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Процедура : 2010/2931(RSP)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документите :

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Разисквания :

PV 21/10/2010 - 11.2
CRE 21/10/2010 - 11.2

Гласувания :

PV 21/10/2010 - 12.2

Приети текстове :


Пълен протокол на разискванията
Четвъртък, 21 октомври 2010 г. - Страсбург Редактирана версия

11.2. Камбоджа и по-специално случаят на Sam Rainsy
Видеозапис на изказванията

  Předseda. − Dalším bodem je Kambodža, zejména případ Sama Rainsyho.


  Marietje Schaake, author. − Mr President, Sam Rainsy is a colleague of ours, a member of the parliament in Cambodia. That mere fact has led to assassination attempts and a number of political and legal attacks by the ruling party, including a 12-year prison sentence. The ruling party apparently does not like the fact that Sam Rainsy denounces corruption and human rights abuses.

I would like to remind this ruling party that the EU is the single largest donor institution to Cambodia and that this aid is conditional on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In 2006 Sam Rainsy received the Prize for Freedom from Liberal International. He received this prize for the defence of freedoms we share across this Parliament. We therefore call on the Cambodian authorities to implement the recommendations of the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia.


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, author. − Mr President, as has already been said, the European Union is the single largest donor institution to Cambodia and it is more than legitimate for us to call on the Cambodian authorities not only to engage in political and institutional reforms to build a democratic state, governed by the rule of law and founded on the respect of fundamental freedoms and rights, but also to demonstrate the will to combat effectively the endemic scourge of corruption, massive deforestation resulting in the displacement of people, land grabbing and the sex tourism industry, to refuse the current culture of impunity and to bring to justice all those involved in such activities.

The guarantee of free and fair political expression without intimidation or harassment is also a necessity. More specifically, we should state that we are alarmed at the prosecution and sentencing to a total of 12 years in prison of the opposition leader, Sam Rainsy, on account of a gesture which it considers to be of a symbolic and clearly political nature. It is particularly alarming that, if upheld, this verdict would bar Sam Rainsy from standing in the 2013 parliamentary elections and have consequences far beyond Rainsy’s case, as it is bound to affect the opposition as such.


  Véronique De Keyser, auteur. − Monsieur le Président, voilà une urgence qui est dominée par la personnalité parfois controversée de Sam Rainsy, mais elle ne doit pas nous faire oublier l'enjeu démocratique véritable qui se cache derrière ce cas.

Alors, Rainsy, on l'a dit, est une personnalité libérale et il est opposé au dirigeant Hun Sen. M. Rainsy avait déjà connu une condamnation à dix-huit mois de prison et il a été gracié en 2006. En effet, il avait accusé Hun Sen d'avoir commandité l'attentat à la grenade de 1997.

Aujourd'hui, il a été condamné pour avoir – et on l'a dit, c'est symbolique – déplacé des bornes de la frontière contestée entre le Vietnam et le Cambodge et fait circuler de soi-disant fausses cartes géographiques. Douze ans par contumace, c'est beaucoup, mais, en fait, le jeu est clair. Tout ce qu'on veut, c'est l'empêcher de participer aux prochaines élections de 2013, et il est le dirigeant du second parti d'opposition politique du pays.

Donc, on a un climat politique qui est tendu au Cambodge, on a des élections qui approchent, on a des manœuvres électorales, mais on a aussi une dérive autoritaire, et je voudrais citer, au-delà du cas de Rainsy, celui de représentants d'ONG qui sont poursuivis, celui de la députée Sochua, condamnée pour diffamation à l'égard du premier ministre, du journaliste Hang Chakra, détenu pour avoir dénoncé la corruption dans l'entourage du vice-premier ministre, Sok An, etc.

Je voudrais donc simplement rappeler, comme on l'a fait, que nous sommes des bailleurs de fonds, que nous avons un accord de coopération où les libertés fondamentales doivent être respectées. Je demande aussi un plan d'urgence humanitaire pour les personnes, les populations touchées par la crise de la construction et du textile. C'est aussi important.


  Charles Tannock, author. − Mr President, although Cambodia is on paper a pluralist democracy, the respected NGO Human Rights Watch states that politicians and journalists critical of the government face violence and intimidation.

In addition, the judiciary remains weak and subject to political influence. Furthermore the government continues to turn a blind eye to fraudulent confiscation of farmers’ land, illegal logging and widespread plundering of the country’s natural resources.

Sam Rainsy, the Opposition leader currently exiled to France, has been jailed in absentia for ten years. His so-called crime was to seek to highlight the confiscation of peasant farmers’ land by the government following border talks with neighbouring Vietnam, in the course of which he was charged with digging up the border posts.

This resolution today serves as a timely reminder to the Cambodian Government that if it seeks closer ties with the EU it should guarantee and uphold basic freedoms and fundamental rights. Otherwise, Cambodia risks being bracketed with the pariah state Burma in the eyes of the international community.


  Monica Luisa Macovei, author. − Mr President, Mr Rainsy, an opposition leader, has been sentenced in absentia to 12 years in prison. His trial did not comply with international standards for a fair and impartial judiciary, and his conviction was politically motivated. Similar convictions of members of the opposition party are fairly common, and show that there is no impartial judiciary in Cambodia. These court decisions hinder basic human rights, including the freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial.

I strongly oppose the conviction of Sam Rainsy and those like him who exercise their freedom of expression, and call on the Cambodian Government to stop its current path of tyranny. At international level, we must remind Cambodia to strive towards democracy and not use the selective enforcement of laws against individual rights. In particular, I call on the Commission to remind Cambodia not to use new NGO regulations to restrict the opposition and civil society.


  Sari Essayah, PPE-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, Sam Rainsyn kohtelu on jäävuoren huippu siitä autoritaarisesta hallinnosta, jolla Kambodžan hallitseva puolue käyttää poliittisesti alistettua tuomioistuinta kaiken hallituksenvastaisen kritiikin hiljentämiseen. Päämääränään tällä hallituksella on tietenkin kansalaisyhteiskunnan tukahduttaminen ja yksipuoluejärjestelmään ajautuminen. Tästä kertoo myös Rainsyn saama tuomio, jolla pyritään estämään hänen osallistumisensa vuoden 2013 vaaleihin.

Kuten täällä on jo todettu, EU on Kambodžan suurin yksittäinen tuenantaja ja siksi on merkittävää, että emme tässä päätöslauselmassa tyydy vain tuomitsemaan maassa tapahtuvia lukuisia ihmisoikeusloukkauksia, asianmukaisen toimivan oikeuslaitoksen puuttumista ja asevoimien politisoitumista, vaan selkeästi muistutamme EU:n ja Kambodžan välisestä yhteistyösopimuksesta ja sen ensimmäisestä artiklasta, jossa edellytetään ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittamista. Kansalaisvapauksien jatkuvasta loukkaamisesta on oltava seurauksensa ja EU:n on asetettava rahoitustuen jatkumisen ehdoksi ihmisoikeustilanteen selkeä parantuminen.


  Corina Creţu, în numele grupului S&D. – Într-adevăr condamnarea la 12 ani de închisoare a liderului opoziţiei cambodgiene Sam Rainsy reprezintă o gravă încălcare a drepturilor omului şi un indiciu elocvent al autoritarismului ce domină viaţa politică cambodgiană. După excluderea sa din adunarea naţională şi retragere de trei ori până acum a imunităţii sale parlamentare, după numeroase tentative de asasinat şi zeci de susţinători ai săi ucişi, Sam Rainsy este condamnat acum în lipsă pentru protestele sale cu puternică încărcătură politică.

În fond, sentinţa pronunţată în septembrie are drept scop final împiedicarea liderului opoziţiei să candideze la alegerile de peste doi ani, ceea ce compromite în mod definitiv şansele de democratizare ale Cambodgiei. Cererii adresate guvernului cambodgian, prin această rezoluţie, de a pune capăt persecuţiilor politice, doresc să-i adaug solicitarea către Înaltul Reprezentant al Uniunii Europene pentru Afaceri Externe de a-şi exercita presiunile necesare asupra autorităţilor pentru a relua reformele politice şi instituţionale necesare instaurării unei democraţii autentice.


  Gerald Häfner, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Kambodscha ist ein außerordentlich schönes Land mit einer großen Geschichte, aber diese Geschichte und das Land haben auch schreckliche Seiten. Besonders aktuell: Es verschwinden Menschen, es werden Menschen ohne Gründe eingesperrt, es findet ein hohes Maß an Korruption statt, illegale Landnahme, Holzeinschläge usw. Und was uns Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments am meisten Sorgen machen muss: Diejenigen, die das anprangern und kritisieren, werden in Scheinprozessen von der Straße geholt und eingesperrt.

Sam Rainsy, Oppositionsführer in Kambodscha, ist mehrfach verfolgt worden. Er war bereits gewählt, wurde 1995 aus dem Parlament entfernt. Er hat es geschafft, wiederzukommen. Es gab auf Wahlversammlungen eine Vielzahl von Anschlägen auf ihn, einmal mit 80 Toten. Ich selbst habe ihn in Kambodscha besuchen dürfen. Ich habe einen ausgesprochen friedlichen Menschen, einen überzeugten Kämpfer für Demokratie und Menschenrechte kennengelernt. Und jetzt wurde er mit fadenscheinigen Argumenten wegen einer symbolischen Aktion für 12 Jahre in Haft genommen.

Wer den Führer der Opposition einsperrt, der sperrt damit zugleich einen Gutteil der Menschen seines Landes ein, die von diesem Menschen vertreten werden. Wer den Führer der Opposition einsperrt und damit verhindert, dass er zu den nächsten Wahlen antreten kann, der verhindert damit Demokratie und die Wahrnehmung von Bürger- und Menschenrechten. Ich meine, dass wir das nicht hinnehmen dürfen, und appelliere an die Kommission, insbesondere Artikel 1 des Kooperationsabkommens mit Kambodscha einzufordern, nämlich die Achtung der Menschenrechte in Kambodscha als Voraussetzung für Hilfe seitens der Europäischen Union.


  Adam Bielan, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Miałem okazję być dwukrotnie w Kambodży. Po raz pierwszy dwa lata temu wraz z misją obserwacyjną Parlamentu Europejskiego podczas wyborów parlamentarnych, po raz drugi pół roku temu. Muszę powiedzieć, że Kambodża to kraj, który w ostatnich latach rozwijał się bardzo szybko (chodzi mi o rozwój gospodarczy), podobnie zresztą jak inne kraje tego regionu świata. Niestety wraz z szybkim rozwojem gospodarczym nie mamy do czynienia z procesem demokratyzacji tego kraju. Nie ma bowiem prawdziwej demokracji bez silnych mediów, które kontrolują partię rządzącą, bez silnej opozycji, bez silnego sektora organizacji pozarządowych.

Wyrok na Sama Rainsy'ego, zresztą nie pierwszy, jest kolejnym ciosem w opozycję. Jeżeli wyrok ten zostanie utrzymany, Sam Rainsy nie będzie mógł startować w kolejnych wyborach parlamentarnych, chociaż cieszy się dosyć dużą popularnością w swoim kraju. Wyrok jest o tyle zastanawiający, że w dalszym ciągu, po ponad 30 latach od upadku reżimu Czerwonych Khmerów, bardzo wielu przywódców reżimu w Kambodży nie zostało osądzonych. Z całą pewnością kwestionowanie granicy kambodżańsko-wietnamskiej nie służy stabilizacji w regionie, jednak sprawę tę należy rozwiązać na drodze politycznej a nie poprzez wyrok sądowy.


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - Este regretabil că tribunalele din Cambodgia încă utilizează arestarea ca instrument de intimidare a opozanţilor şi disidenţilor politici. Cel mai adesea sunt vizaţi jurnaliştii, militanţii pentru drepturile omului, precum şi alte voci critice care promovează libertatea de exprimare.

Este evident că acuzaţiile aduse lui Sam Rainsy au, mai degrabă, un caracter politic, decât unul penal. El a fost condamnat la 12 ani de închisoare în urma unui gest simbolic de protest faţă de modalitatea în care a fost trasată graniţa cu Vietnamul. Motivul real al condamnării pare a fi însă înlăturarea opoziţiei din cursa electorală pentru alegerile parlamentare din 2013.

Pe această cale doresc să fac apel la guvernul cambodgian să-şi respecte angajamentele cu privire la consolidarea statului democratic. Trebuie să i se permită domnului Sam Rainsy, ca principal lider al opoziţiei, să-şi reia îndatoririle în parlamentul cambodgian cât mai curând posibil. Astfel s-ar întrerupe evoluţia către sistemul monopartid, unul periculos pentru respectarea drepturilor omului.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, kambodžalaisen tuomioistuimen ratkaisu tuomita oppositiopoliitikko Sam Rainsy 10 vuodeksi vankeuteen syytteistä, jotka koskevat disinformaation levittämistä ja virallisten asiakirjojen väärentämistä, sekä muut vastaavat tapaukset ovat herättäneet lännessä perusteltua huolta maan oikeusjärjestelmän puolueettomuudesta ja riippumattomuudesta.

Valheellisen tiedon levittämistä ja kunnianloukkausta koskevien lakipykälien ylimalkainen tulkinta siten, että se on omiaan haittaamaan opposition ja kansalaisjärjestöjen toimintaa, on ollut järjestelmällistä ja kyseisiä pykäliä on tosiasiallisesti käytetty rajoittamaan mielipiteen- ja ilmaisunvapautta.

Vaikka annankin tunnustusta Kambodžassa Pol Potin valtakauden jälkeen merkittävälle kehitykselle, pidän harmillisena, mikäli Kambodžan hallitus päättää jättää demokraattisen järjestelmän rakentamisen puolitiehen, mikä on tapahtunut valitettavan suuressa joukossa maita. Kambodža on sitoutunut useissa kansainvälisissä sopimuksissa, mukaan lukien yhteistyösopimuksessaan Euroopan yhteisön kanssa, turvaamaan väestönsä perusoikeudet sekä demokraattisten periaatteiden toteutumisen alueellaan. Euroopan unionin tulee vaatia painokkaasti, että Kambodžan hallitus kunnioittaa sitoumuksiaan.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). - Este vorba, în cazul lui Sam Rainsy, cum s-a spus, de două condamnări. Pe lângă cea mai veche de doi ani de zile, s-a adăugat cea de acum zece ani pentru o prepusă dezinformare şi falsificare a documentelor publice. Este evident, aşa cum au spus şi colegii mei, că este vorba de o încercare de a-i bloca participarea la alegerile viitoare. Există o chestiune procedurală în toată această istorie, şi anume faptul că Sam Rainsy a fost condamnat in absentia în cadrul unor proceduri ce s-au derulat cu uşile închise şi care, aşa cum s-a relatat, au fost marcate de numeroase iregularităţi.

Nu este, de altfel, un caz izolat. Sunt mult mai multe voci critice faţă de guvernul cambodgian care au suferit asemenea tratamente cu urmăriri penale şi, aşa cum s-a mai spus, cred că, în baza acordului de cooperare cu Uniunea Europeană, autorităţile cambodgiene trebuie să îşi asume angajamente clare legate de drepturile omului.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - V Kambodži, podobne ako v mnohých iných krajinách, skĺzava boj o politickú moc do skutočného boja, ako sa hovorí, do boja na život a na smrť. Mocenské štruktúry svojich politických odporcov v takýchto prípadoch likvidujú, prenasledujú, zatvárajú.

Takto to vyzerá aj s prípadom Sama Rainsyho, ktorého sa chcú súčasní vládcovia prirodzene zbaviť, pretože je pre nich konkurenciou, vytvára pre nich riziko budúcej politickej zmeny. Iste aj v tomto prípade by sme mohli intervenovať a žiadať kambodžskú vládu o to, aby prestala šikanovať svojho politického odporcu a vytvorila mu priestor na to, aby mohol rovnako ako ostatní súťažiť v politickom boji.

Vzhľadom na lepšie vybudované kontakty, ktoré máme s Kambodžou, myslím si, že v tomto prípade môžeme byť aj úspešnejší, ako v prípade Harare. Takže myslím, že v tomto prípade by naozaj stálo za to vytvoriť politický tlak na kambodžskú vládu, aby zvážila svoj postup a svoje správanie sa k politickým odporcom, aby vytvorila podmienky na to, aby došlo v tejto krajine k voľnej a korektnej politickej súťaži.


  Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Comhalta de chuid an Choimisiúin. − A Uachtaráin, ba mhaith liom i dtús mo bhuíochas a ghlacadh leis na Feisirí a ghlac páirt sa díospóireacht.

I would like to thank those MEPs who have submitted resolutions on Cambodia for this urgency debate. The situation there is indeed a matter of concern.

We have had frank exchanges with our Cambodian interlocutors, most recently at the Joint Committee in Brussels on 8 October, about the state of the country’s democratic institutions and, in particular, the treatment of the opposition in Parliament. The fact that the opposition leader, Sam Rainsy, has had to seek refuge in France is symptomatic of a deteriorating trend.

The same can be said of the judiciary’s involvement in politics and the prosecution of members of the opposition, including those who should be able to benefit from parliamentary immunity. There is a danger that the National Assembly will no longer be able to function as a forum for the free exchange of views. The media, too, are under pressure.

There are some bright spots. Cambodia has accepted all the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council in the Universal Periodic Review. We also note that a new penal code and an anti-corruption law have been enacted. Clearly we will need to follow how these are implemented in practice. We shall continue to remind Cambodia of the recommendations put forward by our Election Observation Missions in the past. Establishment of an effective Human Rights Committee is an important objective. We welcome the Government’s intention to proceed with this and its initiative in setting up a joint forum with civil society organisations.

Cambodia remains a very poor country. There is a lot that can be done to keep up the momentum of recent economic growth without, at the same time, increasing disparities in society. This should include reform of the rules on land ownership and an end to unsustainable practices in land and forest management, including the exploitation of natural resources.

Sanctioning the government or reducing the level of our contacts would do nothing for the poorest and most vulnerable and would only embolden those who pay lip service to democracy. Therefore, I cannot agree that suspending our bilateral agreement would be helpful.

There is no substitute for patient dialogue. If we are not seen as a major player in the country’s development, we shall lose an opportunity to influence events. Yet there is much we can do in Cambodia at all levels, from the Prime Minister’s office to civil society. We shall continue to encourage positive initiatives that Cambodia is taking in favour of human rights, development and gender equality, while continuing to make the case for a truly pluralistic parliamentary democracy, a freer press and a more independent judiciary.


  President. − The debate is closed.

The vote will take place shortly.

Written statements (Rule 149)


  Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE). - The human rights situation in Cambodia is an ever-growing concern. We are faced with the problem of blatant human rights violations by the authoritarian government that is chewing away at the fabric of democracy. As Cambodia’s largest donor, the EU needs to take swift action in protecting the citizens of Cambodia and reassuring them that the democratic process will not falter. I would like to take this opportunity to address the Government of Cambodia and request their compliance with the UN Special Rapporteur’s report in a swift and timely manner. The case of Sam Rainsy brings to light the injustices occurring in Cambodia, where Mr Rainsy, as the leader of the opposition party and Member of Parliament, has been confronted with what can only be viewed as a deliberate effort to curtail any opposition to the established authoritarian government. The practices of charging and detaining any persons viewed as a threat to the government must end. Furthermore, the citizens still have no guarantee of independence and impartiality from the judiciary. These issues must be confronted and addressed immediately by this Parliament, to assure the citizens of Cambodia that this Parliament continues to support and defend their right to democracy.

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