Izvješće - A7-0115/2014Izvješće

PREPORUKA o nacrtu Odluke Vijeća o sklapanju Okvirnog sporazuma o sveobuhvatnom partnerstvu i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Indonezije, s druge strane, u vezi s pitanjima koja se odnose na ponovni prihvat

17.2.2014 - (11313/2013 – C7‑0356/2013 – 2013/0120B(NLE)) - ***

Odbor za građanske slobode, pravosuđe i unutarnje poslove
Izvjestiteljica: Ana Gomes

Postupak : 2013/0120B(NLE)
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o nacrtu Odluke Vijeća o sklapanju Okvirnog sporazuma o sveobuhvatnom partnerstvu i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Indonezije, s druge strane, u vezi s pitanjima koja se odnose na ponovni prihvat

(11313/2013 – C7‑0356/2013 – 2013/0120B(NLE))


Europski parlament,

–       uzimajući u obzir nacrt Odluke Vijeća (11313/2013),

–       uzimajući u obzir nacrt Okvirnog sporazuma o sveobuhvatnom partnerstvu i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Indonezije, s druge strane (14032/2009),

–       uzimajući u obzir zahtjev Vijeća za davanje suglasnosti u skladu s člankom 79. stavkom 3. i člankom 218. stavkom 6. podstavkom 2. točkom (a) Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije (C7‑0356/2013),

–       uzimajući u obzir članak 81. i članak 90. stavak 7. Poslovnika,

–       uzimajući u obzir preporuku Odbora za građanske slobode, pravosuđe i unutarnje poslove i mišljenje Odbora za vanjske poslove (A7-0115/2014),

1.      daje suglasnost za sklapanje sporazuma;

2.      nalaže svojem predsjedniku da stajalište Parlamenta proslijedi Vijeću, Komisiji te vladama i parlamentima država članica i Republike Indonezije.


Indonesia is a young democratic country and the largest economy in Southeast Asia (GDP growing above 6% in the last two years). Indonesia is also the 4th most populous nation in the world and one of the poorer nations of Southeast Asia. As a consequence it is a labour-surplus nation, with major tendency towards emigration. With over 240 million citizens, 40% below 25 years of age and 90% professing Islam, Indonesia is strategically located in an archipelago of more than 17.000 islands spanning 5.400 kilometres from east to west in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, which makes it a transit country in the ASEAN region.

The European Union and Indonesia signed in 2009 a Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and cooperation between the European Community and its Member States (PCA), of the one part, and the Republic of Indonesia, of the other part, which is currently awaiting completion of the European Union’s ratification procedure.

The PCA aims at strengthening EU-Indonesia relations, based on the shared principles of equality, mutual respect, mutual benefit, democracy, the rule of law and human rights, by developing political and economic cooperation in trade, industrial policy, environment, climate change, energy, science and technology, good governance, conflict resolution, as well as tourism and culture, migration, counter-terrorism, combating piracy, corruption and organised crime.

The readmission clause is stated in article 34(3) of the PCA and it is a central part of cooperation with Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is the first ASEAN country to sign with the EU a PCA with a readmission agreement clause in order to prevent and control irregular immigration in compliance with international obligations and the non refoulement principle. Readmission agreements are an essential tool to ensure the efficient management of the migration flows and in this sense tackle irregular migration.

The readmission clause establishes the reciprocal obligation of the EU and Indonesia to readmit their nationals, which implies that they have to be identified first by their respective national authorities. This is particularly important taking into account that in Indonesia many migrant workers have lost their citizenship under the 1958 law for prolonged residence abroad, and failed to reacquire their citizenship under the 2006 law.

The Rapporteur reiterates the importance of a reinforced cooperation between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council in readmission matters. In this sense, the rapporteur recalls that the Commission should regularly inform the European Parliament at all stages of the EU readmissions agreements - negotiation, conclusion, implementation and ongoing work of the Joint Readmission committees (in charge of implementing the Readmission Agreements). Regarding this matter, the rapporteur raises the relevance of the implementation of the Joint Readmission Committees.

When applying this Readmission Agreement clause, the EU represented by the Commission, should consider the possibility of introducing suspension clauses in the case of gross violations of fundamental rights. The Commission should ensure that persons subjected to persecution, torture, inhuman /degrading treatment or punishment in Indonesia should not be readmitted.[1] Control mechanisms should be activated to guarantee that the fundamental rights of returnees are not undermined when returning and setting in Indonesia.

The rapporteur recommends that in the future, EU and Indonesia should develop a fully-fledged readmission agreement, by implementing the enabling clause of the article 34(4) from the PCA between the EU and Indonesia. In this case, readmission will also include third country nationals as well as stateless persons, which is important since Indonesia is a major transit country for irregular migration to the EU.

The European Parliament, via the Civil Liberties Committee, Justice and Home Affairs was asked to give its consent to the readmission clause between the EU and Indonesia, in compliance with the article 218 TFEU.

The Rapporteur approves the conclusion of the agreement and invites the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs to support this report and advocates the European Parliament to give its consent.

  • [1]  In line with the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council "Evaluation of EU Readmission Agreements", pp.11 COM (2011) 76final

MIŠLJENJE Odbora za vanjske poslove (6.2.2014)

upućeno Odboru za građanske slobode, pravosuđe i unutarnje poslove

o nacrtu Odluke Vijeća o sklapanju Okvirnog sporazuma o sveobuhvatnom partnerstvu i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Indonezije, s druge strane, u vezi s pitanjima koja se odnose na ponovni prihvat
(11313/2013 – C7‑0356/2013 – 2013/0120B(NLE))

Izvjestitelj za mišljenje: Emilio Menéndez del Valle


The inclusion of the readmission matters in the Framework Agreement with Indonesia is in line with the recommendation by the evaluation of EU readmission agreements in 2011. Article 34(4) of the Framework Agreement refers to further negotiations so as to conclude a readmission agreement with specific obligations for the Parties. Such negotiations will cover nationals of third countries as well.

The Rapporteur considers that the inclusion of readmission matters in the Framework Agreement with Indonesia will facilitate and provide a solid basis for future negotiations on a readmission agreement. The Rapporteur suggests that the negotiations on the specific obligations should start without unnecessary delay.

As regards the implementation of the future readmission agreement, a Joint Readmission Committee (JRC) is foreseen. The Rapporteur suggests that the Parliament should have the right to attend the meetings of the JRC with an observer status. Moreover, the Rapporteur suggests that representatives of civil society should also be granted access to follow the meetings of the Joint Readmission Committee.

The rapporteur further calls on the Commission to inform the European Parliament, at every stage, of the outcome of the implementation of the agreements, in accordance with the principle of cooperation between the institutions. The Parliament is particularly interested in being informed on how the human rights safeguards have been regulated and worked in protection of the fundamental rights of the persons subject to readmission. The Rapporteur also reminds that, as a principle, persons should not be subject to readmission or return ("refoulement") were there fears that they could be subject to persecution, punishment, inhumane treatment or torture in the country to be returned, in line with the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1984 Convention against Torture.

The Rapporteur considers that readmission agreements can provide a transparent and fair framework and rules for returning irregular migrants to their home country. The inclusion of readmission matters in the Framework Agreement with Indonesia should provide an impetus and accelerate the process leading to the conclusion of a readmission agreement in the future.

For these reasons and with these remarks regarding the implementation of a specific readmission agreement with Indonesia in the future, the Rapporteur proposes that the European Parliament give its consent to matters related to readmission in the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States and Republic of Indonesia, namely Article 34(3) and Article 34(4).


Odbor za vanjske poslove poziva Odbor za građanske slobode, pravosuđe i unutarnje poslove da kao nadležni odbor predloži Parlamentu da da suglasnost.


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Rezultat konačnog glasovanja







Zastupnici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju

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Rezultat konačnog glasovanja







Zastupnici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju

Jan Philipp Albrecht, Roberta Angelilli, Rita Borsellino, Arkadiusz Tomasz Bratkowski, Carlos Coelho, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Ioan Enciu, Frank Engel, Kinga Gál, Kinga Göncz, Ágnes Hankiss, Anna Hedh, Salvatore Iacolino, Lívia Járóka, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, Timothy Kirkhope, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Monica Luisa Macovei, Svetoslav Hristov Malinov, Véronique Mathieu Houillon, Anthea McIntyre, Nuno Melo, Roberta Metsola, Claude Moraes, Antigoni Papadopoulou, Georgios Papanikolaou, Judith Sargentini, Birgit Sippel, Csaba Sógor, Renate Sommer, Rui Tavares, Nils Torvalds, Kyriacos Triantaphyllides, Wim van de Camp, Tatjana Ždanoka, Auke Zijlstra

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