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This first ECON scrutiny session continues the ECON’s discussions on CRD/CRR during the previous legislature and covers in particular the delegated act on market risk (C(2019) 9068). In addition, two forthcoming regulatory technical standards (RTS) are discussed, namely the RTS on mapping of derivative transactions on which the EBA has finalised its draft (EBA-RTS-2019-02), and the RTS on criteria to define managerial responsibility and control functions on which the EBA has started a consultation ...

Finalisation of Basel III post-crisis reforms

Накратко 12-12-2017

This note is mainly based on documents published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) on 7 December 2017 under the header Finalising Basel III post-crisis reforms, namely the High-level summary of Basel III reforms and the full text of the reforms. EGOV has previously published a briefing specifically on the role of the BCBS.

This note presents the summaries of two papers requested in June 2017 by the ECON Committee to external authors on “Feasibility check: transition to a new regime for banks’ sovereign exposure”. It also presents some relevant EU institutions’ position on the subject.

Ranking of bank creditors in insolvency

Накратко 24-11-2017

One of the proposals from the 2016 banking reform package, dealing with the ranking of unsecured debt instruments in insolvency hierarchy, is due to be voted during the November II plenary.

The legislative proposal regarding transitional arrangements for mitigating the impact of international financial reporting standard (IFRS) 9 on financial institutions' regulatory capital is scheduled to be voted in the November II plenary session. These arrangements should enter into force before the start of the mandatory application of IFRS 9, on 1 January 2018. Therefore, the European Parliament and the Council had agreed to adopt them using a rapid procedure.

Европейска система за финансов надзор (ЕСФН)

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-11-2017

Европейската система за финансов надзор (ЕСФН) e многопластова система от микро- и макропруденциални органи, която включва Европейския съвет за системен риск, трите европейски надзорни органи и националните надзорни органи. ЕСФН има за цел осигуряването на последователно и съгласувано прилагане на финансовия надзор в ЕС. Тази надзорна система претърпява понастоящем промени поради въвеждането на банковия съюз и оттеглянето на Обединеното кралство от ЕС.

Финансови услуги: основно законодателство

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-11-2017

Регулирането и надзорът на финансовите услуги в ЕС бяха обект на голямо внимание по време на световната финансова криза. В периода след кризата ЕС предприе основна реформа на политиката си в областта на финансовите услуги с цел да възстанови стабилността и доверието във финансовата система. През последните години бяха предложени над 40 мерки, в основата на което бяха инициативи като Банковия съюз и Съюза на капиталовите пазари. Реформата във финансовия сектор е процес, който продължава и понастоящем ...

This note provides a summary of 4 expert papers assessing the role of precautionary recapitalisation in the Banking Union.

Carving Out Legacy Assets: A Successful Tool for Bank Restructuring?

Задълбочен анализ 15-03-2017

This briefing drafted under supervision of the Economic Governance Support Unit reviews the options for a separation of non-performing and other problematic assets from the main business of a bank. This separation is essential for bank rehabilitation, though secondary loan markets are illiquid, and plagued by problems in valuation and information sharing. Independent asset management companies are therefore needed, in particular as a tool in resolution. The legal framework for such institutions should ...

This paper drafted under supervision of the Economic Governance Support Unit considers a number of issues related to the restructuring of troubled banks in the EU. First, we provide an overview of how legacy assets have been dealt in a number of countries (drawing in particular upon the experience in Japan, the USA, Sweden and Spain), which support the case for a centralized solution in the presence of a generalized banking crisis. Second, we shed light on the need to differentiate between systemic ...