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One of a number of MFF-related impact assessment reports, this IA provides a comprehensive overview of the problems facing European defence development, as well as the general objectives that the proposed European Defence Fund is meant to address. It would nevertheless have gained by including a more detailed explanation behind the merger of the two financing windows, as well as a more detailed analysis of impacts. Finally, the lack of more specific objectives appears to have weakened the analysis ...

The future of the European Defence Agency (EDA)

Podrobná analýza 18-07-2018

The aim of the workshop, held on 22 November 2017, was to discuss the future of the European Defence Agency (EDA) against the backdrop of framing a common Union defence policy. The first speaker, Dr Christian Mölling, provided an analysis of the issue of defence cooperation among EU member states and the difficulties it faces. In this context, he described the role and power of the EDA as well as possible options for its future. The second speaker, Professor David Versailles, focused on capabilities ...

In view of the upcoming review of the EU Common Position 944/2008/CFSP on arms exports, the aim of the workshop was to provide an overview of the context in which this process will take place together with a set of possible outcomes the review could produce. The speakers from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), first defined the context by describing how, since the EU Common Position was adopted in 2008, EU member states performed in terms of military expenditure, arms production ...

The Common Security and defence Policy (CSDP) will be strongly impacted by the imminent divorce between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU), for better or for worse. What tomorrow will bring is nevertheless still unknown. The Brexit negotiations in the area of defence were supposed to be easier and more consensual than in other fields. It does not seem to have been the case so far. The first part of the study focuses on the terms of the equation. They analyse: the new interest of ...

The EU celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties a year ago by pledging to enhance the EU’s role as a global player, in line with the 2016 Global Strategy. This was intended to develop the EU’s role in security and defence matters, starting with increasing support for the European defence industry and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as a whole, as well as reinforcing existing or developing new partnerships and pushing for further global engagement in support of the UN system ...

Obranný průmysl

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-09-2017

Evropský obranný průmysl měl v roce 2014 obrat 97,3 miliardy EUR, zaměstnává přímo 500 000 osob a nepřímo vytváří 1,2 milionu pracovních míst, a je tak největším průmyslovým odvětvím. Tvoří jej hospodářské a technologické složky, které významně ovlivňují konkurenceschopnost evropského průmyslu. Rozvoji obranného průmyslu napomáhá Evropská obranná agentura založená v roce 2004. Odvětví nyní čelí některým výzvám, jako je např. fragmentace trhu a pokles výdajů souvisejících s obranou.

Společná bezpečnostní a obranná politika

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-06-2017

Společná bezpečnostní a obranná politika (SBOP) vytváří rámec pro politické a vojenské struktury EU a pro zahraniční vojenské a civilní mise a operace. SBOP se opírá o globální strategii EU z roku 2016 a Lisabonská smlouva objasňuje její institucionální aspekty a posiluje úlohu EP. V poslední době prošla SBOP výraznými strategickými a operačními změnami. Stále se vyvíjí ve snaze čelit bezpečnostním výzvám a volání veřejnosti po důraznější reakci ze strany EU.

Preparatory action on defence research

Ve stručnosti 27-10-2016

Investment in defence research has been decreasing in the EU over the last 10 years. In 2013, the Commission proposed to strengthen the EU defence and security sector and suggested launching a preparatory action (PA) on defence. Following a pilot project adopted in 2014, the preparatory action is expected to be adopted for three years with a budget of €90 million. If successful, the Commission plans to establish an EU-defence research programme for the 2021-2027 period.

Australia's 2016 Defence White Paper

Ve stručnosti 06-06-2016

The 2016 Defence White Paper (DWP) states that the United States will remain Australia's 'most important strategic partner', while pointing to concerns about China’s growing assertiveness. Defence spending envisaged in the DWP is to increase by approximately 80% over the next ten years, with a quarter of investments going to maritime and anti-submarine warfare. Australia has also launched its largest-ever defence procurement programme, with French firm DCNS selected as its international partner for ...

There is an increasing demand for the EU to become a ‘Security Provider’. This demand comes from Europe’s best ally, namely the U.S., but also from Member States themselves. For the first time ever the defence solidarity clause of article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union was invoked in November 2015. Ultimately the demand to put ‘more defence in the Union’ comes from European citizens who wonder why Europe does not protect them in the current turmoil. From the answer to this question depends ...