Parliamentary question - O-0104/2008Parliamentary question

Situation in the bee-keeping sector

pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure
by Neil Parish, on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
to the Commission

Procedure : 2008/2645(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :  
Texts tabled :
O-0104/2008 (B6-0480/2008)
Votes :
Texts adopted :

Beekeepers all over the world (and especially in Europe) are encountering very serious difficulties as regards keeping bees healthy. The production of apicultural products is seriously under threat.


Although this situation is deplorable in itself, attention should also be drawn to the prospect that a reduction in the bee population would result in inadequate pollination. Without domestic bees to pollinate plants we would no longer be able to produce the same quality and quantity of crops, fruits and vegetables which are such an important component in the diet of humans and animals. This is not only a threat to crops which depend on bees but also to biodiversity in general.


The significant reduction in available pollen and nectar – partly due to the use of modified and treated seed – is one of the main causes of the decline in bee numbers. The reduction in these food sources has a destabilising effect on bees and weakens their immune systems, which makes them vulnerable to parasites, viruses and other diseases. The current bee health crisis is marked by the continued presence of the Varroa parasite in hives, common collapse disorder and the increased prevalence of Nosema ceranae. Viral and fungal infections are also a threat to domestic bees. Some beekeepers are losing up to 50 or even 80 hives each winter.


Scientific research into bee diseases and into ways of tackling them continues to be under-developed.


What efforts is the Commission prepared to make in order to:


-  develop research into the parasites and diseases which are devastating hives;

-  set up ecological pollen- and nectar-rich recovery zones (like apicultural set-aside) and establish buffer zone, for example alongside roads;

-  promote the necessary measures to combat the threat of inadequate pollination, i.e. a complete ban on pesticide treatment whilst crops are in flower and a reduction in the use of modified seed;

-  monitor and control the quality of surface water, as bees react very swiftly to any environmental deterioration;

-  provide financial aid to apiaries which are in difficulty?



Tabled: 10.10.2008

Forwarded: 14.10.2008

Deadline for reply: 21.10.2008