Parlamenti kérdés - H-0669/2007Parlamenti kérdés
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Report on racism and xenophobia in EU Member States

for Question Time at the part-session in September II 2007
pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure
by Anne Van Lancker
to the Commission

According to a report on racism in the EU published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, people are often still being discriminated against on grounds of origin, even though this is prohibited by two directives (2000/78/EC[1] and 2000/43/EC[2]) ). In Belgium, the discrimination is occurring above all in the area of employment. The directives in question above all introduced a number of well‑functioning national bodies to deal with complaints, but this is often failing to lead to sanctions being imposed. In a number of countries, bodies for dealing with complaints about racism have not yet even been set up, although this is a requirement of Directive 2000/43/EC. Is the Commission aware of the report? Does the Commission not see any possibility of taking more urgent measures to encourage Member States to reduce discrimination on grounds of origin? Does the Commission have proposals for improving compliance with the directives on discrimination drawn up by it?



Tabled: 11.09.2007
