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 Texto integral 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Monday, 14 January 2019 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Statements by the President

  Maria João Rodrigues (S&D). – Mr President, yes, indeed. On behalf of the S&D Group, and also because I knew him personally, I need also to tell you something about the meaning of this terrible murder of the Mayor of Gdańsk, Mr Paweł Adamowicz. I knew him as an outstanding local leader, a mayor elected several times, and someone who really represented and was a symbol of an open society, able to deal with strong support on human rights, and also defending minorities wherever they are. I remember him saying, in a difficult situation, that yes, Gdańsk will be in a position to receive refugees in need of protection and asylum in Europe. And this is just an example of the kind of things he was able to deliver.

So yes, it is really shocking that all of a sudden all the arguments we need to have in democratic institutions are just replaced by knives in an ugly murder. This is something we cannot accept. And let me be clear: we will stand behind those who are in favour of an open society and defending human rights, whatever the price.


Última actualização: 4 de Abril de 2019Aviso legal - Política de privacidade