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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 6 July 2010 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Agreement between the EU and the USA on the processing and transfer of financial messaging data from the EU to the USA for purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (debate)

  Timothy Kirkhope, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I would like to thank Alexander Alvaro and his predecessor, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, as well as the US authorities and, in particular, the American Ambassador, Mr Kennard, for their hard work, perseverance and determination to produce another agreement and maintain a positive relationship between the EU and the US. We should congratulate the US in their sustained belief that progress was possible here, and for once again continuing down the route to an EU-US international agreement.

I believe that this time we are all here with a lot more goodwill and cohesion following six months of mostly successful but testing negotiations. Parliament has had to push hard to be heard and for its voice to be respected. What we are finally being presented with is an agreement which is not only new, but improved; one which we can live with, and one which we should be happy about, especially with vital lessons having been learned within our Parliament and within the EU institutions. The deal is good compared with last time, including, as it does now, a judicial review, EU oversight, review procedures and blocking mechanisms. It represents for us the future possibility of our own EU TFTP system. It is certainly more equal, more open and more democratic.

For those Members who have remaining concerns, it is not perfect, but may I remind this House that we do not live in a perfect world. Indeed, we live in a world full of dangers, as Claude Moraes highlighted a moment ago in relation to London. That is exactly why this agreement is needed. It is why we do not just have a duty to protect the data and the rights of our citizens, but also to protect their ongoing security and their safety.

Last night in committee, this agreement was overwhelmingly adopted. It was a victory for common sense and I hope the same result can be echoed within this House when we vote together. Now is the time to put aside our individual ideals and be practical for the sake of the people we represent. Now is the time for the reputation of the EU as a serious international body to be renewed. Now is the time for us to behave reasonably and responsibly. Now is the time for this House to vote in favour of the text, which my group will certainly do.

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