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 Texto íntegro 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 19 November 2013 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Trans-European transport network (A7-0012/2013 - Georgios Koumoutsakos, Ismail Ertug)

  Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE), in writing. − I welcome the agreement on the TEN-T network and the transport financing under the Connecting Europe Facility for the period 2014–2020. We would, of course, need more money in order to realise all the 30 core priority projects by 2030; I really hope the resources agreed in the deal on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) will allow us to achieve some of the aims identified, hopefully those with most European added value and based on a cost-benefit analysis!

The new EU infrastructure policy aims to create a real network and no longer focuses on isolated projects. The new regulation provides for deadlines to make sure that all projects contributing to the core transport network are implemented as a priority. Let us hope that the dates of 2030 for the core network and 2050 for the comprehensive network are met. I would like to stress once again the need to focus on European added-value projects, and most importantly the need for a detailed cost-benefit analysis for every project on the table.

Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad