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Środa, 28 lutego 2018 r. - Bruksela Wersja poprawiona

4. Przyjęcie protokołu poprzedniego posiedzenia
zapis wideo wystąpień

  Janice Atkinson, on behalf of the ENF Group. – Mr President, on behalf of the ENF Group I would like to make a request to change the agenda by having a joint debate on jihadists. Specifically, we wish to replace the debate on Thursday morning ...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  President. – We are not speaking about the agenda.


   Chi deve intervenire sul processo verbale? Non sull'ordine del giorno, sul processo verbale della seduta dell'8 febbraio.

(Il processo verbale della seduta precedente è approvato)

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13 kwietnia 2018Informacja prawna - Polityka ochrony prywatności