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Procedūra : 2013/2183(INI)
Procedūros eiga plenarinėje sesijoje
Dokumento priėmimo eiga : A7-0009/2014

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Debatai :

PV 03/02/2014 - 17
CRE 03/02/2014 - 17

Balsavimas :

PV 04/02/2014 - 8.1
CRE 04/02/2014 - 8.1
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Posėdžio stenograma
Pirmadienis, 2014 m. vasario 3 d. - Strasbūras Atnaujinta informacija

17. Homofobija ir diskriminacija dėl seksualinės orientacijos ir lytinės tapatybės (trumpas pristatymas)
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

  Πρόεδρος. - Tο επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη αφορά τη σύντομη παρουσίαση της έκθεσης της κ. Urlike Lunacek, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Πολιτικών Ελευθεριών, Δικαιοσύνης και Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων, σχετικά με τον χάρτη πορείας της ΕΕ κατά της ομοφοβίας και των διακρίσεων λόγω σεξουαλικού προσανατολισμού και ταυτότητας φύλου [2013/2183(INI)] (A7-0009/2014)


  Ulrike Lunacek, rapporteur. - Madam President, I did not really expect to receive such a massive number of e-mails in my mailbox over the last week. Do you know how many there were? More than 40 000 saying ‘No to Lunacek report’. My website was hacked as well. I do not know who it was. It might be a coincidence, or it might not be a coincidence.

Such resistance to a report that basically talks about the right of people to love and to live their lives without fear is something I did not expect, and that is why I would like to start my explanation and presentation of this report by addressing especially those of you here in the Chamber who have this resistance against this report.

I would like to ask you: would you want your daughter or your son, your brother or your sister, to be afraid to walk hand-in-hand with their loved ones in the street? Would you want them to be afraid to tell their colleagues at the office on a Monday morning who they went to the movies with on Sunday night? Or would you want any friend of yours to be afraid to tell you that he has fallen in love with a man or that she has fallen in love with a woman? I guess not. I guess you would tell those friends: ‘Well please speak to me, why are you afraid?’ You know that is what this report is about. To make sure that lesbians and gays, bisexual and transgender people in this European Union can live their lives free from fear and discrimination, accepted and respected in their private and public lives, as citizens of this, our common European Union.

This is not about special rights, which some are claiming in these e-mails I and many of you have been getting. No, colleagues, it is not about special rights, it is not about privileges, no way! This report does not call for special rights and I would like to challenge anyone in this Chamber to mention just one right – just one! – cited in this report that would give a privilege to LGBT people. Is there one right that other people who are discriminated against – Roma, disabled people, or others – would not enjoy? The right to go to school without being bullied? The right not to be considered mentally ill? The right not to be fired from a job because of who you share your life with?

The European Union has strategies to combat discrimination against Roma people, discrimination against people with disabilities. This Parliament has already asked the Commission ten times to present a roadmap against homophobia and discrimination against LGBT people. The Commission has not done so yet. That is why the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs decided to go ahead and demand it, because we know the situation is grave.

The Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union made clear in a report involving a questionnaire that 93 000 LGBT people answered last year that 60% are afraid at times to walk hand-in-hand in the street. Almost 50% are harassed or discriminated against and one in four has been physically attacked or threatened with violence in the previous five years. That is homophobia, and it must no longer be tolerated in Europe. So many of us – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and inter-sex people – have lived our lives in fear for too long. My report says that we must act on this. And it is not about telling Member States or about breaching the competences of Member States. We have made that very clear in paragraph 5. You can all read it: ‘this comprehensive policy must respect the competences of the European Union, of its agencies, and of Member States’. But we need to act on that.

This report tells the Commission – this Commission and the next – and it tells us, in this year’s election campaign, that we have to work on fighting fear, on making sure that people who are harassed or attacked because they are lesbian or gay will go to the police, that they will have police officers there who understand what the problem is, and that they are not harassed again. And it should make sure that, for example, schools in Member States share best practices with regard to talking about the fact that LGBT people and families exist on this continent and they should not be discriminated against anymore.


Διαδικασία Catch-the-Eye


  Anna Záborská (PPE) - Správa pani Lunacek, tak, ako to aj pred chvíľou povedala, rozdeľuje verejnú mienku v členských štátoch a myslím si, že pri hlasovaní zajtra sa ukáže, že rozdeľuje aj tento parlament. Ja budem zajtra hlasovať za pozmeňovací návrh č. 1 – za alternatívnu rezolúciu. Tak chcú moji voliči. Budem hlasovať za doktrínu základných práv Európskej únie. Podporím, aby v rámci svojich právomocí – Európska komisia, Európsky parlament a členské štáty pracovali v prospech plného uplatňovania všetkých základných práv pre všetkých občanov Európskej únie. Podporím presadzovanie základných práv a zaistenie rovnováhy medzi právom na rovnosť príležitostí a ostatnými základnými právami.


  Michael Cashman (S&D). - Madam President, this is not about affording lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people more rights than others. This is about equality. Once may dislike LGBTI people. That does not matter. But a civilised society is judged by how it treats its minorities and, in this respect, 28 countries of the EU are severely lacking. The opposition to this report is proof that we need to take action to combat hatred and discrimination. The intolerance shown is terrifying in this, the 21st Century. Why should not LGBTI people be afforded equal rights – not preferential rights, but equal rights?

Let me finish simply on this. My voters expect me to be principled and courageous and to do the right thing and I will vote in favour of the Lunacek report because either we are, as a society, equal and civilised or we are not. I urge the House not to throw away what generations have fought for and continue to fight for.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). - Señora Presidenta, voy a apoyar la puesta en marcha de esta hoja de ruta para proteger derechos fundamentales y libertades de europeas y europeos gravemente amenazados hoy.

Cerca de la mitad de la población LGBT europea ha sido víctima, en el último año, de algún tipo de agresión, de las cuales el cincuenta por ciento fueron agresiones violentas. Solo una de cada diez víctimas llevó su caso ante la policía. La libertad de opción sexual es un derecho fundamental y una expresión más de diversidad que merece respeto y protección.

Las instituciones europeas deberían liderar esta causa en un momento en el que las fuerzas más conservadoras añoran el tiempo en el que el mundo LGBT oficialmente no existía, aunque se castigase con cárcel y marginación. Así, de paso, la bandera de la decencia y el orden aleja la agenda política de la corrupción, la crisis o la pobreza. Por eso, hay que defender cada parcela de libertad amenazada, no sea que, para cuando nos demos cuenta, se hayan cobrado la pieza que persiguen, que es la libertad de todas nosotras y todos nosotros.


  Iñaki Irazabalbeitia Fernández (Verts/ALE). - Señora Presidenta, Comisario, me alegro de que este informe haya llegado al Pleno. Creo que estamos ante un informe muy positivo, un informe que —espero— ayudará en la lucha contra la homofobia y la discriminación por la orientación sexual y la identidad de género.

Espero que el informe haga reflexionar a los Estados para que desarrollen políticas eficaces y positivas para luchar contra la discriminación de las personas LGBT y en favor de sus derechos. Espero que haga también reflexionar a algunos Estados como Croacia y Portugal, que están llevando los derechos de las personas con orientación sexual diferente a referéndum, sobre la falta de legitimidad y democracia de esa vía. Los derechos no se someten a votación, son derechos.

Aprovecho la ocasión para agradecer a la diputada Ulrike Lunacek que haya logrado llevar adelante este magnífico informe.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). - Madam President, what is your policy on the blue card and what do the Rules of Procedure say about the blue card? I raised a blue card two speakers ago. You saw me, and your assistants saw me, and you completely ignored my blue card. Why is that?


  President. - I will explain it to you. I will take all the requests for catch-the-eye, but I have decided not to take any blue cards, in order to have a proper civilised discussion in plenary. So, you can ask for the floor for catch-the-eye, but I will not allow blue cards in this debate.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - A Uachtaráin, ní hé seo an chéad uair go bhfuilimid ag plé an ábhair seo sa Pharlaimint agus is dócha nach é an uair dheireanach ach oiread. Go minic ar an Déardaoin nuair a bhímid anseo pléimid faoi cad atá ag tarlú i dtiortha eile go háirithe an dearcadh atá acu maidir leis an obair seo san Afraic agus sa Rúis agus cáinimid é sin agus an ceart againn.

Ach ag an am céanna, caithfimid a bheith ann cúramach go bhfuilimid ag tabhairt cothrom na féinne san Aontas do gach uile dhuine mar a dúirt Michael Cashman – Is cuma cén claonadh gnéis atá acu caithfear glacadh le daoine de réir na gcáilíochtaí atá acu. Is fear mór spóirt mise agus tá áthas orm gur tháinig a lán dár bpeileadóirí agus iománaithe amach agus dúirt siad go raibh claonadh dearcaidh acu, claonadh gnéis acu ní nach coitianta agus glacadh leis sin. Mar sin táimid ag dul ar aghaidh go mall agus caithfimid mar a deirim cothrom na féinne a thabhairt do gach uile dhuine.


  Cornelia Ernst (GUE/NGL). - Frau Präsidentin! Zunächst einmal vielen Dank, Ulrike, für Deinen mutigen Bericht! Er kommt zur rechten Zeit und beweist, Menschenrechte sind eben keine Sonderrechte, sondern sie regeln unser Leben – und zwar auf der Basis, dass alle Menschen gleich sind. Ich denke, wenn dieses Parlament jemals irgendwie einen wichtigen Beitrag auch für die zivilisatorische Entwicklung Europas geleistet hat, dann wohl auf diesem Feld. Ich unterstütze den Bericht, weil er gegen die Diskriminierung von Menschen ist, die eben anders leben, also zwei Männer oder zwei Frauen, oder in anderer Weise leben, und dafür eintritt, dass diese Diskriminierung aufhören soll. Ich unterstütze den Bericht, weil er Hassreden gegen Menschen verurteilt. Ich unterstütze ihn, weil er Gleichstellung – und zwar in der Realität – fordert und weil er dem ganz normalen Leben folgt, wie es halt ist, dass jeder doch so leben möge, wie er es möchte, und dass das normal ist und nicht einer Frage bedarf. Und weil dieser Bericht dem nachkommt, was man als die Würde des Menschen betrachtet, und dies sagt und auch in das Zentrum stellt. Insofern nochmals vielen Dank, und wir kämpfen weiter!


  Claudio Morganti (EFD). - Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in quest'Aula credo che nessuno sia a favore di una qualsiasi forma di discriminazione e questo a mio avviso dovrebbe valere anche per le cosiddette discriminazioni positive, che sono e restano discriminazioni, quindi inaccettabili. In tutta onestà non vedo perché si debbano garantire a gay, lesbiche o transgender diritti particolari e specifici. Il diritto all'uguaglianza e alla parità di trattamento deve valere per tutti senza alcuna discriminazione, né in un senso né nell'altro.

Questa relazione è inoltre una palese forzatura delle prerogative nazionali, laddove indica che la Commissione dovrebbe presentare addirittura in via prioritaria proposte finalizzate al riconoscimento reciproco dei matrimoni omosessuali. Come ho già sottolineato più volte, il matrimonio è solo quello tra due persone di sesso differente, finalizzato alla procreazione, come del resto dice la stessa origine etimologica della parola. Invito quindi i colleghi che sono contro tutte le discriminazioni a votare domani a favore della proposta alternativa che ho presentato a nome del gruppo EFD e che vuole garantire i diritti di tutti, non solo quelli della potente lobby omosessuale, che qui in questo Parlamento è molto attiva e presente.


  Roberta Metsola (PPE). - Dan ir-rapport jibgħat messaġġ ċar u importanti lis-soċjetajiet tagħna li d-diskriminazzjoni kontra l-persuni LGBTI hi inaċċettabbli. Fl-aħħar xhur, bħala kelliema tal-Grupp tiegħi dwar dan ir-rapport flimkien mas-Sinjura Lunacek u kollegi oħra, konna impenjati f'diskussjonijiet utli biex nippreżentaw dokument bilanċjat u li jagħmel lil kull wieħed u waħda minna kburi bis-sehem li tajna.

Ir-rapport hu konformi mar-rwol u l-kompetenza li għandha l-Unjoni Ewropea, jirrispetta l-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà u bl-ebda mod ma jmur kontra d-dritt ta' kull pajjiż membru li jilleġiżla dwar materji li huma ta' kompetenza nazzjonali. Ħarsa ħafifa lejn dak li ma jagħmilx dan ir-rapport: ma jintroduċix liġijiet ġodda, l-ebda pajjiż mhu se jkun obbligat li jilleġiżla dwar xi forma ġdida ta' familja, m'hemmx privileġġi speċjali ġodda, ma hemmx proviżjonijiet fuq diskriminazzjoni pożittiva favur xi settur jew ieħor, mhux se jaqleb id-dinja ta' taħt fuq.

Madankollu, li se jagħmel dan ir-rapport hu li jibda t-triq biex ikun hemm ugwaljanza sħiħa bejn kulħadd. Saru rapporti kontra rapporti li kollha jgħidu li hemm diskriminazzjoni kontra persuni LGBTI. L-appell tagħna lill-Kummissjoni hu li toħloq roadmap, strateġija, pjan ta' azzjoni biex tindirizza d-diskriminazzjoni. Għalhekk ser nagħti l-appoġġ tiegħi għas-sejħiet u l-appelli li qed isiru f'dan ir-rapport u nħeġġeġ lil kulħadd biex jagħmel l-istess. Grazzi.


  Britta Thomsen (S&D). - Fru Formand! Vores europæiske samarbejde bygger på respekten for menneskelig værdighed, frihed og demokrati, ligestilling og menneskerettigheder. Alligevel fremgår det af en ny europæisk undersøgelse, at homoseksuelle er udsat for diskrimination og chikane, såvel på arbejdspladsen som hvis de vil leje en lejlighed, og at en fjerdedel er blevet fysisk angrebet i det offentlige rum.

Nu må det være på tide, at både Kommissionen og Rådet forpligter sig til at sætte ind over for denne form for diskrimination. Her fra Europa-Parlamentets side har vi ti gange krævet en omfattende politik til at bekæmpe homofobi i Europa. Jeg vil derfor opfordre til, at Kommissionen og medlemsstaterne arbejder sammen om en handlingsplan, som indeholder nye initiativer og ikke mindst sikrer, at Kommissionen overvåger, at medlemslandene overholder den eksisterende EU-lovgivning på dette område.

Jeg håber virkelig, at Parlamentet i morgen vil stemme ud fra de grundlæggende værdier, som vores samarbejde bygger på og ikke for et menneskesyn, der hører middelalderen til.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). - Ebben a vitában tulajdonképpen minden felszólalás arról szólt, hogy az Európai Unió az egyenlőség, emberek közötti egyenlőség és egyenlő elbánás és a diszkriminációmentesség elveire épül. Lehet, hogy ez elméletben így van, vagy ezt mindenki így tartaná helyesnek. A gyakorlatban viszont pontosan ennek az ellenkezője történik, különösen a tagállamok polgárai közötti vonatkozásban. Egyszerűen hazugság az, hogy az Európai Unió az egyenlő méltóság vagy a diszkriminációmentesség elvét hozta volna el Európa életébe. Hasonlítsanak össze egy magyarországi élelmiszerláncnál dolgozó pénztárosnőt vagy eladót, ugyanannak a külföldi élelmiszerláncnak a mondjuk Lunacek asszony országában, Ausztriában dolgozó vagy Németországban dolgozó társával. Az egyik 200 vagy 250 eurót keres és teljes munkajogi jogfosztottságban van, a másik többszörösét keresi és munkajogi védelem illeti meg. Itt kellene kezdeni a diszkriminációval való szembeszállást, és akkor mindenki úgy gondolom, megértőbb lenne a diszkriminációval és egyenlő elbánással kapcsolatosan.


  Paul Murphy (GUE/NGL). - Madam President, like the other MEPs, I have been inundated with e-mails claiming that this report represents an attack on the freedom of speech because it condemns homophobia. This is deeply ironic, because in Ireland at the moment you have a real attack on the freedom of speech. The national broadcaster RTE has censored Rory O’Neill for calling out homophobia. Even worse than that, it has reportedly paid out EUR 85 000 in damages to those accused of homophobia. It is an attack by the right-wing conservative forces in Ireland, acceded to by RTE, and designed to censor debate in advance of a likely referendum on marriage equality.

We must refuse to be silenced. When John Waters says that gay marriage is a kind of satire, that is homophobia. When Breda O’Brien says that equality must take second place to the common good, that is homophobia. When the Iona Institute campaigns against gay marriage because it is ‘gay’ marriage, that is homophobia. In the words of Rory O’Neill, these people should get the hell out of our lives.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD) - Naša spoločnosť je budovaná na hodnotách úcty a ľudskej dôstojnosti. Na hodnotách slobody, demokracie, rovnosti a na rešpektovaní základných práv. Občania mojej krajiny zdieľajú tieto hodnoty a pokojne rozvíjajú spoločenstvo, ktorého základom je prirodzená rodina. Žijú a pracujú vo vzájomnej úcte, rešpektujú spoločenský poriadok a vážia si slobodu a demokratické vymoženosti. Sú hrdí na svoje korene a tradície. Necítia potrebu kohokoľvek utláčať či diskriminovať. Nie sú homofóbni. Preto som presvedčený, vážená pani Lunacek, že mojej krajiny sa vaša správa nijako netýka. Je nadbytočná.


  Davor Ivo Stier (PPE). - Gospođo predsjednice, kao kršćanski demokrat naravno da se zalažem za poštovanje dostojanstva svake ljudske osobe i stoga ne smije biti tolerancije prema homofobiji, ali kada čujem kolegu iz Španjolske kako kritizira referendum o braku u Hrvatskoj, gdje je dvije trećine građana koji su izašli na referendum glasovalo za takvu ustavnu definiciju braka, doista se pitam da li je nama namjera ove rasprave zaštita osobnih sloboda ili možda otvaranje ideoloških sukoba prije europskih izbora jer doista nećete preko Europskog parlamenta promijeniti ustavnu definiciju braka u Hrvatskoj, koja nije ugrozila ničija prava. U krajnjoj liniji, ja bih rekao da bi trebali se prisjetiti da je čak papa Franjo podržao tu ustavnu definiciju braka, a i gay časopisi su ga proglasili osobom godine. Zato upravo takva rasprava ne vodi ničemu i ne bi trebala imati mjesto u ovom parlamentu.


  Biljana Borzan (S&D). - Gospođo predsjednice, dragi kolegice i kolege, ovih dana građani su nas zasipali mailovima protiv ovog izvješća pogrešnom argumentacijom kako želimo LBGTI-osobama dati neka dodatna prava. Ovo izvješće ne poziva na dodatna prava već im nastoji osigurati zaštitu njihovih temeljnih ljudskih prava. Naime, LGBTI-osobe diskriminirane su i zlostavljane u svojim svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Svaka četvrta biva fizički napadnuta, a tek 22 % bi ih prijavilo nasilje policiji. To je sramotno za današnje društvo. Stav kako smo svi dužni osigurati ravnopravnost svih članova naše zajednice uči se u obitelji, zajednici i školi. Program građanskog odgoja i obrazovanja koji se odnedavno provodi i u mojoj zemlji Hrvatskoj je pozitivan primjer. Učenici kažu kako su kroz njega postali svjesniji prava i odgovornosti koje imaju u svojoj zajednici. Međutim, kolege i kolegice, veliki je posao još pred nama i zato moramo podržati ovo izvješće u skladu s europskim i ljudskim vrijednostima.


(Τέλος της διαδικασίας Catch-the-Eye)


  László Andor, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Ms Lunacek, for her comprehensive report. Homophobia and transphobia are indeed violations of human dignity and are incompatible with the values and principles upon which the European Union is founded.

The Commission is aware of the problems faced by LGBT people in Europe, including discrimination, violence and harassment, and reiterates its commitment to fight discrimination within the limits of its competencies. However, the main responsibility in this area remains with the Member States.

As regards the most efficient course of action at EU level, the Commission is in favour of a targeted approach, delivering concrete results. Providing legal protection and special assistance to victims of homophobic and transphobic discrimination and crime is more likely to have a direct positive impact on the LGBT community than the development of a roadmap.

The Commission’s assistance to, and monitoring of, Member States’ implementation of relevant legislation for LGBT people, such as the Employment Directive or the Directive on Victims of Crime, is another example of action bringing real benefits to LGBT people. This is how we can make a real difference.

Also, with its proposal of an Equal Treatment Directive, the Commission is insisting on extending the scope of protection from discrimination on all the grounds foreseen under Article 19 of the Treaty, including sexual orientation, beyond the workplace – for instance, to include access to goods and services, social protection and education.

Furthermore, as part of an active policy for LGBT equality, the Commission has been working closely with Member States during the last few years to support their combat against LGBT discrimination. The Commission has been providing financial assistance, publications and peer learning.

The Commission also financially supports NGOs and their work to promote equal rights for LGBT people in Europe and will continue to do so.

Lack of access to prevention and health care services and inadequate treatment are frequently a consequence of stigma and discrimination, and often result in health inequalities for LGBT people. The Commission is therefore addressing this issue by including good practices within the European Portal for Action on Health Inequalities and working with the Member States and also at global level, putting the health and well-being of LGBT people in the agenda of the World Health Organisation. The Commission is also supporting dialogue within the World Health Organisation to ‘depathologise’ transgender and remove it from the category of mental disorders used in the International Classification of Diseases.

The Commission will continue to remind Member States of their obligations under EU law and will keep fighting homophobia and promoting equality for LGBT people in the European Union within the limits of its competencies.

Thank you Mr President and thank you, honourable Members, for your continuous support for the Commission’s efforts in promoting equality. I again congratulate the rapporteur.


  Πρόεδρος. - H συζήτηση έληξε.

H ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί αύριο Tρίτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2014 στις 11.30

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 149)


  Jean-Pierre Audy (PPE), par écrit. – Comme convenu en délégation française PPE (UMP et UDI), j'ai voté contre la résolution alternative de cinq groupes politiques proche du rapport initial de ma collègue autrichienne (groupe des Verts), Ulrike Lunacek, sur une feuille de route de l'UE contre l'homophobie et les discriminations fondées sur l'orientation sexuelle et l'identité de genre. En effet, il n'a pas été possible d'extraire des paragraphes qui, pour certains, relèvent de la souveraineté des États membres (droit de la famille, reconnaissance mutuelle des effets de tous les actes d'état civil, tels que le mariage) et ne relèvent donc pas de la compétence européenne et, pour d'autres, nécessitent davantage de débats politiques, par exemple le concept d'identité de genre. Je considère qu'il est indispensable de combattre tout comportement homophobe et toute discrimination fondée sur l'orientation sexuelle. Il est inadmissible de constater que, parmi les personnes LGBTI, 26 % sont victimes de violences et 20 % de discriminations professionnelles en raison de leur orientation sexuelle. Il faut donc une feuille de route, mais sans toucher au droit de la famille, qui relève de la souveraineté des États membres. J'ai la conviction que la défense de la famille est compatible avec le combat contre les discriminations fondées sur l'orientation sexuelle.


  Nessa Childers (NI), in writing. – Homophobia has no place in a modern society or in the EU, and I am pleased that the fact that Parliament now recognises that all citizens – regardless of their age, race, sexual orientation, mobility or gender – are entitled to live their lives without discrimination reinforces this idea. The EU already has strategies to combat discrimination in other areas, so it is only proper that this is extended to LGBT circles, something which is long overdue. I congratulate the rapporteur and welcome the adoption of the report.


  Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος (EFD), γραπτώς. Πιστεύω ότι η φύση καθορίζει το φύλλο και τις συνακόλουθες βιολογικές και γενετικές κατευθύνσεις των ανθρώπων. Τυχόν παρεκκλίσεις και διαφορετικότητες γίνονται απόλυτα σεβαστές και, εν πάση περιπτώσει, θεωρώ ότι αποτελούν ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα και ιδιωτικό βίο. Πιστεύω, λοιπόν, ότι η συνεχής ανακίνηση θεμάτων διαφορετικότητας δεν λύνει το ζήτημα αλλά επιτρέπει σε ορισμένους να εμφανίζονται δήθεν ως περισσότερο δημοκρατικοί από τους άλλους. Στο "σπεκουλάρισμα" αυτό, λοιπόν, αρνούμαι να συμμετάσχω.


  Algirdas Saudargas (PPE), raštu. – Vienas pamatinių ES principų – subsidiarumas. Tačiau ponios U. Lunacek pranešimas iš esmės pažeidžia ES ir nacionalinių valstybių kompetencijos pasidalijimo principą. Tokie klausimai kaip gyvybės, santuokos, šeimos klausimai yra išimtinai nacionalinių valstybių kompetencija. Tačiau šiame pranešime yra tokių punktų, kurie valstybėms narėms primeta civilinį įvairių santuokų statuso pripažinimą, prisitaikymą prie kintančių šeimos modelių bei reprodukcinių teisių interpretaciją. Visos šios ir panašios nuostatos sukuria prielaidą išskirtinėms sąlygoms ir privilegijoms vienai žmonių grupei. Nors bendras daugelio frakcijų pasiūlytas naujas rezoliucijos tekstas yra daug nuosaikesnis, vis dėlto ir jame išlieka nuostatų, leidžiančių suponuoti tam tikrų nuostatų primetimą valstybėms narėms. Niekas nekvestionuoja fundamentinių žmogaus teisių, kurios yra įtvirtintos daugelyje dokumentų, tačiau turime leisti valstybėms narėms pačioms spręsti vertybinius klausimus.

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