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 Texte intégral 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 14 February 2017 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Deterioration of the situation in Eastern Ukraine (debate)

  Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (PPE). – Madam President, my colleague van Baalen asks what is new. The more we hesitate the further Russia goes; that is new. The Russian war in east Ukraine and against Ukraine is a fact because we, the EU and US, are hesitating. I want to congratulate the European External Action Service, our diplomacy, who said, by the mouth of our ambassador Mr Mingarelli in Kiev today, that it is not a civil war; it is external aggression. There are 36 000 Russian troops, some regular mercenaries and others in disguise. It is necessary to leave the harmful fiction of separatists and civil war. Conclusions should be drawn. First on Russia’s policy to the EU, which should continue and increase proportionally sanctions, according to the principle ‘more for more’. Second, there is a false perception of Minsk, where Russia is not party to the peace process but an aggressor. And Ukraine is a victim, that should be made clear. We need a revision of the Minsk paradigm that should lead to the following actions in seven points. Stop futile appeals to Russia to influence their militants under their command. Demand Russia to stop the invasion and occupation and withdraw from Ukraine. Russia should abstain from participating and voting in the UN Security Council, where it is party to aggression. We should review the approach so far by the Normandy format. Five, we should return to the Geneva format with the EU as such and America. We should revive the spirit, if not the letter, of the Budapest Memorandum on security guarantees. If we, the West, the EU and the US, cannot or do not want to defend Ukraine as Ukraine defends us, let us at least give them arms.

Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité