 Text integral 
Procedură : 2011/2193(INI)
Stadiile documentului în şedinţă
Stadii ale documentului : A7-0223/2012

Texte depuse :


Dezbateri :

PV 10/09/2012 - 25
CRE 10/09/2012 - 25

Voturi :

PV 11/09/2012 - 10.17
CRE 11/09/2012 - 10.17
Explicaţii privind voturile
Explicaţii privind voturile

Texte adoptate :


Stenograma dezbaterilor
Marţi, 11 septembrie 2012 - Strasbourg Ediţie revizuită

10.17. Donarea voluntară și neremunerată de țesuturi și de celule (A7-0223/2012 - Marina Yannakoudakis) (vot)

Before the vote on paragraph 43:


  Peter Liese (PPE). - Mr President, if there is no opposition to this in the House I would ask you to take a roll-call vote on paragraph 43, all parts, and on the final vote. We have been contacted by patients, with brain cancer for example, by hospitals and by SMEs, to say that we need to change the existing legislation and this is in paragraph 43. If we want to send a clear signal to the Commission, it needs to be documented that we have a big majority in the House, so a roll-call vote please for paragraph 43, all parts, and the final vote.


(The request was accepted)

Aviz juridic - Politica de confidențialitate