 Пълен текст 
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документите :

Внесени текстове :


Разисквания :

PV 30/01/2008 - 16
CRE 30/01/2008 - 16

Гласувания :

PV 31/01/2008 - 8.8
CRE 31/01/2008 - 8.8

Приети текстове :

Пълен протокол на разискванията
Четвъртък, 31 януари 2008 г. - Брюксел Редактирана версия

8.8. Положението в Иран (вот)

– Vor der Abstimmung


  José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE-DE). – Señor Presidente, intervengo simplemente para decir que mi Grupo se une a los grupos que han presentado la propuesta de resolución común y va a suscribirla.


– Vor der Abstimmung über Ziffer 6


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I am sorry my amendments are being moved in this special way because of technical problems. I ask for support in replacing one word. So ‘potential military use’ would become ‘potential military link’.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Ziffer 9


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, it is again very simple. The insertion of one word: ‘sincere cooperation’.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird nicht übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Änderungsantrag 9


  Paulo Casaca (PSE). – Mr President, I regret to announce to the House that Mr Zamel Bawi, whose execution we asked to be stopped, was executed at 4 a.m. yesterday in Karoon prison in Ahwaz. Therefore I am moving an oral amendment to Mr Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra’s existing amendment, on which I hope to obtain his agreement. The oral amendment relates to this execution and states that one of the inmates on death row is actually a European citizen, who was kidnapped from Syria. The other two are UNHCR refugees who had already obtained asylum in Norway.

The oral amendment reads as follows: ‘Protests vehemently against the execution in Iran on 30 January 2008 at 4 a.m. local time of the Ahwazi activist Zamel Bawi, the 19th Ahwazi activist executed in the last 12 months, and urges the Iranian government to desist from executing the Dutch citizen and human-rights activist Faleh Abdulah al-Mansouri and the UNHCR-registered refugees Rasoul Ali Mazrea and Said Saki, whose resettlement to Norway has been secured, as well as to allow them to proceed to their countries of citizenship or refuge’. Then it continues as before: ‘calls for the release of the Kurdish journalists Abdolvahed “Hiwa” Butimar and Adnan Hassanpour who have been sentenced to death’.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Ziffer 15


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, when we mention all forms of torture, I propose inserting ‘including extremely inhumane executions’ because these occur, particularly executions with torture.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Ziffer 17


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, this relates to existing text. The text already ‘calls for minorities to be able to exercise all rights granted by the Iranian Constitution’. But even rights according to their own Constitution are not granted. So I propose the last part of the text should begin ‘urges the Iranian authorities to act constitutionally and eliminate, in law and in practice, all forms of discrimination’. The rest would be unchanged. Thus they should act according to their own Constitution, which is not respected.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Ziffer 19


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I agree to withdraw this oral amendment because it is complementary to the consensus that has already been agreed. Paragraph 19 is about disregard by the Council and Commission of the ruling of the European Court. It has already been agreed in a compromise, so I agree to withdraw it.


– Vor der Abstimmung über Änderungsantrag 3


  Alejo Vidal-Quadras (PPE-DE). – Señor Presidente, en una resolución de esta importancia política estamos convencidos de que es muy conveniente que exista en la Cámara el máximo apoyo y el mayor acuerdo posible.

Con este motivo, proponemos una enmienda oral que eliminaría de la enmienda original cualquier juicio de valor y la transformaría en una simple referencia a un hecho concreto, lo que podríamos llamar un «hecho relevante» en relación con el tema de la resolución, pero —repito— eliminando cualquier juicio de valor para poder conseguir el máximo apoyo en la Cámara.

La enmienda oral sustituiría el texto de la enmienda por el siguiente: «toma nota de la decisión del Tribunal Europeo de Primera Instancia de 12 de diciembre de 2006.» Es decir, una simple mención, sin juicio de valor alguno, de un hecho relevante.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Erwägung C


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I apologise. A technical problem caused my amendments to appear in such a special way. I am not such an enfant terrible as to torture you here.

But anyway, as they are tabled, I have to present them now. It is about the implementation of the additional protocol which Iran was urged to implement at the earliest possible date. My proposal is to add ‘which is not yet the case’.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird nicht übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Erwägung H


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, there is a very unpleasant use of cranes for public hangings, especially hangings including torture. So it is my proposal to insert after the words ‘often by public hanging’: ‘for which cranes provided by Western companies are used’.

We are not pleased by it. I imagine nobody is pleased at this.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird nicht übernommen.)

– Nach Erwägung R


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, this is an important amendment on which I ask for the attention of the House, because our own people and the citizens of the EU are endangered by some activities.

So, a new recital: ‘whereas several EU Member States are participants in an international action to build democracy in Iraq and defend its people from terrorists trained and supplied also by outside powers, including Iran, which means that servicemen from EU Member States – citizens of the EU – are suffering losses and injuries caused by terrorist attacks to which Iran is not unconnected’.

Please give your support.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird nicht übernommen.)

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