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 Vollständiger Text 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 21 January 2016 - Strasbourg Revised edition

EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Agreement (A8-0372/2015 - Ulrike Lunacek)

  Nirj Deva (ECR). Mr President, this issue of stabilisation of Kosovo is a very important element in the progress of the European Union’s arrangements for peace and stability in the Mediterranean region. Kosovo has gone through an extraordinary amount of turmoil and there have been instances where we have looked at Kosovo as an example of a country that can go from a position of conflict to a position of peace. Given that we have ignored and forgotten some of the issues that have been relating to Kosovo for some time because we have been preoccupied with other matters in other directions, it is salutary for us to remember that today we have brought back to the forefront of our minds a country which has suffered an incredible amount and that we have to extend the hand of friendship wherever possible in that regard.

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