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Процедура : 2011/2186(INI)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документа : A7-0058/2012

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PV 29/03/2012 - 4
CRE 29/03/2012 - 4

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PV 29/03/2012 - 9.16
CRE 29/03/2012 - 9.16
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Четвъртък, 29 март 2012 г. - Брюксел Редактирана версия

4. Европейска инвестиционна банка (ЕИБ) - Годишен доклад за 2010 г. (разискване)
Видеозапис на изказванията

  Elnök. − A következő pont az Iliana Ivanova által a Költségvetési Ellenőrző Bizottság nevében készített jelentés az Európai Beruházási Bank (EBB) 2010-es éves jelentésére irányuló javaslatról (2011/2186(INI)) (A7-0058/2012).


  Iliana Ivanova, rapporteur. − Mr President, first of all I would like to congratulate Mr Hoyer on his new post and say that I hope he continues the excellent cooperation between the EIB and the European Parliament.

The European Union is going through the most difficult period in its history. Yesterday the ECB again expressed its disappointment at the low growth levels and the lower than expected business crediting. At the same time unemployment rates are greatly increasing in most of our Member States.

In addition to these factors, Europe also faces important external challenges, such as climate change, energy issues and democratic changes in neighbouring countries. That is why the EU needs this strong institution and I welcome the European Investment Bank’s strong commitment to taking a leading role in reviving the European economy.

In the 2010 annual report I emphasised several important issues that addressed these challenges. The first critical point for me is support for small and medium-sized enterprises. I am convinced that a well-functioning real economy, and SMEs in particular, should be the engine that will boost the EU economic recovery.

The EIB group ensures significant support for SMEs across Europe through its different instruments. Nevertheless, there are still areas that could be improved. First, enhanced transparency in the way that the EIB selects financial intermediaries and allocates global loans. A lot has been done in recent years but the system of providing this type of financial assistance still needs to be improved. We need clear performance indicators and targets as well as better supervision of financial intermediaries in order to assess the effectiveness of these programmes. It is clear that the final results cannot be properly assessed without adequate and explicit targets. I hope that President Hoyer will address these issues with even better responsiveness than the EIB has demonstrated so far.

The second important point concerns external policy. Even though we recently increased the financial envelope for external affairs, from the budgetary control standpoint there are still some concerns. There is insufficient information about the results, the impact and the achievements of this policy. The information on the quality of the sub-project’s finances, and consequently the final beneficiaries’ performance, does not provide sufficient assurance that the desired objectives are being achieved. I believe that these points are essential. The European guarantee to the EIB operations outside the EU represents a potential liability for the EU budget and we need to see efficient monitoring tools that show the real value-added of the finance project.

Last but not least, I want to stress my concerns regarding the issues related to internal control mechanisms. I am concerned about the increase of the overall level of credit risk in the Bank’s loan portfolio. It is clear that this is a result of growing pressures on the creditworthiness of existing counterparties and the higher risk embedded in new operations.

The capital adequacy ratio decreases more and more each year. I wonder how the risk management philosophy of the EIB is addressing these challenges. When targeting beneficiaries it is important to consider seriously their creditworthiness and to actually think of instruments that would encourage and help countries with good financial discipline. We need to give good students a boost as well, and I expect the EIB to take this recommendation on board.

I would like to emphasise the fact that the AAA credit rating of the bank represents the cornerstone of its activity and is essential for its operations. In this respect the EIB should take all necessary steps to preserve this rating.

I would again like to thank President Hoyer for his cooperation, as well as for the excellent communication we have had with the Brussels representation of the EIB.


  Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank. − Mr President, it is a pleasure and an honour for me to be here for the first time in my new capacity and to respond to the report just given by Mrs Ivanova. It is a real pleasure because I believe that the cooperation between our Bank and the European Parliament should be clear, should be open and should be transparent. I consider the European Parliament an ally of the Bank in the enormous challenges which we will have to meet in the future.

Allow me first of all to thank Iliana Ivanova for her very thorough and diligent report and for her excellent cooperation with the EIB’s services. We welcome the fact that even though the report has the year 2010 in the title, it not only looks at the past but also examines matters from a broader perspective and addresses some very recent developments, as well as some key orientations for the future. We share the analyses for the current situation and the challenge the European Investment Bank is facing nowadays. Much emphasis has been put on fiscal consolidation – undertstandably so given the state of finances in many Member States.

Across the continent, we have realised that solid public finances are key to regaining market confidence. However, tackling the problem of public debt and fiscal consolidation is only part of the equation. The other part is restoring sustainable growth, boosting job creation and stimulating competiveness to ensure the EU maintains its position in a world economy that is now globalising at high speed.

This job-friendly growth – as the Heads of State and Government put it at the Council meeting in January – must be pursued in parallel with fiscal consolidation and this is, as you are aware, where the EIB comes into play. It comes into play with long-term investment in key drivers of economic expansion. I welcome your backing for our commitment to focus on the knowledge triangle of research and development, innovation and education. Indeed, investment in that area is vital for Europe if it does not want to be sidelined by new actors in the global game.

You will be aware that, since 2008, the EIB has, on request by the Member States and as a timely targeted temporary measure, extended extraordinary lending volumes in support of growth and jobs. Last year the Bank provided its highest ever contribution to the real economy: some EUR 60 billion actually disbursed to clients at favourable conditions and long tenors. However, this has brought us to a limit, and this was clear from the beginning. This is because the EIB does not spend taxpayers’ money but obtains all the resources it needs for lending by borrowing on the markets – EUR 76 billion last year, almost half of which was from countries outside the European Union which, by the way, is also an indication of trust and confidence in the European Union.

This gradual decrease which we now have in the operation plan was planned, foreseen and necessary for us to protect the finaical strength of the Bank and retain the full confidence of our investors. However, it is definitely not satisfactory; I agree with that as well.

So how do we reconcile this decrease in lending volumes with the request from our shareholders to, as it is said, strengthen support for SMEs and infrastructure and enhance action to support growth – to use the wording of the European Council meeting in January? How do we make sure that, in times of need, the EIB does not work pro-cyclically due to its capital constraints? Rather than reducing the number of projects, we have financed a lower proportion of projects – and in practice a constant number of projects – in order to maintain our impact across a wide spectrum of areas. We have also made sure not to withdraw from countries in need, as that would contradict our role.

We are aware that the current economic climate and budgetary shortfalls mean that we must find ways to do more with less. Combining EU budget funds with EIB resources, risk sharing and guarantees for financing mechanisms is one way of achieving this. However, at the end of the day we have come to the conclusion that the overall lending capacity of the EIB remains constrained by its very capital base. This means there are limits to what these risk sharing instruments can achieve.

A conventional capital increase, as you mention in your report, would definitely be the most effective way to remedy that but so far, understandably, the readiness and willingness of Member States to boost our paid-in capital appears limited. Given these constraints, another way to construct capital support for the EIB would be to allow the EU to provide quasi capital.

In the meantime, we continue to explore other alternatives in order to strengthen the Bank’s capital base so as to allow the Bank to do more. We do this while very clearly and precisely following best banking procedures and sticking to very basic principles which provide, or which are the guarantee of, the preservation of the triple-A status of this Bank. This is essential for the business model of the Bank and the European Union Member States. The shareholders of the EIB should have a keen interest in the European Investment Bank, maintaining the balance – and this is the job of any bank – between risk orientation and preserving the good quality of the portfolio, in order to be able to maintain a high rating on the market, because that is the basis for our ability to borrow at very favourable rates and pass this on to the final beneficiary. That is the real economy, and that is where we must make a difference.



  Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, I find it particularly pertinent to assess the role of the European Investment Bank in the current economic context. I want to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Ivanova, and the European Parliament, as well as President Werner Hoyer, for their very fruitful cooperation.

Looking at the current state of the European economy, our most recent forecast projected that the European Union would go through a phase of mild recession or zero growth this year. While financial markets show some signs of stabilisation, there cannot be any room for complacency. We must continue with determination to conclude and implement our five-point road map for stability and growth.

As the Bank of the European Union, the EIB plays a crucial role in Europe, and last year the EIB supported projects of wide-ranging importance for the European economy with lending of EUR 54 billion.

To promote the Europe 2020 strategy of jobs and growth and climate action the Commission and the EIB have been developing innovative financial instruments, such as loan grant lending and risk sharing mechanisms. We welcome the support of Parliament. I would especially like to thank Parliament for its constructive approach to our legal proposal on the project bond pilot initiative and the urgency with which the file has been pursued.

Since the Council was able to reach an agreement yesterday, I am confident that the legislative process can and will be concluded by the summer. The pilot phase should already be having a positive impact. When we tabled the proposal last October we estimated the final multiplier effect to be at around 15 to 20 in terms of comparing the total effective amount of investment to the EU budget contribution. This is expected to mobilise investments of up to EUR 4.6 billion in the pilot phase 2012-2013.

But we must also see the bigger picture. A successful pilot launch can lead to programmes being more widely used, especially in the Connecting Europe facility under the next financial framework. This can create a long-term incentive for capital market investors to invest in this specific project, thus mobilising further resources for sustainable growth and employment in Europe.

Let me also underline the important commitment the EIB has made and is making to support the economic recovery of Greece. Last week the EIB signed an agreement with the Minister of Development of the Hellenic Republic to create a EUR 500 million guarantee fund which will provide a first-loss guarantee for EIB support of EUR 1 billion of SME lending by Greek banks for small and medium-sized enterprises.

We are also responding to the January European Council’s call to strengthen EIB support in general in Europe for SMEs and infrastructure, not least in the other programme countries, and we are together considering possibilities for the EU budget to deliver the EIB groups’ financing capacity. I agree with President Hoyer that it is very important to look for creative and convincing ways of reinforcing the capital base of the EIB.

Finally, the EIB provided EUR 7 billion of loans outside the EU, and we expect the EIB to focus its external activity on operations in the preaccession countries, as well as in our eastern neighbours. It will make consistent contributions, with an emphasis on supporting the democratic and economic transformation in the southern Mediterranean in line with the revised mandate adopted by Parliament and the Council.

I am convinced that Parliament’s assessment of the EIB’s activities in the year ahead will be as supportive as its opinion on the 2010 annual report and I am very much looking forward to a continued, close and successful cooperation between the Bank and the Commission.


  Bart Staes, Rapporteur voor advies van de Commissie ontwikkelingssamenwerking. − Voorzitter, collega's, commissaris, ook ik wil op mijn beurt de heer Hoyer verwelkomen. Het is de eerste keer dat hij hier is en ik hoop op een vruchtbare samenwerking. Ik wil focussen op vier zaken: allereerst de oproep aan de Europese Investeringsbank om regelmatig verslag uit te brengen over de bereikte resultaten, waaronder ook mededeling van concrete gegevens over de eindbegunstigden. Meneer Hoyer, hoe reageert u op dit concrete verzoek?

Ten tweede: het externe mandaat van de Europese Investeringsbank - dat wil zeggen de acties buiten de EU in het kader van de ontwikkelingssamenwerking - moet in volledige overeenstemming zijn met artikel 208 van het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie, waarin is bepaald dat vermindering en uitroeiing van armoede in de ontwikkelingslanden de voornaamste doelen van het ontwikkelingssamenwerkingsbeleid van de Europese Unie zijn. Zich daarop concentreren is dus van ontzettend groot belang.

Ten derde: de Europese Investeringsbank moet ervoor zorgen dat naleving van alle EU-normen, maar ook van alle internationale normen op ecologisch gebied, op sociaal gebied en op mensenrechtengebied een systematische voorwaarde is voor financiering door de EIB. Dat betekent dus dat bedrijven die deze normen schenden, of bedrijven die geregistreerd staan in belastingparadijzen eigenlijk niet in aanmerking mogen komen voor EIB-steun. Meneer Hoyer, hoe reageert u op deze eis van het Europees Parlement?

Tenslotte, het vierde en positieve punt is dat de EIB zich concentreert op de strijd tegen klimaatverandering en zich inzet voor hernieuwbare energie. In dit verband zeggen wij heel klaar en duidelijk: EIB, concentreer u daarbij op gedecentraliseerde, kleinschalige en off-gridprojecten en zorg ervoor dat plattelandsgebieden zo op een goede manier toegang tot energie krijgen.


  Syed Kamall, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. − Mr President, I would also like to welcome Mr Hoyer to the Parliament today and to congratulate him on his position.

I would like to speak as the rapporteur on the opinion from the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. Cooperation in the committee was actually very good, as there was agreement on a number of principles. One was the principle of transparency and accountability, and not only to Member States – and I would like to see Member States take a more active role in ensuring accountability, particularly when, in theory, there is an unlimited call on capital for Member States which we have to be aware of during difficult times – but also to report regularly to the European Parliament. I know there has been a precedent set in the past. We also want to make sure that the best prudential banking practices are in place, because – let us not forget – it is European citizens who provide the money via their taxes. It is also important to have as much information as possible in the public domain so that citizens can make their choices.

Of course, there are competing demands on the EIB. Like many banks, we are asking you to rebuild balance sheets, to have a strong balance sheet and to be able to be stress tested and to meet all the requirements. But, at the same time we are also asking you to lend more money. I understand that balancing those two requirements is always a very difficult thing. But, given the lessons of the crisis, given the problems and given the fact that the EIB relies on the ratings from the Member States, please make sure that you ensure that you have a strong balance sheet and actually are able to cope with the unexpected.


  Crescenzio Rivellini, relatore per parere della commissione per l'ambiente, la sanità pubblica e la sicurezza alimentare. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anch'io do il benvenuto al Presidente Hoyer e alla Commissione e, in quanto relatore ombra, non posso che considerare positivamente il fatto che nel 2010 la BEI ha aumentato a 19 miliardi, dai 16 miliardi previsti, l'ammontare degli investimenti per promuovere progetti a favore del clima, dell'efficienza energetica, dell'energia rinnovabile, dei trasporti, della forestazione e via dicendo.

Un altro aspetto positivo è che la BEI, aumentando a 6 miliardi nel 2010, contro i 500 milioni del 2006, ha sicuramente aiutato l'energia rinnovabile, un settore strategico per le questioni climatiche dell'Unione europea. Anche il miglioramento della composizione tecnica, aumentando al 64% nel 2011, nei confronti del 40% del 2007, il numero degli esperti che lavorano sui progetti di efficienza è un fatto sicuramente positivo.

Vi sono però due cose negative. La prima è che la BEI deve aiutare di più le piccole e medie imprese e la seconda è che la BEI non deve aiutare quei progetti sulle tecnologie proibite – petrolio, gas e minerali – che speriamo possano essere via via nel tempo eliminate.


  Ingeborg Gräßle, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Herr Präsident Hoyer, herzlich willkommen! Wir freuen uns, dass Sie zu Ihrem Amtsantritt bei uns zu einem so wichtigen Dossier wie dem Jahresbericht sprechen können. Wir hoffen, dass wir Sie öfter sehen. Die EIB bekommt ja in den neuen Mehrjahresprogrammen eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Wir hoffen, dass die EIB in den Punkten, die Sie uns jetzt versprochen haben, nämlich in der Frage der Erhöhung der Transparenz, noch gewaltig nacharbeitet. Wir sehen immer wieder, dass wir viel zu wenig über die Kosten wissen, die die EIB der EU für die Verwaltung der Finanzinstrumente in Rechnung stellt. Das heißt, wir möchten ausdrücklich darum bitten, auch unsere Fragen und die in dem Bericht von Kollegin Ivanova angesprochenen Punkte zu beantworten.

Wir haben im Haushaltskontrollausschuss ein steigendes Interesse der Kollegen an der EIB festgestellt. Wir sehen, dass viele Kollegen eine starke EIB wollen. Aber wir wollen auch eine EIB, die uns mehr Bericht erstattet, und zwar jenseits der bunten Bilder und schönen Broschüren über Zahlen und Fakten, so dass wir einen wirklichen Einblick haben, wie das Management der Gelder vor Ort vor sich geht. Man darf ja nie vergessen, dass Sie eine relativ kleine Institution sind. Die EU ist eine relativ große Organisation. Die EU hat vor Ort mehr Leute als Sie. Das heißt, die Frage, wie Sie Dinge besser machen können als die EU, liegt vor uns auf dem Tisch. Auch da bitten wir um Nacharbeit.

Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass die Erweiterung der Kapitalbasis der EIB keinesfalls so vor sich gehen kann, dass Sie die geparkten Strukturfondsgelder zu sich rüberholen, wie ich das jetzt jüngst von einem Parteikollegen von Ihnen aus Deutschland als Vorschlag gehört habe. Wir glauben, dass die EIB als Ergänzung zur EU und zu den wichtigen Aktivitäten ein wichtiges Instrument ist. Deswegen wollen wir eine effiziente EIB, aber keinesfalls einen Ersatz der EU-Aktivitäten.


  Zuzana Brzobohatá, za skupinu S&D. – Pane předsedající, jako stínová zpravodajka za skupinu S&D především vítám rozsáhlou podporu Evropské investiční banky pro tzv. konvergenční regiony, která tvořila téměř 41 % z celkových úvěrů EIB v Evropské unii, a také skutečnost, že téměř 30 % objemu úvěrů EIB v roce 2010 šlo na projekty přímo přispívající ke snižování emisí skleníkových plynů.

Ve svém vystoupení bych se chtěla stručně zaměřit na čtyři body. Za prvé na odpovědnost EIB: v březnu letošního roku na základě stanoviska našeho Výboru pro rozpočtovou kontrolu Evropský parlament doporučil zavést systém obezřetnostního regulačního dohledu Evropské investiční banky, a to buď prostřednictvím Evropské centrální banky nebo Evropského orgánu pro bankovnictví s možnou účastí nezávislého auditora.

Druhý bod se týká otázky offshore finančních center a daňových rájů. Zejména v současné situaci probíhající finanční a hospodářské krize je důležité zajistit, aby finanční operace EIB nepřispívaly k jakékoli formě daňových úniků či dokonce praní špinavých peněz.

Za třetí, s ohledem na hospodářskou a finanční krizi považujeme za nutné zajistit větší objem úvěrů na strukturální programy, které podporují hospodářské oživení a růst. V této souvislosti je nezbytné, aby EIB nejen nadále nabízela podobné nástroje zemím, které se potýkají s finančními potížemi, ale aby rovněž výrazně podporovala země s dobrou finanční kázní a konvergenční regiony. Současně je také velmi důležité, aby EIB vypracovala a uplatňovala strategii s cílem zachovat si rating AAA, který je základním prvkem činnosti této banky.

Za čtvrté, vítám přístup EIB k myšlence projektových dluhopisů Evropské unie. A jsem velmi ráda, že v říjnu tohoto roku Evropská komise konečně předložila příslušný legislativní návrh iniciativy, který by měl být zahájen již v období 2012–2013.

Při této příležitosti mohu připomenout, že to byla skupina S&D v Evropském parlamentu, která podporovala nové finanční opatření na úrovni EU jako alternativu k úsporným opatřením a škrtům ve veřejných výdajích, které v současné době většina evropských vlád provozuje.


  Michael Theurer, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar! Zunächst begrüße ich den Präsidenten der EIB, Werner Hoyer, und gratuliere ihm zu diesem engagierten und überzeugenden Einstand. Wir müssen nach der monetären Stabilisierung jetzt den Fokus voll auf das reale Wachstum der Wirtschaft legen. Dabei ist ein entscheidender Aspekt die Förderung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen. Im Jahr 2010 hat die EIB 115 000 kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit 10 Milliarden Euro unterstützt. Trotzdem gibt es gerade in den Krisen- und Peripherieländern eine Kreditklemme im Mittelstand. Wir erwarten hier als Europäisches Parlament, dass die EIB alles tut, um die kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen stärker zu unterstützen.

Wir würden gerne auch mehr über die Bedeutung der Garantien für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen erfahren und über die Möglichkeiten der Fazilitäten auf Risikoteilungsbasis. Außerdem halten wir es für wichtig, dass die EIB bei den EU-Projektbonds in der Infrastrukturfinanzierung eine Rolle spielt. Zusammenfassend sind wir dafür, dass Infrastruktur, Technologie und Innovation – kurzum blaues Wachstum – im Mittelpunkt der Strategie der EIB steht.


  Ryszard Czarnecki, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Panie Prezesie! Gratulacje w związku z objęciem nowej, ważnej, może coraz ważniejszej, funkcji. Chciałbym przede wszystkim podkreślić, że z mojego punktu widzenia – zarówno członka Komisji Kontroli Budżetowej, ale przede wszystkim polityka z biednego kraju, jakim jest Polska – szczególnie ważne jest, aby Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny kontynuował i wyraźnie zwiększył w ramach swoich priorytetów pomoc dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, które tak naprawdę są tą częścią gospodarki każdego kraju, która pozwala łagodniej znosić kryzys. Wielkie firmy przeżywają wielkie kłopoty, małe firmy potrafią być bardziej elastyczne, ale zasługują na wsparcie, zasługują na pomoc. 100 tysięcy małych firm, które wspieraliście, to za mało, 10 mld euro to za mało. Apel o więcej!

Chciałbym jednocześnie powiedzieć, że Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny powinien być bankiem inwestującym, to znaczy takim, który będzie też liczył, że te inwestycje się będą zwracać. Projekty nie mogą mieć charakteru ideologicznego. Ja mam – powiem bardzo szczerze – wrażenie, że pewne projekty związane z walką z globalnym ociepleniem, z redukcją emisji CO2 mają charakter bardziej ideologiczny niż ekonomiczny, finansowy.


  Ρόδη Κράτσα-Τσαγκαροπούλου (PPE). - Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ήθελα να χαιρετίσω κατ' αρχάς την παρουσία του Προέδρου της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων στην Ολομέλειά μας, να χαιρετήσω επίσης τις πρωτοβουλίες και το έργο της Τράπεζας για την αντιμετώπιση των επειγουσών συνθηκών της κρίσεως, τη συνεχή προσπάθεια για την κοινωνική και οικονομική συνοχή, αλλά και τη σταθεροποίηση και ανάπτυξη στην περιοχή της γειτονιάς μας.

Ήθελα να επικεντρώσω την προσοχή μου στην ανάγκη συμπληρωματικότητας των πόρων της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων με τους πόρους των διαρθρωτικών ταμείων. Να δούμε με ποιό τρόπο θα συνδυαστεί καλύτερα η δραστηριότητα της Τράπεζας με τους αδιάθετους πόρους, για την προσφορά επιχειρηματικών κεφαλαίων και τεχνικής υποστήριξης στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις. Πιστεύω ότι οι προσπάθειές μας πρέπει να εστιαστούν αφενός, στους τομείς που δίνουν συγκριτικά πλεονεκτήματα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, όπως είναι η οικονομία της γνώσης, και χαιρετίζω ήδη τις προσπάθειες που έχετε κάνει προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση, αφετέρου στις χώρες που πλήττονται ιδιαίτερα από την κρίση.

Ήθελα να χαιρετήσω ιδιαίτερα τη δημιουργία του Ταμείου Εγγυήσεων που ιδρύθηκε πρόσφατα στην χώρα μου την Ελλάδα. Προβλέπεται να διοχετευθούν με ευνοϊκά δάνεια - μέσω τραπεζών - πεντακόσια εκατομμύρια στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις. Ήθελα να ρωτήσω, τι προβλέψεις έχετε επ' αυτού και ποιες είναι ήδη οι ενέργειες που έχουν προγραμματιστεί για την άμεση αντιμετώπιση της κατάστασης της οικονομικής και κοινωνικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα και την επανεκκίνηση της οικονομίας, την οποία τόσο έχουμε ανάγκη.


  George Sabin Cutaş (S&D). - Avem de-a face cu o realitate incontestabilă. Uniunea nu poate depăşi recesiunea pe care o cunoaşte doar prin aplicarea unor măsuri de austeritate. Ea are nevoie de creştere economică solidă, iar aceasta se construieşte prin investirea în cercetare, dezvoltare şi infrastructură. În acest context, Parlamentul European solicită astăzi guvernatorului BEI să aprobe o majorare semnificativă a capitalului băncii. Trebuie să acţionăm rapid pentru a încuraja dezvoltarea unor industrii durabile şi crearea de locuri de muncă.

Am spus-o deja în cadrul raportului Băncii Europene de Investiţii pe anul 2009 şi voi repeta aceeaşi idee şi astăzi. Comisia Europeană are datoria de a introduce obligaţiunile pentru finanţarea de proiecte cât mai curând cu putinţă, de preferinţă înainte de perioada bugetară 2014 - 2020.

La final aş dori să atrag atenţia asupra faptului că BEI ar trebui să acorde prioritate proiectelor de investiţii situate în regiunile şi statele membre care se confruntă cu cele mai mari dificultăţi economice şi cu cele mai grave probleme de lichiditate.


  Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE). - Herr Präsident, lieber Olli Rehn! Glückwunsch zunächst einmal an Werner Hoyer für den fulminanten und exzellenten Start in sein neues Amt.

Lieber Herr Hoyer, das sind keine leichten Zeiten für die Europäische Union. Wir brauchen in dieser Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise ökonomischen und politischen Sachverstand. Beides bringen Sie mit. Das Europäische Parlament ist froh, Sie an der Spitze der EIB zu wissen. Mein Dank geht aber auch an den ausscheidenden Vizepräsidenten, Matthias Kollatz-Ahnen, der Erhebliches geleistet hat. Zum Beispiel im Zusammenhang mit der Einrichtung des European Energy Efficiency Fund. Der Beitrag Ihrer Bank, lieber Werner Hoyer, ist entscheidend für die Überwindung der Krise. Wir alle wissen es. Sie haben es auch bewiesen. Beispielsweise bei der Überwindung der Krise im Automobilsektor. Durch die Verschrottungsprämie, die hauptsächlich auch über Ihre Bank getragen wurde, haben wir es geschafft, etwas Gutes für die Umwelt, aber eben auch etwas Gutes für die Konjunktur zu tun.

Jetzt gibt es neue Herausforderungen. Das Thema Projektbonds wurde mehrfach angesprochen. Wir sprechen ständig über innovative Finanzinstrumente, die wir von Ihrer Bank erwarten. Wir brauchen aber klare Regeln; wir erwarten von Ihrer Bank klare Regeln für alle Mitgliedstaaten! Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute bei dem

Unterfangen, das Triple-A-Rating für die Bank zu erhalten. Wir wünschen uns – das sagen wir in unserem Bericht, danke auch an Frau Ivanova –, dass die EU Anteilseigner wird, das wäre vielleicht ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Alles Gute für Ihr Werk!


  Vicky Ford (ECR). - Mr President, investing in infrastructure research and innovation is key to unlocking growth and increasing competitiveness, and the EIB has an important role to play. In my amendments to the Capital Requirements Directive, I have proposed that banks co-financing long-dated infrastructure with the EIB should be able to drop their risk rating by 50%. However, the EIB relies on its guarantee – implied guarantee – from our Member States for its triple-A rating, and we do need improved transparency.

The Risk Sharing Finance Facility, loan guarantee facility and Eurostars programmes for SMEs appear to be under-utilised by certain Member States. These programmes can be overly bureaucratic when compared to national programmes, and we should look at this.

Last year, I led negotiations for this Parliament on budgetary frameworks. It obliges countries to disclose off-balance sheet debts and contingent liabilities, and the project bond initiative must not be an excuse to hide new debts in complex arrangements between our Member States, the EU and the EIB. So the pilot schemes should be carefully monitored and assessed before a larger roll-out. Funds should be open to all and pricing must be fair. As MEPs, we all know of the infrastructure needs in our own countries. In my region we need investment in broadband, electricity grids and key roads. If project bonds can unlock that investment without adding hidden leverage for our national taxpayers, then I will support them.


  Cătălin Sorin Ivan (S&D). - În primul rând, vreau să felicit Banca Europeană de Investiţii pentru faptul că în ultimii trei ani de zile aproape şi-a dublat activitatea şi rezultatele financiare. Vreau, de asemenea, să îi felicit pentru felul în care şi-au gândit strategia pe perioada 2011 - 2013 şi iarăşi salut faptul că viitorul cadru financiar multianual va avea şi sprijinul Băncii Europene de Investiţii care, sper eu, va juca un rol mult mai important în perioada următoare, atât ca factor de redresare economică dar, mai mult decât atât, pentru dezvoltarea economică durabilă a Uniunii Europene.

Cu toate acestea, cred că este foarte important să încurajăm statele membre ale Uniunii Europene care au probleme financiare şi care nu pot să cofinanţeze proiectele din fonduri europene să apeleze la sprijinul Băncii Europene de Investiţii. Să gândim acele resorturi ca absorbţia de fonduri europene să fie mult mai importantă şi mult mai puternică în statele din estul Europei, în mod special, pentru că avem nevoie să utilizăm eficient fondurile europene.


„Catch the eye” eljárás.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, I welcome the President of the EIB and indeed the good work the EIB is doing in trying to combat the crisis we are in at the minute, especially their loans to SMEs. However, I have a question for the President: how can he guarantee that the actual loans are being given to SMEs? In my country at least, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that the banks are using them to balance their own books rather than giving them to SMEs. That is a very important point.

Secondly, I particularly welcome their role in combating climate change and in putting infrastructure in place, especially interconnectors and super grids, etc. That is absolutely vital. Thirdly, he mentioned the need for triple-A ratings, and we agree with that. I noticed that the EIB was put on negative credit watch at the end of 2011, but I have a difficulty here as I think those who are doing the ratings do not have a triple-A reputation themselves. This is either owing to their role in the financial crisis or to the recent timing of ratings prior to Council meetings, which could be seen as political interference. It would be much better if we introduced the reforms which we suggested here in Parliament a few months ago.


  Mojca Kleva (S&D). - Želela bi pozdraviti letno poročilo Evropske investicijske banke, predvsem ker je banka v letu 2010 zagotovila več kot 25 milijard eurov evropskim regijam, ki jih je gospodarska kriza najbolj prizadela, in povečala obseg strukturnih programov posojil.

Bistveno je, da se tudi v prihodnje ta praksa nadaljuje. Vloga, ki jo lahko imajo takšna posojila, inštrumenti za porazdelitev tveganja in projektne obveznice pri podpiranju javnih naložb, je zelo pomembna pri okrevanju evropskega gospodarstva.

Evropska investicijska banka mora še naprej sodelovati z Evropsko komisijo in Evropskim parlamentom, zato pozdravljam tudi današnji pogovor, in ponujati široko paleto inovativnih finančnih instrumentov ne samo državam, ki se spopadajo s finančno in gospodarsko krizo, ampak v prihodnje tudi tistim z dobro finančno disciplino in s konvergenčnimi regijami.

Na koncu pa samo še moja osebna čestitka predsedniku Hoyerju ob izvolitvi na novo mesto.


  Claudio Morganti (EFD). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'attività della BEI è sicuramente importante, soprattutto quando opera a sostegno delle nostre piccole e medie imprese.

Vorrei però segnalare un dato della relazione 2010 che mi lascia alquanto perplesso. Non riesco a comprendere come la Turchia possa essere di gran lunga il maggior recettore dei finanziamenti al di fuori dell'Unione. Buona parte dei prestiti europei vanno infatti a imprese turche che sono spesso in diretta e sleale concorrenza con le nostre attività. Dal punto di vista politico, risulta ancora più grave che una banca costituita dai ventisette Stati membri conceda agevolazioni a un paese che neanche riconosce uno di questi stessi Stati e che continua a lanciare minacce all'Europa per la prossima Presidenza cipriota.

Per questi motivi ho presentato un emendamento per congelare i finanziamenti alla Turchia fino a quando non verrà risolta la questione di Cipro. Spero che oggi il Parlamento non voglia girare la faccia dall'altra parte ma prenda sul serio questa importante iniziativa.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, when the word ‘bank’ is attached to an institution, it bestows on it a status of economic rationality and even professionalism, but the role of this institution is to pursue the objectives of the EU project.

In 2010 the Board of Directors declared that its activities had three main dimensions: the Commission’s Europe 2020 Strategy with its employment strategy that embraces neoliberal economic policy and an acceptance of globalism; combating climate change – well, we had an 11th century Danish King of England who set himself a comparable task – and, thirdly, supporting the EU’s foreign policy objectives.

This is yet another example of the fact that, whatever activity the EU is following, whatever institution we are looking at, or whatever ostensible objective it might have, the real objective is the European project, the creation of a European – or perhaps these days, not so very European – superstate.


  Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). - Rolul Băncii Europene de Investiţii în ceea ce priveşte combaterea crizei economice şi financiare actuale sau în ceea ce priveşte atingerea obiectivelor Strategiei 2020 este indiscutabil. De aceea, consider că această instituţie trebuie să continue eforturile în sprijinirea economiei Uniunii Europene şi în promovarea coeziunii economice, sociale şi teritoriale, punând accent în special pe proiectele destinate regiunilor mai puţin dezvoltate.

Este deosebit de important că, în ceea ce priveşte volumul creditării, proiectele de tip parteneriat public - privat au reprezentat în 2010 32 % din împrumuturile acordate de BEI pentru reţelele transeuropene de transport. În contextul în care finanţarea publică este din ce în ce mai limitată, consider că orientarea investiţiilor BEI către astfel de proiecte va fi de un real sprijin în completarea eforturilor realizate la nivel local şi regional. Aceste parteneriate sunt vitale pentru ca Uniunea Europeană să poată realiza investiţii necesare în anumite domenii cum ar fi infrastructura şi sectorul serviciilor şi sugerez Comisiei să aducă îmbunătăţiri concrete privind consolidarea parteneriatului public - privat.


  Monika Flašíková Beňová (S&D). - Po prepuknutí finančnej a hospodárskej krízy boli veľké očakávania, že to bude práve Európska investičná banka, ktorá bude podporovať a zabezpečí kontinuitu mnohých projektov. Vo viacerých oblastiach sa tieto očakávania však nenaplnili a už minulý rok v debate o výročnej správe za rok 2009 som upozornila na to, že protikrízové financie, ktoré mali smerovať práve do tých malých a stredných podnikov vo východnej Európe, dosť dlho zlepšovali bilanciu najmä súkromných komerčných bánk.

Očakávali sme, že v čase krízy bude pre Európsku investičnú banku prioritné pomôcť v tých oblastiach, ktoré sú krízou najviac postihnuté. Keď sa ale pozrieme na distribúciu úverov za minulý rok, naskytne sa nám zvláštny obraz. Zatiaľ čo Nemecko dostalo 10°% z celkového množstva, Grécku sa dostalo iba 1,6°%. Pri nemeckých úsporách a pri prebytkoch obchodnej bilancie a pri gréckych problémoch sme očakávali, že to bude naopak. To isté platí aj pre strednú a východnú Európu. Najmenej zasiahnuté krajiny dostávajú oveľa viac z celkového koláča, zatiaľ čo prídely povedzme pre Bulharsko, Litvu, Lotyšsko, Slovensko či Rumunsko sa dajú vyjadriť skôr v desatinách percent. Zaujímal by ma kľúč, akým prerozdeľujete úvery pre jednotlivé krajiny.




  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Európska investičná banka môže výberom svojich politických, technických a finančných kritérií pre výber finančnej pomoci výrazne ovplyvniť charakter pripravovaných investičných aktivít. Preto jej kritériá pre poskytovanie finančnej pomoci musia zohľadňovať isté vizionárske aspekty očakávania zmien v civilizovanej spoločnosti.

Podpora technológií, ktoré nedosahujú lepšie ako priemerné európske ekologické normy, by mala byť preto výrazne obmedzená. Základom pre kvalifikované posudzovanie projektov do budúcnosti by, myslím si, malo byť položenie väčšieho dôrazu na vplyv a účasť odborníkov posudzujúcich ekologické a inovatívne parametre pripravovaných investícií. To sa mi zdá byť jediná cesta, ako aj charakterom pomoci Európskej investičnej banky môžme prispieť k zlepšeniu inovatívnosti a ekologizácii nových investícií tak v Európe, ako aj vo svete.


(Fin del procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra («catch the eye»))


  Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, let me deal with two issues which are of paramount importance for the work of the EIB and for our joint work to enhance sustainable growth and employment through investment. The first one relates to recent initiatives to bolster the EIB’s capital, a matter that was raised by many Members, and the second – a related issue in fact – is project bonds, which was also raised by several Members.

You may recall that it was decided at the January European Council to strengthen EIB support for SMEs and infrastructure. The Council, the Commission and the EIB were invited to consider possible options to enhance EIB action to support growth and to make appropriate recommendations, including possibilities for the EU budget to leverage EIB group financing capacity, and to implement the relevant measures by June 2012.

The Commission fully supports this objective and this work and we are currently exploring possibities to do so. In this regard, Mrs Gräßle raised the point that the Structural Funds are not an appropriate method for this. I would like to provide you with the Commission’s position on this, which has been, as always, collegially prepared.

The Structural Funds are earmarked for individual Member States while the EIB’s Tier 1 capital must support the Bank’s entire operations, hence this Tier 1 capital cannot be allocated to specific Member States or sectors.

Member States would thus have to agree unanimously to give up their national Structural Funds allocations for general use by the EIB. This is not feasible really, given the obstacles to using Structural Funds for these purposes to increase the EIB’s capital. The Commission is currently exploring alternative options. To achieve this objective we are open to any convincing option which increases the EIB’s capital base with a significant and lasting leveraging effect and which has a solid financial prudential foundation.

My second point: I informed you that the Council had reached an agreement yesterday on the Commission proposal for the project bonds’ pilot phase. This will support infrastructure projects by bringing new investors to the sector, which is a very important signal in the context of enhancing growth.

Now this agreement in the Council is the first major milestone towards adoption of the proposal, the other being, of course, the agreement of this Parliament. One of you said that the Commission has a duty to put forward a proposal on the pilot phase. I want to throw the ball back to Parliament. Parliament will, I trust, treat this file as a matter of the highest priority and we hope negotiations will start in April in time for its entry into force in June; we do not want to waste any more time but to get action moving in this very important field.

I can tell you that, in the meantime, the Commission is preparing all the subsequent steps required for the implementation of project bonds so that this can take place immediately once the decision has been taken. At the same time the EIB is intensifying its work on identifying suitable projects for this exercise.

In other words, and in conclusion, all the stars are now aligned for a speedy implementation ensuring urgent support for Europe’s economy, its growth and job creation through investment in infrastructure.


  Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank. − Mr President, honourable Members, let me first of all thank you very much for this very warm welcome to the European Parliament for a long-time parliamentarian who after 25 years gave up his parliamentary seat just a couple of weeks ago. It is good to be back and to be in a debate. I welcome and thank you for so many interesting questions and suggestions in width and in depth. Unfortunately I will not be able to cover all this in the remaining four minutes but let me assure you that I will be available to Parliament and its committees whenever you consider it useful.

I believe there is a hidden treasure in Luxembourg. You here are all experts. You are all the European Investment Bank. If I go to the politicians on the budget committees or the economic committees of the parliaments of the Member States, I find limited knowledge about the EIB. Nobody knows what a valuable instrument this is for the European institutions. This is an institution which, by its lending volume, is far bigger than the World Bank. We must make this known among our citizens in the European Union because this is something we can bring into place when it goes in favour of job creation in Europe, change in the environmental situation in Europe, climate action, and when it comes to boosting innovation, growth and employment.

We should develop this institution. Here I consider this Parliament to be one of the best allies of the European Investment Bank and this is why I do not shy away from questions of transparency, compliance and auditing. I just went through my first experiences as President of the Bank in the field of auditing and compliance and I must say that I am proud of the procedures that have been adopted and improved over the last couple of years. There is always room for improvement. I am ready to talk about this with this Parliament. We have seen that the question of transparency plays such an important role for the European Parliament. I welcome this and this is a promise I can give you.

What I would like to stress is the excellent cooperation we have with the Commission and I thank in particular Commissioner Rehn, but his colleagues as well, for this cooperation. I do not agree with the suggestion that might lie between the lines of what Mrs Gräßle said. She said, do not draw funds from the European Commission, from the Union, over to the Bank. No, we have to do this together. We have to use the financing instruments of the Bank in order to reach the goals and the objectives of the Commission and the Union in general. This is the way we cooperate and this cooperation works very well.

In this context, also in view of the new instruments we are developing, it is very important to bring in the expertise of the Bank at a very early stage. What impressed me the most when I arrived at the Bank was the fact that I found not only an incredible wealth of financial and banking expertise, I found also an incredible wealth of engineering capacities, of science and technology experts, and things like that. This is so important in coming to a really sound assessment of projects and proposals and we should, in the best sense of the word, bank on that. I think the Commission is doing that again and again, because our expertise is needed again and again.

The activities of the bank have clearly been expanded from purely lending to also blending with the resources of the Commission and Parliament and the European institutions, and advising because the expertise that our bank incorporates can be made available to the Member States, to our partners in business. Business: this is the point. If I welcomed the pilot phase for the project bonds so warmly, which is obviously clear now, then this is also due to the fact that this is a very valuable instrument with which to get experience in raising private money. For the huge infrastructure challenges to be met over the next couple of years we need to be able to attract more private money and this is how the European Investment Bank can make a contribution.

A lot of things have been said about SMEs. If I look at the strengths of the economies of some of our Member States at least, or the European economy in general, one can say that here is the backbone of employment, of innovation in the European Union, so it is clear that we must strengthen them. We must also strengthen them where they are not so strong yet, but we have indeed been very active in the last couple of years. If I remember the figures correctly – we are talking about the 2010 Annual Report – more than EUR 11.5 billion was given out in cooperation with these small and medium-sized industries, overall it is about 120 000.

A last word, on innovation. In my view this is the most important thing we need to think about in looking at our overall role. Our overall role is to contribute to the competitiveness of Europe in the globalised world. The share of innovation activities we all have there is not, in my view, sufficient. So in addition to what I have said about energy and energy efficiency, new energies in the fields of SMEs, innovation might be a very important additional pillar. Thank you very much and I am looking forward to very good cooperation with this Parliament.


  Iliana Ivanova, rapporteur. − Mr President, I wish to thank President Hoyer for his responsiveness and openness, and would also thank Commissioner Rehn and all my colleagues for this fruitful discussion. I also wish to thank everyone involved in the process of preparing this report, which I think is balanced and which acknowledges the EIB’s achievements in 2010 and highlights the red-flag points raised during our discussion.

Let me point briefly to some additional important elements in the report that have also been raised in our discussion today. Firstly, on financial instruments, I consider the cooperation between the EIB and the Commission in this field to be a good example of joint actions and I underline the positive outcome of existing instruments, such as the Risk Sharing Financing Facility. However, I believe it essential to develop a comprehensive global audit system which will contribute to ensuring the best control management of these instruments in view of their growing complexity.

Secondly, on project bonds, I fully share Commission Rehn’s position and welcome and support the EU 2020 bonds initiative. I welcome the agreement on the pilot phase of the project, which I believe is crucial in order to assess the effectiveness of the new system and to remedy any problems which may occur, in advance and as soon as possible.

Thirdly, on prudential regulatory supervision, I share the view that the EIB should be subject to the same prudential rules as other credit establishments in the Union. This will improve the prudential control on the quality of the Bank’s financial situation and will ensure that its results are accurately measured.

Last but not least, the question of climate change was mentioned in the debate. I welcome the EIB’s action on climate change and call on it to refrain from funding certain types of projects which have devastating environmental and social impacts. Furthermore, I call for full alignment of the Bank’s operations with the EU objectives for a swift transition to a low carbon economy.

I would like to thank again all my colleagues, and especially the shadow rapporteurs, who worked on this dossier. I hope the House will vote in favour of this report, which will contribute to improving even further the EIB’s activities in support of the EU’s objectives.


  El Presidente. − Se cierra el debate.

La votación tendrá lugar hoy, a las 11.30 horas.

Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)


  Emer Costello (S&D). - I support Parliament’s resolution in response to the EIB’s 2010 annual report. The EIB is one of the most important EU institutions for supporting the real economy and it must play a leading role in getting the European economy growing and creating jobs again.

In 2010, the EIB provided support to more than 100 000 SMEs across the EU. This is very welcome but we have to remember that there are 23 million SMEs in the EU, accounting for 98% of all enterprises and a huge number of jobs. I therefore very much welcome the resolution’s call for greater support to be provided for SMEs. I also look forward to the responses to the January European Council call for stronger EIB support for SMEs and infrastructure. In all of this we have to ensure that EIB support for SMEs actually goes to the SMEs and does not remain with the banks.

I also welcome the clear support in the resolution for the Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative to support major European infrastructure projects, as launched in a pilot phase by the Commission last October.


  Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz (PPE), írásban. – Az EBB és a partnerei által folyamatosan kifejlesztett bonyolult finanszírozási eszközök részletes ellenőrzésének biztosítása érdekében alapvető fontosságú egy átfogó globális ellenőrzési rendszer kidolgozása. Üdvözlendő, hogy a jelentés nagyobb átláthatóságra és jobb elszámoltathatóságra inti a bankot kockázatosabb programjai tekintetében. Egyik módosító indítványom értelmében az EBB-t ezért minden esetben prudenciális szabályozási felügyelet alá kell vetni, annak biztosítására, hogy AAA minősítését megőrizze, illetve annak érdekében, hogy felügyelni lehessen az EBB pénzügyi helyzetének minőségét, eredményeinek pontos mérését és a szakma által megkövetelt helyes magatartás szabályainak betartását.

Teljes mértékben támogatom továbbá az EBB-t azon erőfeszítéseiben, hogy nagyobb támogatást nyújtson a kkv-knak, mivel azok jelentik az európai gazdaság motorját. E jelentés rámutat az EBA Európai Unió gazdasága, és különösen a kkv-k támogatásában betöltött vezető szerepére is. Kiemeli a kkv-k értékpapírosítási piacának gyengeségét, és arra ösztönzi az EBA-t, hogy folytassa a fellendülés támogatására irányuló erőfeszítéseit. Ezen felvetéseket mindenképp jelentős előrelépésnek tekintem. Úgy vélem, hogy mindezeken felül az EBB-nek tovább kell folytatnia az Európa 2020 stratégia támogatását a strukturális alapok megsokszorozásával és az innovatív pénzügyi eszközök további használatával. Tagadhatatlan tehát, hogy ennek a munkának egy kiegyensúlyozott jelentés lett az eredménye. Gratulálok az előadónak és köszönöm alapos munkáját.


  Edit Herczog (S&D), írásban. – A jelenlegi gazdasági helyzetben és az Európa 2020 stratégia megvalósítása érdekében különös szerepet kap az Európai Beruházási Bank az Unió életében. Mivel a stratégia alapvető célja a gazdasági növekedés elérésének - pl. munkahelyteremtéssel, fenntartható fejlődéssel, innovációval és így tovább - fontos elemei a projektek, amelyeket az EBB finanszíroz, különös tekintettel a kis- és középvállalatokra, amelyek a gazdaság motorját képezik.

Ahhoz viszont, hogy az EIB megfelelő eredményességgel és hatékonysággal működjön, ezáltal hozzásegítve a stratégiai céljai eléréséhez az EU-t, kellő figyelmet kell fordítani a teljesítménymérésre. Ehhez pedig egyrészt arra van szükség, hogy mind az eredmény-, mind a teljesítmény-, mind pedig az ellensúlyozó mutatók jól illeszkedjenek a stratégiához, lefedjék a legfontosabb stratégiai célokat. Másrészt gondoskodni kell a mérhető mutatók méréséről, úgy mindenki számára egyértelműen értelmezhetőek legyenek.

A megfelelő, jól működő, egyértelmű teljesítményértékelő rendszer növeli az átláthatóságot, és az elszámolhatóságot, ami alapvető fontosságú. Mit tehet a Bizottság annak érdekében, hogy az Európai Számvevőszék jól működő teljesítménymérési rendszerét alkalmazza az EIB? Van-e rá mód, hogy a Számvevőszék együttműködve az EIB-vel új teljesítménymérési rendszert alakítson ki? Mit gondol a Bizottság, mennyire költséges a teljesítménymutatók mérése, van-e szükség erre?


  Vladimír Maňka (S&D), písomne. – Európska investičná banka patrí medzi hlavné nástroje Európskej únie pri presadzovaní jej strategických cieľov a zohráva vedúcu úlohu pri oživení európskeho hospodárstva a podpore rastu.

Celkový objem poskytnutých úverov, projekt na obnovu európskej obnovy, ako aj 30-percentný nárast vyplatených úverov na ciele konvergencia – to sú kľúčové úspechy nielen pre samotnú banku, ale hlavne pre obnovu a oživenie hospodárstva v Európe. Hlavné činnosti banky podporujú stratégiu Európa 2020. V plnej miere je potrebné podporiť úsilie EIB o zaistenie väčšej podpory pre MSP, ktoré sú hnacou silou európskeho hospodárstva. Činnosť EIB je podporovaná finančnými prostriedkami, ktoré sa získavajú na kapitálových trhoch. Pre jej fungovanie je preto nevyhnutný rating AAA. Na konci roka 2011 ratingové agentúry stanovili banke negatívny výhľad. Je preto potrebné prijať opatrenia na zachovanie vynikajúceho úverového ratingu.

EIB by mala naďalej podporovať stratégiu Európa 2020 využívaním štrukturálnych fondov a ďalším uplatňovaním inovačných finančných nástrojov.


  Bogusław Sonik (PPE), na piśmie. – Jako wiceprzewodniczący Komisji Kontroli Budżetowej, jestem usatysfakcjonowany działaniami Europejskiego Banku Inwestycyjnego w 2010 r. Moją szczególną aprobatę budzą działania związane z finansowaniem przedsięwzięć w zakresie ochrony środowiska. W szczególności zwiększenie nakładów na ekspertów ds. efektywności energetycznej do 64% w 2011 roku, a także uwzględnienie tej kwestii w priorytetach banku na lata 2011–2013. Jest to pozytywny krok, który wzmacnia realizację celów gospodarki niskoemisyjnej do 2050 roku.

Jednocześnie, jako członek komisji ENVI uważam, iż bank w najbliższej perspektywie powinien położyć większy nacisk na projekty wspomagające rozwój transportu publicznego i gospodarowanie zasobami wodnymi oraz promujące bioróżnorodność. Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny wspiera także małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w państwach członkowskich Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Pomoc ta w roku 2010 wzrosła o 25% i osiągnęła poziom 14 mld EUR. Jednocześnie o 30% wzrosły wypłaty pożyczek na cele konwergencji. Jest to istotna tendencja, przyczyniająca się do zrównoważonego rozwoju Unii, która powinna zostać utrzymana.

Jednakże, chcąc utrzymać swą wiarygodność, EBI musi dążyć do maksymalnej przejrzystości funkcjonowania. W tym celu należy wykorzystać stronę internetową, uprościć język dokumentów, system kontroli oraz monitoringu. Istotne jest także wprowadzenie kryteriów pozwalających na realną ocenę efektywności wydawanych funduszy, a nie tylko skupianie się na danych ilościowych.


  Γεώργιος Σταυρακάκης (S&D), γραπτώς. Καταρχάς, θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ την εισηγήτρια για την έκθεσή της. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων αποτελεί ένα από τα μέσα για την υποστήριξη της πραγματικής οικονομίας. Εν μέσω της χρηματοπιστωτικής κρίσης, η Τράπεζα διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην προσπάθεια αναζωογόνησης της ευρωπαϊκής οικονομίας και στην στήριξη της ανάπτυξης και τη δημιουργία απασχόλησης. Γι αυτό τον λόγο θα ήθελα να υπογραμμίσω τα επιτεύγματα της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων για το 2010, όπως ήταν η αύξηση του μεγέθους δανεισμού της για να υποστηριχθούν τα ευρωπαϊκά μέτρα στήριξης της οικονομίας.

Επίσης, θα ήθελα να δηλώσω την υποστήριξη μου στην θέση που εκφράζεται στην έκθεση, ότι η στήριξη στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις της ΕΕ θα πρέπει να αποτελεί μια από τις βασικές προτεραιότητες των δραστηριοτήτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων, δεδομένου ότι οι μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις αντιπροσωπεύουν την "μηχανή" της ευρωπαϊκής οικονομίας και δημιουργούν θέσεις εργασίας.

Τέλος, θα ήθελα να υπογραμμίσω την ανάγκη να ληφθούν τα κατάλληλα μέτρα, έτσι ώστε η Τράπεζα να διατηρήσει την άριστη πιστοληπτική της ικανότητα (ΑΑΑ) και να υπόκειται στους ίδιους κανόνες προληπτικής εποπτείας όπως όλα τα πιστωτικά ιδρύματα. Αυτό θα εξασφαλίσει την ποιότητα της οικονομικής κατάστασης της Τράπεζας και θα διασφαλίσει επίσης ότι τα αποτελέσματα μετρώνται με ακρίβεια.

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