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 Texte intégral 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 3 April 2014 - Brussels Revised edition

European single market for electronic communications (A7-0190/2014 - Pilar del Castillo Vera)

  Richard Howitt (S&D), in writing. - As a rapporteur dealing with issues of business and human rights, I have long campaigned to ensure freedom of expression on the Internet. Nevertheless, there is an equal duty to protect all human rights, and I voted against this report as, by weakening powers to remove online images of child sex abuse, the rights to health and even the lives of children may be jeopardised. The amendments passed could mean that before requesting the removal of degrading, exploitative images, businesses and organisations including child protection hotlines such as the Cambridge-based Internet Watch Foundation would have to apply for a court order. This is costly and time-consuming and would make the protection of minors online unworkable. As an Internet Watch Foundation champion who helped them get European funding and campaigned with them so other countries set up hotlines similar to ours, we cannot afford any backward step in the fight against child pornography. I am dismayed the European Parliament has voted in this way, but remain confident the change will be reversed in negotiations before the directive is finally agreed. I look forward to being able to give my support to the limit on mobile roaming fees and other clearly positive aspects of the proposals.

Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité