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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 6 February 2018 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Decision adopted on the EU Enlargement Strategy - Western Balkans (debate)

  Patrick O’Flynn (EFDD) – Mr President, the prospect of EU membership for countries in line to become big net recipients from the budget can provide leverage over their conduct. If used wisely, this can foster a functioning democracy and other norms of an advanced society, so the potential is there for enlargement taking in the Western Balkans to be a good thing.

But that potential is undermined by the EU’s determination to intrude ever further into a central national sovereignty. For example, commanding countries to take in large numbers of young men from Africa or the Middle East, which is naturally being resisted by newer members such as Hungary. The EU should also have more regard as to the likely consequences of further enlargement for current members, notably Greece and Italy, which are already suffering under EU policy in the areas of migration and the currency union.

Were the EU a club of friendly advanced countries rather than a nascent superstate then the capacity of prospective membership to do good would be immeasurably improved.

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