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 Teljes szöveg 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 15 March 2017 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Supply chain due diligence by importers of minerals and metals originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas (debate)

  Iuliu Winkler, rapporteur. – Madam President, thank you for this debate and listening to it, I grow even more and more convinced that we have a good piece of legislation on the table. Now we just have to implement this regulation. We have to make full use of all the provisions of the new conflict minerals regulation.

I believe the European Union has to maintain its leading position in the world as a promoter of development and peace. We believe that legal trade is good and that trade is meant to sustain jobs and prosperity for people and for communities. I believe that the new conflict minerals regulation will make a difference regarding the safety and prosperity of people and communities in conflict areas.

Today, more than ever European well-being is interlinked with stability, peace and sustainable economic growth in all regions of the world including those regions which today are conflict areas or war zones. There is one thing that I believe we can do immediately, distinguished colleagues, tomorrow we can show the determination of the European Parliament to ensure a clean and sustainable mineral supply chain. We have hammered out an effective and workable regulation now let us show everybody that we are determined to make this first step. Let us ensure tomorrow a big majority vote and then let us start this whole process.

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