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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 13 September 2012 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Azerbaijan: the case of Ramil Safarov

  Norica Nicolai, author.(RO) Mr President, a French minister recently made derogatory remarks about the Roma community in Romania. I feel a sense of indignation, but my indignation cannot give rise to an emergency resolution. This is because any self-respecting parliament abides by the rules provided for in the Rules of Procedure. According to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure, this situation cannot give rise to an emergency resolution. It is not a matter concerning the rules of law, democracy or human rights.

Raising this matter in the relations between two countries, when we all acknowledge that this involved a completely legal agreement and both sides, Hungary and Azerbaijan, respected each other’s rights, may cause a sense of indignation, but cannot give rise to a political resolution in a circumstance where the security situation in the region might be affected to a fair extent by promoting such actions.

I would like to ask a rhetorical question: how do you explain that it is already known in the Armenian press that this resolution was adopted?

I would like us to stop trying to play games in this case, favouring one side or the other, where we are managing to destabilise a situation in which the European Union ought to be playing a decisive role. This is why the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe has withdrawn its signatures from this resolution and why the ALDE Group is not going to vote for it.

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