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EU-faktablade 15-01-2024

EU's fiskerikontrolordning har til formål at sikre, at reglerne i den fælles fiskeripolitik overholdes. Dens effektivitet er almindeligt anerkendt som en nødvendig forudsætning for en vellykket politik. Fiskerikontrollen henhører under medlemsstaternes kompetence. De er ansvarlige for at kontrollere deres fiskeri og dertil knyttede aktiviteter, mens Kommissionen kontrollerer, hvordan de opfylder deres forpligtelser.

Internationale fiskeriaftaler

EU-faktablade 05-12-2023

Den Europæiske Union (EU) spiller en central rolle i det internationale samarbejde om fiskeri. Den eksterne dimension af den fælles fiskeripolitik tilvejebringer en ramme for EU-fartøjers fiskeri uden for EU-farvande. Denne ramme understøtter EU's engagement i multilaterale aftaler om fiskeri på åbent hav under regionale fiskeriforvaltningsorganisationer (RFFO'er) og i bilaterale fiskeriaftaler med tredjelande om fiskeri i deres farvande.

Den fælles fiskeripolitik blev indført med Romtraktaten. Den var i begyndelsen knyttet til landbrugspolitikken, men er med tiden blevet udviklet til et mere selvstændigt politisk område. Det primære mål med den fælles fiskeripolitik efter omarbejdningen af den i 2002 er at sikre et bæredygtigt fiskeri og garantere indtjening og stabil beskæftigelse for fiskerne. Med Lissabontraktaten blev der gennemført flere ændringer i den fælles fiskeripolitik. Og i 2013 nåede Rådet og Parlamentet til enighed ...

Strukturstøtte til fiskeriet

EU-faktablade 21-04-2023

Den europæiske fiskeripolitik, der oprindeligt blev finansieret via det finansielle instrument til udvikling af fiskeriet (FIUF), blev i perioden 2007-2013 finansieret via Den Europæiske Fiskerifond (EFF) og finansieres nu gennem den nye Europæiske Hav- og Fiskerifond (EHFF) med en bevillingsramme på 6,4 mia. EUR for perioden 2014-2020. EHFF støtter fiskere i overgangen til bæredygtigt fiskeri, bistår kystsamfundene med at diversificere deres økonomier og finansierer projekter, der skaber nye job ...

This study examines the EU Algae Initiative of the European Commission and gives an overview of the European algae sector in terms of production, applications, opportunities and barriers. The 23 targeted actions proposed by the Commission have been set out with the goal of unlocking the vast potential of algae for the EU’s Blue Bioeconomy, addressing key challenges, such as food security and climate change mitigation. For successfully developing the sector, a set of barriers will need to be overcome ...

The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union has reshaped fisheries relations in the North-East Atlantic to an unprecedented degree, with far-reaching consequences for the fishing sector in the region and beyond. Under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, EU vessels retained full access to UK waters for an adjustment period lasting until 30 June 2026, after which access will be subject to annual consultations. One of the most significant changes introduced by the agreement on ...

The common fisheries policy (CFP) provides for a specific regime of access to waters within 12 miles of Member States' coastlines, intended to benefit traditional fishing activities. This access regime, due to expire at the end of 2022, is on the agenda of the November II part session, when Parliament is expected to vote on a provisional agreement that would prolong its application for 10 years.

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is widely recognised as a significant environmental, economic and social problem. It represents a major threat to marine ecosystems, a disruption for the seafood market, and an unfair disadvantage for responsible fishermen. Combatting IUU fishing has become a key means for achieving sustainable management of global fisheries. While the root cause of IUU fishing is states' failure to discipline vessels operating under their flag, tackling this phenomenon ...

The fisheries agreement with Mauritania is the EU's most significant in economic terms, and a central element of the network of EU agreements in West Africa. This cooperation framework is now being updated, with Parliament due to vote on giving its consent to the conclusion of a new agreement and protocol during the June I part-session.

The IUU Regulation (1005/2008) is the core of the EU’s legal framework for action against global IUU fishing. Its primary objective is to prevent, deter and eliminate the trade of IUU-caught products into the EU. One of its key components is a multiple-step procedure for dealing with non-EU countries considered uncooperative in the fight against IUU fishing. Sixth edition. This infographic further updates an earlier one, the previous edition of which was in March 2021. For more information on IUU ...