Parliamentary question - O-0064/2003Parliamentary question

The mid-term Social Policy Agenda review


pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure
by Theodorus Bouwman, on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
to the Commission

-  having regard to the Commission Communication of 2 June 2003 on the mid-term review of the Social Policy Agenda 2000-2005 (COM(2003)0312 final),


-  having regard to the EP resolutions of 25 October 2000[1] on the Social Agenda, and of 3 September 2003[2], 4 September 2002[3] and 7 February 2002[4] on the three scoreboards on its implementation,


-  whereas the EP has always insisted on the need to implement all the elements of the Social Agenda as adopted in Nice, by using all of the instruments identified in the Agenda, including new legislative acts,


-  whereas the EP has reiterated on several occasions its calls to the Commission to take action also in a number of supplementary fields identified in the Parliament resolutions;


-  whereas the Communication lists a number of further studies, expert groups' advice and consultations, in some areas where urgent legislative proposals are needed and long awaited;


  1. How does the Commission intend to use its right of initiative in order to implement the Social Policy Agenda, bearing in mind that it should contribute to creating full employment, combating social dumping and discrimination and raising the quality of jobs in Europe?


  1. How does the Commission intend to strengthen employment and social policy after EU enlargement, including the monitoring of the correct implementation of the legislative acquis communautaire, and also the development of social dialogue, progress in the European Employment Strategy and the use of  the open method of coordination in social exclusion and social protection?



Tabled: 06.10.2003

Forwarded: 08.10.2003

Deadline for reply: 15.10.2003