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 Testo integrale 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 4 April 2017 - Strasbourg Revised edition

State of play of the second review of the economic adjustment programme for Greece (debate)

  Roberto Gualtieri, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, time is running out and the Greek people can no longer wait. They deserve a swift and positive conclusion to the second review. We think that a positive conclusion is at hand. The implementation of structural reform, a balanced solution for the labour market which would safeguard the right of collective bargaining, and additional fiscal safeguards – and also the possibility of expansionary measures if Greece outperforms its targets, as it is currently doing – could be the basis for an agreement to put Greece on the path towards sustainable growth.

This is why the Greek Government is right to negotiate constructively in order to get an agreement: prolonging the uncertainty would have negative consequences for the economy, and it would be a terrible mistake to throw away the positive results that have been achieved so far. But the IMF and some Member States should not abuse this situation and should also do their part in order to achieve a positive result. In particular they should not play with fire.

I want to be very clear: given the sense of responsibility shown by the Greek Government and given the significant concessions agreed in order to have the IMF on board, to insist on asking for an unsustainable additional fiscal effort to be concentrated in a single year after the end of the programme would be irresponsible and unacceptable. I would even say that it would be shameful. Finally, creditors should recognise that the primary surplus of 3.5% is achievable, but it is sustainable only for a very short time. This clear recognition is necessary in order to give credibility to the commitment made by the Eurogroup in May 2016 to implementing medium—term debt relief measures. Those measures are necessary in order to meet the agreed benchmarks for growth financing needs in a context of social cohesion, as well as financial, economic and political stability, and should be further specified.

A positive solution to the Greek crisis would be a major success for the Greek people and for the entire European Union in these difficult times. Parliament calls on all the relevant actors to take a responsible attitude in order to achieve this historic result.

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