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Postup : 2011/2885(RSP)
Průběh na zasedání
Stadia projednávání dokumentu : B7-0187/2012

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Rozpravy :

PV 28/03/2012 - 17
CRE 28/03/2012 - 17

Hlasování :

PV 29/03/2012 - 9.12
CRE 29/03/2012 - 9.12
Vysvětlení hlasování
Vysvětlení hlasování
Vysvětlení hlasování
Vysvětlení hlasování
Vysvětlení hlasování

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Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
Středa, 28. března 2012 - Brusel Revidované vydání

17. Zpráva o pokroku Kosova (rozprava)
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  Przewodniczący. - Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest oświadczenie Rady i Komisji dotyczące sprawozdania w sprawie rozszerzenia dotyczącego Kosowa.


  Nicolai Wammen, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, on Kosovo I can state clearly that I am optimistic about the situation as it has developed since the submission of the 2011 progress report by the Commission. The Council conclusions of 28 February this year also reflect the very considerable efforts made by both Serbia and Kosovo in the EU-facilitated dialogue.

As you know, last December the Council welcomed Kosovo’s commitment to the European agenda, including through its sustained efforts in areas such as visas, trade and the judicial system, as well as the establishment of the National Council for European Integration. The Council also welcomed the improved integration of Serbs south of the Ibar River.

At the same time, the Council noted the limited progress achieved with regard to the reform agenda in a year marked by elections, and it urged Kosovo to take the necessary steps to address the shortcomings identified in the electoral process.

Kosovo was also encouraged to improve the budgetary situation, in close cooperation with the IMF. The Council noted the need for major efforts on the part of the authorities, particularly to strengthen public administration reform and consolidate the rule of law. Evidence was needed to demonstrate that organised crime and corruption are being tackled and that progress is being made in pursuing judicial reform and protecting freedom of expression. The Council also invited Kosovo to launch an inclusive and long-term agenda for northern Kosovo.

In addition to these requirements, the Council emphasised the crucial importance of the EU-facilitated Belgrade/Priština dialogue as a process of equal importance for both Serbia and Kosovo. The Council called on both parties to engage constructively on the full range of issues, from freedom of movement of persons to customs and from the cadastre to the implementation of the integrated management for crossing points, the IBM.

This call was certainly heard in both Belgrade and Priština. Progress was made over the subsequent months, and considerable political courage was demonstrated in both capitals. These are very positive developments, which demonstrate the power of the enlargement process to promote reform.

Equally important is the fact that the EU has responded to these efforts. The visa dialogue was launched in January 2012. Furthermore, the Commission intends to launch a structured dialogue on the rule of law and a feasibility study for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo. These are important incentives.

I think we all agree that Kosovo’s future lies within the European Union. Solid implementation of the agreements reached between Belgrade and Priština will bring Serbia and Kosovo further on their path towards the EU.

On the other hand, many challenges lie ahead for the leadership in Kosovo, not least on the domestic agenda. Here the EU is also ready to assist. I very much hope that more resources will be put in place on the ground to support the initiatives from Brussels and from the new EUSR/Head of Delegation, who has been in place for only a few weeks.


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I am grateful for your kind invitation to participate in your discussion on Kosovo. I am also grateful for your support for the Commission’s work on Kosovo, as confirmed by the report we will debate here today, and I am very grateful for the excellent work of your rapporteur, Ms Lunacek, in preparing this well-balanced report and ensuring broad support for it.

I have just returned from Kosovo. On Tuesday I had the pleasure of attending the very first meeting of Kosovo’s Council for European Integration. The Council was set up by Kosovo’s President Jahjaga in order to establish a forum for discussion and guidance on Kosovo’s path to Europe.

In my speech to the Council for European Integration, I emphasised that it was essential that the Council reflect and be supported by all sides of the political spectrum in Kosovo. The Council needs to build as broad and inclusive a consensus across society as possible. Only with the support and engagement of all political forces and communities will Kosovo be able to make the efforts at reform required to move successfully towards Europe. European integration requires the support and commitment of Kosovo society as a whole. By its very nature, European integration is and needs to be inclusive.

Honourable Members, what can we do to support Kosovo on its way towards closer integration? The General Affairs Council of 28 February confirmed the Commission’s intention to launch a feasibility study for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo. This marks the beginning of a new stage in the European Union’s relationship with Kosovo. The Council’s endorsement firmly anchors Kosovo in the European Union’s policy framework for the Western Balkans. It marks a crucial step towards the establishment of contractual relations with Kosovo.

The objective of the feasibility study is to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Kosovo’s readiness to negotiate and eventually implement a Stabilisation and Association Agreement, which forms the legal basis of the European Union’s relations with the countries of the Western Balkans and a stepping stone towards membership. The study will focus on the political, economic and legal aspects of Kosovo’s readiness for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement. My visit to Kosovo yesterday marked the start of our work.

The launch of the feasibility study was another, additional key element in the European Union’s already ambitious agenda for Kosovo. Let me mention some of the key elements of this agenda. First, I hope that we will be able to issue the visa liberalisation roadmap for Kosovo later in the spring. Second, we will shortly resubmit our proposal for a framework agreement allowing Kosovo to participate in European Union programmes. Third, on 30 May, I will launch the structured dialogue on the rule of law. Fourth, we will support Kosovo’s bid for membership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, once Kosovo chooses to submit its application. Fifth, we are ready to support an inclusive and long-term agenda for the north of Kosovo.

Let me conclude by reaffirming the European Union’s commitment to Kosovo. The last few weeks have shown that these are not just empty words but are backed up by concrete action. The Commission is fully engaged with Kosovo. 2012 should be a year of opportunity, and I trust I can count on Parliament’s support to turn this opportunity into reality.


  Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, my report this year aims to send a strong signal to the citizens of Kosovo that the future of independent Kosovo lies in the European Union. This report acknowledges the work the European Union has been doing over the last months and years, and these important steps forward regarding the Republic of Kosovo – be it the launching of the visa dialogue and the fact that the roadmap, as Commissioner Füle has now confirmed, is to be delivered this spring, or the fact that the dialogue between Priština and Belgrade, between Kosovo and Serbia – have led to some positive results. This needs to continue after the Serbian elections.

What are these results? Regional cooperation, where Kosovo can now participate on its own account in international and regional organisations, and the agreement on border management which, for the first time, constitutes a bilateral agreement between the two states. Nevertheless, I would also call on Serbia to sign the agreement, as it has promised. In addition, with his visit yesterday, Commissioner Füle launched the feasibility study, as we have already said, which is the first step for the further progress of Kosovo and towards the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

My report also calls on the five recalcitrant Member States of the European Union to recognise Kosovo, because this would make the EU’s efforts even more effective.

Nevertheless, there are still challenges in Kosovo itself: the fight against corruption and organised crime, building up a functioning economy and social developments, so that people can feel the desire, the need and the will to work in their own country and to build it up. There must be electoral and constitutional reforms, and all the perpetrators of electoral fraud in the last elections must be brought to justice. The rule of law and media freedom: there are still things to be done.

Regarding the north, my report calls on the Government in Priština to reach out to the Serbs in the north and for the Serbs in the north to implement the Ahtisaari Plan, because it would provide municipalities with wide-ranging autonomy. It also calls on Serbia to refrain from holding local elections in the north, which would violate international law and would not be in line with Resolution 1244, and to stop supporting perilous structures.

I hope my report will find broad support, even as regards the amendments that I had to table because the first vote was two months ago now, in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and many things have happened since, as I have tried to relate.


  Bernd Posselt, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! In diesem Jahr ist es hundert Jahre her, seit im ersten Balkankrieg königlich-serbische Truppen den Kosovo erobert haben. Was damals passiert ist, ist dokumentiert in Berichten der Carnegie-Stiftung und des österreichischen Sozialdemokraten Leo Freundlich. Es folgten 86 Jahre Unterdrückung und am Schluss der Versuch eines Genozids durch das Milošević-Regime. Seit zwölf Jahren haben die Kosovaren die Chance, einen europäischen demokratischen Staat aufzubauen. Sie haben dabei große Probleme, aber sie haben auch Gewaltiges geleistet. Dies anzuerkennen und sie auf dem weiteren Weg zu unterstützen, ist heute unsere Aufgabe.

Um es klar zu sagen: Ich bin für einen Beitritt Serbiens zur Europäischen Union! Ich war erst am Sonntag deswegen in Serbien. Aber ich fordere Gerechtigkeit für den Kosovo. Serbien hat Kandidatenstatus, Kosovo ist von fünf EU-Staaten immer noch nicht anerkannt. Das muss sich ändern. Im Kosovo gibt es garantierte Minderheitenrechte, reservierte Mandate im Parlament auf der Basis des Ahtisaari-Plans und der kosovarischen Verfassung. Nach den serbischen Wahlen besteht die Gefahr, dass die Albaner im Preševo-Tal noch nicht einmal einen einzigen Abgeordneten im serbischen Parlament haben. Die Serben haben im Kosovo einen Vizepremier und einen Vizepräsidenten des Parlaments. Deshalb bin ich wirklich der Meinung, wir müssen hier Augenmaß und Vernunft walten lassen und auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union beiden Seiten die gleichen klaren Bedingungen stellen.

Es gibt neun Abkommen zwischen Pristina und Belgrad. Von diesen neun Abkommen sind die wichtigsten noch nicht unterschrieben und zwei zur Hälfte umgesetzt. Die anderen nicht. Wir wollen Taten sehen und nicht nur Versprechungen und Worte hören. Wir wollen die Taten vor den serbischen Wahlen sehen und nicht erleben, dass sie womöglich nachher wieder einkassiert werden. Und wir wollen ganz klar keine Teilung des Kosovo, kein neues Aufrollen der Statusfrage, sondern eine europäische Entwicklung einer jungen europäischen Demokratie!


  Pier Antonio Panzeri, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'onorevole Lunacek ha svolto davvero un buon lavoro.

Io penso che il processo di consolidamento della democrazia in Kosovo sia un fattore molto importante. Il nostro obiettivo ora è quello di incoraggiare le autorità di governo di Pristina e l'insieme delle forze politiche presenti in Parlamento a proseguire sul terreno delle riforme democratiche, riforme in grado di modernizzare il paese e di aprire una nuova fase nella vita politica, civile ed economica del Kosovo. Ci sono ancora molti problemi da affrontare – li richiamava il Consiglio prima – e devono essere affrontati con forza e determinazione e soprattutto devono essere affrontati con la coerenza necessaria da parte delle autorità kosovare.

È vero, la situazione si sta evolvendo. Non possiamo che salutare positivamente lo storico accordo raggiunto tra Belgrado e Pristina in materia di cooperazione regionale inclusiva e rappresentazione del Kosovo nei forum regionali. Tutto ciò può favorire seriamente la stabilità dell'intera regione dei Balcani occidentali ed è motivo di grande rilevanza anche per l'Unione europea. È proprio in questo quadro – lo ha ricordato il Commissario Füle – che è positivo il fatto che la Commissione ha avviato uno studio di fattibilità relativo a un accordo di stabilizzazione e di associazione tra l'Unione europea e il Kosovo.

Bisogna ora insistere su questa strada, perché questa strada non solo può pacificare e rendere più proficuo il rapporto tra Serbia e Kosovo e può avvicinare ancor di più questi paesi verso l'Unione europea, ma anche perché può aiutare a superare le differenze esistenti verso il Kosovo anche di quei paesi che ancora non hanno riconosciuto l'esistenza del Kosovo stesso. C'è quindi un lavoro che deve essere svolto da parte dell'Europa, ma soprattutto un lavoro che le autorità kosovare devono compiere fino in fondo per realizzare questi obiettivi.


  Jelko Kacin, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I would like to congratulate Madam Lunacek on a good and well-balanced report. At long last, Kosovo’s citizens receive some good news from Brussels. A feasibility study has begun, as well as work on visa liberalisation. We need to ensure that these processes bear fruit in the near future. Kosovo is the last country in the region whose citizens need visas for travelling in the Schengen area. We need to do our part in order to put an end to this predicament as soon as possible.

Kosovo has engaged in a dialogue with Serbia in good faith, and we should welcome their constructive approach. Dialogue with Belgrade is in the very best interests of Kosovo, its citizens and the economy. Both sides should continue the dialogue and implement the agreements fully.

What Kosovo urgently needs in addition is a dialogue between the Serbian community in the north of Kosovo and ethnic Serbians living to the south of the Ibar river. Serbian culture has a strong presence in Kosovo. The gap that has been opening between these two parts of the Serbian community weakens it and makes the life of ethnic Serbians in Kosovo more difficult. At the same time, Priština needs to reach out in good faith to the Serbian community in the north and encourage their integration in a wider Kosovo. Belgrade needs to dispel ideas that the Serbian-dominated north will in some way remain a de facto part of Serbia proper. This will be difficult as long as certain Member States do not change their position regarding the independence of Kosovo.

This is our part of the job if we seek stability in the region and coherence in our foreign policy. But what is of the utmost importance for Kosovo’s future is that Priština needs to engage in a dialogue with itself. Systemic corruption and organised crime are a plague on the Kosovo economy and the rule of law. Much more needs to be done in this battle, where concrete results will make it possible for Kosovo to have a Stabilisation and Association Agreement soon. The political will of Kosovo’s leaders will be crucial in these efforts.


  Χαράλαμπος Αγγουράκης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το ψήφισμα προωθεί την ιμπεριαλιστική πολιτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τις επιδιώξεις των μονοπωλίων στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια. Είναι μια περίοδος βαθειάς καπιταλιστικής κρίσης και οξύτατων ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών για αγορές και σφαίρες επιρροής. Το ψήφισμα στηρίζει την επιβολή των καπιταλιστικών αναδιαρθρώσεων, την καταλήστευση του φυσικού πλούτου του Κοσσόβου, την όξυνση της ανεργίας και της φτώχειας. Εγκαλεί προκλητικά τους κατοίκους του βορείου Κοσσόβου που αντιστέκονται στις κατοχικές δυνάμεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του ΝΑΤΟ.

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση επιδιώκει τη διαιώνιση της παρουσίας των δυνάμεων της ΚΦΟΡ, της EULEX και της μεγαλύτερης αμερικάνικης βάσης εκτός ΗΠΑ. Προσπαθεί να επιβάλλει την αναγνώριση ενός προτεκτοράτου του ΝΑΤΟ και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, που είναι δημιούργημα του βρώμικου πολέμου ενάντια στον Γιουγκοσλάβικο λαό, εκβιάζει απροκάλυπτα τον Σερβικό λαό ν' αποδεχτεί τον διαμελισμό της χώρας για ν' αρχίσουν οι διαδικασίες ένταξης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Ανοίγει έτσι τους ασκούς του Αιόλου για την όξυνση εθνοτικών αντιθέσεων, την υποδαύλιση αποσχιστικών κινημάτων και την επαναχάραξη των συνόρων. Δημιουργούνται κίνδυνοι για γενικευμένη πολεμική ανάφλεξη.

Τασσόμαστε ενάντια στην παρουσία των ξένων στρατευμάτων στα Βαλκάνια, τασσόμαστε για μια Ευρώπη της ειρήνης και της φιλίας των λαών που δεν μπορεί να είναι παρά μόνο πάνω στα ερείπια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.


  Fiorello Provera, a nome del gruppo EFD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Kosovo è un paese con grandi problemi strutturali, evidenziati dalla relazione stessa. Una corruzione profonda e diffusa, un sistema giudiziario che non risponde alle esigenze di un paese democratico, una pubblica amministrazione fortemente inefficiente, una grave mancanza di libertà dei mezzi d'informazione, una protezione delle minoranze insufficiente anche nei confronti delle tradizioni culturali e religiose. Inoltre, l'economia è molto debole e la tutela dell'ambiente è trascurata. A tutto questo si aggiunge una criminalità diffusa che riguarda il traffico d'armi, di persone e di droga, verificata da inchieste internazionali e riportata da mezzi d'informazione autorevoli.

Il Consiglio d'Europa nel 2010 ha poi denunciato il coinvolgimento del premier Taci nel contrabbando d'organi e in altre attività criminali. Tutto questo dimostra che siamo molto lontani da una qualsiasi ipotesi di possibile integrazione, anche se dobbiamo accompagnare il Kosovo nella sua evoluzione sociale e democratica.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 149, paragrafo 8, del regolamento))


  Bernd Posselt (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der blauen Karte. – Herr Präsident! Ich möchte Herrn Provera fragen, ob er weiß, dass Herr Marty von der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarats vor dem außenpolitischen Ausschuss unseres Parlaments keinen einzigen Beleg für seine Behauptung des Organhandels vorlegen konnte. Das muss natürlich untersucht werden. Aber es gibt keinen einzigen Beweis, und ich möchte nur wissen, ob Herr Provera das weiß?


  Fiorello Provera (EFD), risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". – Io so che l'accusa del Consiglio d'Europa ha nominato per ventisette volte nel proprio rapporto il Presidente Taci e c'è stata anche una ripresa di questa notizia da parte della BBC. Io non sono l'autorità giudiziaria e non tocca a me verificare dal punto di vista giudiziario eventuali responsabilità. Tuttavia, l'accusa del Consiglio d'Europa è un'accusa molto grave, fatta da un Consiglio autorevole, che credo meriti una qualche considerazione.


  Krzysztof Lisek (PPE). - Panie Przewodniczący! (Chciałbym z dumą powiedzieć, że pierwszy raz mogę powiedzieć „Panie Przewodniczący!” do mojego wieloletniego przyjaciela.) Panie Komisarzu! Chciałbym powiedzieć, że sprawozdanie przygotowane przez panią poseł sprawozdawczynię jest dobrym, wyważonym sprawozdaniem i godnym poparcia. Wskazuje na duże zaangażowanie pani poseł sprawozdawczyni i dużą wiedzę na temat tego, co się dzieje w Kosowie.

Kosowo to oczywiście nie jest łatwa kwestia, nie jest łatwa sprawa i to jest i będzie jeszcze przez wiele lat dużym wyzwaniem dla Unii Europejskiej, dla społeczności międzynarodowej w ogóle, bo nie tylko my jesteśmy zaangażowani w budowę, w pomoc w budowie tego państwa, w reformy tego państwa. I trzeba powiedzieć, że bardzo dobrze, że w tym sprawozdaniu podkreślono, że państwo kosowskie już zrobiło wiele na drodze do budowania normalnej organizacji państwowej, do naprawy – czy do budowy właściwie od zera – systemu prawnego, budowy różnych instytucji niezbędnych dla tego państwa. Chciałbym jednak zwrócić uwagę tak naprawdę na jedną generalną rzecz, że to, co się stanie w Kosowie, sukces Kosowa to jest również przykład dla innych państw, to jest przykład na skuteczność polityki Unii Europejskiej, przykład, który będzie ważny dla innych państw bałkańskich i dla całego regionu Bałkanów Zachodnich.


  María Muñiz De Urquiza (S&D). - Señor Presidente, para una parte no desdeñable del Grupo Socialista, una posición constructiva pero diferenciada dentro de la Unión Europea en relación con la independencia de Kosovo ha tenido efectos muy positivos en la situación de avances en la que nos encontramos actualmente: ha beneficiado la apuesta europea por Serbia y ha contribuido a la estabilidad en el conjunto de la región.

Si la Unión Europea se hubiera posicionado en bloque al lado de una de las partes, no se habrían conseguido muchos de los logros ni de los avances significativos que se han mencionado ya aquí con profusión, desde el diálogo bilateral hasta el diálogo de la Unión Europea con ambas partes.

Por ello, consideramos que no es adecuado el llamamiento, que figura en el informe, a los Estados miembros que no han reconocido aún a Kosovo a que lo reconozcan, y tampoco consideramos que sea adecuada ninguna de las menciones que pueden interpretarse como un reconocimiento implícito de Kosovo.

Consideramos que este debate debería centrarse más bien en los problemas que afectan a Kosovo, como la corrupción, la delincuencia organizada, la situación económica o la construcción institucional, más que en el debate sobre el reconocimiento o no reconocimiento de Kosovo.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). - Mr President, my thanks to the rapporteur for her work. Kosovo is facing a year of challenges and opportunities. I appreciate and fully support the agenda prepared by the Commission and the Council for this year: moving on with the feasibility study, the visa liberalisation dialogue and the EU programmes constitutes concrete and ambitious steps which are urgently needed for Kosovo now.

The EU needs to invest in this agenda to be credible. We should also expect concrete and tangible results from the Kosovo authorities, especially reforms in the judiciary and in public administration, but most importantly in strengthening the rule of law and in the fight against corruption and organised crime. I would also like to encourage Kosovo to continue the dialogue with Serbia in order to bring concrete results for Kosovars and normalise relations between Kosovo and Serbia. I also believe that both the people’s representatives in the Kosovo Assembly and we in the European Parliament should be regularly informed of this process and its results.

Finally, Kosovo has lots of hard work ahead, but I am sure this will improve life in Kosovo and bring it first closer to the EU and finally into the EU itself.


  Tanja Fajon (S&D). - Kolegici Lunačkovi bi se zahvalila za njeno delo in podporo državi, ki edina v regiji nima pogodbenih odnosov z Unijo in je ena najbolj izoliranih v tem delu Evrope, saj njeni državljani še danes ne vidijo luči na koncu brezvizumskega tunela.

Odprava vizumov bo posebej pomembna za mlade. Ko bo Kosovo spomladi dobilo časovnico za odpravo vizumov, moramo zagotoviti, da bo proces hiter, pomagati oblastem, ki jih čaka veliko dela.

Tudi dialog s Srbijo mora po dogovoru o regionalnem zastopstvu Kosova in skupnem upravljanju meja stopiti stopnico više. Le popolno priznanje Kosova bo normaliziralo življenje.

Vesela sem, da je Komisija zagnala študijo izvedljivosti, ki bo korak k tesnejšemu povezovanju z Unijo. Mladi rabijo perspektivo, rabijo delovna mesta.

Krepiti moramo evropsko zavest med mladimi, boj proti korupciji, organiziranemu kriminalu, ne samo na Kosovu, ampak v vseh državah Zahodnega Balkana. Predvsem pa moramo biti iskreni, na obeh straneh.


  Knut Fleckenstein (S&D). - Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Den Belgrad-Priština-Gesprächen war hier in Brüssel ein erster Erfolg beschieden worden. Ich möchte sagen, dazu gehört auch Mut! Mut des Premierministers Thaçi und des Präsidenten Tadić. Diesen Mut sollten wir anerkennen, weil dies ein erster Schritt gewesen ist, die Voraussetzung für eine positive Entwicklung. Jetzt ist es auch an uns, den Menschen im Kosovo zu zeigen, dass wir es ernst meinen. Deshalb unterstützen wir Kommissarin Malmström in ihrem Engagement für die Visaliberalisierung, und wir unterstützen Sie, Kommissar Füle, bei der Machbarkeitsstudie zum Abschluss des Stabilitäts- und Assoziierungsabkommens. Sie können fest mit unserer antreibenden Solidarität rechnen, wenn Sie sich hier an die Arbeit machen.

Eines sollten wir von hier aus allerdings auch sagen – das galt in der Vergangenheit und das gilt auch in Zukunft: Beide Seiten müssen wissen, dass sie nur gemeinsam bzw. parallel der EU näher kommen können. Keiner wird es auf Kosten des anderen schaffen. Da werden wir nicht mitmachen.


Procedura pytań z sali


  Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anch'io voglio ringraziare l'onorevole Lunacek e congratularmi per il lavoro svolto. Siamo davanti a grandi sfide e a grandi opportunità per il Kosovo e io penso che l'agenda proposta e illustrata oggi dal Consiglio vada in questa direzione e debba trovare il nostro sostegno.

Vi è sicuramente grande ottimismo rispetto ai notevoli sforzi e ai grandi progressi compiuti dal Kosovo in questi anni. Basterebbe pensare a quella che era la situazione di pochi anni fa, di dieci, quindici anni fa, per comprendere quanti importanti passi in avanti siano stati compiuti. Oggi dobbiamo incoraggiare il governo di Pristina, ma dobbiamo incoraggiare tutte le forze politiche democratiche a proseguire sulla via delle riforme, a favorire l'agenda europea e le riforme dei visti, del commercio e del sistema giudiziario. È questo il percorso che ci aspetta per conseguire due obiettivi: quello di migliorare il livello di democrazia in Kosovo, per migliorare la vita dei kosovari e avvicinare il Kosovo all'Europa, e poi quello di portare il Kosovo in Europa. Una giovane democrazia europea deve trovare il sostegno forte e convinto dell'Europa.


  Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE). - Mr President, the Catalan Liberal Party that I represent fully supports the process of Kosovo’s accession to the EU.

I would like to remind you that, while we in this Parliament are discussing the enlargement of the EU, there are five European countries that have not yet recognised Kosovo as a new independent state. One of these countries is Spain. I would like to call on all the European institutions to maintain pressure on Spain to recognise Kosovo’s independence. The EU cannot accept this incredible democratic deficit within its membership.

I also welcome the fact that Montenegro is making steps towards European integration after its independence in 2006. I thank the European Union for being always respectful towards freedom and democracy.


  Inês Cristina Zuber (GUE/NGL). - Senhor Presidente, sempre o referimos e a realidade demonstra-o. A declaração unilateral de independência da província sérvia do Kosovo foi um acontecimento de extrema gravidade e um perigoso precedente no plano do direito internacional, com imprevisíveis consequências na estabilidade das fronteiras, nomeadamente no continente europeu.

Tratou-se de uma flagrante violação da Carta das Nações Unidas e da Ata de Helsínquia e de uma decisão ilegal à luz dos principais princípios do direito internacional.

A realidade tem vindo a demonstrar que a criação artificial de um pseudo-estado sob soberania vigiada, seja lá o que isso for, foi tudo menos soberana. Tratou-se, isso sim, de um protetorado criado e imposto através da agressão e ocupação militar pelos Estados Unidos da América, pela NATO e pela União Europeia que se mantêm através da KFOR, esta secundarizada pela missão EULEX da União Europeia.

A declaração unilateral de independência do Kosovo pretendeu apenas perpetuar, através da política do facto consumado, o domínio político, económico e militar dessa importantíssima região da Europa por parte dos Estados Unidos e das grandes potências da União Europeia.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Rešpektujem stanovisko Európskej rady, ktorá v roku 2003 prisľúbila všetkým krajinám západného Balkánu, že sa budú môcť stať členmi Európskej únie. Naplnenie tohto sľubu voči súčasnej administratíve Hašima Tačiho sa mi však javí ako výsmech princípom ľudskosti a spravodlivosti, na ktorých budujeme spolužitie národov v Únii. Správa parlamentného zhromaždenia Rady Európy totiž poukázala na ťažké zločiny páchané drenickou skupinou najmä voči srbským, ale i nepohodlným albánskym obyvateľom tejto provincie. Stále pokračujúce zastrašovanie a vraždy svedkov týchto zločinov dokazujú, že práca misie Európskej únie pre právny štát v Kosove je nedostatočná a misia nedokáže v mafiou prerastenom prostredí dokonale objektívne dokumentovať zločiny oslobodeneckej armády Kosova. Som presvedčený o tom, že pokiaľ nebudú dôsledne vyšetrené všetky obvinenia vznesené Radou Európy, nemáme právo legitimizovať spoločnými rokovaniami režim vedený osobami vyšetrovanými zo závažných zločinov.


  Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). - Señor Presidente, yo fui y soy solidario con Kosovo. En la época de Milosevic estuve en los campos de refugiados de Kukes, en Elbasan, en Stankovic, etc. En mi propia ciudad acogí a muchos miembros del UCK en términos solidarios.

Pero hoy, señor Presidente, en Kosovo hay problemas de corrupción, de control de los medios de comunicación social, de delincuencia organizada, de administración mejorable. Hoy Kosovo, a mi juicio, señor Presidente, no reúne ninguna de las condiciones necesarias ni para estar en la Unión Europea ni para ser un Estado independiente.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). - Míg a 90-es években a koszovói albánok autonómiaköveteléseiről hallhattunk, mára Koszovó az EU-tagállamok többség által elismert, független állammá vált. A kettő között azonban nem volt zökkenőmentes az út, véres harcok és rengeteg áldozat, továbbá két, gazdaságilag is elvesztegetett évtized kellett hozzá. Amikor a szerb vezetés elvetette Koszovó autonómiáját, talán nem sejtette, hogy az elszakadáshoz vezető első lépést tette meg. Amikor pedig a nemzetközi közösség nem vette komolyan a Rugova vezette békés tiltakozásokat, talán nem sejtette, hogy hozzájárul az erőszak, a fegyveres harc kialakulásához. Az etnikailag vegyes lakosságú térségekben, a Nyugat-Balkán pedig ilyen, a különböző őshonos nemzeti kisebbségi közösségek önigazgatásának lehetővé tétele a társadalmi béke elsődleges feltétele. Erre tanít minket Koszovó nem is olyan távoli történelme. Az Uniónak oda kell figyelnie a nemzeti kisebbségek hangjára, jobban, mint eddig tette.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). - Señor Presidente, España no reconoce el Estado de Kosovo ni apoya su progresiva integración en la Unión, olvidando que, el pasado 22 de julio de 2010, la Corte Internacional de Justicia consideró que su declaración de independencia no había violado el Derecho internacional.

Kosovo era un Estado antes de que las tropas serbias lo conquistasen en 1912 y ha sido una de las áreas de la antigua Yugoslavia más castigadas por el genocida Milosevic. Solo por respeto a la legalidad internacional, por solidaridad con las víctimas del colonialismo serbio y por el reconocimiento al pacifismo de Rugova, debería cambiar esta posición.

Considero que, tras ella, solo hay miedo a reconocer que en su propio seno tiene también naciones cuyos habitantes aspiran legítimamente a otro estatus. España debe entender que, en el siglo XXI, la voluntad ciudadana, libre y democráticamente expresada, es el verdadero fundamento de la soberanía y, en este sentido, señor Comisario, ¿cuál es su opinión al respecto, después de todos los esfuerzos que está realizando para la integración de Kosovo?


(Koniec procedury pytań z sali)


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I am grateful for this opportunity to exchange views with you today on the European Union’s commitment to Kosovo. I am also grateful for your encouragement and support for the Commission’s initiatives to bring Kosovo closer to Europe and for our work on the feasibility study for Kosovo in particular.

Over the next couple of months we will prepare an in-depth analysis of Kosovo’s preparedness to negotiate and conclude a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union. Such an agreement would confirm Kosovo’s joining the rest of the Western Balkans in their shared endeavour to one day share and be part of our zone of stability, security and prosperity.

My visit to Kosovo this week marked the start of a new phase, one of hard work and serious reform. Turning from words to a process based on substance and content is the right way to address the many challenges the people of Kosovo face. The Commission will be ready to support Kosovo in this. Kosovo’s recent agreement on regional cooperation with Serbia, despite its teething problems, should help the European Union to engage more deeply.

I ask for your continued support in passing this message on and strengthening engagement with Kosovo’s Parliament. Let us work together towards this common objective of bringing Kosovo and the region closer to Europe and helping to bring lasting security and prosperity to the Western Balkans.


  Nicolai Wammen, formand for Rådet. − Hr. formand, ærede medlemmer, hr. kommissær! Jeg takker for den diskussion, der har været her i Parlamentet i dag om Kosovos EU-perspektiv. Særligt vil jeg gerne takke Ulrike Lunacek for hendes stærke engagement i Kosovo og Kosovos EU-integrationsproces. EU har utvetydigt forpligtet sig i forbindelse med det europæiske perspektiv for Kosovo, og EU vil forsætte med at støtte Kosovo ved hjælp af sin stærke tilstedeværelse, bl.a. via EULEX, men det primære ansvar for fremdrift ligger naturligvis hos Kosovos ledere.

Kosovo står over for store udfordringer, og meget er blevet nået på få år. Vi må dog også erkende, at nogle helt særlige forhold gør sig gældende for et så ungt land. Kosovo har gjort gode fremskridt i etableringen af en større offentlig infrastruktur, som vil gøre det lettere at iværksætte de nødvendige reformer; men vejen mod EU vil være et langt sejt træk baseret på hårdt arbejde og egne meritter. Kroatiens optagelse i EU og senest tildelingen af kandidatstatus til Serbien viser imidlertid, at EU-tilnærmelsen for de lande, der laver deres hjemmearbejde, i allerhøjeste grad er en mulighed. Det vil også være en kilde til motivation for de øvrige lande på det vestlige Balkan, herunder også Kosovo.

Under dagens drøftelser har vi været inde på en række områder, hvor reformer er påkrævede. Lad mig bare nævne nogle helt centrale problemstillinger: Jeg deler bekymringen over det begrænsede fremskridt, som Kosovo generelt har gjort, når det gælder de politiske kriterier, og ikke mindst de begrænsede fremskridt på området bekæmpelse af korruption.

Korruption er et meget alvorligt problem i Kosovo, og opfølgningen på korruptionssager kunne være bedre, for kun et begrænset antal sager på højt niveau har resulteret i retsforfølgelse. Her bør der gøres en ekstra indsats fremover fra de kosovarske myndigheders side.

Det er også afgørende, at der tages yderligere skridt til at bekæmpe den organiserede kriminalitet. Der skal vedtages mere lovgivning inden for dette område, og lovgivningen skal implementeres effektivt. Og så er det vigtigt, at disse tiltag gennemføres i samarbejde med nabolandene, da organiseret kriminalitet ikke respekterer landegrænser. I det hele taget er der et påfaldende behov for reform og udbygning af retssystemet i Kosovo, og det er et område, som EU støtter aktivt.

Med hensyn til økonomien er der et meget stort behov for at gennemføre strukturelle reformer, der kan fremme Kosovos udvikling hen mod en velfungerende markedsøkonomi. Her er der stadigvæk lang vej endnu.

Udfordringerne er med andre ord store, men EU har en særskilt forpligtigelse til at støtte Europas yngste stat, så den gennem yderligere reformer kan tage de nødvendige skridt på vejen mod yderligere EU-tilnærmelse. Den kosovarske ledelse er opmærksom på dette og ønsker at gøre en ekstra indsats for at leve op til forventningerne, og regeringen i Pristina har gennem den EU-faciliterede dialog med Beograd vist, at den er rede til at arbejde pragmatisk for at opnå løsninger også i vanskelige spørgsmål.

Det er vigtigt, at denne kurs fortsættes, og i den forbindelse er det min forhåbning, at regeringen i Pristina vil gå pragmatisk til værks og forny bestræbelserne på at iværksætte en inklusiv og langsigtet dagsorden for det nordlige Kosovos fremtid. Det danske formandskab ser i den forbindelse frem til et fortsat tæt samarbejde med Parlamentet og med Kommissionen.




  Presidente. − Comunico di aver ricevuto una proposta di risoluzione(1) a conclusione della discussione (articolo 110,2 del regolamento).

La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà giovedì 29 marzo 2012.


(1)vedasi processo verbale

Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí