Joint motion for a resolution - RC-B5-0194/2004Joint motion for a resolution


21 April 2004

pursuant to Rule 50(5) of the Rules of Procedure, by
replacing the motions by the following groups:on Nigeria

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European Parliament resolution on Nigeria

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Nigeria,

– having regard to the international human rights conventions ratified by Nigeria,

– having regard to Rule 50(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. having regard to the too frequent confrontations between communities in Nigeria, which have led to thousands of deaths in recent years,

B. whereas these confrontations are sometimes of a religious character,

C. whereas the recent eruption of religious violence in the Nigerian state of Plateau, resulting in the death of some 1500 Christians, the displacement of up to 50 000 persons and the destruction of 173 churches, is one of the worst in the ongoing violence against Christian communities in several Nigerian states in recent years,

D. whereas a large number of mercenaries are allegedly being recruited from Niger and Chad by Islamic extremists in the Plateau state to attack Christian towns and villages,

E. having regard to the violent actions of Islamic fundamentalist militants, particularly in these northern states, and whereas a battalion of 500 soldiers, supported by tanks, was required to subdue the uprising by the Islamic sect known as 'Followers of the Prophet', which had taken control of police stations and schools in Kano State,

F. whereas, since 1999, 12 northern states with a Muslim majority have introduced strict Islamic Sharia law, followed by increased tension between Muslims and Christians and resulting in ethnic and religious violence, including the killing of over 10 000 people,

G. whereas the Nigerian Constitution adopted in 1999 guarantees total freedom of belief,

H. whereas a religious law can only be applied to those who accept it, and whereas the European Parliament has repeatedly condemned the potential use by local courts under Sharia law of lapidation (stoning to death) for women,

1. Condemns all forms of religious intolerance and violence and most recently the widespread killing of Christians and the destruction of churches in the Nigerian state of Plateau;

2. Calls on the Nigerian Government to take immediate and effective measures to protect its citizens, put an end to the violence, implement actively the promotion of and respect for human rights and in particular freedom of religion, and promote a dialogue leading to lasting peace and security in all states;

3. Calls on the European Union to start immediately a political dialogue with the Nigerian Government to promote tolerance and peace between the communities, including the religious authorities, and security of the person, accompanied by respect for human rights, including respect for religious beliefs;

4. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the ACP-EU Council, the Co-Presidents of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly and the Nigerian Government.