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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 15 March 2017 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Topical debate - EU security agenda: one year after the Brussels attacks (debate)

  Gerard Batten (EFDD). – Mr President, the Brussels terrorist attacks in March 2016 saw 32 people dead and over 300 wounded. It was just one in a very long list of tragic and pointless acts of violence by religiously-motivated fanatics. They carry out their senseless violence in the name of Allah and Islam. More accurately, they act in the name of Mohammedanism – the cult of Mohammed – which has always fed on blood for the 1 400 years of its existence, and Mohammedans kill their fellow Muslims just as much, if not more, than they kill non-Muslims.

If you want to address the problem, you first have to understand and confront its fundamental cause. A minority of Mohammedans take literally some passages in the Qur’an. They read the bits that say ‘make war on infidels, strike terror into the hearts of infidels, and kill infidels wherever you find them’, and they act accordingly. They take literally the passage in the Hadith that says: ‘Judgement day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews’.

It is true that most Muslims are law-abiding, decent people, but all Muslims are followers of the cult of Mohammed. That cult is an ideology of blood-soaked regressive nonsense. Only a tiny minority of Muslims are fundamentalists and fanatics and literalists, but it only takes a tiny minority to plunge our societies into endless terror. All Muslims are not fundamentalists and terrorists, but the more Muslims you have in a population, the more Islam you will get, and the more Islam you have, the more terrorism you will get.

Our arrogant and illiberal political elites of Western countries have created the problem by their open-door immigration policies and the doctrine of multiculturalism. I very much look forward to hearing how the EU is going to solve that problem and address the fundamental issue. But somehow I doubt that you will.

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