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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Situation in the West Bank, including settlements (debate)

  Margrete Auken, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, I would like to say to Mrs Mogherini that I am puzzled by her lack of action in relation to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, even when she is not constrained by the division of our Member States. In stores across Europe, honey from the Jordan Valley and wine from the Golan Heights continue to be sold as ‘made in Israel’ in clear violation of the EU’s labelling rules. Mrs Mogherini, as guardian of the Treaties, why have you not taken action to enforce these rules?

You told us six months ago that you would take measures to claim compensation or restitution for EU projects demolished by Israel in the West Bank. Demolitions have continued. They have increased dramatically, and yet you have failed to take any action. It would be nice to have an answer about what prevented you, for instance, from subtracting the equivalent of the demolition from bilateral Commission programmes with Israel, such as twinning or Horizon 2020.

Mrs Mogherini, you have a historic opportunity to advance a differentiation policy across EU-Israel relations, distinguishing Israel proper from the settlements. I am convinced that such a policy would be a landmark contribution towards peace and would also ensure that our policies are fully in conformity with international law and our basic principles. So please act now. It is for the future of Israel and for the future of our relations, which would be flourishing if you did something real and not only words.

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