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 Vollständiger Text 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 13 September 2016 - Strasbourg Revised edition

UN High-level Summit on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants (debate)

  Linda McAvan (S&D). – Madam President, like colleagues here, I welcome this summit. It is a first, and let us hope it leads to some concrete results and that these two compacts will actually lead to change and to new players being brought into both humanitarian aid and development aid.

I think Ska Keller is right that we should go for a certain humility though. We do not have a perfect track record on refugee policy, and 86% of refugees live in the poorest countries on the planet, not in Europe. As you said, Ms Mogherini, it is only in recent years that we have begun to take this issue seriously, as refugees started landing on our shores. We were not particularly bothered until that point. But you have also spoken about the need for a long—term approach and I hope that is something we will take into account when we develop the appropriate instruments.

This morning we voted on the Africa Trust Fund in this Parliament, and the key message from our resolution is that we need to keep an eye on long-term development, on reducing poverty and reducing inequalities, on gender equality, tackling climate change and improving the lives and the economic and social well-being of people in the world’s poorest countries.

We have got to be very careful not to divert funding into things like border controls or to use our development policy as a kind of carrot and stick, introducing a new kind of creeping conditionality into it, linked to returns and border controls. I think you get that, Ms Mogherini, but I think there are some in our Member States who do not get it at all. They see the EU development budget as an endless pot of money which they can dip into for their new ideas. But we will not tackle the refugee crisis and the migration crisis by cutting development funding. So I think your approach on partnership is the right one and I hope you will be able to stick to it.

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