ДОКЛАД относно предложението за решение на Съвета относно сключването на многостранно споразумение между Република Албания, Босна и Херцеговина, Република България, Република Хърватия, Европейската общност, Република Исландия, Бивша югославска република Македония, Кралство Норвегия, Сърбия и Черна гора, Румъния и Мисията на ООН за временно управление в Косово относно създаването на общо европейско авиационно пространство (ЕСАА)

7.3.2007 - (COM(2006)0113 – C6‑0218/2006 – 2006/0036(CNS)) - *

Комисия по транспорт и туризъм
Докладчик: Eva Lichtenberger

Процедура : 2006/0036(NLE)
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относно предложението за решение на Съвета относно сключването на многостранно споразумение между Република Албания, Босна и Херцеговина, Република България, Република Хърватия, Европейската общност, Република Исландия, Бивша югославска република Македония, Кралство Норвегия, Сърбия и Черна гора, Румъния и Мисията на ООН за временно управление в Косово относно създаването на общо европейско авиационно пространство (ЕСАА)

(COM(2006)0113 – C6‑0218/2006 – 2006/0036(CNS))

(Процедура на консултация)

Европейският парламент,

–   като взе предвид предложението за решение на Съвета (COM(2006)0113)[1],

–   като взе предвид член 80, параграф 2, във връзка с член 300, параграф 2, алинея първа, първо изречение и член 300, параграф 4 от Договора за ЕО,

–   като взе предвид член 300, параграф 3, алинея първа от Договора за ЕО, съобразно който Съветът се е допитал до него (C6‑0218/2006),

–   като взе предвид член 51 и член 83, параграф 7 от своя правилник,

–   като взе предвид доклада на комисията по транспорт и туризъм (A6‑0060/2007),

1.  одобрява сключването на споразумението;

2.  възлага на своя председател да предаде позицията на Парламента съответно на Съвета и на Комисията, както и на правителствата и парламентите на държавите-членки и на Република Албания, Босна и Херцеговина, Република България, Република Хърватия, Европейската общност, Република Исландия, Бивша югославска република Македония, Кралство Норвегия, Сърбия и Черна гора, Румъния и Мисията на ООН за временно управление в Косово.



The subject matter of the proposed Council decision is the conclusion of a Multilateral Agreement on the establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA).The ECAA would include all European Community member states; Iceland and Norway as members of the European Economic Area; and Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRM), Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).

In essence the agreement provides for the progressive extension of the European Community's aviation "acquis" or corpus of law, to the partner countries. It rests on the premise that international civil aviation has an integrated character. For this reason the agreement is comprehensive in its coverage and aims to create an ECAA based on non-discrimination on the grounds of nationality, freedom of establishment, common rules on aviation safety, security, air traffic management, competition, social harmonisation as well as equal conditions of competition. It also deals with the enforcement of the agreement through a Joint Committee and the European Court of Justice, dispute settlement, interpretation of its provisions and transitional arrangements.

This comes to the Parliament as a Consultation procedure under Articles 80(2) and 300(2 and 4) of the Treaty.

The agreement is asymmetrical in the sense that each of the partners to it has different staring points in relation to the legislation it proposes be adopted and transposed. Clearly EU Member States already apply the "acquis". The same is true for Iceland and Norway as partners in the European Economic Area. The position of Bulgaria and Romania as candidate countries is distinct because they will apply the body of Regulations and Directives when they become full Member States. However the "associated parties", that is Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYRM, Serbia and Montenegro and UNMIK face substantial challenges connected to the creation of a European Common Aviation Area. In addition the general development of the aviation sector in the partner countries varies significantly.

Contents of the Multi-lateral agreement

The first part deals with the general functioning of the ECAA, the second part ( in annexe) lists EC legislation applicable to the contracting parties and the third part consists of protocols with each of the associated parties establishing transitional arrangements which should apply to it.

Freedom of establishment in the agreement encompasses firms and individuals. Article 11 on aviation security ensures compliance with international safety standards. Aviation security shall be based on common basic standards defined in EU legislation. Air traffic management will be based on an extension of the Single European Sky, including the operation of the SESAR system .In the area of competition state monopolies will be progressively adjusted to remove discrimination in the procurement and marketing of goods. State aid legislation will be gradually aligned with the Community "acquis". Agreements which distort or restrict competition, abuse of a dominant position or State aid which distorts competition is incompatible with the agreement. The associated parties are required to set up independent public bodies entrusted with the powers necessary to ensure compliance with the agreements provisions in these areas. Where state aid is authorised under the terms of the agreement it shall be transparent. The associated parties must draw up a comprehensive inventory of State aid schemes.

The agreement also provides for its enforcement and interpretation. Where its provisions arte identical to the EC Treaty or acts adopted under it the final interpreter will be the European Court of Justice. A joint committee composed of representatives of the contracting parties will be responsible for the administration of the agreement, dispute settlement and revision of annexe 1 to the agreement which lists Community acts which must be implemented.

The Protocols

Attached to the agreement is a draft protocol between the contracting parties (European Community, EU states, Norway and Iceland) and each of the associated parties (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYRM, Serbia and Montenegro and UNMIK). Each of the associated parties undertakes in signing its protocol to introduce the requirements of the agreement in phases and each protocol describes which elements of the agreement should be introduced in each phase.

It should be noted that the elements are introduced in different phases in each protocol so progress towards a European Common Aviation Area will not be uniform. For example by the end of the first transitional period Albania will have separated its air traffic service provider from the national regulatory body and will apply flexible use of airspace. Bosnia -Herzegovina will not be required to do this before the end of the second transitional period. These differences in the elements included in the transitional periods reflect the state of advancement in various operational areas of the associated parties. It should also be noted that the Protocols are open ended in the sense that no deadline dates are given. The second transitional phase begins when the conditions attached to the first transitional phase are fulfilled.

Provisional application and final implementation

The Council has decided that the agreement should be applied provisionally, pending ratification by all the parties concerned. For provisional application to take effect it must inform all the other parties to the agreement that this is its intention. At the time of writing the Council has not yet done this. Final application of the agreement depends on its ratification by all thirty-seven countries concerned, which may well take some time. For some countries, for example Croatia, provisional application of the agreement is not constitutionally possible. In this instance, and with Serbia, the Commission has an informal understanding that administratively the authorities will facilitate any requests for access by EU airlines pending ratification. Article 28.2 of the agreement also provides that where existing bilateral agreements are more flexible than interim arrangements in the matter of ownership, traffic rights and frequencies, then the bilateral agreement should apply. Nevertheless it is clear that full implementation of the agreement will take some time.

Given that no implementation deadlines are set the Commission will have to rely on a "carrot" approach to ensure progress. In essence this will involve providing technical, legal and managerial advice for implementation of the "acquis" to allow mutual market access. In some cases, the prospect of becoming candidate countries and the negotiations associated with this could provide a further impetus to full implementation.


Your rapporteur supports the principle of the European Common Aviation Area and the agreement and protocols needed to implement it. She recognises that a "one size fits all" approach is inappropriate in respect of the associated countries, given the technical and other differences in their aviation sectors and the challenge which implementing the EU "acquis" represents. Nevertheless she insists that the Commission be vigilant and energetic in promoting progress through the transitional phases through to full and final implementation. She regrets in this matter that the Council has insisted on a Council and Member State format which means a much bigger Joint Committee than would otherwise be necessary with all its attendant costs and bureaucracy.

  • [1]  Все още непубликувано в ОВ.



COM(2006)0113 - C6-0218/2006 - 2006/0036(CNS)

Дата на допитване до ЕП


Водеща комисия

       Дата на обявяване в заседание




       Дата на назначаване

Eva Lichtenberger




Разглеждане в комисия





Дата на приемане





Резултат от окончателното гласуване







Членове на ЕП, присъствали на окончателното гласуване

Gabriele Albertini, Inés Ayala Sender, Etelka Barsi-Pataky, Paolo Costa, Michael Cramer, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Arūnas Degutis, Christine De Veyrac, Petr Duchoň, Saïd El Khadraoui, Mathieu Grosch, Georg Jarzembowski, Stanisław Jałowiecki, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Jaromír Kohlíček, Sepp Kusstatscher, Bogusław Liberadzki, Eva Lichtenberger, Erik Meijer, Josu Ortuondo Larrea, Willi Piecyk, Luís Queiró, Luca Romagnoli, Gilles Savary, Brian Simpson, Renate Sommer, Dirk Sterckx, Ulrich Stockmann, Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, Georgios Toussas, Yannick Vaugrenard, Marta Vincenzi, Lars Wohlin, Corien Wortmann-Kool, Roberts Zīle

Заместник(ци), присъстващ(и) на окончателното гласуване

Johannes Blokland, Zita Gurmai, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Anne E. Jensen, Aldo Patriciello

Заместник(ци) (чл. 178, пар. 2), присъствал(и) на окончателното гласуване

Thijs Berman

Дата на внасяне

7.3.2007                                          A6-0060/2007