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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 16 January 2018 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Review of the Estonian Presidency (debate)

  Gunnar Hökmark, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, we all have every reason to congratulate Estonia, the Estonian Government and all Estonian citizens for what they have contributed in the European Union during the Estonian Presidency. Not only for what they have achieved, but also for what they have proved that Estonia is, and what the European Union is. They have given proof of the fact that in the European Union small nations can be just as big as big nations through efficiency and decisiveness.

But let me also make a personal reflection. I once had the opportunity to mobilise popular support in Sweden for the independence of the Baltic States. I first visited Tallinn in Estonia quite a long time ago, when you had to pass a KGB border control and you had to use the rouble. And today, under this presidency, Tallinn has been one of the capitals of Europe.

That is a fantastic thing, but for me this also demonstrates the absolute best of the European Union: what we can achieve by remaining together and letting the ideas of freedom and democracy show their immense value. For this we shall all be grateful to you. But also for all the things you have achieved regarding the digital agenda, reforms and initiatives for cyber-security and streamlining and opening up in preparation for the digital economy.

This goes beyond what can be expected of a single presidency. This is a long-term task and a long-term challenge for us all, but Estonia has taken the lead because it are one of the most digital nations and one of the most modernising countries in this respect.

Estonia has also laid the groundwork for progress towards greater defence and military cooperation, by signing the decision on permanent structured cooperation on security and defence, for example.

The presidency’s priorities also include an open innovative European economy, a safe and secure Europe, a digital Europe and an inclusive and sustainable Europe. These are not only its priorities, they shall be our priorities for a long time in the future because we need to be successful. So once again, thank you very much. And may I say in my brilliant Estonian: ‘tänan’.

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