Scientific risk-based approach to pesticides and plant production products

Given the fact that world food prices are rising, that this has repercussions for EU citizens and developing countries and that we need to continue to produce more food, shouldn't the Commission be looking at a more scientific risk-based approach instead of a hazard-based approach regarding pesticide (plant production products) authorisation which would ensure continuous output of potato and cereal production?


One of the main aims of the proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market(1) is to maintain a high level of protection for humans, animals and the environment.

The proposed criteria for approval of active substances are essential to achieve these objectives: substances which are persistent in the environment, accumulating in living organisms or very toxic should not be approved for the use in plant protection products.

Furthermore, it is not acceptable that farmers or consumers are exposed to substances which are proven to be carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction.

It must be avoided that either humans or animals are exposed to substances which can affect fertility or reproductive behaviour.

The Commission is aware of the severe overall competition with which European farmers are faced and it is its duty to ensure that they are not disadvantaged by the measures. This is why, for example, the Commission has proposed an authorisation system (the zonal system) which will increase the availability of pesticides to farmers between Member States and give incentives to industry to develop products for small cultures. It will reduce the administrative burden for producers of plant protection products and the competent authorities.

The Commission is convinced that its proposal, which might lead to the withdrawal of a limited number of active substances, will not have severe effects for European agriculture. On the contrary, the Commission believes that it is an incentive for the development of new safer products.

This responds to the wish of many stakeholders, in particular farmers' unions and the industry. It also streamlines the authorisation procedure to give quicker access to the market to new pesticides, thus improving opportunities for innovation with new solutions ensuring sustainable plant protection and food safety at the same time.


(1) COM (2006) 388


Question no 83 by Janusz Wojciechowski (H-0421/08)
 Subject: Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence and jihadi groups

Pakistan’s media has carried extensive reports about the close links between Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence and jihadi groups which were nurtured to wrest Jammu and Kashmir away from India through violent means.

A former Chief of the ISI has also publicly admitted to Pakistan’s support for Khalistani terrorists.

Would the Commission clarify whether there is reason to be concerned that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, faced with world condemnation of jihadi activity and therefore unable to increase Islamic terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, is seeking to remobilise Khalistani terrorism in order to create problems in the Indian State of Punjab?


The question of links between the so-called Khalistan movement and Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) has on occasion appeared in the Indian press, combined with allegations that the ISI is trying to revive this movement.

The Commission has no information which could lead it to conclude that the ISI is seeking to remobilize Khalistani terrorism in order to create problems in the Indian State of Punjab.

The Honourable Member will be aware of progress made during the 4th round of composite dialogue talks between India and Pakistan which took place in Islamabad on 21 May 2008, and where further Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) were agreed.

Following that meeting Pakistan Foreign Minister Qureshi stated during a joint press conference with Indian Foreign Minister Mukherjee that Pakistan was ready for a “grand reconciliation” with India for the resolution of outstanding issues.

The European Union has expressed full support to the dialogue process between India and Pakistan, encouraging both sides to agree on substantive CBMs and to move towards resolution of all outstanding issues.

Encouraging terrorist activity, whether in Kashmir, Punjab or elsewhere, could seriously undermine the dialogue process and is in nobody’s interest.


Fråga nr 84 från Åsa Westlund (H-0425/08)
 Angående: Nätverket Eurrecas och organisationen ILSI:s roll i utformningen av nya kostråd inom EU

Enligt uppgift har nätverket Eurreca, främst bestående av företrädare för livsmedelsindustrin fått i uppdrag att arbeta fram nya kostråd inom EU. Eurreca har bildats och koordineras av branschorganisationen ILSI, en organisation som kritiserats hårt av WHO och bland annat förlorat sin status i WHO.

Mot bakgrund av detta vill jag ställa följande två frågor till kommissionen:

Ser kommissionen några risker med att en organisation med så stark koppling till industrin får ett så stort inflytande över utformningen av kostråden?

På vilket sätt garanterar kommissionen att utformningen av kostråden görs med en bredare ansats

där rön och synpunkter från nationella myndigheter, oberoende forskare och konsument- och miljöorganisationer kommer med?


The European branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI Europe), coordinator of the EURRECA project, complies with the rules for participation in the 6th Research Framework Programme (1).

As an eligible proposal, EURRECA (Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe with special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding) was evaluated by the Commission, assisted by independent experts, against the criteria(2) for the relevant call for proposals.

EURRECA is a Network of Excellence with the overall objective to create a sustainable collaborative network which advances knowledge on scientific evidence underpinning existing nutrient recommendations. Consequently, it is not in the remit of this Community funded project to formulate dietary guidelines to be applied across the European Union (EU).

The EURRECA consortium is composed of 34 partners, including 19 universities and public research institutes, small and medium size enterprises, national and international public health organisations, including the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, as well as consumer associations.

The project is reviewed yearly, against the objectives and expected results defined in the technical annex to the Commission contract(3), by independent experts.

The Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) as well as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are members of the External Advisory Groups.

DG SANCO requested EFSA to provide scientific advice on population reference intakes (on macro and micro nutrients) as well as guidance for developing food-based dietary guidelines for the EU population. This scientific advice on nutrient intakes is the basis for Community action in the field of nutrition. This work is currently ongoing.

Furthermore, DG SANCO always engages its stakeholders via the Advisory Group on the Food chain, and Animal and Plant Health, created in 2004(4) to consult citizens in an open and transparent way at the European level during the preparation, revision and evaluation of EU food legislation, as required by Regulation 178/2002/EC(5). It is composed of 36 European organisations representing the food chain, animal and plant health which can be consulted on a wide scope of issues, namely “food and feed safety, food and feed labelling and presentation, human nutrition in relation to food legislation, animal health and welfare, and plant health”(6). Environmental organisations can participate in technical working groups under the auspices of the Advisory Group on issues related to their activities.


(1)Regulation (EC) No 2321/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002.
(2)Relevance to the objectives of the programme, potential impact, excellence of the participants, degree of integration and the joint programme of activities and organisation and management.
(3)Contract number FOOD-036196.
(4)Decision 2004/613/EC of 6 August 2004, OJ L 275/17 of 25 August 2004.
(5)Article 9 of Regulation 178/2002/EC of 28 January 2002.
(6)Article 2 of Decision 2004/613/EC mentioned in footnote 1.

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