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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 1 April 2009 - Brussels OJ edition

Equal treatment of persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation (debate)

  Richard Howitt (PSE). – Mr President, as the shadow rapporteur on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, on behalf of the Socialist Group, could I commend Mrs Buitenweg and also my colleague Mrs Bozkurt? Thank you for your cooperation.

On behalf the Disability Intergroup, I am delighted that the 1.3 million people who signed the petition calling for an extension of anti-discrimination rights to disabled people have had their call listened to. I am also delighted that we agreed across party lines that there should be a horizontal directive and there should be no hierarchy of discrimination – a promise made to us by the then Portuguese Presidency of the European Union when the Race Directive was passed in 2000. Frankly, this promise has taken too long to be realised.

I condemn the Conservatives who want to make that delay even longer. This debate is not just about showing our support in Parliament, but is also about appealing to the Council to get on and agree to this now. I would ask our German friends not to block it, please. There are issues about private contracts that you are concerned about, but on public duties you are far ahead of the game. Let us actually raise our vision and get this agreed. I am delighted that today the future Swedish Presidency has committed itself to completing this in the EPSCO Council before Christmas. I hope very much you will be able to do that.

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