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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 25 February 2010 - Brussels OJ edition

Explanations of vote

Text tabled : B7-0118/2010

  Regina Bastos (PPE), in writing. (PT) I voted in favour of the resolution on Beijing +15 – UN Platform for Action for Gender Equality, as the strategic objectives of the Beijing Platform have not been achieved and inequality and gender stereotypes persist, with women remaining in a position subordinate to men in the areas addressed in the Platform.

We regret the lack of timely, reliable, comparable data, at both regional and EU level, for the indicators decided on for the follow-up to the Beijing Platform for Action, including women and poverty, violence against women, institutional mechanisms, women and armed conflict and the girl child. The Commission must develop further the annual review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and use the indicators and analytical reports effectively as a contribution to different policy fields, as well as a basis for new initiatives aimed at achieving gender equality. We would like to reiterate the need for systematic implementation and monitoring of gender mainstreaming in legislative, budgetary and other important processes, and of strategies, programmes and projects in different policy fields.

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