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Menettely : 2011/2182(INI)
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Asiakirjan elinkaari : A7-0047/2012

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Keskustelut :

PV 29/03/2012 - 5
CRE 29/03/2012 - 5

Äänestykset :

PV 29/03/2012 - 9.17
CRE 29/03/2012 - 9.17

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Sanatarkat istuntoselostukset
Torstai 29. maaliskuuta 2012 - Bryssel Lopullinen versio

5. Katsaus Euroopan unionin kansalaisuuteen vuonna 2010 (keskustelu)
Puheenvuorot videotiedostoina

  El Presidente. − El siguiente punto es el informe de Adina-Ioana Vălean, en nombre de la Comisión de Peticiones, sobre el Informe sobre la ciudadanía de la UE 2010: La eliminación de los obstáculos a los derechos de los ciudadanos de la UE (2011/2182(INI)) (A7-0047/2012).


  Adina-Ioana Vălean, rapporteur. − Mr President, I would like to start by saluting the efforts of the European Commission to reinforce EU citizenship by giving real substance to citizens’ rights. This was done by introducing the report on citizenship in October 2010. This is indeed what we need in the EU: to take steps forward by engaging Member States, institutions and citizens to fully respect EU law and lift obstacles to the free movement of our citizens.

So far the EU has been less successful and has not given enough priority to ensuring the legal framework is applied in practice. As a result, the free movement of persons has developed less than the other three freedoms. Over the last years an increasing number of petitions have been registered with respect to problems encountered by EU citizens who exercise their right to free movement, accounting for approximately 25% of the total number of petitions received.

Also some progress has been achieved following the adoption of the Parliament report on application of the Free Movement Directive in 2008, of which I was the rapporteur, and also the publication of the Commission’s guidelines for implementation of the Free Movement Directive.

Numerous petitions bear witness to the fact that there are still many problems related to the implementation of the directive: unjustified administrative burdens, particularly for third-country-national family members, including entry requirements and lengthy procedural delays; a lack of recognition of free movement rights for certain registered partners, including those in a same-sex relationship; public policy exceptions to serve economic or security aims which have ignored the principle of proportionality, especially in abuses of expulsion orders; discrimination towards certain nationals and ethnic communities. These are just a few examples of such breaches of European citizens’ fundamental rights.

There is a large gap between the expectation of citizens, who increasingly take free movement for granted and expect the spirit of the Treaty and the legislation to be respected, and the practice of national authorities who insist more on the conditions and exceptions.

To achieve real free movement as well as EU citizenship, Member States need to be pushed to do it, to change their laws and administrative practices. The only institution that can do it is the one that is charged with the task of being the guardian of the Treaties, the European Commission.

An important number of petitions highlighted the problems encountered by citizens on the mutual recognition and free circulation of civil status documents and their effects. Procedures for the recognition of documents can be extremely time-consuming and involve many costs, especially with regard to translation and authentication. There are even Member States which refuse to issue certificates of civil status to persons who intend to engage in a partnership or marriage in another Member State.

Since free movement rights are guaranteed by a mix of European laws and national implementing measures, citizens often find themselves caught up in red tape, being asked to produce an excessive number of documents in original form or authenticated copies and translations. The problem with the recognition of professional qualifications brings delays in job applications that can take months, even years, preventing even the attempt to access the labour market. This hampers labour mobility, which has a positive impact on economic growth. So on and so forth. We have been discussing in the Committee on Petitions all these obstacles which citizens encounter in exercising their rights as European citizens.

Let me conclude by saying that this citizenship report is based on the petitions received from the citizens who address us with their concerns and worries, expecting the European Parliament to protect their rights guaranteed by the Treaty. The signal we are going to give today by voting on this report is an important one. The rights achieved by our citizens should be respected by all, no matter the political family we belong to or the country we come from.


  Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, already 20 years ago the Maastricht Treaty enshrined the concept of EU citizenship, and the Lisbon Treaty on European Union places citizens firmly at the heart of the European Union – as it should be. In practice this means, and should mean, that people who travel outside their own country, whether for tourism, study, work, marriage or retirement, should be able to exercise their rights as European citizens as easily as in their own country wherever they are in Europe.

To this end, in October 2010, the Commission presented its first report on EU citizenship, which highlighted the obstacles which citizens may still encounter when travelling within the Union. The Commission proposed specific measures to remove these obstacles. I am glad to see today that our priority is also your priority, the priority of the European Parliament, and I would like to thank the rapporteur Mrs Vălean for the excellent work she has done on the report.

I welcome the fact that the report has been received with considerable interest by the various committees to which it has been submitted for an opinion. The Parliament has a key role to play in further developing EU citizenship. The Commission has taken firm action to ensure that all 27 Member States comply fully with EU citizens’ right to freedom of movement. Thanks to continued political pressure we have achieved concrete results. Most, but not all, Member States have implemented the EU rules on free movement in full and, where Member States have failed to do so, the Commission has not hesitated to use its prerogatives and we have brought infringement proceedings against those Member States.

Mrs Vălean, in your report you quite rightly emphasise the importance of non-discrimination. In April the Commission will present its analyses of the Member States’ national strategies on the integration of the Roma people of Europe. You also stressed your concern that citizens should be informed of their rights; this is indeed an essential point and that is why we have set up the portal called Your Europe, in order to provide citizens in their own languages with detailed information on their rights. In addition to this portal there are 500 Europe Direct centres in the Member States for the same purpose.

Thus, to enable citizens to be better informed and involve them in a debate on the development of the European Union, we have proposed that the year 2013 should be the European Year of Citizens. You have now received this proposal, as has the Council, and we trust that an agreement can be reached swiftly.

The Commission will present its second citizenship report in the course of this European Year of Citizens and it will report on the progress already made and propose new actions to make the EU into an area where justice and citizens’ rights are truly guaranteed. A public consultation for our citizens will be launched very soon, to involve citizens in this important initiative. Mrs Vălean’s report already serves as a contribution for the European Parliament, and my colleague, Vice-President Viviane Reding, will continue to meet you in the coming weeks and months in order to receive your suggestions.

In conclusion, if our joint efforts are to be successful, we must work in tandem and involve our citizens. The Commission is therefore anxious to conduct an open and constructive dialogue with all stakeholders in order to build a Europe that protects citizens’ rights: a Europe for citizens and a Europe at the service of citizens.


  Louis Grech, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. − Mr President, for the past two years the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection has been advocating the introduction and adoption by the Commission of a Citizens’ Rights Charter. This citizens’ charter would clearly outline citizens’ rights and obligations within the Single Market, especially for European citizens who want to move, sell, shop and work across borders.

The urgent need for such an initiative was confirmed by the Commission’s study on citizens’ top 20 concerns, which was carried out in response to Parliament’s request and which identified the significant informative, legislative and implementation gaps that frustrate the citizens in their everyday lives.

The Commission must now address these concerns by presenting the top 20 solutions as soon as possible, to restore the crucial variable of credibility among citizens to the Market. These measures would correct consumers’ and SMEs’ negative perceptions of the Single Market, thereby boosting their participation in the market and reassuring the citizens that the EU works for them.


  Morten Løkkegaard, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Culture and Education. − Mr President, the Committee on Culture and Education warmly supports the conclusions of this report. Citizens’ rights are indeed important, not only as rights but as a means to show citizens the value of the EU.

For this reason we need a common strategy on how to communicate with citizens. That is why the Culture Committee adopted an opinion stating that it wants ‘a comprehensive communication strategy’. That strategy is not in place and the Commission has done nothing to live up to Parliament’s demands. We have repeatedly asked for this strategy and have received nothing substantial.

Let me remind colleagues that in 2008 all three institutions signed a declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership. So far, little has happened. If we cannot make this cooperation work we will not reap the full benefit of this initiative and our efforts will be in vain.


  Tatjana Ždanoka, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. − Mr President, first of all my congratulations to Mrs Vălean on her excellent work. It is regrettable that the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs found themselves split into two equal parts when voting on their opinion for the Committee on Petitions. I, as rapporteur, the shadow rapporteurs and the advisers have worked a lot in order to propose a modern approach to the issue. Despite the failure of an opinion due to the final vote, I am satisfied that a number of important proposals were supported by the majority of the members of the Civil Liberties Committee and these are as follows.

The right of Union citizens to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States cannot be viewed in isolation from other rights and basic principles of the European Union, such as the freedom to provide services, respect for family life and social rights, as well as the mutual recognition of degrees and professional qualifications.

We also urge the Commission to further its analysis of the situation of inter-EU migrants and to take appropriate action to ensure that they genuinely enjoy rights as Union citizens without discriminatory barriers. We call upon the Commission to urge the Member States to systematically bring about a just solution to the situation of stateless persons permanently residing in Member States.


  Zita Gurmai, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs. − Mr President, regrettably many problems still persist as regards the implementation of European citizens’ rights, including the right to move and reside freely within the EU and electoral rights. One of the greatest obstacles to exercising active Union citizenship is the lack of awareness. We must intensify our efforts to provide useful and accessible information about EU citizenship rights.

2013 will be devoted to citizenship and we should maximise our efforts politically and financially to make the best use of it. As you know, the set of rights attached to EU citizenship is now complemented by a new tool, the European Citizens’ Initiative, which comes into force on 1 April and is very important. In that regard I would like to emphasise that the Vălean report is not the place to determine which committee should be responsible for the hearings after successful ECIs. This matter is being discussed at present in the committee concerned and will be submitted for discussion to Parliament in due course. This is not only disregarding the distribution of competences between committees but is also a blatant attempt to bypass an open debate, which is not something this House should stand for.


  Philippe Boulland, au nom du groupe PPE. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, mes chers collègues, je souhaite tout d'abord remercier Mme la rapporteure et nos assistants pour le travail effectué.

Ce rapport porte désormais très bien son nom, car il vise la levée des obstacles à la citoyenneté. L'Europe est un projet formidable mais on remarque trop fréquemment qu'elle n'est pas encore parfaitement définie.

Prenons, par exemple, la crise économique. Elle a mis au jour nos faiblesses et nous a permis de construire plus solidement les institutions de régulation de notre marché unique. Pour le citoyen européen, c'est pareil. La commission des pétitions, véritable bureau des plaintes, enregistre tous les jours les doléances de nos concitoyens. Dans trois jours, l'initiative citoyenne européenne complètera ce dispositif. Malgré toutes nos politiques qui appellent à la mobilité, à l'adhésion, aux valeurs européennes, aux échanges, il reste encore beaucoup trop d'obstacles à l'exercice de la citoyenneté. Et un citoyen qui ne se sent pas européen, c'est un citoyen qui n'ira pas voter. C'est un citoyen qui ne verra pas l'intérêt que représente l'Europe dans sa vie de tous les jours.

Avec mes collègues du groupe du parti populaire européen, nous avons fait énormément de propositions, les plus nombreuses, et je souhaite les en remercier. C'est un rapport qui doit produire un sentiment d'appartenance et d'identité européenne qu'il nous faut recréer et entretenir par ces mesures. Notre Europe doit être une Europe qui protège.

Mme la Commissaire Viviane Reding a fait vingt-cinq propositions très concrètes en faveur des citoyens. Elles sont primordiales pour rétablir la confiance entre le citoyen et l'Europe. Mais les propositions contenues dans ce rapport reflètent d'autres attentes de nos concitoyens: les achats en ligne, les déménagements, le droit des enfants, l'emploi, la participation citoyenne, les soins à l'étranger, les jumelages, le droits des minorités, etc. Nous avons encore trop de mal à profiter pleinement des capacités offertes par l'Europe. Les droits s'utilisent, les revendications s'écoutent. Nous en sommes ici les relais.

L'année européenne de la citoyenneté en 2013 devra démontrer aux citoyens qu'avec la libre circulation, il existe aussi une libre utilisation des droits en Europe.


  Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, w imieniu grupy S&D. – Panie Przewodniczący! Sprawozdanie na temat usuwania przeszkód w zakresie praw obywatelskich w Unii Europejskiej, które opublikowała Komisja Europejska w październiku 2010 r., skupia się na 25 największych problemach, z jakimi obywatele zmagają się podczas korzystania z przysługujących im praw w kontekście transgranicznym zidentyfikowanych na podstawie analizy 300 petycji z ostatnich 3 lat.

Obywatele najczęściej napotykają na trudności spowodowane skomplikowanym ustawodawstwem, nadmierną biurokracją, niewłaściwą implementacją prawa oraz zwykłym brakiem dobrej woli ze strony władz danego państwa. W ostatnich latach obserwujemy coraz więcej problemów dotyczących prawa do swobodnego poruszania się – to aż 25% wszystkich składanych petycji. Ważne jest, aby każdy obywatel Unii przebywający w innym państwie członkowskim czuł się pewnie, znał swoje prawa i nie był narażony na jakąkolwiek dyskryminację ze względu na rasę, narodowość, religię lub orientację seksualną. Gratuluję sprawozdawcy dobrego i użytecznego sprawozdania, który – mam nadzieję – pozytywnie wpłynie na sytuację mieszkańców naszej wspólnej europejskiej ojczyzny.


  Cecilia Wikström, för ALDE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Jag välkomnar detta betänkande och gratulerar föredraganden till ett väl utfört arbete.

Särskilt uppskattar jag att betänkandet lyfter fram att EU:s närmare 80 miljoner funktionshindrade medborgare fortfarande stöter på hinder när det gäller den fria rörligheten. Den fria rörligheten är vår unions kanske allra största bedrift och den måste omfatta alla medborgare.

Betänkandet innehåller många intressanta förslag, t.ex. internetportalen för att nationella, regionala och lokala förvaltningar ska kunna meddela vilka yrkesgrupper de behöver. Detta i syfte att öka och främja arbetskraftsinvandring.

Jag uppskattar också väldigt mycket att de ändringsförslag som jag skrivit under tillsammans med många andra har fått så stort utrymme, nämligen att man uppmuntrar medlemsstaterna att garantera att den fria rörligheten ska gälla alla EU-medborgare och deras familjemedlemmar utan diskriminering p.g.a. sexuell läggning eller nationalitet.

Rättigheterna ska gälla för makar av olika kön och för samkönade partners medlemmar av en EU-medborgares hushåll, inklusive samkönade par. Detta gläder mig särskilt.


  Margrete Auken, for Verts/ALE-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Jeg vil takke fru Vălean og blot sige, at alt det rosende, jeg ville sige, allerede er blevet sagt. Derfor vil jeg nu koncentrere mig om fru Gurmais angreb.

Når vi fra Udvalget for Andragenders side virkelig ønsker at være det gennemgående udvalg i borgerinitiativet, så er det for borgernes skyld, så er det for at give borgerne mulighed for at finde ud af at bruge borgerinitiativet. Det er meget godt, at vi har sådan et mesopotamisk system, som vi selv synes, vi kan finde rundt i; men det kan borgerne altså ikke! Derfor er det en afgørende hjælp til dem, at vi har hele den servicemindede holdning, og derfor foreslår vi, at netop borgerudvalget i Parlamentet, altså Udvalget for Andragender, bliver det organ, som tager hånd om ensartede behandlinger af borgerinitiativet. På den måde ved vi, hvornår høringerne kan afholdes, og på den måde kan vi være sikre på, at Kommissionen og selvfølgelig de relevante politiske udvalg er inddraget fra starten.

Det skal selvfølgelig være sådan, at hele behandlingen af borgerinitiativet bliver seriøs og ikke bliver noget, som borgerne kommer til at opleve som endnu en måde, hvorpå vi ville narre dem ind i et eller andet, så de skulle tro, at vi var et godt system - og så kan de alligevel ikke bruge det. Så derfor: Tak for, at det kom med. Jeg håber, at vi får Parlamentet med os i denne sag.


  Marek Henryk Migalski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! W tym sprawozdaniu znalazło się dużo sensownych rzeczy. Zresztą mówiła o tym pani Vălean i rzeczywiście Państwo również wspominaliście o wielu rzeczach, które są tam istotne.

Natomiast sprawozdanie to stało się niestety – prawdopodobnie w wyniku poprawek poszczególnych posłów – pewnym koncertem życzeń. Stało się chaotyczne i zostało do niego włączonych wiele elementów, które nie powinny były się tam znaleźć. W art. 10 czytamy, że sprawozdanie proponuje harmonizację krajowych systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego i konwergencję przepisów podatkowych. Jaki jest sens umieszczania tego w takim sprawozdaniu, nawoływania do tego, żebyśmy ujednolicali systemy podatkowe czy systemy zabezpieczeń społecznych. To powinno być w kwestii i gestii państw narodowych. O tym, jakie podatki powinni płacić Polacy, Szwedzi czy Niemcy, powinny decydować rządy Polski, Szwecji, Niemiec i innych krajów.

Również nie do zaakceptowania jest fragment mówiący o tym, że wzywa się Radę do zadbania, by państwa członkowskie dysponowały środkami budżetowymi wystarczającymi na organizację tego roku. Przypomnę, że z budżetu Dyrekcji Generalnej ds. Komunikacji został wyasygnowany już milion euro do tego, żeby obejść i uczcić ten rok. Nie było tego sensu i nie powinno tak być. Z tego też powodu moja grupa polityczna będzie głosować przeciwko temu sprawozdaniu.


  Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας EFD. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, εξ υπαρχής συγχαίρω την συνάδελφο Vălean για την πολύ καλή έκθεσή της. Η έκθεση βασίζεται στην αρχή ότι κάθε άτομο με ιθαγένεια κράτους μέλους της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης είναι και Ευρωπαίος πολίτης. Είναι ορθή. Επομένως, η ιθαγένεια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης συμπληρώνει, χωρίς να αντικαθιστά, την εθνική ιθαγένεια. Γι' αυτό και τα δικαιώματα των πολιτών αποτελούν κύριο γνώμονα της έκθεσης και το δικαίωμα προσφυγής στον Διαμεσολαβητή, το δικαίωμα υποβολής νομοθετικών προτάσεων με πρωτοβουλία πολιτών, καθώς και το δικαίωμα του εκλέγειν και του εκλέγεσθαι στις δημοτικές και τις ευρωπαϊκές εκλογές, αποτελούν αναπόσπαστα δικαιώματα των πολιτών.

Ως μέλος της Επιτροπής Αναφορών, σας πληροφορώ ότι δεχόμαστε πληθώρα αναφορών από τους Ευρωπαίους πολίτες για τα εμπόδια που αντιμετωπίζουν κατά την άσκηση των δικαιωμάτων τους. Είναι σημαντικό λοιπόν, τα δικαιώματα των Ευρωπαίων πολιτών να κατοχυρώνονται και να περιγράφονται σαφώς από τις νομικές προβλέψεις της Ένωσης και να εφαρμόζονται έτσι ώστε οι πολίτες να νιώθουν εμπιστοσύνη στην Ένωση. Η Επιτροπή Αναφορών προσπαθεί να διορθώσει αυτά τα προβλήματα θέτοντας τους πολίτες στο επίκεντρο των δραστηριοτήτων της. Ο άνθρωπος είναι στο επίκεντρο όλης της φιλοσοφίας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης: ευελπιστώ ότι θα κατορθώσουμε να εφαρμόσουμε την αρχή αυτή.


  Mike Nattrass (NI). - Mr President, you will be aware that many in the UK object – object – to the imposed EU citizenship and do not want it. They love Europe but they hate the EU because it is dictatorial and undemocratic. The following letter from constituent Alan Sheath illustrates this point. ‘Dear Mr Nattrass, on 7 February 1992 Prime Minister John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty. Unbeknown to myself and the vast majority of British subjects, every person in the UK, including Her Majesty The Queen, became a European citizen by ratification. Neither I nor 60 million other British subjects were consulted or asked to vote. I do not want this citizenship so please advise me what measures there are in place to renounce it. I remain content with my British birthright.’

I see from the papers on this debate that the EU is now forcing the UK to wreck its social security systems by opening the floodgates to Europe and the UK is being forced to abide by the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union. We do not want foreign legal frameworks so when can the British people have a democratic vote please?


  Erminia Mazzoni (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ritengo che il lavoro positivo che è stato svolto dalla collega Vălean, che ringrazio a nome dell'intera commissione, indubbiamente anche all'esito di questo dibattito, offra un importante strumento di valutazione sulla cittadinanza, che è quello offerto dal punto di vista diretto dei cittadini.

Io ringrazio il Commissario Rehn perché, richiamandoci agli impegni assunti dagli Stati membri con il trattato di Maastricht, ha sottolineato che qualunque sforzo verso una maggiore armonizzazione dei sistemi deve essere fatto nel rispetto del principio di sussidiarietà. Con questo non penso di poter convincere i colleghi Nattrass o Migalski, ma perlomeno di dare loro qualche elemento in più di valutazione.

Ringrazio anche le commissioni che hanno dato il loro contributo al lavoro importante svolto dalla commissione che presiedo, vale a dire la commissione per il mercato interno, che con la sua proposta della Carta dei diritti del cittadino sicuramente dà un ulteriore stimolo a un intervento della Commissione europea, la commissione LIBE, che si è concentrata sul tema dei migranti che più volte impegna i lavori della commissione per le petizioni, e anche la collega Gurmai.

Condivido l'idea che non sia questa la sede per definire la competenza della commissione istituzionale che si occuperà dell'organizzazione dell'iniziativa popolare, ma allo stesso tempo ritengo che questa sia la sede pertinente per parlare di migliori servizi offerti ai cittadini. Nella relazione noi indichiamo la commissione per le petizioni come lo strumento che potrà meglio servire il diritto di cittadinanza.

Sono 57 i punti di criticità e i punti di favore che vengono individuati e che ritengo anche non esaustivi di tutte le denunce che i cittadini portano alla nostra commissione. Tuttavia, indubbiamente questi 57 punti forniscono una fotografia importante per il lavoro che la Commissione europea andrà a svolgere per promuovere la cittadinanza europea.


  Michael Cashman (S&D). - Mr President, it is fantastic to follow on from Mrs Mazzoni. Mrs Vălean, this is a brilliant report, in which you highlight exactly what the European Union is doing wrong – and what is that? It is failing to defend the fundamental rights of citizens.

The Commission must enforce those fundamental rights, which are enshrined in the Treaty. If it does not, we will never be taken seriously within the global political domain, let alone within the legal domain. I welcome also the strong wording used in respect of protection of the Roma and other minorities and the tackling of all forms of discrimination, and also the focus placed on gender and disability.

I also want to address the crucial issue of the fundamental freedom of movement for same-sex couples. There is no decent honourable reason to deny these people their freedom of movement and the right to be with their families. So I say this: if we do not defend the rights of others, how on earth can we expect our own rights to be defended? That is the basis upon which Europe was built.


  Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE). - Arvoisa puhemies, olen samaa mieltä kuin kollegani Michael Cashman. Tämä mietintö on hyvä ja tässä nostetaan esille kansalaisille tärkeitä asioita. Tässä nostetaan esille asioita, jotka valitettavan harvoin, itse asiassa eivät koskaan ole kuuluneet huippukokousten ja valtion päämiesten asialistalle.

Otan tässä esille kaksi asiaa, ensiksi vammaisten oikeudet. Me tiedämme, että Euroopassa on 80 miljoonaa vammaista, joilla on vielä monia esteitä liikkuvuudessa ja joiden kohdalla pitäisi todella tehdä paljon parannuksia, jotta kansalaisten oikeudet toteutuvat. Toinen tärkeä asia, joka tässä nostetaan esille, on tämä eurooppalainen terveyskortti. Se oikeuttaa meitä Euroopan unionin kansalaisia saamaan terveydenhuoltoa hätätapauksessa toisessa maassa, mutta väitän, uskallan väittää, että moni suomalainen, moni eurooppalainen ei tiedä tästä oikeudesta mitään – että kuluja korvataan, että voi kääntyä terveydenhuoltotapauksissa, äkillisissä tapauksissa, vieraan valtion palveluihin, toisen EU-maan palveluihin. EU:n ja jäsenvaltioiden pitää tiedottaa näistä enemmän ja poistaa vammaisten esteitä paljon nykyistä tehokkaammin.


  Mara Bizzotto (EFD). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, "Uniti nella diversità" è lo slogan con cui l'Europa sintetizza la sua politica verso i cittadini. Questo è l'ennesimo paradosso buonista smentito dai fatti.

Quando si tratta di imporre direttive assurde e sacrifici economici ai nostri cittadini, i trattati impongono agli Stati membri di rimanere uniti. Se non esiste invece il vincolo giuridico, davanti agli eventi che richiedono collaborazione e solidarietà emerge il vero spirito dell'Europa, divisa in ventisette paesi concentrati sulla tutela dei propri particolarismi.

Come si può dimenticare la scandalosa reazione dell'Europa agli avvenimenti della Primavera araba, quando 50.000 profughi sbarcarono sulle coste italiane e gli Stati membri del nord sospendevano il trattato di Schengen? E poi, mentre in Parlamento chiediamo di riempire la cittadinanza europea di un nuovo significato, in Consiglio ben otto Stati membri chiedono, dopo averne beneficiato, la sospensione del Fondo europeo per l'adeguamento alla globalizzazione, cioè del fondo creato per aiutare i nostri cittadini.

L'Europa dovrebbe smettere di usare slogan e propaganda per nascondere tutte queste sue incoerenze agli occhi dei cittadini, cioè dei veri finanziatori del sogno europeo. Se non si è compatti quando si tratta di aiutarli, fare del 2013 l'Anno europeo del cittadino sarebbe solo l'ennesima ipocrisia.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, we are told in this report that many people feel disenchanted with the EU project and it attributes this to citizens’ rights, particularly freedom of movement of people not being implemented. Well, people in my country, the United Kingdom, are certainly disenchanted with the EU, but it is because there is too much freedom of movement and not because there is too little.

Large-scale migration from lower-wage countries in the East to higher-wage countries in the West has deprived the East of key workers and has deprived workers in the West of accommodation and employment. This has got nothing to do with freedoms enjoyed by individuals and everything to do with human beings being treated as though they were depersonalised facts of production that can be moved around to reduce wage rates to a common low level.

There is a complaint that people are discriminated against on the ground of nationality. If only employers did employ their own nationals first – there would be less to be concerned about. Governments should ensure that their own people are put first in jobs and in housing. However, I am afraid employers often prefer to employ foreign workers because they are easier to exploit.


  Simon Busuttil (PPE). - Issemmiet ħafna ċ-ċittadinanza Ewropea li twieldet bit-Trattat ta’ Maastricht. Naħseb illi tajjeb li nfakkru li t-Trattat jagħti wkoll id-dritt ta’ petizzjoni, jiġifieri d-dritt ta’ ċittadin li jħoss li d-dritt tiegħu nkiser ikun jista’ jilmenta dwaru, jagħmel petizzjoni. U l-aħjar mod kif jitħaddem dan id-dritt ta’ petizzjoni huwa appuntu fil-Kumitat Parlamentari li għandna dwar il-petizzjonijiet illi jgħin biex ineħħi l-ostakli li ċ-ċittadin isib quddiemu meta jiġi biex jeżerċita d-drittijiet tiegħu. Dawn l-ostakli huma mniżżlin f’dan ir-Rapport. Jien segwejt dan ir-Rapport ukoll f’żewġ kumitati oħra. Fil-Kumitat dwar il-Libertajiet Ċivili ma rnexxilniex naqblu dwar Opinjoni għal dan ir-Rapport, għaliex – fil-fehma tiegħi – minflok ma ffukajna fuq id-drittijiet li diġà jeżistu u naraw kif jiġu rispettati, ippruvajna nidħlu fi drittijiet u fi kwestjonijiet li ma jaqgħux fil-kompetenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea. U minħabba f’hekk ma lħaqniex qbil dwar din l-Opinjoni. Fil-Kumitat tas-Suq Intern, kif diġà semma s-Sur Grech, kien hemm Opinjoni wkoll. L-aktar punt li laqatni f’din l-Opinjoni huwa l-kwestjoni tal-one stop shop, jiġifieri li ċ-ċittadin għandu jkollu post wieħed uniku fejn jekk għandu ilment imur bih u mhux irid imur f’postijiet differenti dwar l-istess ilment. Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, jekk irridu tassew ikunu viċin iċ-ċittadin, l-ewwel ma rridu nagħmlu hu li naraw li d-drittijiet tagħhom bħala ċittadini Ewropej jiġu rispettati.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom (S&D). - Señor Presidente, la ciudadanía europea atraviesa hoy un delicado estado de salud. Está siendo atacada simultáneamente por algunos virus que creíamos definitivamente extinguidos.

¿De qué virus hablamos? Una gran distancia entre lo que dicen los Tratados y la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales y lo que se vive en la realidad; un surgimiento poderoso de los egoísmos nacionales y un vergonzoso retroceso de la libertad de movimientos. Este es el diagnóstico —un mal diagnóstico— y necesitamos poner en marcha una terapia adecuada, la Comisión y el Parlamento juntos.

Tenemos que aprovechar la puesta en marcha de la iniciativa legislativa ciudadana a partir del próximo 1 de abril y tenemos que aprovechar el próximo año, que es el Año de la Ciudadanía Europea. No podemos consentir que se sigan ignorando o se sigan atacando derechos que los ciudadanos tienen reconocidos en nuestros textos fundamentales.


  Frank Vanhecke (EFD). - Voorzitter, in theorie klinkt dat natuurlijk allemaal heel mooi: Europees burgerschap en het recht van de Europese burgers om zich vrij van de ene lidstaat naar de andere te begeven, nota bene om te werken. Wie kan daar tegen zijn? De realiteit echter, waarde collega's, biedt een heel ander plaatje, een plaatje dat merkwaardig genoeg niet voorkomt in het verslag dat hier wordt behandeld.

In mijn eigen land, bijvoorbeeld, zijn er in alle centrumsteden zonder uitzondering grote problemen, in het bijzonder met Roemeense en Bulgaarse inwijkelingen, en met name met de Roma onder die inwijkelingen. Zelfs de zeer socialistische burgemeester van de centrumstad Gent liet optekenen, en ik citeer: "Zelfs al willen we een gastvrije en een solidaire stad zijn, als het over de opvang van Oost-Europeanen gaat, is het nu genoeg geweest".

Het is volgens mij onaanvaardbaar dat deze zeer irreële problematiek in dit verslag onder de mat wordt geveegd omwille van een soort blind Europees idealisme, nota bene door een parlementaire commissie die bij uitstek aandacht zou moeten hebben voor de reële problemen van alle burgers, en niet slechts van één categorie.


  Heinz K. Becker (PPE). - Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich bin überzeugter Bürger der Republik Österreich. Ich bin gleichzeitig überzeugter Bürger der Europäischen Union. Daher begrüße ich ausdrücklich den Bericht der Kommission über die Unionsbürgerschaft 2010 sowie den darauf basierenden Bericht des Petitionsausschusses, weil dieses Projekt erfreulicherweise nicht gescheitert ist, sondern erkannt wurde, was zu verbessern ist. Diese Erkenntnis ist sehr hoch zu loben. Es wurde erkannt, dass es nicht genügt, Bürgerrechte auf ein Blatt Papier zu schreiben, sondern dass gleichzeitig darauf zu achten ist, dass sie in geeignete Gesetze gegossen werden und dann bürgernah und möglichst unbürokratisch umgesetzt werden.

Drei Beispiele: Wie sollen Bürger ihr Recht auf Freizügigkeit umfassend in Anspruch nehmen, wenn es weiterhin Unsicherheiten bei der Wahrung und dem Erwerb von Sozialversicherungsansprüchen gibt? Wie soll der europäische Hochschulraum mit dem Recht auf freien Zugang zur Bildung realisiert werden, wenn Studierende bei der Anrechnung von Universitätsabschlüssen und Studienabschnitten Probleme haben? Wie will man Bürger von ihren Rechten bei der grenzüberschreitenden Gesundheitsversorgung überzeugen, wenn die Kostenrückerstattung noch immer oft zu spät, in vielen Fällen nicht vollständig und zu bürokratisch erfolgt?

Ich fordere die Kommission daher auf, diese Erkenntnisse in konkretes Handeln umzusetzen. Dann wird das Europäische Jahr 2013 der Bürgerrechte einen spürbaren und konkret erlebbaren Nutzen für die Bürger haben.


Procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra («catch the eye»)


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). - A jelentésből kiderül, hogy bár a polgárok körében a leginkább ismert jog a szabad mozgáshoz és tartózkodáshoz való jog, mégis a benyújtott petíciók alapján a legtöbb panasz éppen ezzel kapcsolatban érkezik. Ez azt jelenti, hogy az uniós polgárok leginkább a szabad mozgáshoz való joggal társítják az EU-t, azt is mondhatnánk, a tagállamok közötti fizikai és virtuális határok eltűnése az integráció legnépszerűbb vívmánya. Ugyanakkor a polgárok az ezzel kapcsolatos jogsérelmekre a legérzékenyebbek. A benyújtott petíciók valóban számos rendellenességre hívják fel a figyelmünket, azonban ne felejtsük el, hogy két tagállam polgárai a mai napig nem érezhetik egyenrangúnak magukat a többi uniós polgárral. Ráadásul nem kapnak megalapozott választ arra a kérdésükre, hogy ez miért van így. Bulgária és Románia schengeni csatlakozásának megmagyarázhatatlan késlekedése a két tagállam polgárainak uniós polgársághoz kapcsolódó jogait sérti. Szükség lenne 27 millió petícióra ahhoz, hogy ez megváltozzon?


  Monika Flašíková Beňová (S&D). - Pre krátkosť času budem hovoriť o dvoch nedostatkoch, ktoré správe vyčítam. Na jednej strane, správa sa vôbec nezmieňuje alebo nezaoberá otázkou rasizmu, a to napriek pripomienkam zo strany mimovládnych organizácií. To je podľa mňa dosť zásadná chyba, keďže rasistické prejavy sú jednou zo závažných prekážok napĺňania občianstva a občianskych práv v Európskej únii a dochádza k výraznému nárastu krajne pravicového extrémizmu v Európskej únii.

Ďalšou problematickou oblasťou je upieranie práva na voľný pohyb osôb v prípade etnických menšín, ktoré je realitou najmä v dôsledku existencie rôznych bariér. O tom, že voľný pohyb etnických či náboženských menšín sa na dennej báze znemožňuje, niet pochýb. Týka sa to najmä Rómov. Vynucovanie zákonného práva na voľný pohyb sa musí diať aj s ohľadom na právo nebyť diskriminovaný a musí byť v tomto zmysle uplatnené, napríklad pri ilegálnych deportáciách alebo iných porušeniach tohto práva. Som presvedčená, že anti-diskriminácia musí byť stredobodom občianstva Európskej únie a musíme dbať o to, aby sa adekvátne transponovala do existujúcich právnych predpisov.


  Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). - Consider că desemnarea anului 2013 ca „Anul european al cetăţenilor” va spori gradul de informare în ceea ce priveşte drepturile electorale ale cetăţenilor la alegerile din 2014 pentru Parlamentul European, va elimina obstacolele din calea drepturilor cetăţenilor.

Există, în momentul de faţă, o lipsă acută de încredere în clasa politică, iar cetăţenii îşi doresc o mai bună reprezentare şi o implicare mai eficientă în procesul decizional european. În 2013 putem recâştiga încrederea cetăţenilor printr-o serie de măsuri precum accesul uniform la tratament în toate statele membre din Uniunea Europeană, eliminarea obstacolelor cu care se confruntă persoanele cu handicap în momentul exercitării dreptului lor la liberă circulaţie, realizarea unei adevărate coeziuni economice şi teritoriale pentru toţi cetăţenii europeni, o mai bună promovare a iniţiativei cetăţeneşti europene, care va intra în vigoare de la 1 aprilie 2012 şi, nu în ultimul rând, acceptarea României şi Bulgariei în spaţiul Schengen.


  Anna Záborská (PPE). - Spochybňovanie výlučnej kompetencie členských štátov v otázkach rodiny a manželstva pod zámienkou diskriminácie sa v tomto Parlamente už stalo pravidlom. Nie je tomu inak ani v predloženej správe. V bode 12 spravodajkyňa žiada, aby Komisia presnejšie odpovedala na petície týkajúce sa uznávania dokumentov o rodinnom stave. Ako príklad uvádza petíciu poľskej organizácie Kampaň proti homofóbii. Lenže v tomto prípade odpoveď Komisie bola veľmi presná. Citujem:„Vydávanie certifikátov o osobnom stave je vo výlučnej právomoci členských štátov.“ Ak túto právomoc budeme neustále spochybňovať, zničíme európsky projekt. Viac iniciatívy by sme mali vynaložiť v otázkach, na ktoré vo svojom príspevku upozornila pani Jäätteenmäki.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D). - Conform articolului 45 din Tratatul privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene, garantarea liberei circulaţii a lucrătorilor implică eliminarea oricăror forme de discriminare pe bază de naţionalitate între lucrătorii statelor membre cu privire la ocuparea forţei de muncă, remunerare şi celelalte condiţii de muncă şi de ocupare a forţei de muncă. Solicităm ridicarea barierelor existente privind libera circulaţie a lucrătorilor români şi bulgari. Aceste bariere îi afectează în egală măsură atât pe lucrătorii migranţi, cât şi pe resortisanţii statului membru - destinaţie, întrucât aceste bariere favorizează dumpingul social.

Având în vedere că anul 2013 este „Anul european al cetăţeniei”, salut lansarea aplicaţiei de colectare on-line OCS, ce a fost dezvoltată de Comisie prin programul ISA şi care va permite începând cu 1 aprilie 2012 semnatarilor unei petiţii şi ai unei iniţiative cetăţeneşti să utilizeze în mod securizat aceleaşi formulare on-line standard.

O felicit pe doamna raportor Adina Vălean pentru raportul domniei sale.


  Tatjana Ždanoka (Verts/ALE). − Mr President, I am now speaking as a member of the Committee on Petitions and as an MEP from Latvia. I want to remind you of the petitions on the voting rights of non-citizens permanently residing in the Member States.

These petitions were not reflected in the report since they were examined either after 2010, in the case of the Estonian petitions, or before 2010 for the Latvian petitions. But I want to contest here, in the presence of the Commissioner, the position of the Commission and also the explanation just provided by Mr Busuttil that the problem of statelessness and deprivation of basic rights is not within the competences of the European Union. I think that it is within the competence of the European Union because it is discrimination on the basis of origin which is prohibited by the Charter on Fundamental Rights.


  Jean-Pierre Audy (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, je voudrais intervenir, au nom de la délégation française que j'ai l'honneur de présider, sur le considérant I.

Je lis le texte qui parle de l'expulsion des Roms par la France et je voudrais rappeler qu'il est inexact et qu'en vérité, certains citoyens ont été expulsés de terrains privés à la demande des propriétaires et que, une fois qu'ils se trouvaient sur le terrain public, on leur a proposé volontairement de retourner dans leur État d'origine.

Voilà la vérité et je regrette que dans un rapport de grande qualité – je remercie le rapporteur pour notre groupe, Philippe Boulland – une telle inexactitude blessante puisse avoir été écrite.


(Fin del procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra («catch the eye»))


  Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, voglio anche ringraziare l'onorevole Adina-Ioana Vălean per il suo eccellente lavoro e l'Assemblea per l'interesse dimostrato per la relazione sulla cittadinanza 2010.

Come ha ricordato il Vicepresidente Rehn, il Parlamento europeo ha un ruolo cruciale nel rafforzamento della politica di cittadinanza. La relazione della Commissione identifica ostacoli che i cittadini devono ancora superare quando esercitano i loro diritti, in modo particolare nel contesto transfrontaliero, e identifica venticinque azioni per superare questi problemi.

Sono lieto di annunciare che la settimana prossima, in qualità di responsabile della politica dell'industria e del mercato interno per quanto riguarda i beni, proporrò al Collegio l'adozione di una di queste azioni, una proposta legislativa che permetterà di semplificare le formalità e le procedure legate all'immatricolazione delle automobili immatricolate precedentemente in un altro Stato membro.

Io voglio anche rispondere ad alcune delle osservazioni che sono state fatte nel corso del dibattito per quanto riguarda la vostra preoccupazione di informare i cittadini dei loro diritti. Questo è essenziale ed è la ragione per la quale abbiamo creato il portale "La vostra Europa" – "Your Europe" – che permette al cittadino di ricevere informazioni dettagliate sui suoi diritti nella sua lingua madre.

Per quanto riguarda l'integrazione dei cittadini Rom, è stato adottato lo scorso anno un quadro europeo, e in virtù di questo quadro gli Stati membri hanno l'obbligo di stabilire delle strategie nazionali per l'integrazione dei Rom. Penso anche al delicato problema della scolarizzazione dei bambini Rom e dello sfruttamento dei bambini Rom. La Commissione ha ricevuto queste strategie e presenterà un rapporto nel corso del mese di aprile di quest'anno.

Nel corso dell'Anno europeo del cittadino, la Commissione presenterà anche il suo secondo rapporto sulla cittadinanza, che farà il punto sui progressi già realizzati e proporrà nuove azioni per fare della nostra Unione uno spazio di diritti e di giustizia per i cittadini. Una consultazione pubblica per associare i cittadini a questa attività verrà lanciata il giorno della Festa dell'Europa il 9 maggio di quest'anno.

Per permettere anche ai cittadini di essere meglio informati e di avere un dibattito sullo sviluppo dell'Unione abbiamo proposto che l'anno 2013 sia quello del cittadino. Onorevoli parlamentari, questa proposta è ora nelle vostre mani e in quelle del Consiglio e noi speriamo che si possa trovare un accordo in tempi rapidi.

In conclusione, il 1° aprile sul sito web della Commissione comincerà l'"initiative citoyenne", che sarà uno strumento anche per rinforzare il rapporto tra cittadini e Commissione europea e quindi rafforzare il legame tra gli europei e le Istituzioni comunitarie. Mi sembra un altro segnale forte che l'Istituzione che rappresento vuole dare a mezzo miliardo di europei.


  Adina-Ioana Vălean, rapporteur. − Mr President, the 2010 Eurobarometer survey shows that only 42% of Europeans know their rights, while the special Eurobarometer from 2011 reveals that 85% of Europeans lack sufficient information about the Charter of Fundamental Rights. A Citizens’ Europe for and by the people will only be successful when we ensure that people can exercise their rights in full knowledge of what those rights are and how to benefit from them.

In this context, I welcome the Commission’s proposal to declare 2013 as the European Year of Citizens, aiming to enhance awareness of their rights and the advantages attached to European citizenship. However, looking at the budget allocated for the preparation and implementation of this European Year – EUR 1 million, the smallest ever budget envisaged for such a year – I can only imagine that it will allow for top-down communication measures and not for the tangible actions boosted so often by the Commission.

I also want to draw attention once again to the request made by the Committee on Culture and Education for a comprehensive communication policy on citizens’ rights.

Let me conclude by saying that, for this report today, I have tabled, thanks to the support of 120 colleagues from different political families, an amendment with a paragraph which was unfortunately voted down in the Committee on Petitions. The paragraph called on the Member States to ensure freedom of movement for all EU citizens and their families without discrimination on grounds of their sexual orientation or nationality. I expect all the democratic and pro-European groups in this House to support the report in the vote today in plenary and not act as if on a battlefield, as they normally do in the Petitions Committee, because the report is based on what citizens are requesting and their problems; it is based on petitions and not on wishful thinking, and it should be voted for, no matter what political orientation or country we come from.

My thanks to my colleagues for their work, their kind words and their contributions to this report.


  El Presidente. − Se cierra el debate.

La votación tendrá lugar hoy, a las 11.30 horas.

Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)


  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. – Europos Sąjungos žmonės vis dar susiduria su kliūtimis, siekdami aktyviai pasinaudoti savo, kaip ES piliečių, teisėmis. Pavyzdžiui, dabartiniai įvykiai, susiję su internetinių svetainių, diskriminuojančių Vidurio ir Rytų Europos šalių darbuotojus, kūrimu parodo, kad Europos Sąjungos piliečių teisėms vis dar kyla grėsmė. Taigi, turime ginti piliečių teisę laisvai judėti, dirbti, nes laisvas darbuotojų judėjimas yra viena iš svarbiausių Europos Sąjungos vertybių ir visi darbuotojai privalo turėti vienodas teises ir jos turi būti gerbiamos visose ES šalyse. Antra, neįgalūs žmonės Europos Sąjungoje kasdien susiduria su daugybe fizinių ir socialinių kliūčių, trukdančių jiems naudotis savo teisėmis, kaip antai įprastai naudotis viešaisiais pastatais, viešomis paslaugomis, laisvai judėti ir naudotis viešuoju transportu, infrastruktūra, informacinėmis technologijomis ir kitomis priemonėmis bei paslaugomis. Deja, bet didžiausios kliūtys neįgaliųjų įtraukimui į visuomenę – tai didelis nedarbo lygis, o neįgaliųjų nedarbas atsiranda dėl nepakankamo pasirengimo darbo rinkai. Todėl valstybės narės ir Komisija vadovaudamosi Europos negalios strategija (2010–2020 m.) privalo imtis kuo aktyvesnių veiksmų, siekiant panaikinti kliūtis neįgaliųjų judumui ir prieinamumui, nes tada išsispręstų daugelis kitų problemų – socialinės izoliacijos, diskriminacijos, nedarbo ir kitos. Be to, raginu valstybes nares kuo aktyviau išnaudoti 2013-uosius – Europos piliečių metus ir kuo geriau informuoti žmones apie ES pilietybės jiems suteiktas teises.


  Cristian Silviu Buşoi (ALDE), în scris. – Pentru ca cetăţenia europeană să nu rămână un simplu concept şi să vină cu oportunităţi concrete pentru cetăţeni, cred că există nişte lacune legislative, de implementare şi mai ales de informare, care trebuie eliminate. Cetăţenia europeană va fi o realitate atunci când stabilirea într-un alt stat membru nu va aduce dificultăţi suplimentare faţă de situaţia din ţara de origine. La nivel legislativ, ameliorarea sistemului de recunoaştere a calificărilor profesionale, facilitarea portabilităţii pensiilor şi a altor drepturi sociale, accesul mai larg la servicii bancare sau facilitarea reînmatriculării autovehiculelor atunci când acestea sunt mutate dintr-un stat în altul sunt doar cateva exemple de reforme necesare. Cetăţenii europeni nu sunt doar consumatori. Aceştia sunt oameni care se căsătoresc, divorţează, beneficiază de moşteniri ş.a.m.d. Atunci când partenerii au naţionalităţi diferite, respectiv au trăit în mai multe state membre, aceste circumstanţe nu trebuie să complice lucrurile. Recent am adoptat regulamentul privind succesiunile. Avem mare nevoie de astfel de iniţiative, care să stabilească reguli clare şi să simplifice viaţa oamenilor în situaţii cu caracter transfrontalier. Nu în ultimul rând, informarea joacă un rol crucial. Portalul „Europa ta” a fost transformat, oferă informaţii ample despre diferite demersuri şi cred că acesta trebuie promovat şi dezvoltat în continuare.


  Alajos Mészáros (PPE), írásban. – A petíciós bizottság munkáján keresztül az EP közvetlen kapcsolatba kerül azokkal az uniós polgárokkal, akik a törvényhozó testülethez fordultak unión belüli jogaik korlátozásával kapcsolatban. Az uniós polgárságra vonatkozó legutóbbi kimutatás fontos a jogalkotási tervezést illetően, mivel rámutat arra konkrét példákon keresztül, hogy mely területeken milyen nehézségekkel kell megküzdeniük még az uniós polgároknak abban az esetben, ha a szerződésekben garantált jogaikkal kívánnak élni. A polgárokkal történő találkozók alkalmával személyesen is gyakran tapasztalom, hogy bár nagyon sok gazdasági, kulturális és egyéb lehetőség nyitva áll már a belső piac határain belül, de akadnak olyan akadályok és kellemetlen tapasztalatok, amelyek visszatarthatják a tagállamok polgárait a szabad joggyakorlástól. A beérkezett petíciók mintegy tükröt tartanak az intézmények elé és pontos adatokat tartalmaznak, amelyek segítségével tovább tudunk lépni a problémák megoldásában. Nem meglepő azt olvasni, hogy egyes tagállamok még mindig akadályokat görgetnek a szociális jogok, a felsőoktatásban résztvevők vagy a szabadfoglalkozásúak jogainak érvényesítése elé. A 2004-ben és azt követően csatlakozott uniós tagállamok polgárainak még mindig több nehézséggel kell megküzdeniük ahhoz, hogy az EU teljes értékű polgáraiként élvezhessék az EU-Szerződésekben szavatolt jogokat. Az intézmények feladata az, hogy elősegítse az uniós jogszabályok megfelelő tagállami átültetését és megsürgesse a legutóbb feltárt választójogi, szociális, közigazgatási, oktatási és egyéb diszkriminatív jellegű intézkedések orvoslását.


  Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein (PPE), in writing. – I fully endorse Ms Valean’s report, which in a practical way addresses the often glaring gaps between what EU citizenship delivers on paper and what citizens encounter in reality. The main problem of course is that EU citizens are unaware of their rights and are therefore not in a position to object when these are denied to them. The ‘Your Europe’ website, mentioned several times in the report, is an excellent one-stop shop to find out about Europeans’ rights as citizens and business people in a variety of situations and every effort must be made to promote it. Well-informed citizens are an essential ingredient in a fully-functional Single Market. We MEPs play an important part in conveying this information to our constituents. In this report we also call for public consultations to be made available in all official EU languages, as we did in the Kraków Declaration following the Single Market Forum 2011. An accessible and pro-active consultation policy is a must for meaningful engagement with citizens. We must not rest on our laurels but get to work to lift the barriers identified here which are preventing Europeans from enjoying their rights as EU citizens.


  Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), raštu Kalbant apie žmogaus apsaugą nuo valdžios piktnaudžiavimo, Europos Sąjungos piliečių teisės atitinka aukščiausius standartus. Stipriai pabrėžiamas teisingumo principas kaip valstybės ir piliečio bendravimo pamatas. Visgi Europos Sąjungoje yra valstybių, kuriose iki nėra laikomasi šio principo, o teisingumas neturi nieko bendra su visų lygybe prieš teisę. Tai apima ir nuosavybės teisės nepaisymą, ypač nuosavybės teisės į žemės sklypus Lietuvoje, kur vyksta sovietiniais laikais užgrobtos žemės reprivatizacijos procesas. Labai dažnai žemė nėra grąžinama jos teisėtiems savininkams nepaisant dokumentų, patvirtinančių teisę į nuosavybę. O žemės sklypai atitenka žmonėms, kurie niekada iki šiol nebuvo jos savininkais. Tai veda link finansinio ir korupcinio piktnaudžiavimo ir, svarbiausia, pažeidžia šventą teisę į nuosavybę. Taip valstybė piliečiams taiko įstatymus netolygiai ir selektyviai pažeisdama žmonių teises. Kitas pavyzdys yra susijęs su garsiuoju pedofilijos skandalu Lietuvoje, į kurį yra įsipainioję aukšti teisingumo pareigūnai, įskaitant ir teisėjus. Teismas, policija ir antstoliai daro viską tam, kad atimti iš globėjos vaiką, kuris yra šio įvykio ir auka, ir pagrindinis liudytojas. Viskas vyksta baimės atmosferoje ir valstybės institucijoms demonstruojant jėgą. Atrodo, viso to tikslas yra įbauginti liudytojus, o ne išardyti organizuotą pedofilų grupę. Tai yra piliečių teisių pažeidinėjimo pavyzdys, parodantis, jog tokiose situacijose esama lygių ir lygesnių. Piliečių teisės privalo būti lygios visiems, nepriklausomai nuo žmogaus gyvenamosios vietos ar socialinio statuso.


  Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. – To bardzo ważne, aby Parlament Europejski, instytucja, która de facto jest najbliżej obywatela, wypowiadał się na temat usuwania przeszkód w zakresie praw obywatelskich w Unii Europejskiej. W naszej Komisji Petycji to tak zwany chleb powszedni. Obywatele regularnie zwracają się do nas i wskazują na szereg barier uniemożliwiających im korzystanie z praw obywateli. W najgorszej sytuacji są osoby niepełnosprawne, które codziennie napotykają na wiele przeszkód. Mają utrudniony dostęp do normalnego korzystania z systemu edukacji, do ubezpieczeń lub do środków komunikacji miejskiej. Potrzebny jest spójny system określania stopnia niepełnosprawności w Unii Europejskiej, którego brak często prowadzi do wykluczenia społecznego. Władze publiczne mają obowiązek identyfikować i eliminować przeszkody i bariery ograniczające dostęp osób niepełnosprawnych do korzystania z praw obywateli. Dojście do obiektów i usług dostępnych dla ogółu społeczeństwa, łącznie z transportem, instytucjami publicznymi i miejscami edukacji publicznej i informacji nie jest przywilejem, ale prawem wszystkich obywateli. Nie możemy o tym zapominać, co więcej naszym obowiązkiem jest pilnowanie, aby takie sytuacje nie miały miejsca.


  Inês Cristina Zuber (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – Este relatório procura definir e aplicar aquilo a que designam por cidadania europeia, como se fizesse sentido designar os nacionais de cada país, antes de mais, como indivíduos de uma nação europeia. Propõe também uma série de harmonizações, nomeadamente ao nível fiscal e de segurança social, e a promoção do mercado único digital, o que confirma todo o caráter federalista do relatório. Por outro lado, defende ingerências inaceitáveis no funcionamento interno dos partidos políticos ao defender que a adesão a um partido político europeu possa ser proposta mais frequentemente aquando da adesão a um partido nacional, e que se deve promover a participação mais direta dos cidadãos através dos partidos políticos europeus, partindo do princípio de que todos os partidos partilham da mesma forma de funcionamento e do mesmo ideário. Quer assim instituir o pensamento político e ideológico único. Mas existem vozes profundamente discordantes com este rumo, apesar de a maioria do PE tentar ignorar esse facto.


(La sesión, suspendida a las 11.20 horas, se reanuda a las 11.30 horas)



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