 Full text 
Procedure : 2011/2293(INI)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A7-0166/2012

Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 11/06/2012 - 23
CRE 11/06/2012 - 23

Votes :

Explanations of votes
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Monday, 11 June 2012 - Strasbourg

23. Cross-border voluntary activities (short presentation)
Verbatim reports

Report on recognising and promoting cross-border voluntary activities in the EU [2011/2293(INI)] - Committee on Culture and Education. Rapporteur: Marco Scurria (A7-0166/2012)

Marco Scurria made the presentation.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Kinga Gál, Katarína Neveďalová, Marian Harkin, Malika Benarab-Attou, Heinz K. Becker, Emer Costello, Marek Henryk Migalski, Joanna Katarzyna Skrzydlewska, Marie-Christine Vergiat, who also referred to the conduct of the debate and translation and interpretation problems, Franz Obermayr, Georgios Papanikolaou, Zuzana Roithová and Petru Constantin Luhan.

The following spoke: Karel De Gucht (Member of the Commission).

The item closed.

Vote: minutes of 12.6.2012, item 6.6.

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