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 Texto integral 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 - Strasbourg Revised edition

International aviation agreements (debate)

  Jacqueline Foster, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, as we know, aviation agreements date back to 1913 when France and Germany exchanged notes over the movement of their airships. Following phenomenal technological advances during World War II, the transition that moved us from airships to biplanes to the invention of the jet engine meant we were now developing the ability to move more and more people and freight around the world. As a result, in 1944, 54 countries signed the Chicago Convention, which is an important reminder that these agreements predate the foundation of the United Nations. In 1946 the first bilateral between the UK and the US became the model. This consisted of a schedule which outlined prices and capacity in order to regulate air traffic between two countries. These were registered under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), where additional criteria were lodged.

The EU court judgment of 2002 sent a clear message: that, in order to have the EU nature of our carriers recognised, Member States had to allow access for the relevant third country.

To conclude, while it is vitally important that we are updated with the progress of negotiations, we should be aware that unrealistic demands on third-country airlines who wish to access the EU will ultimately damage the opportunities for our airlines to expand their networks worldwide. Ultimately, these agreements are about trade, jobs and wealth and it is vital that we take a pragmatic approach.

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