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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 30 May 2018 - Strasbourg Revised edition

The impact of delocalisation on workers and regions (debate)

  Alfred Sant (S&D), in writing. – It is true that free establishment and the free movement of capital and workers are key pillars of our European Single Market. But where is this leading? In a competitive single market, the best—endowed regions in terms of infrastructure, geographical and natural characteristics, and institutions attract companies which become European champions and thus attract new enterprises. These areas will continue to grow and new companies will be established. When discussing delocalisation of companies we focus too often on its impact on workers, their families and the region of destination. What happens to the region of departure, its social class and industrial fabric? There is an impoverishment in all sectors. In a single currency area, countries and regions have very few tools to change this trend. Ultimately, other workers and enterprises will relocate from these regions and the process continues, increasing the asymmetries across the EU. New redistributive policy tools are needed, such as a European unemployment insurance. Structures that have been established to ensure the competitiveness of countries are too complicated and bureaucratic and should be adapted to globalisation, without abandoning the European social model. In its industrial policy, the Commission should also strengthen the way to provide technical assistance to help local and regional communities to adapt to social, economic and environmental changes.

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