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Procedura : 2011/2196(INI)
Przebieg prac nad dokumentem podczas sesji
Dokument w ramach procedury : A7-0094/2012

Teksty złożone :


Debaty :

PV 09/05/2012 - 24
CRE 09/05/2012 - 24

Głosowanie :

PV 10/05/2012 - 12.5
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Teksty przyjęte :


Pełne sprawozdanie z obrad
Środa, 9 maja 2012 r. - Bruksela Wersja poprawiona

24. Regionalne lotniska i usługi lotnicze w UE (krótka prezentacja)
zapis wideo wystąpień

  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgt der Bericht von Philip Bradbourn im Namen des Ausschusses für Verkehr und Fremdenverkehr über die Zukunft der Regionalflughäfen und des Luftverkehrs in der EU (2011/2196(INI)) (A7-0094/2012).


  Philip Bradbourn, rapporteur. − Mr President, I am delighted to present my own-initiative report on the future of regional airports and air services in the EU. This report is born out of the need to recognise the important role that regional air services play for European citizens and in our economy. It also reflects the tendency of the Commission and others to neglect the opportunities that they provide. The report acknowledges that regional air services have an integral role in the economic well-being of the EU and are vital to the financial and social vibrancy of the regions.

Europe’s airports provide a large network of 150 000 city pairs. They are essential to facilitating the smooth running of the single market by transporting people and goods between key parts of Member States. They are essential generators of economic growth by expanding trade beyond traditional partnerships, boosting the economies of regions they serve and often connecting inaccessible regions and islands to the broader economy, thus allowing their continued viability.

Aviation, however, is an industry with small margins and this is especially true at the regional level. The financial and sovereign debt crisis has substantially changed the conditions for financing regional airports. This must be counteracted by the removal of economic barriers and a better definition of their role in the transport network. Indeed, I strongly believe that regional airports need to be seen as an integral part of the trans-European network, rather than somewhere away on the periphery.

By bringing regional airports closer into the transport network, we can provide more of an incentive for industry to better integrate across modes and develop benefits for our citizens, for example, via multimodal ticketing, as cited in the report.

The report calls on the Commission to speed up the development of SESAR and the single European sky as a matter of urgency. These programmes will bring environmental and economic savings. As well as this, regional airports, which are running well below capacity, can have a role to play in alleviating the capacity crunch that a number of major airports are suffering. If implemented properly, encouraging region-to-region services could lead to less congestion and greater environmental efficiency. Similarly, when considering the upcoming airports package, I call on the Commission to pay particular attention to the regions, as currently they risk being priced out of the market leaving greater consolidation between major airports and airlines, with the result being less choice and higher prices.

The report also aims to tackle the practices of certain airlines on two main subjects: price transparency and onboard baggage. It is the practice of some carriers to add charges to the headline price of a ticket. This report calls for companies to offer all passengers a method of credit or debit card payment that is free and to include any unavoidable administration fees in the headline price. It is important that people know what they will be paying, and not find the cost of their ticket ratcheted up through the entire process.

With regard to onboard baggage, the report calls for the industry to set common upper limits for weight and size restrictions. This again is so that consumers know what to expect when travelling. The report also calls for airside purchases to be treated as separate to the ‘one-bag’ rule. The strict application of this so-called ‘one-bag’ rule as it stands is used as a tool, in some cases, to increase profits to the detriment of consumers. The current practice is particularly harmful at regional airports, which often heavily reduce fees to carriers on the basis of passenger throughput, making these up in retail sales.

I strongly believe that regional airports and air services have a role to play in reinvigorating our economy as part of a well functioning transport network. Therefore, I call on the Commission to listen to what we are saying in Parliament. The Commission must be bold and take action for the benefit of consumers, the travelling public and the many businesses that flourish by having access to airports and air services.


„Catch the eye“-Verfahren


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, I would agree with most of the points made by the rapporteur, and I compliment him on his initiative. Regional airports certainly have a key part to play in the overall transport network, and I would agree with him that this should be included in the TEN-T network.

We also need to look at the points regarding the one-bag rule, which is obviously detrimental especially, as he said, to small airports. At the heels of the hunt, however, it is important that regional airports are economically viable. We also have to look at the situation of regional airports which were established prior to major waterways being built, or to the advent of high-speed rail, making some of them now uneconomic and possibly unnecessary. It is very important that we take an overall view so as to keep the ones that are necessary, to build them up and help them in every way. But if some have become unnecessary then there is no point in pouring good money after bad simply to keep them ticking over.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D). - Aviaţia regională este un factor important în asigurarea mobilităţii cetăţenilor. Rolul aeroporturilor regionale este vital pentru coeziunea teritorială şi dezvoltarea economică şi socială a regiunilor, îndeosebi a regiunilor care nu dispun de alte moduri de transport. O mai bună conectivitate şi o mobilitate intermodală eficientă pot contribui considerabil la îmbunătăţirea accesului către regiuni, la dezvoltarea economiei şi a turismului în aceste regiuni.

Din păcate, aeroporturile regionale situate departe de centrele urbane sunt adesea inadecvat conectate la reţeaua de transport terestră. Încurajăm autorităţile locale şi regionale să prezinte planuri privind mobilitatea durabilă, care să prevadă un lanţ logistic eficient. Propunem realizarea unui schimb de bune practici în materie de legături între aeroporturile regionale şi centrele urbane. Facem apel la Comisie pentru o abordare echilibrată a revizuirilor viitoare ale orientărilor pentru a asigura o dezvoltare viabilă din punct de vedere social şi economic a serviciilor aeriene regionale, luând în considerare dezvoltarea infrastructurii necesare pentru asigurarea intermodalităţii.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). - Os aeroportos e a aviação regionais, se devidamente integrados em estratégias abrangentes de desenvolvimento regional, visando o aproveitamento pleno do potencial endógeno das regiões em que se inserem, podem ser um instrumento importante para apoiar esse desenvolvimento, ajudando a combater assimetrias regionais. Tal exige uma correta conexão com outros modos de transporte, como o transporte ferroviário ou o transporte marítimo, assegurando condições de mobilidade de pessoas e de mercadorias, que tenham em conta imprescindíveis critérios de sustentabilidade ambiental.

Mas o desenvolvimento destes serviços, segundo uma lógica de prevalência do interesse público, não é compatível com o processo de liberalização em curso no setor e nem com os dogmas do mercado livre que norteiam o projeto de Céu Único Europeu e que submetem à sacrossanta livre concorrência as necessárias intervenção e regulação estatais, até mesmo em questões relacionadas com a segurança.

Uma palavra para a preocupante degradação das condições de trabalho no setor. A liberalização em curso tem vindo a facilitar o dumping social por parte das multinacionais do setor, forçando a precariedade laboral e o nivelamento por baixo das condições de trabalho. As companhias de baixo custo têm aqui um papel incontornável.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD) - V dôsledku pomerne hustého osídlenia Európy a relatívne vysokej technologickej úrovne priemyselnej produkcie bolo v Európe vybudované veľké množstvo letísk, ktoré sa však z hľadiska veľkosti či štruktúry poskytovaných služieb výrazne odlišujú. Popri veľkých medzinárodných letiskách zabezpečujú osobnú a nákladnú obsluhu aj menšie letiská regionálneho významu, ktoré svojou činnosťou poskytujú významnú dopravnú podporu mestám a regiónom, ktoré obsluhujú. Najmä v integrovanom priestore Európskej únie, keď mobilita obyvateľstva dostáva nové rozmery, sa stáva dobre organizovaná letecká doprava významným aspektom zlepšujúcim komfort a rýchlosť cestovania. Preto je správne vecne sa zaoberať špecifikami regionálnych letísk, ktoré pracujú vo výrazne odlišnom režime ako veľké uzlové letiská, na ktoré sa v prevažnej miere orientuje európska legislatíva. Špecifiká prevádzky regionálnej leteckej dopravy je potrebné v záujme ich dobrého fungovania – tak ako to navrhuje pán poslanec Bradbourn – korektne premietnuť aj do predpisov Európskej únie.


  Hubert Pirker (PPE). - Herr Präsident! Mit diesem Bericht weist das Europäische Parlament auf die besondere Bedeutung der Regionalflughäfen hin, einerseits als Verkehrsknotenpunkte und auf der anderen Seite als wesentlich für das Wirtschaftswachstum in der Region und insgesamt für die Union.

Um diese Regionalflughäfen zu stärken, darf ich drei Punkte besonders herausheben. Das erste ist, dass die Anbindung zu anderen Verkehrsträgern und zu den internationalen Verkehrsknoten verbessert werden muss; dass als zweites Regionalflughäfen versuchen, sich untereinander besser und stärker zu vernetzen; und dass sie drittens bei Kapazitätsengpässen auf Drehkreuzflughäfen als Alternative herangezogen werden. Es muss auch klar sein, dass diese Regionalflughäfen nicht als Denkmäler für lokale Politiker errichtet werden dürfen, sondern dass sie sich selbstverständlich mittelfristig rechnen müssen. Effizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit müssen im Vordergrund stehen.

Abschließend darf ich mich noch beim Berichterstatter, Herrn Philip Bradbourn, für die gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken.


  Phil Prendergast (S&D). - Mr President, the four regional airports in my constituency – Waterford, Shannon, Cork and Kerry Airports – would, I believe, benefit from many of the ideas contained in this report. I congratulate the author and I particularly welcome the proposals in relation to the ‘one-bag’ rule, as cited by my colleague, Sean Kelly, MEP. This rule benefits the airlines. However, the benefit is to the detriment of the airport itself as many regional airports depend on retail and food sales to survive. The business model is threatened when passengers are limited to one bag as it prevents them from making purchases at the airport. The Spanish ban on this ‘one-bag’ rule should be adopted across the 27 Member States.

I would also like to take this opportunity to highlight today’s decision by the Irish Government to split Shannon Airport from the DAA. I hope the future plans for this airport will focus on the airport’s potential to attract investment and to create long-term jobs in the mid-west region. It is very much needed.


  Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE). - Raportul Bradbourn este binevenit, cel puţin din următoarele motive:

În primul rând, solicitarea adresată Comisiei de revizuire a directivei prin care a fost redus pragul pentru care un aeroport poate primi ajutor de stat. Un aeroport poate deveni rentabil atunci când are un trafic de peste 500 000 de pasageri pe an. De aceea, nivelul până la care ajutoarele de stat pot fi acordate într-un regim simplificat trebuie reanalizat.

În al doilea rând, prevederile raportului privind politica „un singur bagaj de mână” şi securitatea aeroportuară sunt, de asemenea, importante.

În ceea ce priveşte includerea unui număr mai mare de aeroporturi regionale în reţeaua transeuropeană de transport, aceasta ar putea aduce, pentru multe regiuni, o mai mare mobilitate, deci o mai mare creştere economică.

Cu toate acestea, am rezerve majore faţă de prevederea de la considerentul A, referitoare la aeroporturile a căror principală zonă deservită este o capitală. Acestea, în măsura în care îndeplinesc alte criterii care le definesc aeroporturi regionale, trebuie să se bucure de aceleaşi condiţii economice şi legislative.


(Ende des „catch the eye“-Verfahrens)


  Karel De Gucht, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I welcome Mr Bradbourn’s report on the future of regional airports and air services in the EU. It complements the Commission’s airport package initiative presented in December last year very well. This aims at ensuring that airports do not become the bottleneck in the success story that is the Single European Sky.

Passengers, airlines and also European regions have benefited considerably from the single market in aviation, thanks to which the number of inter-EU routes has doubled over 20 years. Airports are fed with traffic from the regional airports, connecting our citizens with the world. Point-to-point carriers have changed the landscape of regional airports. Charter airlines are linked with major tourist destinations. Business aviation is the centre of our business connectivity in Europe. We have a vibrant aviation sector which provides growth for the whole continent, including the regions.

I will now comment on the main policy areas highlighted in the Bradbourn Report. The relevant Commission DGs are currently looking at the revision of State-aid guidelines on the financing of regional airports and start-up aid to airlines. The role of regional airports in territorial cohesion and in interconnecting EU regions and countries must remain a guiding principle of the review of the compatibility conditions, but we cannot ignore the fact that unlawful public subsidies distort competition at several levels between airlines and between airports. We need to agree on common and simple rules on a matter that affects the sustainability of the EU aviation market. Your report will certainly be taken into account in the ongoing review.

Some airlines restrict the number of pieces of hand luggage carried on board by imposing the so-called ‘one bag’ rule on passengers. Passengers seem to be confused by varying strictness in the application of such policies by ground staff. The Commission will study luggage allowances in the context of the ongoing impact assessment on revision of the Air Passenger Rights Regulation No 261/2004. The Commission has launched a public consultation which provides an opportunity for interested parties to contribute. Regarding the impact on retail sales in airports, this is mainly a question of business-to-business relations between airlines, airports and retailers. If there are competition issues, these should be addressed, but not via legislation designed to protect passengers.

The report expresses concerns regarding the proposed revision of the Slot Regulation. I want to reassure you, on behalf of Commissioner Kallas, that the objective is certainly not to price regional air services out of the market but to ensure more efficient use of existing airport capacity. In preparing the legislation, the Commission has discounted options such as slot confiscation and slot auctioning precisely because of their negative impact on regional air services. Discussions on this proposal are now ongoing in the Council and in Parliament.

Intermodality is at the heart of our transport policy. The report calls for regional airports to be taken into account in the future trans-European transport network policy. Ensuring these airports are properly connected to the whole transport network is at the heart of the TEN-T policy, but we need to go beyond infrastructure. We need the technology and innovative services and we will continue working on integrated ticketing, the concept of a pan-European multi-modal planning, ticketing and billing system for passenger transport. I thank Parliament for its continued interest and support.

The Commission is aware of the practice of certain airlines of adding a number of charges onto the headline price of air tickets. The report mentions charges for the use of debit or credit cards, which are now widely applied. The Commission will shortly publish a study on air ticket price transparency provisions in EU law. Some airlines impose fees which vary by payment type. Although in all cases a free means of payment is offered, this may not be readily available to the majority of customers. We will have to discuss this issue with Member State authorities to see what can or cannot be allowed under existing legislation.

Airports are important as our gates to Europe and to the world and they are also important growth engines. We all come from different regions of Europe and we all know how important airports can be for the connectivity of a remote region. They are essential for European connectivity.

Let me conclude by thanking you for an interesting debate on this very important topic. The Commission is looking forward to further follow-up in the context of the discussions on the airport package.


  Der Präsident. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Ich weise darauf hin, dass zum Bericht von Herrn Bradbourn ein Erratum vorgelegt wurde, das die Erwägung F in allen Sprachfassungen betrifft.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 10. Mai, um 11.30 Uhr statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)


  Salvatore Iacolino (PPE), per iscritto. – La tendenza manifestata dalla Commissione europea nel voler concentrare l'attenzione sui principali centri aeroportuali, si pone in modo esattamente contrario all'esigenza di collegamento di territori che, per loro caratteristiche fisiche e naturali, come isole o regioni ultraperiferiche, richiedono una piena accessibilità e integrazione territoriale. In egual modo si rileva l'opportunità della Commissione europea di riesaminare la Decisione 2012/21/UE riguardante l'applicazione dell'art. 106, per meglio comprendere l'impatto di vitale importanza dato da questi investimenti in termini di coesione territoriale e sviluppo sociale ed economico, soprattutto nelle regioni in cui mancano altre forme di trasporto. Inoltre, il cofinanziamento da parte dell'UE attraverso le RTE-T, il Fondo di Coesione e il Fondo Regionale, consentirebbe agli aeroporti regionali di svolgere un ruolo guida nella creazione di un più ampio spazio aereo comune europeo, ed è pertanto necessario che la Commissione, durante la revisione della RTE-T, riconosca il legame vitale tra i servizi aerei regionali e la rigenerazione economica. Rimango dunque convinto che la futura politica in materia di reti transeuropee di trasporti debba garantire la mobilità di persone e merci e rendere più attrattivi i territori, anche quelli periferici, come contributo concreto al rilancio degli investimenti e dell'occupazione nel Mercato unico europeo.


  Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE), în scris. Transportul aerian joacă un rol-cheie în creșterea economică a regiunilor și crearea de noi locuri de muncă, în special atunci când vine vorba despre regiunile mai puțin dezvoltate, cele de la granițele externe ale Uniunii Europene și cele ultra-periferice. Cu toții recunoaștem caracterul deosebit de important al acestor aeroporturi, atât din punct de vedere economic, social, cât şi de mediu, însă adevărata problemă apare atunci când vine vorba de obținerea unei finanțări.

Tocmai de aceea consider că pentru următoarea perioadă de programare este firesc și absolut necesar să includem aeroporturile regionale pe lista beneficiarilor eligibili pentru solicitarea de finanțare europeană sau din cadrul altor instrumente de inginerie financiară finanțate de UE. Astfel, atractivitatea regiunilor va fi semnificativ îmbunătățită prin construirea sau modernizarea aeroporturilor regionale și acest lucru va conduce în mod direct la atragerea investitorilor și a turiștilor în regiune și implicit la dezvoltarea acestora.


  Bogdan Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz (PPE), na piśmie. Uważam, że dobrze rozwinięta sieć regionalnych portów lotniczych i usług z nimi związanych jest zdecydowanie jednym z wyznaczników źródła wzrostu gospodarczego w całej Unii Europejskiej. W ramach złożonych przeze mnie w komisji transportu poprawek starałem się od samego początku podkreślić, że lotniska regionalne mają podwójne zastosowanie w ramach europejskiego systemu połączeń. Mianowicie po pierwsze same stanowią dogodną sieć połączeń, pomiędzy oddalonymi od siebie aglomeracjami o mniejszej populacji, których nie można marginalizować. Po drugie sprawnie rozwinięta sieć lotnisk w związku ze wzrastającą ilością połączeń oraz samych lotów w ramach już istniejących, stwarza wiele zagrożeń. Dlatego lotniska regionalne mogą stanowić dodatkowo sprawną sieć lotnisk awaryjnych. Patrząc choćby z perspektywy zeszłorocznych problemów powstałych po wybuchu islandzkiego wulkanu. Na pewno stworzenie takiej sieci w kontekście rentowności jest kwestią dosyć istotną, dlatego dopisanie części lotnisk do sieci bazowej TEN-T ułatwi ich współfinansowanie. Podsumowując chciałbym zaznaczyć, że przywrócenie równowagi oraz tym samym konkurencyjności na rynku transportowym powinno stać u podstaw tworzonej sieci lotnisk regionalnych.


  Vilja Savisaar-Toomast (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Piirkondlikud lennujaamad on olulised mitmest aspektist vaadates. Esiteks tagavad nad inimeste ja kaupade piirkondadevahelise transpordi toimimise. Teiseks on nad piirkondliku majanduskasvu loojad. Neid kahte aspekti koos vaadates näeme, et tegemist on regionaalselt ja piirkondlikult oluliste infrastruktuuriobjektidega, mis annavad lisaks lennuühendustele võimaluse palju laiemalt majandust elavdada. Siinkohal tasub kindlasti märkida nende lennujaamade mõju piirkondlikule turismi- ja teenindussektorile.

Käesoleva raporti mõju on raske üle hinnata, arvestades seda, et Euroopas on üle paarisaja regionaalse lennujaama, mis on paljude piirkondade ühendamisel kõige olulisemaks ligipääsuvõimaluseks. Kindlasti toetan seda, et väiksemate lennujaamade puhul võib jätkata riigiabi andmist, eriti neis piirkondades, kus teatud ajaperioodil on lennuühendus ainuke ühendusviis. Nõustun raportööriga ka selles osas, et tuleb tagada regionaalsete lennujaamade iseseisvus ning vähendada monopoolsete lennufirmade agressiivset käitumist ning tagada reisijatele osutatava teenuse kvaliteet. Olen seisukohal, et regionaalseid lennujaamasid tuleb arvesse võtta ka tulevases üleeuroopalises transpordivõrgu poliitikas ja üldise regionaal- ja ühtekuuluvuspoliitika arendamisel. Samas soovin rõhutada, et TEN-T puhul ei tohi tulevastesse perioodidesse lisatavad projektid muuta praeguste kokkulepitud projektide elluviimise tähtaega ja mahtusid.


  Monika Smolková (S&D), písomne Dôležitosť služieb regionálnych letísk určite nikto nespochybňuje. Mnohí z nás ich služby využívame každý týždeň pri svojej ceste do EP. Okrem zabezpečovania mobility väčšieho počtu ľudí prispievajú k rozširovaniu cestovného ruchu a k hospodárskemu rastu daných regiónov. V čase finančnej a hospodárskej krízy je dôležité, aby veľké letecké spoločnosti nevytvárali monopoly a nevytláčali z trhu regionálne letiská. Monopol v leteckej doprave prispieva k rastu cien za prepravné služby a k ďalším nevýhodným a obmedzujúcim prepravným podmienkam pre cestujúcich. Dobre fungujúci jednotný trh EÚ potrebuje regionálne letiská a letecké služby pre prepravu ľudí a tovaru a rozvoj odľahlých miest a regiónov. Preto by Komisia pri vytváraní nasledujúceho leteckého balíka mala zohľadniť nevyhnutnosť zachovania a podpory regionálnych letísk .


  Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), na piśmie. Lotnictwo regionalne należy, tak jak inne środki transportu, do najważniejszych czynników umożliwiających mobilność obywateli. Z tego powodu lotnictwo regionalne oraz wsparcie budowy lotnisk regionalnych, zwłaszcza tam, gdzie zaludnienie jest rozproszone, powinno stać się priorytetem strategii unijnej oraz wsparcia unijnego w tym zakresie. Większa liczba połączeń i zwiększona mobilność obywateli mogą znacznie poszerzyć kontakty międzyregionalne, wpłynąć na rozwój turystyki oraz dać impuls do rozwoju gospodarczego regionów znajdujących się na obrzeżach UE.

Połączenia lotnicze sprzyjają szybszemu przemieszczaniu osób i towarów, tym samym promowanie lotnictwa regionalnego z pewnością przyczyni się do pobudzenia gospodarczego i rozwoju powiązanych z tym usług. Ma to istotne znaczenie w dobie kryzysu gospodarczego, w którym dzisiaj znajduje się Europa. W XXI wieku, budując nowoczesną Europę, nie możemy pozwolić na istnienie regionów pozbawionych lotniczych portów regionalnych, a takie niestety istnieją ciągle, choćby w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Stąd też Unia powinna rozważyć wsparcie finansowe dla jednostek administracyjnych, których nie stać na samodzielną budowę lotnisk lokalnych i przyłączenie do lotniczej sieci przewozów regionalnych. Lokalne porty lotnicze powinny otrzymywać odpowiednie wsparcie nie tylko od władz krajowych, ale powinny być uprawnione do finansowania w ramach funduszy unijnych, a Komisja Europejska powinna potraktować to zadanie jako jedno z najważniejszych w nowych ramach programowania strategicznego. Cel powinien być oczywisty – zrównoważony rozwój terytorialny regionów.

Informacja prawna - Polityka ochrony prywatności