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 Vollständiger Text 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Import of cultural goods (debate)

  David Campbell Bannerman (ECR), blue-card answer. – Thank you, Mr Coburn, I know that you deal with antiques and are an expert in this area. Yes, I am worried. I have a wonderful grandfather clock. I have no idea how old it is, it is probably 17th century, and I could never prove where it has come from if I were to move it somewhere under these new laws. I also have some stuff from a prime minister, I am related to a former prime minister from before 1900.

So I feel that this is going too far and is impractical, it won’t work and it really doesn’t help. I’m all in favour of cracking down on terrorist financing. This does not help.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 8. Januar 2019Rechtlicher Hinweis - Datenschutzbestimmungen