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Proċedura : 2007/2149(INI)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċiklu relatat mad-dokument : A6-0070/2008

Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

PV 21/04/2008 - 19
CRE 21/04/2008 - 19

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 22/04/2008 - 5.7
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
It-Tnejn, 21 ta' April 2008 - Strasburgu Edizzjoni riveduta

19. Il-kontribut tal-volontarjat għall-koeżjoni ekonomika u soċjali (dibattitu)

  Przewodniczący. − Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest sprawozdanie sporządzone przez Mariana Harkina w imieniu Komisji Rozwoju Regionalnego w sprawie roli wolontariatu w kształtowaniu spójności gospodarczej i społecznej (2007/2149(INI)) (A6-0070/2008).


  Marian Harkin, rapporteur. − Mr President, thank you for the opportunity to say a few words on my report on volunteering and the contribution that volunteering makes to economic and social cohesion.

First of all, I would like to thank all my colleagues on the Committee on Regional Development for their excellent cooperation on this report and, in particular, the shadow rapporteurs. I also want to record my thanks to the Commission officials, the ALDE Group staff and Parliament staff on the Committee on Regional Development for their interest and assistance.

Over 100 million Europeans volunteer – that is an incredible figure! According to the Commission, between one third and half of the EU population are involved in some kind of voluntary activity. In my opinion, we as an institution have a responsibility to recognise, to value and to support voluntary activity at every possible opportunity.

Volunteering is a unique activity in many ways: it is open to all and is freely given; it contributes to social cohesion and to economic cohesion; it puts one of the most important European values – that of solidarity – into action. Whether it is an individual delivering meals on wheels to an elderly neighbour, or the thousands who mobilise in the event of a natural disaster, such as floods or forest fires, volunteers can help build communities and reduce alienation.

Volunteering as an activity spans generations. It is a resource, sometimes latent, residing within communities, organisations and networks. It is an energy within each one of us, but it is only activated when we engage with others. It is, in my opinion, a most valuable form of renewable energy.

There is a strong link between volunteering and active citizenship: involvement in voluntary activities is a tangible expression of participatory democracy. In this Parliament, we represent our citizens and we as politicians engage in representative democracy, but sometimes we do not pay enough attention to the other side of the equation: participatory democracy. This is where citizens, through their activities, participate in the democratic process, and volunteering facilitates this important process.

Moving on to my report, it contains a number of practical suggestions as to how we can add value at European level. The Commission has a role to play in ensuring that Member States adhere to the partnership principle enshrined in the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion and to ensure that we do not continue with the illusion of inclusion of NGOs, voluntary groups etc., as is the current situation in many Member States.

I also believe that a system should be put in place across all European funds, whereby voluntary activity is recognised as a contribution to co-financing projects. If we do this, we show by our actions that we support volunteers.

We should expand the opportunities and programmes already in place to facilitate volunteering among young people and put in place similar opportunities and programmes to facilitate volunteering for older people. And we should, at every possible opportunity, promote intergenerational volunteering.

Another area where the Commission can act is in facilitating a more liberal visa regime, where volunteers from neighbouring countries are involved in EU-sponsored programmes.

Member States can play a significant role by producing regular satellite accounts, so that the value of volunteering and not-for-profit institutions can be measured. The figures for many countries, including the US, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Canada, indicate that not-for-profit institutions account for between 5% and 7% of GDP. Policymakers cannot ignore these figures and must take them into account when formulating policy. Furthermore, for every euro organisations spent on supporting volunteers, they received an average return of between 3% and 8%. Not even the ECB can match that rate of return.

Member States can also support voluntary activity by establishing sustainable volunteering infrastructure to deal with issues such as core funding, insurance cover and VAT exemptions where appropriate.

Finally, one of our tasks in the EU is to make a positive impact on the lives of citizens and to add value at European level. We can do this by supporting volunteers and voluntary activity in a tangible way.



  Danuta Hübner, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I wish to thank Ms Harkin very much indeed for her report. The report relates to many EU policies and many initiatives, emphasising the strong link between volunteering and active citizenship.

I particularly appreciate your comments on the PEACE programme, where the involvement of volunteering was indeed strong. We will meet here again in May to discuss the report of Ms de Brún, in which, I am convinced, examples of local empowerment, in particular through the voluntary sector and non-governmental organisations, will be strongly present.

With regard to your recommendation on in-kind contribution, let me say that, while Article 56 of the general Regulation on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund already allows for in-kind contribution to EU co-financed projects, the real challenge is the use of this provision. But let me say that, in particular in local initiatives, which are co-financed by the Social Fund, it is quite common for volunteers to provide a noteworthy contribution, while there have been also many activities, especially within the URBAN initiative in Germany, Italy, the UK and Greece, which have supported a wide range of voluntary organisations.

Volunteering can be seen as a strong component of the partnership principle. Many times in this House, I have reiterated the Commission’s full commitment towards the effective implementation of the partnership principle, in particular in the new generation of cohesion policy. We insisted on partnership during the negotiations of new programmes and we have now many positive examples of strong commitment to the partnership. But of course, as you know, we have a great variety of approaches towards partnership and volunteering in our Member States.

I also see the role of your report in preparing the ground for the next own-initiative report on governance and partnership at national, regional and local level, to be presented by Mr Beaupuy.

Let me say a few words on specific policies and initiatives in the area of volunteering in which the Commission has been particularly active. Worth mentioning is the European Voluntary Service and active European citizenship in the EU’s new lifelong learning programme.

My colleague Ján Figeľ is currently preparing a new initiative on voluntary activities of young people, which will incorporate many of the aspirations expressed in your report. Enhancing and promoting trans-European voluntary activities will further reinforce the mobility of our young citizens. In its new initiative, the Commission will seek to ensure a greater interoperability of existing national voluntary schemes.

The White Paper on sport also stresses that voluntary activities in the sport sector strengthen social cohesion and inclusion and promote local democracy and active citizenship. There is also the reference to sport in the Lisbon Treaty, which provides for ‘the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of […] its structures based on voluntary activity’.

Here we share the view that we need a more holistic approach to the contribution of volunteering to Europe’s economic and social cohesion. This should certainly take into account the challenge of the ageing European population. In this respect, your suggestion of ‘intergenerational volunteering’ merits further exploration.

In this context, I am happy to tell you that the Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Training, Culture and Youth is about to launch an assessment of the state of play of volunteering in Europe. This assessment will serve as a source of better knowledge and a solid basis for further initiatives in this field, as no systematic and integrated approach towards volunteering has been developed so far at EU level.

I am convinced that all those you are addressing in the motion for a resolution will be responsive to your call. You can certainly count on the Commission’s support.

Let me also assure you that all other requests that are addressed more specifically to the Commission will be examined, in particular by Commissioners Figeľ and Špidla.


  Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group. – Mr President, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, I would like first of all to congratulate Ms Harkin on an excellent and timely report. The point is to have better understanding about the potential and role of volunteering, which could be called one of the backbones of civil society. Indeed, volunteering is about citizens’ initiative and so it is directly related to solidarity, the core value of a united Europe. As the rapporteur put it just now, it is one of the most efficient forms of renewable energy.

I think the point of this report is to encourage Member States to recognise the value of volunteering in promoting social and economic cohesion. The state is, of course, not expected to finance volunteering, otherwise it would lose its meaning, but the state is called on to provide incentives for the private sector to support the voluntary sector.

Parliament also addressed the Commission about the delays in the proposed European Charter on Volunteering, which is expected to define better the role of volunteering. A very important part of this report is the call for the promotion of volunteering through education at all levels, beginning with creating opportunities for voluntary activities at an early stage of the education system and also to promote volunteering as part of lifelong learning.

I would like to express my thanks once more for this excellent cooperation. We were able to discuss almost all amendments in a positive and constructive spirit and to make use of the majority of initiatives.


  Catherine Stihler, on behalf of the PSE Group. – Mr President, I welcome Marian Harkin’s report on volunteering and congratulate her on her collaboration with colleagues in its drafting. Over a hundred million EU citizens volunteer, and every one euro spent in supporting them generates a return of between three and eight euros. With 1.2 million volunteers in Scotland – with its population of 5 million – and the voluntary sector amounting to 5% of Scotland’s workforce, we must publicly recognise volunteers’ efforts throughout Scotland and the EU.

The report gives credit to volunteers and focuses on the benefits of volunteering for the economy and social cohesion. It rightly demands that this contribution should appear in national accounts. It states that volunteering contributes about as much to gross domestic product in a wide range of countries as the construction industry or the utilities industry. This means that the not-for-profit sector accounts for 5% to 7% of the GDP in some EU countries.

Volunteering is good for you, your community, your region’s economic development and your national economy. It also helps build the social capital that public policies need to succeed. I urge the European Commission to put in place a plan ‘B’ which would ensure valuing, validating and visibility for volunteers throughout Scotland and the rest of the EU, and I urge colleagues to support the Harkin report.


  Jean Marie Beaupuy, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Monsieur le Président, Madame le Commissaire, mes chers collègues, je voudrais, comme cela vient d'être fait, me joindre à mes collègues pour remercier et féliciter notre collègue, Mme Harkin, d'avoir produit ce rapport. Mais ce n'est pas le hasard car notre collègue a une longue expérience dans le domaine du bénévolat et c'est tout naturellement qu'elle a proposé ce rapport. Nous avons, bien sûr, applaudi des deux mains pour qu'elle puisse obtenir ce rapport et elle l'a rédigé de manière très consensuelle puisque, vous l'avez remarqué, nous n'aurons qu'un seul amendement et elle est d'accord sur cet amendement. Cela montre la qualité de son rapport et je crois que cela mérite d'être souligné avec ferveur, avec force.

Madame la Commissaire Danuta Hübner, vous venez déjà, par anticipation j'allais dire, dès le début de votre intervention, d'apporter un certain nombre de réponses positives aux demandes qui sont formulées dans ce rapport. Soyez-en remerciée par avance et puis quelques-unes des autres interventions de nos collègues vous permettront sans doute, tout à l'heure et dans les jours qui viennent, d'apporter des réponses complémentaires de la Commission.

Ce que je voudrais souligner en complément de ce qui a été dit et de ce qui est écrit dans le rapport, c'est que, s'il y a cent millions d'Européens qui se dévouent au quotidien, au bénéfice de 500 millions d'Européens, il ne faut pas oublier que ces cent millions d'Européens qui se dévouent tirent un profit personnel, au sens non pas monétaire mais au sens de l'épanouissement personnel. Vous connaissez tous, nous connaissons tous, évidemment, des responsables d'équipes sportives, des responsables culturels, des responsables sociaux, sans qui nos associations, nos organisations non gouvernementales ne fonctionneraient pas. Mais ces personnes là ont besoin de leur engagement pour, personnellement, s'épanouir.

Dans une société qui vieillit, dans une société où nous avons de plus en plus de jeunes retraités, nous avons besoin aussi de cet équilibre individuel qui est procuré par le bénévolat. Alors pour des raisons économiques mais aussi pour l'épanouissement des valeurs humaines de nos concitoyens, plus de cent millions d'entre eux, faisons en sorte que ce bénévolat soit valorisé dans nos sociétés et espérons que, dans les années qui viennent, ce sera beaucoup plus que cent millions de concitoyens qui seront engagés dans le bénévolat. Merci à Marian Harkin, merci à la Commission, merci aux gouvernements et aux autorités régionales et locales qui voudront soutenir de leurs actions les vœux émis, dès demain, par le Parlement européen.


  Mieczysław Edmund Janowski, w imieniu grupy UEN. – Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! W imieniu grupy UEN wyrażam wielkie uznanie dla pani Harkin za podjęcie tego tematu. Wolontariat to dobrowolna, bezpłatna i świadoma praca na rzecz innych. Wolontariat wykracza poza relacje rodzinne czy przyjacielskie. Chociaż jest to praca bez wynagrodzenia materialnego, to wolontariusz otrzymuje satysfakcję innego rodzaju: spełnia swe motywacje, realizuje poczucie sensu, okazuje solidarność z innymi. Wolontariat jest bardzo wychowawczy dla młodzieży i bardzo ożywczy dla osób starszych.

W tym kontekście należy, więc oceniać bardzo pozytywny wpływ organizacji wolontariackich na umacnianie więzi spajających społeczności lokalne i regionalne. Jest to w moim przekonaniu budowanie państwa obywatelskiego, w którym człowiek okazuje bezinteresowną pomoc i życzliwość drugiemu, nie stanowiąc dla niego zagrożenia. Przykład Irlandii, który mogłem poznać, jest tutaj bardzo dobry.

Takie pojmowanie wolontariatu oznacza jednak i to, że wolontariusze, którzy częstokroć są dobroczyńcami, nie mogą ponosić ewidentnych strat materialnych pomagając innym i składając wymierne darowizny. Nawiązuję tu do znanego z Polski przykładu doprowadzania do bankructwa piekarza wolontariusza, który został obciążony podatkami za chleb darowany ubogim.

Chciałbym również zasygnalizować piękną ideę ogłoszenia roku 2011 europejskim rokiem wolontariatu.


  Gisela Kallenbach, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Auch von meiner Seite ganz herzlichen Dank an Marian Harkin für den ausgewogenen und umfassenden Bericht!

Es ist das Ergebnis gemeinsamer Anstrengungen, den Zielen, Inhalten sowie dem gesellschaftlichen Beitrag freiwilliger Arbeit mehr Anerkennung auf europäischer Ebene zu geben. Schon jetzt gibt es in den Mitgliedstaaten unzählige Initiativen, die einen wichtigen wirtschaftlichen, aber auch sozialen und integrativen Beitrag leisten. Die europäische Dimension, die für Vernetzung nötig ist, fehlt oft noch.

Bisher kennen wir den Europäischen Freiwilligendienst für junge Menschen. Wir brauchen vergleichbare Programme für alle Altersgruppen, insbesondere für die zunehmende Anzahl von aktiven, fitten und erfahrenen Senioren. Sie könnten auch einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Vertiefung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft leisten, auch unter Nutzung der gegebenen Instrumente der Regional- und Kohäsionspolitik.

Wir brauchen geeignete Rahmenbedingungen und möglichst eindeutige Definitionen, damit sich alle Partner der Zivilgesellschaft auch langfristig entwickeln können. Erste Schritte sind dazu sowohl von der Kommission als auch im Rat getan. Ich wünsche mir von beiden Institutionen, dass sie die Vorschläge und Anregungen des Parlaments aufnehmen, damit das gemeinsam vorgeschlagene Jahr der Freiwilligendienste im Jahr 2011 zu einem großen Erfolg wird.


  Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE-DE). – Voorzitter, de rol van vrijwilligers is met name op het plaatselijke en regionale niveau groot. Sociale en economische cohesie krijgt daar een heel persoonlijk gezicht. In Europa is er een verschil tussen steden in bepaalde delen van Europa. In de zogenaamde nieuwe lidstaten blijft het aantal vrijwilligers nog sterk achter. Er is veel werk aan de winkel, en het verslag van mevrouw Harkin geeft nadrukkelijk positieve ideeën voor steun ten behoeve van vrijwilligers en activering op alle niveaus. Volgens de PPE-DE is er geen sprake van vrijwilligers aan de ene kant en beroepskrachten aan de andere kant. Daar zit geen spanning tussen: de een kan niet zonder het draagvlak van de andere. Beide elementen, beroepskrachten en vrijwilligerswerk, passen allebei in het sociale model dat Europa zo typeert, in de civil society, waarbij ook de invloed van burgers groot is. Dat is het bekende partnerschapsbeginsel.

Eén punt wil ik aanhalen uit de resultaten van het debat in de commissie. Artikel 17, waarvan ook de formulering nieuw is, betreft de vraag of je vrijwilligerswerk moet stimuleren in het belastingregime. Het antwoord is ja, maar de invulling daarvan kan heel verschillend zijn. Dat behoort tot de bevoegdheid van onze nationale staten, met name als we praten over de BTW. In Nederland, mijn lidstaat, is er een eigen regime: activiteiten van bijvoorbeeld sportverenigingen zijn vrijgesteld, ook overige activiteiten, zoals het kantinebeheer, zijn voor een deel vrijgesteld, en sponsorbijdragen van derden zijn ook gedeeltelijk vrijgesteld. Daarom is het goed om in 2010, als de herziening van het BTW-regime ter discussie komt, dit verslag aan boord te nemen en te wijzen op goede voorbeelden in de nationale lidstaten die door anderen kunnen worden overgenomen.

Ten slotte, het zij nog maar eens gezegd, vrijwilligerswerk verdient breed onze steun in kerk, politiek en het overige maatschappelijke werk.


  Andrzej Jan Szejna (PSE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Promocja aktywnej i świadomej roli obywateli w społeczeństwie jest jednym z głównych założeń rodziny europejskich socjalistów. Popieramy zaangażowanie w działalność wolontariacką, gdy stanowi ona konkretny wyraz demokracji uczestniczącej.

Na poziomie europejskim wolontariat jest przełożeniem na praktykę takich europejskich wartości, jak solidarność, spójność, integracja społeczna. Dla wielu osób uczestnictwo w tego typu organizacjach stanowi jedyne doświadczenie związane z demokratycznym procesem, poza uczestniczeniem w wyborach do władz na różnych szczeblach. Zatem cieszy fakt, że ponad 20% społeczeństwa Unii zaangażowane jest w różnego rodzaju działalność wolontariacką. Należy podkreślić, że wolontariat wpływa na zmniejszenie nierówności gospodarczych oraz działa jak katalizator w ramach działalności stowarzyszeń i tym samym buduje kapitał społeczny.

Koncepcja kapitału społecznego jest coraz częściej wykorzystywana przez takie organizacje jak OECD czy Bank Światowy w zakresie lokalnego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Unia Europejska powinna wzmocnić swoje wsparcie na rzecz różnych form uczestnictwa, w szczególności w odniesieniu do planu regionalnego i lokalnego rozwoju poprzez wykorzystanie wspólnotowych strategii politycznych i funduszy europejskich.


  Maria Petre (PPE-DE). – În primul rând, ţin să o felicit pe doamna raportor pentru munca realizată şi modul special în care s-a implicat în acest subiect.

Am urmărit îndeaproape acest raport în măsura în care voluntariatul are o importanţă majoră în societatea actuală.

Efectele pozitive se pot măsura în termeni de coeziune socială, de protecţie a drepturilor omului, de asistenţă medico-sanitară, de promovare şi organizare a activităţilor culturale, artistice şi educative.

Efectele sunt primordiale pentru populaţie şi pentru economie. Însă această activitate este subestimată, în opinia mea, şi prea puţin cunoscută de sfera publică.

Consecinţele sunt nefaste pentru munca benevolă, în condiţiile în care nu există suficiente măsuri de susţinere din partea statului, chiar dacă ea poate ocupa o parte considerabilă a economiei unei ţări.

În calitatea mea de deputat, originar dintr-o ţară postcomunistă, pot să vorbesc de pragul foarte scăzut de participare voluntară în ţara mea.

Pentru că regimul comunist introdusese obligatoriu munca neplătită pentru a servi statul, această practică este asociată în subconştientul populaţiei cu o amintire a acelei perioade.

Astăzi proporţia de voluntari din România este mult mai scăzută decât în majoritatea statelor membre. Activitatea este adeseori necunoscută de cetăţeni, politica statului nu o încurajează, iar mentalitatea oamenilor nu este nici ea în favoarea acestei activităţi.

Cetăţenii trebuie să fie informaţi de efectele pozitive ale benevolatului. Pe de altă parte, trebuie evitate situaţiile abuzive care au fost întâlnite, de exemplu organizaţii care au adoptat acest statut juridic în singurul scop de a face profit.

Susţin voluntariatul ca o activitate importantă şi doresc ca ea să fie promovată şi susţinută în toată Uniunea Europeană, mai ales în ţările postcomuniste unde eforturile trebuie întărite.


  Σταύρος Αρναουτάκης (PSE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κυρία Επίτροπε, ήθελα και εγώ, με τη σειρά μου, να συγχαρώ την εισηγήτρια για την εξαίρετη εργασία της και να τονίσω ότι η συμβολή και ο εθελοντισμός στην κοινωνία είναι ανεκτίμητοι. Σε εθνικό και τοπικό επίπεδο αποτελεί έκφραση της συμμετοχικής δημοκρατίας και διευκολύνει την ενεργό συμμετοχή του πολίτη στα κοινά. Σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, ο εθελοντισμός μπορεί να συμβάλει στη δημιουργία ισχυρότερων δεσμών ανάμεσα στους πολίτες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Επίσης, ο εθελοντισμός, μέσω των πρόσθετων ανθρώπινων πόρων που προσφέρει στην κοινωνική και οικονομική ζωή, αλλά και μέσω της συμβολής του στη δημιουργία κοινωνικού κεφαλαίου, διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην επίτευξη των στόχων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για οικονομική και κοινωνική συνοχή.

Η προστιθέμενη αξία του εθελοντισμού δεν πρέπει να υποεκτιμάται. Ιδιαίτερα σήμερα, που η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με σημαντικές κοινωνικές, οικονομικές και περιβαλλοντικές προκλήσεις, ο εθελοντισμός όχι μόνο πρέπει να ενθαρρύνεται, αλλά και να υποστηρίζεται από τις ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές και, ιδιαίτερα, την πολιτική συνοχής. Τα κράτη μέλη και οι περιφερειακές αρχές θα πρέπει να καταβάλουν προσπάθειες για να μπορούν οι εθελοντικές ομάδες και δράσεις, με διαφάνεια και ευελιξία, να έχουν πρόσβαση σε επαρκή και βιώσιμη χρηματοδότηση από τα διαρθρωτικά ταμεία.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE). – Mr President, can I first of all begin by thanking Ms Harkin for all her hard work and this insightful and timely report, which was so well received by the Regional Committee.

I fully support the central theme of the report – that volunteering, through its emphasis on participation and solidarity, strengthens civil society and bonds between the communities. I welcome the report’s stance on the role that Member States should play regarding volunteers. I fully agree with the position that volunteering should be complementary to – and should not be intended to replace – public services.

In this regard, the role that carers play in our societies, in countries all over Europe, comes to mind. Often these dedicated people are forgotten, even though their care of the elderly and the disabled removes a huge burden from state resources.

The report also wisely points out that volunteering can be hugely beneficial for young people, fostering a sense of community and allowing them to develop practical skills which complement their formal education.

Another point advocated by the report is that special efforts should be made to promote volunteering among senior citizens. The involvement of this age group affords communities an opportunity to benefit from their wealth of experience and reinforces their essential place in society.

For me, however, this report has added significance: in my constituency in Northern Ireland we are in the process of rebuilding a society which has been deeply affected by violence and conflict. Although we have now entered a period characterised by peace and greater prosperity, in certain areas of the province the effects of social exclusion, under-development and division are still all too evident.

Ms Harkin’s report specifically acknowledges the positive role volunteering can play in divided societies, and, if we consider the case of Northern Ireland, the whole concept underpinning the peace process packages has been that people work together on a cross-community basis in order to promote understanding and reconciliation. To a great extent these initiatives have had a positive effect.

Therefore I hope that Parliament’s adoption of this report will ensure that the importance of volunteering is acknowledged and that the Commission and Member States will do all in their power to facilitate and encourage this practice.


  Εμμανουήλ Αγγελάκας (PPE-DE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κυρία Επίτροπε, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, η έκθεση της συναδέλφου Marian Harkin για τον εθελοντισμό αποτελεί έναν τρόπο έκφρασης του κοινωνικού προσώπου του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου προς τους ευρωπαίους πολίτες. Ενισχύει το πνεύμα προσφοράς και αντιμετωπίζει το ζήτημα σφαιρικά και αντικειμενικά, τόσο σε θεωρητικό, όσο και σε πρακτικό επίπεδο. Το έργο της συναδέλφου είναι σημαντικό, το καλωσορίζω και τη συγχαίρω θερμά.

Στη δραστηριότητά της, προσπαθήσαμε και εμείς, από την πλευρά μας, να συνεισφέρουμε, υπογραμμίζοντας -μεταξύ άλλων- τη σημασία του εταιρικού εθελοντισμού, του συγχρονισμού και συμβιβασμού των εθελοντικών πρωτοβουλιών με την οικογενειακή και επαγγελματική ζωή, καθώς και τη δημιουργία εθελοντικών τμημάτων άμεσης δράσης, σε κάθε περιφέρεια για την έγκαιρη αντιμετώπιση φυσικών καταστροφών και ατυχημάτων.

Σε γενικές γραμμές, ο εθελοντισμός συμβάλλει -μεταξύ άλλων- στην αύξηση του ΑΕΠ, όπως ειπώθηκε, στην απόκτηση δεξιοτήτων και στη βελτίωση της απασχολησιμότητας του εθελοντή, στην προσφορά πραγματικών ευκαιριών σε κοινωνικά και εκπαιδευτικά αποκλεισμένους και ανέργους και στην ενίσχυση της συμμετοχής των μεταναστών ακόμα, στην τοπική κοινότητα.

Οι πράξεις και η δραστηριότητα των εθελοντών μιλούν από μόνες τους. Και για τη χώρα μου -την Ελλάδα- για παράδειγμα το 2004 οι ολυμπιακοί εθελοντές αποτέλεσαν το πιο σημαντικό μετάλλιο μας. Ο εθελοντισμός, ατομικός και ομαδικός, είναι ζωτικό στοιχείο, τόσο σε κοινωνικό όσο και σε οικονομικό, περιβαλλοντικό και πολιτιστικό επίπεδο. Ενώνει δε όλες τις διαφορετικότητες και ιδιαιτερότητες, ενώ παράλληλα τις προωθεί και τις αναδεικνύει μέσα σε ένα πνεύμα σύμπνοιας και κοινών στόχων.

Στα πλαίσια αυτά -και αφού συγχαρώ ξανά την εισηγήτρια- σας καλώ να υποστηρίξετε την έκθεση της κυρίας Harkin και να προσυπογράψετε μαζί μας την κοινή γραπτή δήλωση που έχουμε κάνει με άλλους συναδέλφους, ώστε να καταστεί το 2011 Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Εθελοντισμού.


  Zbigniew Zaleski (PPE-DE). – Mr President, voluntary work, apart from its economic aspect, is of great educational value, particularly for young volunteers, be it at home or abroad, in various areas of social, economic and educational life. Voluntary may mean ‘no payment’, but we as European institutions can help intensify it by various means.

Regarding the report, which I consider important in raising our level of consciousness, there is something missing. One group not mentioned here are male and female convents, missionaries who either do voluntary work around the world or organise and promote such work. I would welcome a monetary estimation of their contribution to people’s well-being.

Voluntary work is the product of intrinsic motivation and pure altruism, which are values that cannot be overestimated. This is a report crucial to our way of thinking.


  Ewa Tomaszewska (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Nie wszędzie docenia się pracę wolontariuszy tak, jak ona na to zasługuje. Nie wszędzie zwraca się uwagę na kształtowanie postaw obywatelskich poprzez pracę w wolontariacie.

Władze samorządowe odpowiedzialne są za organizację i świadczenie pomocy społecznej, w tym i dożywianie ubogich. Zdarza się jednak, że organizacja pozarządowa działająca charytatywnie poprzez wolontariat musi samorządowi lokalnemu płacić wysoki czynsz za pomieszczenia na kuchnię i stołówkę dla ubogich i bezdomnych, nie otrzymując żadnych środków ani na żywność, ani na ubezpieczenie wolontariuszy. Nie otrzymując za swą pracę wynagrodzenia osoby te nie są w stanie ponosić kosztów działalności organizacji. Zwracam tu uwagę na cenny art. 15 sprawozdania. Sytuacja demograficzna Europy wskazuje na rosnącą rolę wolontariatu przede wszystkim w zakresie pomocy pielęgnacyjnej dla osób starszych. Dlatego przedstawiony dokument jest tak ważny. Gratuluję sprawozdawcy – pani Harkin.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Chcę zwrócić uwagę na dwie szczególne formy wolontariatu.

Pierwsza forma to przekazywanie know how w obszarze bardzo specjalistycznym. Doświadczeni i wykształceni ludzie przekazują swoją wiedzę, umiejętności, czy wręcz dorobek swojej grupy zawodowej innym ludziom, tym, którzy często są na początku kształcenia, pozyskiwania wiedzy, czy umiejętności dla nowych zadań, dla nowych wyzwań, tym, którzy rozpoczynają często swój proces transformacji.

Drugi obszar wolontariatu dotyczy ludzi młodych, wolontariatu, który uczy życia, przyczynia się do ich większego udziału w życiu obywatelskim, zaś wyjazdy do innych krajów w ramach wolontariatu przyczyniają się do dialogu międzykulturowego oraz uczą tolerancji i szacunku. Dlatego niezmiernie potrzebne są działania ze strony władz lokalnych, krajowych, a także organizacji międzynarodowych, mające na celu wspieranie i ułatwianie wolontariatu oraz działań w tym zakresie.


  Румяна Желева (PPE-DE). – Всички сме съгласни с отличния доклад на г-жа Harkin, че доброволческата дейност може да играе важна роля за развитието на местните общности, гражданското общество и демокрацията. По тази причина доброволческата дейност и доброволческите организации се нуждаят от насърчаване и подкрепа. В тази връзка бих искала да отбележа, че създаването на европейска база данни, предоставяща основна информация за различните доброволчески организации в Европейския съюз, както и детайли за най-добрите практики ще осигури необходимите насоки за подобряване на системата на доброволческата дейност. Създаването на единна европейска база данни ще позволи по-ефективно партньорство и координация между доброволческите организации и ще засили международните схеми за обмен на доброволци. Това е особено важно за младите хора и учениците, които придобивайки опит в доброволчески организации на един ранен етап, биха възприемали участието си в доброволческа дейност като обичаен принос към живота на техните местни общности и на европейското общество.


  Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Obradujemy dziś nad sprawozdaniem pani posłanki Harkin w sprawie pozycji wolontariatu w Unii Europejskiej. To od nas tu zebranych zależy, jak ważną rolę będzie on odgrywał w przyszłej Europie. Chcę przypomnieć jedynie, iż z wolontariatu korzystają rocznie miliony obywateli w krajach Unii – zarówno bezpośrednio, jak i pośrednio. Działa on zarówno na szczeblu lokalnym, regionalnym, jak i międzynarodowym. Wszędzie, gdzie się pojawi, przynosi zysk kilkakrotnie większy od poniesionych kosztów, dlatego uważam, iż istnieje potrzeba bliższej i mocniejszej współpracy pomiędzy krajami członkowskimi a organizacjami typu non-profit oraz tworzenia skutecznych systemów ułatwiających współpracę między wszystkimi organizacjami wolontariuszy w kraju i za granicą.

Główny problem, jaki wciąż powstrzymuje i ogranicza działalność wolontariatu, to podatki nakładane na sponsorów z tytułu darowizny, a także brak zwolnień z płacenia podatku VAT od zakupów, które są przeznaczone na realizację celów organizacji. Sądzę, że te problemy powinno się rozwiązać jak najszybciej.


  Petru Filip (PPE-DE). – Vă rog să îmi permiteţi să apreciez fără rezerve relevanţa raportului doamnei Harkin, prin perspectiva discuţiilor despre noul model economic, social, european şi a eforturilor constante de îmbunătăţire a coeziunii economice şi sociale la nivelul Uniunii Europene.

Consider raportul prin prisma soluţiilor pe care le identifică, un text care oferă o serie de principii generoase şi deosebit de utile, capabile să conducă la creşterea calităţii vieţii cetăţenilor europeni.

Susţin, aşa cum am făcut-o şi cu ocazia depunerii amendamentelor, că poate ar fi fost de dorit ca, în corpul raportului, să fie mai ferm nuanţat conceptul modern de voluntariat, prin stipularea explicită a condiţiilor fără de care orice acţiune voluntară să nu fie interpretată ca act unilateral.

Aş vrea să subliniez, de asemenea, rolul cultelor în realizarea principiilor creştine legate de voluntariat.


  Danuta Hübner, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, just two very short points. Let me say that even the best-equipped policies cannot deliver without the strong involvement of all those who feel a co-responsibility, and also the need for commitment and contribution. Volunteering and partnership are the best ways to ensure that involvement.

Let me also assure you that I will share your conclusions with my colleagues in the Commission. I am convinced that the future assessment of the state of play of volunteering in Europe, and the follow-up to it, will take inspiration from the resolution you are going to adopt, and also from the discussion I have had the privilege of sharing with you tonight.


  Marian Harkin, rapporteur. − Mr President, first of all I want to thank everybody for their kind comments and their support in the drafting of this report. I would just like to make one or two final comments.

I appreciate the Commissioner’s reference to in-kind contributions by voluntary groups and, while I recognise that in-kind contributions are applicable in some EU-funded projects, I believe we need to ensure that this becomes the status quo.

I also look forward to Commissioner Figeľ’s communication on youth volunteering and Commissioner Hübner’s commitment to investigating and, I hope, promoting intergenerational volunteering.

I am again calling on the Commission to ensure that the partnership principle is adhered to in all negotiations and consultations in the drafting of EU programmes at national level. This is crucial, because it is a real recognition by the EU that volunteers, NGOs etc. are part of the process, not just some add-on, not just there for the optics, but an integral part of the process.

With regard to the one amendment proposed on possible VAT exemptions, it is a good compromise and I am very happy to support it.

I also want to take this opportunity to call for 2011 to be designated the European Year of Volunteering and ask for the support of Parliament in signing the written declaration which has been proposed by Members from the five largest political groups.

In this call, I am supported by the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Forum, the Portuguese presidency conclusions and very many voluntary groups across the EU.

If the Commission were to designate 2011 the European Year of Volunteers, this would allow the EU institutions, in collaboration with voluntary organisations, to work towards common objectives, as I said earlier, to add value at European level.

Finally in this context, we should encourage the development of civil society and of participative democracy, thereby giving real meaning to the aim of bringing Europe closer to its citizens.

The promotion, support and facilitation of volunteering and voluntary action, accompanied by the growth in social capital, will prove to be an invaluable tool in achieving those objectives.


  Przewodniczący. − Zamykam debatę.

Glosowanie odbędzie się we wtorek 22 kwietnia 2008 r.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 142)


  Zita Gurmai (PSE) , írásban. – Európában több mint százmillió civil önkéntes dolgozik mások és a közérdek javára. Az Egyesült Királyságban a teljes lakosság 38%-a, Lengyelországban a lakosság 18%-a végez önkéntes tevékenységet.

Az önkéntes tevékenység elválaszthatatlan az aktív európai polgárságtól, amely a demokrácia alapelvének tekinthető helyi és közösségi szinten egyaránt. A polgárok az önkéntes munka révén a társadalmi problémák megoldásához is hozzájárulnak, tevékenységük elősegíti a szociális érzékenység elsajátítását, készségek fejlesztését. Az önkéntesek munkája révén a népesség különböző csoportjainak esélye lehet a felzárkózásra és integrációra, míg például az idősek részt vehetnek a társadalom életében, kamatoztathatják élettapasztalatukat és hosszabb ideig hasznosnak érezhetik magukat.

Az önkéntes tevékenység ösztönzői az alapvető európai értékek: a szolidaritás és a felelősségérzet. Az önkéntes tevékenység hasznosságát az EU-n belül is egyre inkább elismerik, és az önkéntes szervezeteket szorosabban bevonják a döntéshozatali folyamatokba.

Az utóbbi években még szerteágazóbbak lettek az önkéntes munka keretei. Az önkéntes munka iránti érdeklődés, igény növekszik, de hiányzik a kellő megbecsülés, korlátozottak az anyagi lehetőségek, hiányosak az infrastruktúrák. Ezen változtatni kell. Az önkéntes munka támogatása, társadalmi elismertségének fokozása érdekében fontos az a szándékközösség, amely az érintett szereplőknek - így az államnak, a vállalkozásoknak, a szakszervezeteknek és az önkéntes szervezeteknek - együttműködésén, párbeszédén, partnerségén, a legjobb gyakorlatok, tapasztalatok átadásán kell, hogy alapuljon.


  Anna Záborská (PPE-DE), pisno. – Dovoľte mi veľmi osobnú úvahu. I keď som členkou predsedníctva veľkej národnej asociácie na Slovensku, Fóra života, viem, že i dobrovoľníci, ktorí konajú samostatne a nie len cez špecializované združenia, predstavujú svetlo nádeje, ktoré preniká temnoty samoty a je oporou do zápasu proti pokušeniu násilia a egoizmu.

Čo vedie dobrovoľníka k tomu, aby sa venoval druhým? Je to predovšetkým prirodzené nadšenie srdca, ktoré nabáda človeka, aby pomáhal tým okolo seba. Ide temer o existenčný zákon pre formovanie ľudského kapitálu tak potrebného pre budúcnosť sociálnej kohézie v regiónoch. Dobrovoľník pociťuje radosť, ktorá presahuje ním vykonávanú činnosť, pretože je ochotný nezištne dávať iným to najlepšie zo seba samého. Nestačí sa totiž stretať s ľuďmi, ktorí sa ocitli v materiálnych ťažkostiach, ale zároveň je potrebné odpovedať na ich smäd po hodnotách a na ich najhlbšie túžby.

Druh pomoci, ktorý ponúkame je síce dôležitý, ale srdce, ktoré túto pomoc dáva je ešte viac. Či sa jedná o mikroprojekty alebo veľké realizácie, dobrovoľníctvo má byť za každých okolností školou života najmä pre mladých, lebo výchovne prispieva ku kultúre solidarity a spolunažívania, ktorá je otvorená k darovaniu seba samej. Toto je pre mňa najdôležitejší prínos k spolunažívaniu súčasných i budúcich generácií.

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