REPORT on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Year for Active Ageing (2012)

18.3.2011 - (COM(2010)0462 – C7‑0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD)) - ***I

Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Rapporteur: Martin Kastler

Procedure : 2010/0242(COD)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :  
Texts tabled :
Debates :
Texts adopted :


on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Year for Active Ageing (2012)

(COM(2010)0462 – C7‑0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD))

(Ordinary legislative procedure: first reading)

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to the Commission proposal to Parliament and the Council (COM(2010)0462),

–  having regard to Article 294(2) and Article 153(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C7-0253/2010),

–  having regard to Article 294(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

–  having regard to the opinion of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal's financial compatibility,

–  having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee of 21 October 2010[1],

–  after consulting the Committee of the Regions,

–  having regard to Rules 55 and 38 of its Rules of Procedure,

–  having regard to the report of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Regional Development and the Committee on Culture and Education (A7-0061/2011),

1. Adopts its position at first reading hereinafter set out;

2. Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend its proposal substantially or replace it with another text;

3. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council, the Commission and the national parliaments.

Amendment  1

Proposal for a decision

Recital 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(2a) Pursuant to Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union, the Union is, inter alia, to combat social exclusion and discrimination and to promote social justice and protection, equality between women and men and solidarity between generations.

Amendment  2

Proposal for a decision

Recital 2 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(2b) Pursuant to Article 156 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the Commission is to encourage cooperation between the Member States and facilitate the coordination of their action in the social policy field.


Addition as to the new institutional framework provided for by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Amendment  3

Proposal for a decision

Recital 2c (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(2c) Article 174 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union recognises that some Union regions suffer from severe and permanent demographic handicaps that may adversely affect their level of development and require particular attention if the Union is to achieve the objective of economic, social and territorial cohesion.


Article 174 TFEU recognises that some regions of the European Union face difficulties resulting from their demographic characteristics, for example areas with low population density, and that these require particular attention from European policies.

Amendment  4

Proposal for a decision

Recital 3

Text proposed by the Commission


(3)       Pursuant to Article 25 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Union recognises and respects the rights of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life.

(3)       Pursuant to Article 25 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Union recognises and respects the rights of older people to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life. Furthermore, pursuant to Article 34 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the Union recognises and respects the entitlement to social security benefits and social services providing protection, as well as, pursuant to Article 35, the right for everyone to a high level of health protection.

Amendment  5

Proposal for a decision

Recital 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3a) Ageing is undoubtedly a challenge for the whole of society and for all generations in Europe, but it is also a matter of intergenerational solidarity and above all the role of the family.

Amendment  6

Proposal for a decision

Recital 3 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3b) The part of the population of the Union comprised of persons in their late 50s and over will increase at a much faster rate than ever before. The largest increase is expected to occur during the period 2015-35 when the population aged 60 and over will be increasing by 2 million people per year. This increase is very positive as it is a logical consequence of the improvement in health care and in the quality of life. Nevertheless, due to the fact of demographic change, the Union faces a number of challenges, such as a shrinking population in certain cities and regions, including a decreasing attractiveness of those cities and regions, a high degree of pressure on pension funds, and problems maintaining the sustainability of financial provision for health care and public services.

Amendment  7

Proposal for a decision

Recital 4

Text proposed by the Commission


(4)       Successive European Councils have recognised the need to tackle the effect of ageing populations on European social models. A key response to this rapid change in the age structure consists in promoting active ageing and thus ensuring that the baby boom cohorts, who are, on the whole, healthier and better educated than any such cohort before them, have good opportunities for employment and active participation in society.

(4)       Successive European Councils have recognised the need to tackle the effect of ageing populations on European social models. A key response to this rapid change in the age structure consists in promoting the creation of a sustainable culture of lifelong active ageing and thus ensuring that the rapidly-growing population currently in their late 50s and above, who are, on the whole, healthier and better educated than previous generations, have good opportunities for employment and active participation in society and family life, including through volunteering, lifelong learning, cultural expression and sports in view of the positive contribution that these activities can make both to mental and to physical health. Accordingly, fostering the active ageing culture therefore requires a multidimensional approach on a lifelong basis as well as the promotion of solidarity between generations.

Amendment  8

Proposal for a decision

Recital 5

Text proposed by the Commission


(5)       The growing proportion of older people in Europe makes it more important than ever to promote healthy ageing. Healthy ageing can help raise labour market participation of older people, enable them to be active in society for longer, improve their individual quality of life and curb the strains on health and social care systems.

(5)       The growing proportion of older people in Europe and the increase in chronic health conditions makes it more important than ever to promote the healthy ageing of all, and in particular older persons, supporting their vitality and dignity. Crucial measures in this respect should include universal and equal access to appropriate and high-quality healthcare, long-term care and social services, sensitising the awareness of European citizens to problems connected with an ageing population, combating the information isolation of the ageing generation, and developing initiatives to counter health risks associated with the ageing process. Healthy ageing is the process of optimising opportunities for physical, social and mental well-being to enable older people to take an active part in society without discrimination and to enjoy an independent life of good quality. Healthy ageing can also help raise labour market participation of older people, enable them to be active in society for longer, improve their individual quality of life and curb the strains on health, pensions and social care systems.

Amendment  9

Proposal for a decision

Recital 6

Text proposed by the Commission


(6) The Commission presented its views on the demographic challenges the EU faces and on opportunities for tackling them in its communications on ‘The demographic future of Europe —from challenge to opportunity’ of 12 October 2006 and on ‘Dealing with the impact of an ageing population in the European Union’ of 21 April 2009.

(6) The Commission presented its views on the demographic challenges the EU faces and on opportunities for tackling them in its communications on ‘The demographic future of Europe —from challenge to opportunity’ of 12 October 2006, on ‘Promoting Solidarity between Generations’ of 10 May 2007 and on ‘Dealing with the impact of an ageing population in the European Union’ of 29 April 2009.

Amendment  10

Proposal for a decision

Recital 6 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(6a) The cultural and ethnic diversity of the older generations in Europe will increase further. It is therefore necessary to actively promote equal opportunities and to encourage participation. Active citizens from different cultural backgrounds have important bridge functions in society, foster integration and contribute to the economy.

Amendment  11

Proposal for a decision

Recital 7

Text proposed by the Commission


(7)       The Council adopted on 22 February 2007 a resolution on ‘Opportunities and challenges of demographic change in Europe: the contribution of older people to economic and social development’, which emphasised the need to increase the possibilities of active participation by older people, the new economic opportunities ("silver economy") created by the growing demand of older people for certain goods and services as well as the importance of a positive public image of older people.

(7)       The Council adopted on 22 February 2007 a resolution on ‘Opportunities and challenges of demographic change in Europe: the contribution of older people to economic and social development’, which emphasised both the need to increase the possibilities of active participation by older people, including in the form of voluntary work, and the new economic opportunities ("silver economy") created by the growing demand of older people for certain goods and services as well as the importance of a positive public image of older people. In this context, the importance of promoting good health and a high quality of life, including by ensuring access to appropriate and high quality health care, should also be highlighted.

Amendment  12

Proposal for a decision

Recital 8

Text proposed by the Commission


(8) The Council adopted on 8 June 2009 Conclusions on ‘Equal opportunities for women and men: active and dignified ageing’, which recognises that, throughout the EU, older women and men face serious challenges as they seek to live active lives and to age with dignity, and proposes a number of measures to Member States and the Commission.

(8) The Council adopted on 8 June 2009 Conclusions on ‘Equal opportunities for women and men: active and dignified ageing’, which recognises that, throughout the EU, older women and men face serious challenges as they seek to live active lives and to age with dignity, and proposes a number of measures to Member States and the Commission including the promotion of active ageing policies, taking into account the different situations in the various Member States and the different challenges faced by women and men.

Amendment  13

Proposal for a decision

Recital 9 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(9a)     The conference ‘Together for Mental Health and Well-being’, which was held during the Slovenian Presidency of the EU, on 12-13 June 2008, launched the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being. Following that conference, the conference on ‘Active and Healthy Ageing’, which was held under the Spanish Presidency of the EU, on 29-30 April 2010, presented good practices carried out in Europe in the field of social participation and intergenerational solidarity.

Amendment  14

Proposal for a decision

Recital 11 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(11a)   The European Parliament adopted on 11 November 2010 a resolution entitled Demographic challenge and solidarity between generations’1, calling on the Commission to announce the designation of the European Year 2012 and on the Member States to make active ageing one of the priorities for the coming years. The resolution also stressed that the European Year should, in particular, highlight the contribution that older people make to society and afford opportunities to foster solidarity, cooperation and understanding between generations and to get younger and older people to work together.



1 Texts adopted, P7_TA(2010)0400.

Amendment  15

Proposal for a decision

Recital 11 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(11b) The opinions drawn up by the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions also stress the importance for Europe of a culture of active ageing. One particular aspect of this concerns cross-generational health care and protection from what the Economic and Social Committee refers in its opinion on ‘The impact of population ageing on health and welfare system’ of 15 July 2010 to as age-related disorders .



1 OJ C 44, 11.2.2011, p.10.

Amendment  16

Proposal for a decision

Recital 12

Text proposed by the Commission


(12)     The Commission proposed in its proposal for a Council Decision on "Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States" of 27 April 2010, which calls under the guidelines 7 and 8 on Member States to increase labour force participation through policies to promote active ageing, to raise employment rates of older workers through innovation in work organisation and to increase the employability of older workers through up-skilling and participation in lifelong learning schemes. Guideline 10 emphasises the need to enhance social protection systems, lifelong learning and active inclusion policies with the aim to create opportunities at different stages of people's lives and shield them from the risk of social exclusion.

(12)     The Commission proposed in its proposal for a Council Decision on "Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States" of 27 April 2010, which calls under the guidelines 7 and 8 on Member States to increase labour force participation through policies to promote active ageing, to raise employment rates of older workers through innovation in work organisation and to increase the employability of older workers through up-skilling and participation in lifelong learning schemes. Guideline 10 emphasises the need to enhance social protection systems, lifelong learning and active as well as barrier-free inclusion policies with the aim of creating opportunities at different stages of people's lives, of shielding them from the risk of poverty and social exclusion and of enhancing their active participation in society.

Amendment  17

Proposal for a decision

Recital 13

Text proposed by the Commission


(13)     In its Communication on "A Digital Agenda for Europe", the first EU2020 flagship initiative adopted on 19 May 2010, the Commission stressed the importance of ICT for ageing well, proposing in particular the reinforcement of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. The Digital Agenda for Europe also recommended taking concerted action to increase the digital competences of all Europeans, including older persons, a group that is over-represented within the 150 million citizens, or about 30% of the total, who have never used the internet.

(13)     In its Communication on "A Digital Agenda for Europe", the first EU2020 flagship initiative adopted on 19 May 2010, the Commission stressed the importance of ICT applications and services for ageing well, proposing in particular the reinforcement of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. The Digital Agenda for Europe also recommended taking concerted action to increase the digital competences of all Europeans, including older persons, a group that is overrepresented within the 150 million citizens, or about 30% of the total, who have never used the internet. Facilitating access to, and providing training in the use of, new technologies would further improve the opportunities of older persons to benefit from lifelong learning, would enable them to acquire technical skills and would also contribute to the removal of obstacles to lifelong learning related to distance and disabilities.

Amendment  18

Proposal for a decision

Recital 13 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(13a)   In the context of 'Europe 2020', the Commission has proposed launching an Active and Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership (AHAIP) within the framework of the 'Innovation Union' flagship initiative. This pilot project, which is the first innovation partnership, will include social innovation which seeks to promote a better quality of life, to prevent disease, to improve social networks within public sectors and among social partners and to promote the introduction of new technologies supporting the quality of life. It also seeks to enable citizens to live independently and in good health for longer and to increase by two the average number of healthy years of life by 2020. Moreover, it seeks to bring about an improvement in the sustainability and efficiency of European social and healthcare systems and the creation of a Union and a global market for innovative ICT applications and services.

Amendment  19

Proposal for a decision

Recital 14

Text proposed by the Commission


(14) The Commission is implementing the European Disability Action plan that contains relevant actions for older persons given the correlation between disability and ageing. In particular actions on accessibility following Design for all approaches would be relevant. Furthermore the EU and all Member States have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities that contains relevant provisions for older persons.

(14) The Commission is implementing the European Disability Action plan that contains relevant actions for older persons given the frequent correlation between disability and ageing. In particular actions on accessibility following Design for all approaches would be relevant. Actions to support independent living and inclusion in the community are relevant, including those directed at older persons with disabilities, in need of a high level of support and with complex needs, who are particularly vulnerable and prone to social exclusion. Furthermore the EU and all Member States have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities that contains inter alia relevant provisions for older persons. The Recommendation of the Council of Europe on ageing and disability in the 21st century, adopted in 2009, aims to promote autonomy and an independent life for ageing people with disabilities, enhancing the quality of services and ensuring equal access to them. It calls on Member States to adopt innovative approaches.

Amendment  20

Proposal for a decision

Recital 14 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(14a)   The European Day of Intergenerational Solidarity is celebrated annually on 29 April, an initiative which was expressly welcomed by the European Parliament in its resolution of 11 November 2010 entitled 'Demographic challenge and solidarity between generations'1. Every year, this day provides a good opportunity for Europe to renew its commitment to strengthening solidarity and cooperation between generations in order to promote a fair and sustainable society. It is also an opportunity for all stakeholders, including civil society organisations, to reflect together on how best to respond to the challenge which Europe's ageing society presents.



1 Texts adopted, P7_TA(2010)0400.

Amendment  21

Proposal for a decision

Recital 14 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(14b) This Decision establishes a financial envelope, which is to constitute the primary reference for the budgetary authority within the meaning of point 37 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management1.



1 OJ C 139, 14.6.2006, p. 1.

Amendment  22

Proposal for a decision

Recital 15

Text proposed by the Commission


(15)     Active ageing is targeted by several Union programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional and Development Fund, the PROGRESS programme, the Life Long Learning Programme, the Public Health Programme, the specific programmes on information and communication technologies and on socio-economic sciences and humanities in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the Action Plan on ‘Ageing well in the information society’, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme for research and innovation, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme with pilot deployment projects on ICT for Ageing Well and the Action Plan on urban mobility. Union co-financing of European Year activities will be in accordance with the priorities and rules applying, on an annual or multi-annual basis, to existing programmes and autonomous budget lines in the field of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. Where appropriate, programmes and policies in other fields, such as education and culture, health, research, the information society, regional policy and transport policy, may support the European Year.

(15)     Active ageing is also targeted by several Union programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional and Development Fund, the PROGRESS programme, the Life Long Learning Programme and, in particular, the Grundtvig programme, the Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health 2008-2013, the specific programmes on information and communication technologies and on socio-economic sciences and humanities in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the Action Plan on ‘Ageing well in the information society’, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme for research and innovation, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme with pilot deployment projects on ICT for Ageing Well, the CALYPSO Preparatory Action on Social Tourism and the Action Plan on urban mobility. It is therefore possible for the European Year to benefit from these programmes, within the existing margins which they provide for funding priorities on an annual or multiannual basis.

Amendment  23

Proposal for a decision

Recital 15 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(15a) In order to ensure the participation of a diverse range of organisations, simplified procedures should be available for smaller scale events and operations.

Amendment  24

Proposal for a decision

Recital 15 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(15b) Given that a number of relevant Union-level networks may be facing severe budgetary constraints which might limit their participation in the European Year, this should be taken into account if additional money becomes available at Union level.

Amendment  25

Proposal for a decision

Recital 15 c (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(15c)   Synergies between the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (2010), the European Year of Volunteering (2011) and the European Year for Active Ageing (2012) should be promoted.

Amendment  26

Proposal for a decision

Article 1

Text proposed by the Commission


The year 2012 shall be designated as the European Year for Active Ageing (hereafter referred to as ‘the European Year’).

The year 2012 shall be designated as the 'European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations', with the subheading 'Maintaining the vitality and respecting the dignity of all' (hereafter referred to as ‘the European Year’).

Amendment  27

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission


The overall purpose of the European Year shall be to encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above, thereby preserving solidarity between generations. Active ageing means creating better opportunities and working conditions to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market, combating social exclusion by fostering active participation in society, and encouraging healthy ageing. On this basis, the objectives shall be:

The overall purpose of the European Year shall be to facilitate the creation of a sustainable active ageing culture in Europe based on a society for all ages and on solidarity between generations.


In this framework, the European Year shall encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners, businesses and civil society, including religious organisations and associations active in combating poverty and social exclusion, to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above, thereby maintaining the vitality of older people, enhancing their social participation, promoting the positive perception of older people in the society, creating a barrier-free society for all ages and fostering solidarity and cooperation between generations. In order to do so, it is essential for the European Year to support and make the most of initiatives that take account of the specific needs of older people, including those at local and regional level.


Active ageing is the process of optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. It allows people to realise their potential for wellbeing throughout their lives and to participate in society according to their needs, desires and capabilities, while providing them with adequate protection, security and care when they need assistance. Active ageing means creating better education, training and lifelong learning possibilities and better opportunities and age-friendly working conditions to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market, supporting the role of older people in family life and voluntary activities and their active participation in society, combating age discrimination and prejudice and eliminating negative stereotypes, fighting poverty and social exclusion, encouraging healthy ageing with dignity and facilitating it through preventive measures and access to quality health and social services.


On this basis, the objectives of the European Year shall be:

Amendment  28

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point (1)

Text proposed by the Commission


(1)       to raise general awareness of the value of active ageing in order to highlight the useful contribution older persons make to society and the economy, to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of older persons;

(1)       to raise general awareness of the value of active ageing, and to put it high on the political agenda of stakeholders at all levels, in order to highlight the useful contribution older persons make to society, family life and the economy, to promote active and healthy ageing and solidarity between generations, maintaining the vitality and respecting the dignity of all people, to combat ageism and negative stereotypes about old age, to remove barriers and recognise the diversity within all age groups, and to do more to mobilise the potential of older persons regardless of their ethnic or cultural origin, paying special attention to enabling their participation in the labour market, voluntary activities and lifelong learning, to protecting those who continue carrying out an activity, to raising an awareness of the valuable contribution made by older members of staff and to combating poverty in old age, particularly that of women;

Amendment  29

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point (2)

Text proposed by the Commission


(2)       to stimulate debate and develop mutual learning between Member States and stakeholders at all levels in order to promote active ageing policies, to identify and disseminate good practice and to encourage cooperation and synergies;

(2)       to stimulate debate, to exchange information and to develop mutual learning between Member States and stakeholders, including the social partners and civil society, at Union, national, regional and local level in order to promote active ageing policies, to promote sustainable and safe pension systems in Europe, to recognise challenges, to identify and disseminate good practice and to encourage cooperation and synergies;

Amendment  30

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point (3)

Text proposed by the Commission


(3)       to offer a framework for commitment and concrete action to enable Member States and stakeholders at all levels to develop policies through specific activities and to commit to specific objectives related to active ageing.

(3)       to offer a framework for commitment and concrete action to enable the Union, Member States and stakeholders at all levels, with the strong involvement of civil society, the social partners and businesses and with particular emphasis on promoting information strategies, to develop innovative solutions, policies and long-term strategies through specific activities and to commit to specific objectives related to active ageing and intergenerational solidarity;

Amendment  31

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point (3a) (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3a) to raise the appreciation of and to bring about better overall recognition of and support for the contribution of older people to economic and social development in Europe, with particular recognition of their experience as explicit added value for economy and society;

Amendment  32

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point (3b) (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3b)     to promote activities stimulating the development of comprehensive age management strategies related to employment and work, activities facilitating the introduction of consistent family-friendly policies which can have a meaningful impact on demographic trends, activities highlighting the importance of prevention of health problems and healthy lifestyles, with particular emphasis on age-related disorders, and activities enhancing respect for older people’s dignity, their health, including access to health care, their quality of life, and their autonomy;

Amendment  33

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point (3c) (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3c) either to introduce or to strengthen structural fiscal policies in favour of non-profit organisations so that they can plan and carry out their activities in support of ageing people and of the disadvantaged parts of the population on a continual and not just on an occasional basis.

Amendment  34

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 1

Text proposed by the Commission


–         conferences, events and initiatives to promote debate, raise awareness and foster the making of specific commitments;

–         conferences, events and initiatives, with the active participation of the social partners, businesses, including SMEs, civil society and religious organisations, to promote debate, raise awareness and foster the making of specific commitments which contribute to sustained and lasting impacts on future initiatives and activities in the field of active ageing;

Amendment  35

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 2

Text proposed by the Commission


–         information, promotion and educational campaigns;

–         information, promotion, educational, mentoring and training campaigns which are adapted to national, regional or local circumstances as well as to targeted groups and which make use of multimedia and social networks;

Amendment  36

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 3

Text proposed by the Commission


–         exchange of information, experience and good practices;

–         exchange of information, experience and good practices, including through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), networks of contacts set up by stakeholders working to achieve the goals of the European Year and between local representatives with responsibilities relating to active ageing and solidarity between generations;

Amendment  37

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 4

Text proposed by the Commission


–         research and surveys on a Union or national scale, and dissemination of the results.

–         research and surveys on a Union, national or regional scale, and dissemination of the results, focusing on the economic and social impact of promoting active ageing and of active-ageing-friendly policies.

Amendment  38

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



1a.      When implementing the activities referred to in paragraph 1, attention should be paid, on a horizontal basis, to preventative health-care oriented towards healthy ageing and to involving all generations in the pursuit of the objectives of the European Year, in particular by encouraging the participation of ageing and young people in common initiatives while highlighting their typical features and the opportunities afforded by intergenerational exchange. Methods of involving elderly people should be analysed and consolidated in order to develop evidence-based best practice.

Amendment  39

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



2a. The Commission and Member States shall be encouraged to provide greater opportunities for those who volunteer to support elderly people and who engage in fund raising programmes, thereby putting their enthusiasm and experience to positive use.

Amendment  40

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission


3.        The Commission and the Member States shall take account of gender mainstreaming in the running of the European Year.

3.        The Commission and the Member States shall take account of the need to integrate the specificities of the situation of women and men and the need for all generations to be involved in the running of the European Year and should seek to develop an inclusive approach for all generations, recognising their diversity. Special attention shall be paid to the inclusion of persons with disabilities, as well as to combating all forms of discrimination to which older persons may be subject.

Amendment  41

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



3a. The Commission shall take into account the potential of crossborder activities at a regional or local level for achieving the objectives set out in Article 2.

Amendment  42

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 3 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



3b. The initiatives taken in the light of the European Year for Active Ageing will have a decentralised approach and ensure multi-level ownership.


It will be important to involve regional and local actors in Member States in carrying out the specific actions. Multi-level ownership should ensure the strong involvement of all relevant stakeholders and should furthermore create a basis on which long-lasting efforts and initiatives are carried out.

Amendment  43

Proposal for a decision

Article 4

Text proposed by the Commission


Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator responsible for organising its involvement in the European Year. The national coordinators should also see to it that national activities are properly coordinated.

1. Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator responsible for organising its involvement in the European Year and shall inform the Commission of that appointment.


2. By 30 September 2011, each Member State shall inform the Commission of its work programme, which shall include details of the national activities planned under the European Year.


3. The national coordinators should work independently, without reflecting solely the views of governments and should also see to it that national activities are implemented in accordance with objectives listed in Article 2 and are properly coordinated and that stakeholders, including social partners and civil society organisations are fully involved in the design and implementation of the European Year at local, regional and national level.

Amendment  44

Proposal for a decision

Article 4 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



Article 4a

Participating countries


Participation in the European Year shall be open to:


(a) Member States;


(b) candidate countries; and


(c) EFTA States that are parties to the EEA Agreement.

Amendment  45

Proposal for a decision

Article 5 - paragraph -1 (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



The Commission shall implement the European Year at Union level.

Amendment  46

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission


The Commission shall convene meetings of the national coordinators for the purpose of coordination at Union level and to exchange information, including on commitments made and their implementation in the Member States.

The Commission shall convene meetings of the national coordinators for the purpose of coordination at Union level and to exchange information and knowledge, including on commitments made and their implementation in the Member States.

Amendment  47

Proposal for a decision

Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



The Commission shall facilitate and support the activities at national, regional and local level, including by proposing, where appropriate, new pathways and tools for the achievement of policy goals. The Commission shall, for the purpose of evaluation, encourage national statistical offices to pay special attention to evaluating the activities set out in Article 3(1) that took place within their territory during the European Year, in particular by taking account of public support.

Amendment  48

Proposal for a decision

Article 5 – paragraph 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



The theme of the European Year shall be a priority in the communication activities of the representations of the Commission in the Member States and in the work programmes of relevant key European-level networks benefiting from support for their running costs from the Union budget.

Amendment  49

Proposal for a decision

Article 5 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



Article 5a


Financial and non-financial support


1.        Activities at the Union level, as set out in Article 3(1), may give rise to a procurement contract or the award of grants financed from the general budget of the European Union.


2.        Where appropriate, programmes and policies in fields which contribute to promoting active ageing, such as employment, social affairs and equal opportunities, education and culture, health, research, the information society, regional policy and transport policy, may support the European Year in accordance with the rules applying and within the existing margins for priority setting.


3.        Non-financial support may be granted by the Union for initiatives undertaken by public and private organisations in accordance with Article 3(2).

Amendment  50

Proposal for a decision

Article 5 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



Article 5b



1. The financial envelope for the implementation, at Union level, of this decision, in particular the activities set out in Article 3(1), is, for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012, at least EUR 6 000 000, of which EUR 2 000 000 shall be reserved for use within the period to 31 December 2011.


2. Annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial framework.

Amendment  51

Proposal for a decision

Article 6 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



Article 6a

International cooperation


For the purpose of the European Year, the Commission may cooperate with the relevant bodies of other international organisations, in particular with the United Nations and the Council of Europe, in order to increase the Union's effectiveness and to ensure the visibility of its efforts.

Amendment  52

Proposal for a decision

Article 7

Text proposed by the Commission


By 30 June 2014, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions on the implementation, results and overall assessment of the initiatives provided for in this Decision.

1. By 30 June 2014, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions, on the implementation, results and overall assessment of the Commission and Member-State initiatives provided for in this Decision, to serve as a basis for future EU policies, measures and actions in this field.


2. The report shall also provide information on how the gender and disability have been mainstreamed in the activities of the European Year and how the European Year has contributed towards developing a sustainable active aging culture across Europe.

  • [1]  Not yet published in the Official Journal.


Population ageing is one of the EU's most important challenges but also one of the biggest opportunities.

The rise in life expectancy linked to ageing is certainly an extraordinary social achievement and a success of our time. Europeans today are leaving longer and healthier lives than ever before which is a positive and encouraging development. However, this success also confronts the European society with a number of challenges, in particular in the area of employment and social protection. To illustrate this, Eurostat's demographic projections expect a decrease of about 6.8% (20.8 million) of people in working age in 2030. Thus, only two people of working age (15-64) will have to support one retired person (over 65), compared to a ratio of four to one today. The EU will therefore experience a steep increase in the share of older people and a large decline in the share of population aged below 50, which may, in turn, increase pressure on public budgets and pension systems, as well as on the social and care provision for older people. In addition, old age is often associated with illness and dependency, and older people can feel excluded from employment as well as from family and society.

For these reasons, population ageing could be considered a huge challenge, if not a hazard, or it could offer new opportunities for the European society, depending on how well we prepare for it. A key for meeting this challenge consists in ensuring that the population in their 50s and over can stay longer in the labour market, continue to be active participants in society and remain healthy and independent as long as possible. It is therefore a challenge that the European society has to prepare for and if prepared well, and much in advance, it could become an opportunity for Europe to prosper faster and with greater extent of social cohesion across generations.

Governments and public policies have to respond to the challenge in a number of areas, in particular by putting in place framework conditions to deal with the consequences of population ageing. In addition, private sector, the social partners and civil society as well as individual citizens have to make their respective contribution. All these stakeholders are key factors in providing solutions to the challenge of Europe’s ageing society.

Responding to the challenge at the EU level, on 6 September 2010, the Commission presented a proposal for a decision designating 2012 as European Year for Active Ageing. The proposed initiative would encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population currently in their 50s and above. The European Year should therefore serve as a framework for raising awareness, for identifying and disseminating good practice and, most importantly, for encouraging policymakers and stakeholders at all levels to promote active ageing.

Your Rapporteur very much welcomes the Commission's proposal and its general approach. Such a European Year could and should offer a good opportunity to reflect on the demographic phenomenon challenging the EU and the Member States. But it should also pave the way to making sound commitments to promote active ageing at all levels. Efforts should be made to consolidate the European Year's results in the framework of specific policies and programmes across the relevant policy areas, thus providing a drive for permanent practices.

Moreover, your Rapporteur considers that the proposal for the European Year needs to be amended taking account of the following specific issues:

1.  A society valuing active ageing has to put in place framework conditions allowing for ageing actively but also for ageing while maintaining the vitality and respecting the dignity of all people. Moreover, active ageing can be successful only in a society built on solidarity and cooperation between generations.

According to the WHO definition, active ageing includes creating more opportunities for older people to continue working, to stay healthy longer and to continue to contribute to society in other ways, for example through volunteering. Consequently, society and economy have to help people to sustain their physical, social and spiritual well-being into old age. There is therefore a need for a holistic approach to promoting active ageing which has to include the health, vitality and dignity aspects, if we want to make it possible for older people to continue to be active participants in society and remain independent as long as possible.

Furthermore, in order to promote active ageing it is of utmost importance to enhance solidarity and cooperation between generations. This idea is shared and promoted by a number of civil society organisations representing interests of different age groups, in particular AGE and the European Youth Platform. Also, the European Day of Intergenerational Solidarity is celebrated annually on 29 April to the same end. However, solidarity between the young, the active and the elderly must not be approached solely from a financial perspective. On the contrary, it has to be viewed in a wider context, encompassing the promotion of mutual cooperation and exchange between all generations so that each of them can find its place in the society and all and every one of them can contribute to the European society to the best of its abilities. The European society has to become a society for all ages.

Your Rapporteur therefore proposes that the European Year 2012 be designated as "European Year for Active Ageing - promoting solidarity between generations, maintaining the vitality and respecting the dignity of all" and that the tree pillars – vitality, dignity and solidarity between generations - are given visibility in the European Year’s objectives and activities.

2.  The European Year 2012 should contribute to developing an active ageing culture in Europe as a set of attitudes, values, goals, and practices shared by all Europeans.

Active ageing has to become an integral part of the European social model and of the social market economy. It needs to become a cornerstone of the 'European way of life', based on three pillars: vitality, dignity and solidarity between generations. In order to achieve this, the European Year should contribute to changing mentalities and developing ownership and a lasting support for active ageing among all generations, including the population in their 50s and above. The European Year should also help promote the image of older people, and of the contribution they can offer, among the public at large. It should contribute to changing the way our society is organised and to re-establishing the social relationships and links between and within different generations.

Your Rapporteur therefore suggests that the overall purpose of the European Year be set out in such a way so that the European Year contributes to creating a sustainable active ageing culture in Europe.

3.  Achieving the overall policy goals during the European Year requires involvement and support of all relevant stakeholders but also a minimum amount of budgetary resources.

The European Year should make it possible for, and encourage participation and involvement of all relevant stakeholders at the EU, national, regional and local level. The social partners' and civil society organisations' role is crucial in this respect. Among the later, special attention has to be given to churches and different associations fighting poverty and social exclusion.

Given that many of the existing EU funding programmes in different areas are relevant to active ageing, there is a possibility for them to contribute to the implementation of the European Year. Encouragement of such a contribution would be welcome also due to the fact that policy support to active ageing is required in a range of different areas. However, actual contribution from these programmes will remain unclear until the very end of the European Year. In addition, it is of utmost importance for the EU to do as much as possible to support Member States in organising their activities at national, regional and local levels, including by creating conditions for identifying and sharing experience. Therefore, there is a need to set aside a certain amount of funds for the EU level activities specific to the European Year, such as information and communication, EU level conferences, analysis and studies.

In order to support the sustainability of the European Year, your Rapporteur therefore urges for a specific funding line for the European Year 2012.

The EU and its Member States have done a lot in the past to increase the life expectancy of European citizens. Economic prosperity, social security and reliable peace have ensured that the quality of life has increased. At the same time, new challenges have arisen which we have to deal with. Living in a culture of active aging can be of help in this respect, in particular if active ageing is developed in a holistic manner, including prevention and promotion of the respect for resources and talents that people of all generations can offer to the economy and society.

The European Year 2012 should therefore be a milestone for these developments in Europe, putting people in the centre of the politics, society and economy and making the Europe’s society a society for all ages.



Ms Pervenche BERÈS

Chair of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee

European Parliament

rue Wiertz


Subject: Opinion concerning the financial compatibility of the Kastler draft report on the proposal of decision of European Parliament and Council concerning the European Year of Active Ageing (COM(2010)0462 – C7-0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD))

Dear Ms Berès,

By letter of 13.01.2011 you referred to the Committee on Budgets under Rule 38(2) the analysis of the financial compatibility of the modifications proposed in the above draft report.

Following the coordinators' decision of 26 January, the Committee on Budgets, pursuant to Rule 38(3), considered the above question at its meeting of 7 February.

At the current stage the committee decided unanimously in favour of the compatibility of the financial amendments included in the above draft report aiming to introduce an amount of 4 Mio Euro in commitment appropriations in the budget 2012 for activities at the EU level in the framework of the European Year 2012.

This decision is based on the current assessment of the margins available under heading 1a for the financial year 2012 following the information provided by the European Commission in its Financial Programming published on 31 January.

However, it is to be noted that the actual additional funding, if any, to be allocated to the European Year 2012 depends on the real margin available emerging from the draft budget 2012 awaited for April 2011 and above all on the outcome of the negotiations between the two arms of the budgetary authority, which will take place in the second semester of this year.

Yours sincerely,

(sgd) Alain Lamassoure

Chair of the Committee on Budgets

OPINION of the Committee on Regional Development (27.1.2011)

for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Year for Active Ageing (2012)
(COM(2010)0462 – C7‑0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD))

Rapporteur: Lambert van Nistelrooij


The Commission has proposed to make 2012 the European Year for Active Ageing. The general aim of this European Year shall be to encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above, thereby preserving solidarity between generations. It defines active ageing as creating better opportunities and working conditions to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market, combating social exclusion by fostering active participation in society, and encouraging healthy ageing.

Article 2 of the Proposal for a Decision sets out a number of aims. The practical measures to be taken for their attainment are outlined in Article 3 and include initiatives that are to be organized and carried out by the EU and the national, regional and local authorities of Member States.

The amendments the REGI Committee is proposing are therefore intended to

- Ensure that active ageing is firmly placed on the policy agenda;

- Add a subtitle to the name of the European Year - Promoting intergenerational solidarity - by which an important reason for societies to promote active ageing is put more into the spotlight;

- Stress the key role the European Year can play in supporting and leveraging local and regional projects and initiatives that allow older people to contribute to their community, and to benefit from an adequate protection, security and health care;

- Ensure that general awareness is raised in cities and regions of the Member States;

- Ensure that initiatives taken in the light of the European year for active ageing will have a decentralised approach and, as stressed in the Territorial Pact of Local and Regional Authorities on Europe 2020 Strategy, are based on multi-level ownership;

- Provide for accurate coordination, coherency and effectiveness through the setup of a strategic guidance on the implementation of the projects that are initiated in the light of the European Year.

- Raise awareness of the importance of ICT technologies development, which can effectively respond to the challenges of an ageing society.


The Committee on Regional Development calls on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following amendments in its report:

Amendment  1

Proposal for a decision

Recital 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(2a) Pursuant to Article 156 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the Commission is to encourage cooperation between the Member States and facilitate the coordination of their action in the social policy field.


Addition as to the new institutional framework provided for by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Amendment  2

Proposal for a decision

Recital 2b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(2b) Article 174 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union recognises that some Union regions suffer from severe and permanent demographic handicaps that may hamper their level of development and require particular attention if the objective of economic, social and territorial cohesion is to be achieved.


Article 174 TFEU recognises that some regions of the European Union face difficulties resulting from their demographic characteristics, for example areas with low population density, and that these require particular attention from European policies.

Amendment  3

Proposal for a decision

Recital 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3a) The part of the population of the European Union comprised of persons in their late 50s and over will increase at a much faster rate than ever before. The largest increase is expected to occur during the period 2015-35 when the population aged 60 and over will be increasing by 2 million people per year. This increase is very positive as it is a logical consequence of the improvement in health care and the quality of life. Nevertheless, due to the reality of demographic change, the Union faces a number of challenges, such as a shrinking population in certain cities and regions, including a decreasing attractiveness of these cities and regions, a high degree of pressure on pension funds, and problems maintaining the sustainability of financial provision for health care and public services.

Amendment  4

Proposal for a decision

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission


(10) The Commission emphasised it its Communication on ‘Europe 2020 — A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ the importance to the European Union of promoting a healthy and active ageing population in the interests of social cohesion and higher productivity. It proposed a flagship initiative ‘An agenda for new skills and jobs’, under which Member States should notably promote active ageing policies, and a flagship initiative on a ‘European Platform against Poverty’. Achieving these policy goals requires action from all levels of government and various non-governmental stakeholders; they can in turn be supported, at the Union level, by European Year activities aimed at raising awareness and fostering the exchange of good practice. National coordinators should see to it that national action is coordinated and is consistent with the overall objectives of the European Year. The participation of other institutions and stakeholders is also planned.

(10) The Commission emphasised in its Communication on ‘Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ the importance to the European Union of promoting a healthy and active ageing population in the interests of social cohesion and higher productivity. It proposed a flagship initiative ‘An agenda for new skills and jobs’, under which Member States should notably promote active ageing policies, and a flagship initiative on a ‘European Platform against Poverty’. Achieving these policy goals requires an approach based on multi-level ownership, through which stronger involvement and action by all local and regional authorities as well as various non-governmental stakeholders is created; in turn those actors should be supported, at the Union level, by European Year activities aimed at raising awareness, fostering the exchange of good practice and creating synergies. National coordinators should see to it that actions at both central and decentralised level are coordinated and consistent with the overall objectives of the European Year. The participation of other institutions and stakeholders is also planned.


To promote a healthy and active ageing population in the interests of social cohesion and higher productivity, as aimed for by the Europe 2020 Strategy, it is crucial to engage with local and regional authorities. Taking action and creating initiatives by a multi-level ownership approach ensures their engagement. Moreover, through active engagement of government at central and decentralized levels and an accurate coordination of the European Year activities, new synergies will be created.

Amendment  5

Proposal for a decision

Recital 13

Text proposed by the Commission


(13) In its Communication on "A Digital Agenda for Europe", the first EU2020 flagship initiative adopted on 19 May 2010, the Commission stressed the importance of ICT for ageing well, proposing in particular the reinforcement of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. The Digital Agenda for Europe also recommended taking concerted action to increase the digital competences of all Europeans, including older persons, a group that is over-represented within the 150 million citizens, or about 30% of the total, who have never used the internet.

(13) In its Communication on "A Digital Agenda for Europe", the first EU2020 flagship initiative adopted on 19 May 2010, the Commission stressed the importance of ICT applications and services for ageing well, proposing in particular the reinforcement of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. The Digital Agenda for Europe also recommended taking concerted action to increase the digital competences of all Europeans, including older persons, a group that is overrepresented within the 150 million citizens, or about 30% of the total, who have never used the internet. In the coming years, investments should particularly be made in infrastructure, so that the opportunities presented by the Digital Strategy can be exploited in the areas where there is the greatest need for them, e.g. in the form of e-Health services.

Amendment  6

Proposal for a decision

Recital 13 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(13a) In the context of 'Europe 2020', the Commission has proposed launching a pilot project on active and healthy ageing by the beginning of 2011 within the framework of the Innovation Union. That pilot project, which is the first Innovation Partnership, also includes social innovation, and seeks to promote a better quality of life, to prevent diseases, to improve social networks within public sectors and among social partners, to promote the introduction of new technologies in order to support the quality of life, to enable citizens to live independently and in good health for longer and to increase by two the average number of healthy years of life by 2020. Moreover, it seeks to bring about an improvement in the sustainability and efficiency of European social and healthcare systems and the creation of a Union and global market for innovative ICT applications and services. This would give Union businesses new opportunities, thereby improving Union competitiveness and providing for job growth in Europe's regions.

Amendment  7

Proposal for a decision

Recital 14a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(14a) The Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank of 9 November 2010, entitled Conclusions of the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: the future of cohesion policy1, recognises the need for the European Union to develop a cohesion policy capable of responding to societal challenges such as population ageing and to allocate an appropriate amount of resources to achieve this objective.

Amendment  8

Proposal for a decision

Recital 15

Text proposed by the Commission


(15) Active ageing is targeted by several Union programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional and Development Fund, the PROGRESS programme, the Life Long Learning Programme, the Public Health Programme, the specific programmes on information and communication technologies and on socio-economic sciences and humanities in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the Action Plan on ‘Ageing well in the information society’, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme for research and innovation, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme with pilot deployment projects on ICT for Ageing Well and the Action Plan on urban mobility. Union co-financing of European Year activities will be in accordance with the priorities and rules applying, on an annual or multi-annual basis, to existing programmes and autonomous budget lines in the field of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. Where appropriate, programmes and policies in other fields, such as education and culture, health, research, the information society, regional policy and transport policy, may support the European Year.

(15) Active ageing is targeted by several Union programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the PROGRESS programme, the Life Long Learning Programme, the Public Health Programme, the specific programmes on information and communication technologies and on socio-economic sciences and humanities in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the Action Plan on ‘Ageing well in the information society’, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme for research and innovation, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme with pilot deployment projects on ICT for Ageing Well, the CALYPSO Preparatory Action on Social Tourism and the Action Plan on urban mobility. Union co-financing of European Year activities will be in accordance with the priorities and rules applying, on an annual or multi-annual basis, to existing programmes and autonomous budget lines in the field of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. Where appropriate, programmes and policies in other fields, such as education and culture, health, research, the information society, regional policy and transport policy, may support the European Year, in particular where they are necessary in order to address social inclusion concerns, conditions of low wellbeing or poverty. Accordingly, the European Year will also be an opportunity to raise public awareness across the board and mobilise stakeholders to combat social exclusion, deprivation and poverty among older people, particularly in the context of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, which is a flagship initiative of the EU 2020 Strategy. Union funding to overcome the challenges presented by ageing should not be restricted solely to the European Year. Demographic challenges should be constantly taken into account in the Union’s policy.

Amendment  9

Proposal for a decision

Recital 16

Text proposed by the Commission


(16) The objectives of the proposed European Year for Active Ageing cannot be fully achieved at Member State level due to the need for transnational exchange of information and the Union-wide dissemination of good practice, and can therefore, by reason of the scale of the proposed action, be better achieved at Union level. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on the European Union, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.

(16) The objectives of the proposed European Year for Active Ageing cannot be fully achieved at Member State level due to the need for transnational exchange of information and the Union-wide dissemination of good practices. It should be acknowledged that cities, regions and Member States play a pivotal role in carrying out those specific actions, especially where their responsibilities include the social integration of those in difficulties and the provision of support to older people. It should furthermore be acknowledged that, without prejudice to the subsidiarity principle and by reason of the scale of proposed actions, those objectives can be better achieved when the initiative is taken at Union level. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on the European Union, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.

Amendment  10

Proposal for a decision

Recital 16 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(16a) The problem of population ageing is frequently linked to the characteristics of rural areas but is nevertheless not exclusive to them, as this issue is also related to the conditions to be found in urban environments and the role of cities in integrating and shaping the population.


The ageing of the active population is an issue that should be studied not only from the point of view of cause and effect in rural areas but also in urban areas, with a view to finding solutions for the integration of older generations.

Amendment  11

Proposal for a decision

Recital 16 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(16b) Active population ageing is underpinned by an intergenerational solidarity that goes beyond integration into the labour market by creating more and better opportunities for the participation of older workers, since it also targets their full integration in society, combating social exclusion by raising awareness of their autonomy and quality of life, in particular through promoting their participation in activities such as tourism and voluntary work.


Finding solutions for intergenerational solidarity with a view to active population ageing involves not only integration into the labour market but also action to combat social exclusion, training and incentives for participation in civic and leisure activities.

Amendment  12

Proposal for a decision

Article 1

Text proposed by the Commission


The year 2012 shall be designated as the European Year for Active Ageing (hereafter referred to as ‘the

European Year’).

The year 2012 shall be designated as the European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity (hereafter referred to as ‘the

European Year’).

Amendment  13

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 - introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission


The overall purpose of the European Year shall be to encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above, thereby preserving solidarity between generations. Active ageing means creating better opportunities and working conditions to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market, combating social exclusion by fostering active participation in society, and encouraging healthy ageing. On this basis, the objectives shall be:

The overall purpose of the European Year shall be to encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more, by concrete measures, to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above and to bring about its better inclusion in society, in view of the economic, social and cultural role they can play in preserving solidarity between generations. In order to do so, it is essential for the European Year to support and leverage local and regional projects and initiatives that take account of the specific needs of older people and that allow the members of an ageing society to contribute as much as possible to their community and to let the older people in that ageing society benefit from adequate protection, security, the proper adaptation of their living environment and access to public services and quality care. Moreover, it is the task of Member States and their cities and regions to provide for a framework within which stakeholders from the public and private sector can cooperate well together on achieving these common goals. Active ageing means creating better opportunities and working conditions to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market and volunteering activities, combating social exclusion by fostering active participation in society, and encouraging healthy ageing. On this basis, the objectives shall be:

Amendment  14

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission


to raise general awareness of the value of active ageing in order to highlight the useful contribution older persons make to society and the economy, to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of older persons;

to raise general awareness at all administrative levels in Member States, cities and regions of the value of active ageing in order to highlight the useful contributions older persons make to society and the economy by passing on and strengthening their knowledge and skills, to promote active ageing, to do more to mobilise the potential of older persons, to put active ageing and the promotion of solidarity between generations high up on the political agenda of stakeholders at national, regional and local level;

Amendment  15

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point 2

Text proposed by the Commission


to stimulate debate and develop mutual learning between Member States and stakeholders at all levels in order to promote active ageing policies, to identify and disseminate good practice and

to encourage cooperation and synergies;

to stimulate debate, encourage support and develop mutual learning between public and private actors, at national, regional and local level, and civil society, in order to promote active ageing policies more effectively and successfully, to identify and disseminate good practices and to encourage cooperation and synergies;

Amendment  16

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point 3

Text proposed by the Commission


to offer a framework for commitment and concrete action to enable Member States and stakeholders at all levels to develop policies through specific activities and to commit to specific objectives related to active ageing.

to offer a framework for commitment and concrete action, such as fostering an environment that is beneficial to innovation in technologies in the ICT field that respond to the challenge of an ageing society, which enables public and private actors, at national, regional and local level, and civil society, to develop policies through specific activities and to commit to specific objectives related to active ageing by developing long-term strategies.

Amendment  17

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 3

Text proposed by the Commission


– exchange of information, experience and good practices;

– exchange of information, experience and good practices, particularly between local representatives with responsibilities relating to active ageing and solidarity between generations;

Amendment  18

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 4

Text proposed by the Commission


– research and surveys on a Union or national scale, and dissemination of the results.

– research and surveys on a Union, national or regional/ local authority scale, and dissemination of the results.

Amendment  19

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



3a. The initiatives taken in the light of the European Year for Active Ageing will have a decentralised approach and ensure multi-level ownership.


It will be important to involve regional and local actors in Member States in carrying out the specific actions. Multi-level ownership should ensure the strong involvement of all relevant stakeholders and should furthermore create a basis on which long-lasting efforts and initiatives are carried out.

Amendment  20

Proposal for a decision

Article 4

Text proposed by the Commission


Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator responsible for organising its involvement in the European Year. The national coordinators should also see to it that national activities are properly coordinated.

Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator responsible for organising its involvement in the European Year. The national coordinators should also see to it that national activities are properly coordinated and that civil society organisations are fully involved in the design and implementation of the European Year at local, regional and national level. Moreover, through setting up strategic guidance on the implementation of the various projects within their countries, the national coordinator should create a framework to oversee clearly the actions taken by authorities and stakeholders on a regional and local level in order to foster the creation of synergies and to ensure the effectiveness and coherence of the efforts made as well as to avoid any inconsistencies or duplication.

Amendment  21

Proposal for a decision

Article 6

Text proposed by the Commission


The Commission — together with the Member States — shall ensure that the measures provided for in this Decision are consistent with any other Union, national and regional schemes and initiatives that help attain the objectives of the European Year.

The Commission — together with the Member States — shall ensure that the measures provided for in this Decision are consistent with any other Union, national and regional schemes and initiatives that help attain the objectives of the European Year, and with projects carried out as part of previous European Years, in particular the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (2010) and the European Year of Volunteering (2011).


In order to raise the profile of initiatives carried out as part of the 'European Years' and ensure that they are more effective and produce better results, steps should be taken to encourage continuity and consistency between the initiatives to be launched and those carried out in previous years, taking account of crossovers and connections between the corresponding themes.

Amendment  22

Proposal for a decision

Article 6 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



Article 6a

International cooperation


For the purpose of the European Year, the Commission may cooperate with the relevant bodies of other international organisations, in particular with the United Nations and the Council of Europe, in order to ensure the visibility of the efforts of the Union and to increase its effectiveness.

Amendment  23

Proposal for a decision

Article 6 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



Article 6b



1. The additional budget for implementing this Decision for the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012 is EUR 8 000 000.


2. Annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial framework.



European Year for Active Ageing (2012)


COM(2010)0462 – C7-0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD)

Committee responsible


Opinion by

       Date announced in plenary







       Date appointed

Lambert van Nistelrooij




Discussed in committee





Members present for the final vote

François Alfonsi, Luís Paulo Alves, Charalampos Angourakis, Sophie Auconie, Catherine Bearder, Victor Boştinaru, Zuzana Brzobohatá, Alain Cadec, Salvatore Caronna, Francesco De Angelis, Tamás Deutsch, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Danuta Maria Hübner, Ian Hudghton, María Irigoyen Pérez, Seán Kelly, Evgeni Kirilov, Constanze Angela Krehl, Petru Constantin Luhan, Riikka Manner, Iosif Matula, Erminia Mazzoni, Lambert van Nistelrooij, Jan Olbrycht, Wojciech Michał Olejniczak, Markus Pieper, Georgios Stavrakakis, Nuno Teixeira, Michael Theurer, Michail Tremopoulos, Kerstin Westphal, Hermann Winkler, Joachim Zeller

Substitute(s) present for the final vote

Karin Kadenbach, Andrey Kovatchev, Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid, Elisabeth Schroedter

Substitute(s) under Rule 187(2) present for the final vote

Edvard Kožušník, Norica Nicolai, Jan Zahradil

OPINION of the Committee on Culture and Education (27.1.2011)

for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Year for Active Ageing (2012)
(COM(2010)0462 – C7‑0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD))

Rapporteur: Hannu Takkula



Since the early 1980's European Years, which focus on specific themes, have been organised at the EU-level nearly every year. The objective is to raise public awareness, and to draw the attention of national governments to important issues which the EU-countries want to collectively highlight. For instance, 2010 is the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, while 2011 will be the (European) Year for Volunteering. The choice of theme years is made in advance so that campaigns can be set up and preparation work can be conducted.

The current proposal for the 2012 European Year is Active Ageing. This theme intends to serve as a framework for raising awareness, for identifying and disseminating good practice and for encouraging not only policymakers but stakeholders at all levels to promote the idea of activeness and also action among the "ageing" generations of Europe.

As with previous European Years, the proposed measures will include information and promotional campaigns, events and initiatives at the European, national, regional and local level to convey key messages and disseminate information about examples of good practice. Furthermore, the Commission hopes to encourage all EU-countries to commit to specific action(s) and goals in the run-up to 2012 so that tangible achievements can be presented at the end of the year 2012 itself.

The Commission has stated that it is not seeking specific funding for the year in question but suggests, in line with certain previous years, that funding for Active Ageing related campaigns (etc.) will be provided under various existing Community programmes and administrative budgets. While this approach to funding is somewhat sensible given the state of the economy, the Rapporteur wants to highlight the problematic nature of the issue especially with regard to budget lines which have faced cuts recently and which have already committed to funding long-term projects and programmes (e.g. Life-Long Learning programmes).


The Rapporteur recognises that the EU is in a process of significant population ageing. Research findings suggest that from 2012, the European working-age population will start to shrink, while the population over 60-years old will continue to increase by about two million people per year. The strongest pressure is expected to occur between the period of 2015 - 2035 when the so-called baby-boom generation will enter into retirement.

Population ageing has become one of our greatest challenges. Ageing will put increased economic and social demands on countries in Europe, but equally also in many other parts of the world. While considering these various challenges, we must also recognise that older people are a precious, often ignored resource that makes an important contribution to our societies. Therefore we must attempt to further utilise the potential contribution that older people can make to society.

The Rapporteur wants to give special attention to the word active. He emphasises that active refers not just to the ability to be physically active or to the ability to be able to participate in the labour force for longer, but active should equally refer to a person's continual and active participation in social, economic, cultural, and civic affairs.

The Rapporteur knows that population ageing raises many fundamental questions for policy-makers; some of the more notable issues include:

1.  As people are living longer, how can the quality of life in old age be improved?

2.  How to help people remain active as they grow older?

3.  How to make sure the younger generation actively takes the older generation into consideration?

4.  How to best balance the role of the family and the state when it comes to caring for people who need assistance, as they grow older?

Active ageing, by definition, includes creating more opportunities for older people to continue working, to stay healthy longer and to continue to contribute to society in other ways. Volunteering, for example, needs to be supported by a wide range of policies at all levels of governance. Therefore, it is natural that the Year for Volunteering precedes the Year for Active Ageing. However, as the Parliament has recognised before, European Years must not become mere public relations exercises, and efforts should be made to consolidate objectives and results in the context of specific policies, programmes and other initiatives across the board, while at the same time providing an impetus for new actions and policies.

Active ageing must be tackled on various fronts, not least in the work place, where there is a need to provide continuous learning opportunities for older employees also, to ensure that people remain active. Furthermore, older people need training in new technologies. It must also be remembered that "intergenerational" learning can bridge and even enhance learning experiences and help in the transmission of cultural values.


The Committee on Culture and Education calls on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following amendments in its report:

Amendment  1

Proposal for a decision

Recital 5

Text proposed by the Commission


(5) The growing proportion of older people in Europe makes it more important than ever to promote healthy ageing. Healthy ageing can help raise labour market participation of older people, enable them to be active in society for longer, improve their individual quality of life and curb the strains on health and social care systems.

(5) The growing proportion of older people in Europe makes it more important than ever to encourage healthy ageing through the promotion of cultural activities (including sports) which contribute positively both to mental and physical health. Healthy ageing can help raise labour market participation of older people, enable them to be active in society for longer, improve their individual quality of life and curb the strains on health and social care systems. With a view to achieving this, physical and sporting activities should be promoted among older people, who should, accordingly, be afforded easier access to public sports facilities.

Amendment  2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7

Text proposed by the Commission


(7) The Council adopted on 22 February 2007 a resolution on ‘Opportunities and challenges of demographic change in Europe: the contribution of older people to economic and social development’, which emphasised the need to increase the possibilities of active participation by older people, the new economic opportunities ("silver economy") created by the growing demand of older people for certain goods and services as well as the importance of a positive public image of older people.

(7) The Council adopted on 22 February 2007 a resolution on ‘Opportunities and challenges of demographic change in Europe: the contribution of older people to economic and social development’, which emphasised the need to increase the possibilities of active participation by older people, including in the form of voluntary work, the new economic opportunities ("silver economy") created by the growing demand of older people for certain goods and services as well as the importance of a positive public image of older people. In the context of the enlargement, neighbourhood and development policies, a 'senior service' of retired experts, such as those which already exist in many countries, could prove extremely useful. The valuable voluntary work of older people is an excellent example of the essential contribution that the ageing population makes to society and the economy, and this should be further encouraged in the future.

Amendment  3

Proposal for a decision

Recital 8

Text proposed by the Commission


(8) The Council adopted on 8 June 2009 Conclusions on ‘Equal opportunities for women and men: active and dignified ageing’, which recognises that, throughout the EU, older women and men face serious challenges as they seek to live active lives and to age with dignity, and proposes a number of measures to Member States and the Commission.

(8) The Council adopted on 8 June 2009 Conclusions on ‘Equal opportunities for women and men: active and dignified ageing’, which recognises that, throughout the EU, older women and men face serious challenges as they seek to live active lives and to age with dignity, and proposes a number of measures to Member States and the Commission. The measures planned for older people should include cultural activities and activities to promote general well-being, with a view to shielding older people against social exclusion and loneliness by including and involving them.

Amendment  4

Proposal for a decision

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission


(10) The Commission emphasised it its Communication on ‘Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ the importance to the European Union of promoting a healthy and active ageing population in the interests of social cohesion and higher productivity. It proposed a flagship initiative ‘An agenda for new skills and jobs’, under which Member States should notably promote active ageing policies, and a flagship initiative on a ‘European Platform against Poverty’. Achieving these policy goals requires action from all levels of government and various non-governmental stakeholders; they can in turn be supported, at the Union level, by European Year activities aimed at raising awareness and fostering the exchange of good practice. National coordinators should see to it that national action is coordinated and is consistent with the overall objectives of the European Year. The participation of other institutions and stakeholders is also planned.

(10) The Commission emphasised in its Communication on ‘Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ the importance to the European Union of promoting a healthy and active ageing population in the interests of social cohesion and higher productivity. It proposed a flagship initiative ‘An agenda for new skills and jobs’, under which Member States should notably promote active ageing policies, and a flagship initiative on a ‘European Platform against Poverty’. New technologies should be used to promote educational schemes to broaden the knowledge of older people and enable them to acquire technical skills. Achieving these policy goals requires action from all levels of government and various non-governmental stakeholders; they can in turn be supported, at the Union level, by European Year activities aimed at raising awareness and fostering the exchange of good practice. National coordinators should see to it that national action is coordinated and is consistent with the overall objectives of the European Year. The participation of other institutions and stakeholders is also planned.

Amendment  5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 13

Text proposed by the Commission


(13) In its Communication on "A Digital Agenda for Europe", the first EU2020 flagship initiative adopted on 19 May 2010, the Commission stressed the importance of ICT for ageing well, proposing in particular the reinforcement of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. The Digital Agenda for Europe also recommended taking concerted action to increase the digital competences of all Europeans, including older persons, a group that is over-represented within the 150 million citizens, or about 30% of the total, who have never used the internet.

(13) In its Communication on "A Digital Agenda for Europe", the first EU2020 flagship initiative adopted on 19 May 2010, the Commission stressed the importance of ICT for ageing well, proposing in particular the reinforcement of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. The Digital Agenda for Europe also recommended taking concerted action to increase the digital competences of all Europeans, including older persons, a group that is over-represented within the 150 million citizens, or about 30% of the total, who have never used the internet. Facilitating access to, and providing training in the use of, new technologies would further improve the opportunities of older persons to benefit from lifelong learning and would also contribute to the removal of obstacles to lifelong learning related to distance and disabilities.

Amendment  6

Proposal for a decision

Recital 15

Text proposed by the Commission


(15) Active ageing is targeted by several Union programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional and Development Fund, the PROGRESS programme, the Life Long Learning Programme, the Public Health Programme, the specific programmes on information and communication technologies and on socio-economic sciences and humanities in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the Action Plan on ‘Ageing well in the information society’, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme for research and innovation, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme with pilot deployment projects on ICT for Ageing Well and the Action Plan on urban mobility. Union co-financing of European Year activities will be in accordance with the priorities and rules applying, on an annual or multi-annual basis, to existing programmes and autonomous budget lines in the field of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. Where appropriate, programmes and policies in other fields, such as education and culture, health, research, the information society, regional policy and transport policy, may support the European Year.

(15) Active ageing is targeted by several Union programmes, such as the European Social Fund, the European Regional and Development Fund, the PROGRESS programme, the Life Long Learning Programme and in particular the Grundtvig programme, the Public Health Programme, the specific programmes on information and communication technologies and on socio-economic sciences and humanities in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the Action Plan on ‘Ageing well in the information society’, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme for research and innovation, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme with pilot deployment projects on ICT for Ageing Well, the CALYPSO Preparatory Action on Social Tourism and the Action Plan on urban mobility. Union co-financing of European Year activities will be in accordance with the priorities and rules applying, on an annual or multi-annual basis, to existing programmes and autonomous budget lines in the field of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. Where appropriate, programmes and policies in other fields, such as education and culture, health, research, the information society, regional policy and transport policy, may support the European Year.

Amendment  7

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission


The overall purpose of the European Year shall be to encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above, thereby preserving solidarity between generations. Active ageing means creating better opportunities and working conditions to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market, combating social exclusion by fostering active participation in society, and encouraging healthy ageing. On this basis, the objectives shall be:

The overall purpose of the European Year shall be to encourage and support the efforts of Member States, their regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of the rapidly growing population in their late 50s and above, thereby preserving solidarity between generations, promoting the perception of older people as a natural and integral part of society and highlighting the contribution that the invaluable experience they have gained over the course of their lives makes to society as a whole. Active ageing means creating better opportunities and working conditions for both paid and unpaid work in order to enable older workers to play their part in the labour market and in passing on expertise in traditional trades, combating social exclusion by fostering active participation in society, and encouraging healthy ageing through the promotion of cultural activities (including sports). On this basis, the objectives shall be:

Amendment  8

Proposal for a regulation

Article 2 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission


(1) to raise general awareness of the value of active ageing in order to highlight the useful contribution older persons make to society and the economy, to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of older persons;

(1) to raise general awareness among the population of the value of active ageing and to combat negative stereotypes about old age in order to highlight the useful contribution older persons make to society and the economy, to promote active ageing and to do more to mobilise the potential of older persons by emphasising lifelong learning strategies, including those relating to the use of new technologies;

Amendment  9

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point 2

Text proposed by the Commission


(2) to stimulate debate and develop mutual learning between Member States and stakeholders at all levels in order to promote active ageing policies, to identify and disseminate good practice and to encourage cooperation and synergies;

(2) to stimulate debate, to exchange information and to develop mutual learning between Member States and stakeholders at all levels in order to promote active ageing policies, to identify and disseminate good practice and to encourage cooperation and synergies;

Amendment  10

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point 3

Text proposed by the Commission


(3) to offer a framework for commitment and concrete action to enable Member States and stakeholders at all levels to develop policies through specific activities and to commit to specific objectives related to active ageing.

(3) to offer a framework for commitment and concrete action to enable Member States and stakeholders at all levels to develop policies through specific activities and to commit to specific and concrete objectives related to active ageing by devising long-term strategies, regularly assessing the effectiveness of the framework and the specific activities and objectives,

Amendment  11

Proposal for a decision

Article 2 – point 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



(3a) to ensure that Member States encourage groups of all ages to interact and cooperate with one another and to engender a collegial relationship between all generations, thereby combating discrimination and exploitation.

Amendment  12

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 2

Text proposed by the Commission


– information, promotion and educational campaigns;

– information, promotion and educational campaigns, including the use of new media and internet ;

Amendment  13

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 3

Text proposed by the Commission


– exchange of information, experience and good practices;

– exchange of information, experience and good practices through national coordinators and networks of contacts set up by stakeholders working to achieve the goals of the European Year;

Amendment  14

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission



2a. The Commission and Member States shall be encouraged to provide greater opportunities for those who volunteer to support elderly people and engage in fund raising programmes, thereby putting their enthusiasm and experience to positive use.

Amendment  15

Proposal for a decision

Article 3 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission


3. The Commission and the Member States shall take account of gender mainstreaming in the running of the European Year.

3. The Commission and the Member States shall take account of gender mainstreaming and the disabled in the running of the European Year.

Amendment  16

Proposal for a decision

Article 4

Text proposed by the Commission


Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator responsible for organising its involvement in the European Year. The national coordinators should also see to it that national activities are properly coordinated.

Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator responsible for organising its involvement in the European Year. The national coordinators should also see to it that national activities are properly coordinated and that civil society organisations are fully involved in the design and implementation of the European Year at local, regional and national level.


There are numerous civil society organisations involved on the local and regional level in the field of active ageing. Their experience, expertise and resources could provide significant multipliers to the efforts by public bodies. Therefore they must be engaged and involved from start to finish at all levels of activity in the European Year.

Amendment  17

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission


The Commission shall convene meetings of the national coordinators for the purpose of coordination at Union level and to exchange information, including on commitments made and their implementation in the Member States.

The Commission shall convene meetings of the national coordinators for the purpose of coordination at Union level and to exchange information and knowledge, including on commitments made and their implementation in the Member States.



European Year for Active Ageing (2012)


COM(2010)0462 – C7-0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD)

Committee responsible


Opinion by

       Date announced in plenary







       Date appointed

Hannu Takkula




Discussed in committee





Date adopted





Result of final vote







Members present for the final vote

Maria Badia i Cutchet, Zoltán Bagó, Malika Benarab-Attou, Lothar Bisky, Piotr Borys, Jean-Marie Cavada, Santiago Fisas Ayxela, Mary Honeyball, Cătălin Sorin Ivan, Petra Kammerevert, Morten Løkkegaard, Emma McClarkin, Marek Henryk Migalski, Doris Pack, Chrysoula Paliadeli, Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid, Marietje Schaake, Marco Scurria, Joanna Senyszyn, Timo Soini, Hannu Takkula, László Tőkés, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, Gianni Vattimo, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Sabine Verheyen, Milan Zver

Substitute(s) present for the final vote

Ivo Belet, Nadja Hirsch, Seán Kelly, Iosif Matula, Georgios Papanikolaou, Hella Ranner, Mitro Repo, Olga Sehnalová, Rui Tavares



European Year for Active Ageing (2012)


COM(2010)0462 – C7-0253/2010 – 2010/0242(COD)

Date submitted to Parliament


Committee responsible

       Date announced in plenary



Committee(s) asked for opinion(s)

       Date announced in plenary









Not delivering opinions

       Date of decision








       Date appointed

Martin Kastler




Discussed in committee





Date adopted





Result of final vote







Members present for the final vote

Regina Bastos, Edit Bauer, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, Philippe Boulland, Milan Cabrnoch, David Casa, Alejandro Cercas, Marije Cornelissen, Frédéric Daerden, Karima Delli, Proinsias De Rossa, Frank Engel, Sari Essayah, Richard Falbr, Ilda Figueiredo, Thomas Händel, Nadja Hirsch, Stephen Hughes, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Martin Kastler, Ádám Kósa, Patrick Le Hyaric, Veronica Lope Fontagné, Olle Ludvigsson, Elizabeth Lynne, Thomas Mann, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Csaba Őry, Siiri Oviir, Rovana Plumb, Konstantinos Poupakis, Sylvana Rapti, Licia Ronzulli, Elisabeth Schroedter, Jutta Steinruck, Traian Ungureanu

Substitute(s) present for the final vote

Georges Bach, Raffaele Baldassarre, Sven Giegold, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Antigoni Papadopoulou, Evelyn Regner

Substitute(s) under Rule 187(2) present for the final vote

Ivo Strejček