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 Texto íntegro 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 15 September 2016 - Strasbourg Revised edition


  Emma McClarkin, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, colleagues, let me begin by thanking the Committee on Culture and Education coordinators for putting together this oral question on illicit match-fixing. I regret that the Commissioner is not here to hear what we have to say this afternoon, and indeed that there are not more Members here. Perhaps a better time could have been found, because match-fixing poses a significant and worrying threat to sport, something that so many of us love.

For fans to follow their sport with a passion that we all want to see, it is necessary that they have the confidence and that any attempts to corrupt sport are cracked down on. They need to know the integrity of sport is there. The ECR are therefore supportive of the Council of Europe Convention and have a strong commitment to tackle match fixing. Match-fixing remains a black mark on sport with around EUR 12 million paid to players, referees, coaches or officials in order to influence matches in 2012 alone. In the last three months, 24 matches were deemed suspicious based on betting patterns across a variety of sports in Europe.

Sport must remain inspirational and a showcase for the very best in human endeavours. we should therefore be doing all that we can to encourage Member States to combat match-fixing, but we should also be pushing for stronger cooperation and partnerships between the sports betting industry and sports governing bodies. It is our collective responsibility and one we must do together. But for this very reason the ECR has not been able to support this oral question because it singles out one nation. It dismisses the concerns of a nation that questions the legal clarity and definition of illegal sports betting. We must work together constructively between nations, between our public and private partners and at all levels within sport from the grassroots to the very top to protect the integrity of sport.

Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad