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 Pełny tekst 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 1 March 2018 - Brussels Revised edition

Cutting the sources of income for Jihadists - targeting the financing of terrorism (debate)

  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, it goes without saying that tackling and tracking terrorists’ financial resources is one of the key tools in our fight against global terrorism. I too welcome many of the recommendations in the Nart report and strongly support the overall endorsement of greater cooperation amongst the EU Member States in this area.

It’s clear that terrorism and its financing know no borders and this can only be tackled at the multilateral level. In the UK there is some evidence that ISIS may well have sold some of its antiquities smuggled out. As the UK leaves the EU, external and internal security will be one of the key areas where it is vital, no matter what else transpires for Britain, to stay plugged in.

So I welcome the Prime Minister, Ms May’s positive comments in this regard during her Munich security conference speech and I hope that accommodation can be found to avoid a security cliff edge if no deal were to transpire during phase two of the negotiations. Finding ways to ensure data protection regulation alignment between the UK and the EU post-Brexit will also be one of the keys to unlocking coordination in the long term between the EU 27 and a post-Brexit Britain.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17 maja 2018Informacja prawna - Polityka ochrony prywatności