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Verbatim report of proceedings
Monday, 13 February 2017 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Annual report on EU competition policy (debate)

  Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, I would like to thank the Commissioner, colleagues and the rapporteur for their cooperation. This report talks about many things – airports, state aid – and asks us, as in other years, for more financial and human resources for DG Competition because there is a lot more work to be done.

But I want to focus here on the Google case because, seven years after the Commission announced allegations of antitrust violations by Google, we have a spent a lot of time on this. Certainly, EU regulatory time does not correspond to the necessity and urgency of the companies in the real economy.

I am aware, Commissioner, that a lot of time was lost by your predecessor, Mr Almunia. These years of unproductive settlements, discussions and delays in the still-ongoing investigations have left competitiveness in the online search market severely damaged. But, at a certain point, a decision has to be made one way or another. That is why, in this report, we call on the Commission to finish all Google antitrust investigations. Let me recall two recent facts. Last December, Foundem, the first complainant in the shopping case, had to close its shopping comparison website, and Yelp also closed its European businesses. This is how the behaviour of Google impacts on companies.

Ms Vestager, may I suggest to you that your provisional decision, which I hope will come in the next weeks or months, should impose a record—breaking fine on Google. You need to show companies that they cannot be rewarded for losing time because, in the last two years, Google’s attitude and behaviour has caused more damage to complainant companies. When it comes to remedies, may I suggest that all companies sit down with their technological experts, together with the Commission, to try to find non—discriminating future-proofed remedies.

Thank you very much. Let me remind you that time helps monopolies and damages SMEs.

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