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 Úplné znění 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 12 December 2013 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Situation in Sri Lanka (debate)

  Norica Nicolai (ALDE), in writing. I want to support the need for full reconciliation in Sri Lanka and I believe the European Union is fully behind the government of that country when it wants to bring its citizens back together.

I welcome the efforts made on reconstruction and the commission established in August this year, as well as the successful first round of elections taking place in the Northern Provinces.

I believe the resolution by the Alde Group should be seen as a step forward and as support for the post-conflict reconstruction phase. No one has the right to give any ultimatums or warnings to a government that is trying its best to get a war-torn country back on track, but we appreciate the need for actions being undertaken to address many of the issues left behind by the war.

Either way, the way forward for a prosperous and peaceful Sri Lanka is through fully implementing reconciliatory measures, promoting human rights and personal liberties and ensuring there are no further recriminations and tensions within the various ethnicities and religious minorities in the country.

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