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Humans are among the many living species capable of collaborative and imaginative thinking. While it is widely agreed among scholars that this capacity has contributed to making humans the dominant species, other crucial questions remain open to debate. Is it possible to encourage large groups of people to engage in collective thinking? Is it possible to coordinate citizens to find solutions to address global challenges? Some scholars claim that large groups of independent, motivated, and well-informed ...

Små og mellemstore virksomheder

EU-faktablade 01-09-2017

Mikrovirksomheder og små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMV'er) udgør 99 % af alle virksomheder i EU. De skaber to ud af tre job i den private sektor og bidrager til mere end halvdelen af den samlede merværdi, der skabes af virksomheder i EU. Der er blevet vedtaget en række forskellige handlingsprogrammer til støtte for SMV'er såsom den såkaldte »Small Business Act«, Horisont 2020 og Cosme-programmet. De sigter på at øge SMV'ernes konkurrenceevne gennem forskning og innovation og på at forbedre deres ...

Den europæiske politik for forskning og teknologisk udvikling (FTU) har været et vigtigt område af EU's lovgivning lige siden de første fællesskabstraktater og blev udvidet i begyndelsen af 1980'erne med oprettelsen af et europæisk rammeprogram for forskning. Siden 2014 er EU's forskningsstøtte i vid udstrækning blevet samlet under Horisont 2020, som er EU's 8. rammeprogram for forskning og innovation for perioden 2014-2020 og har til formål at sikre Europas globale konkurrenceevne.

The European Cloud initiative

Oversigt 07-02-2017

The economic prospects of cloud computing and the data-driven economy are very promising. However, fragmentation, differences in data policies, scarce incentives, interoperability problems and lack of high-capacity data infrastructure, among other challenges, are slowing down its development in Europe. A European Parliament own-initiative report reflecting on the European Commission's European Cloud initiative is on the agenda of the February II plenary session.

Tourism and the sharing economy

Briefing 23-01-2017

Tourism services have traditionally been provided by businesses such as hotels, taxis or tour operators. Recently, a growing number of individuals are proposing to share temporarily with tourists what they own (for example their house or car) or what they do (for example meals or excursions). This type of sharing is referred to as the 'sharing economy'. It is not limited to tourism and can be found in many areas of social and economic activity, although tourism has been one of the sectors most impacted ...

Economic impact of Big Data

Oversigt 28-09-2016

An EP resolution of 10 March 2016 quotes the benefits of a data driven economy and its expected impact on GDP growth and on job creation according to different worldwide studies. While the volume and the variety of big data is increasing exponentially, its value for the European economy has been highlighted by the creation of the Big Data Public and Private Partnership, which was set up to support both technical and non-technical priority areas in the value chain. A number of indicators covering ...

Det indre marked: generelle principper

EU-faktablade 01-05-2016

Det indre marked er et område med velstand og frihed, der giver 500 millioner europæere adgang til varer, tjenesteydelser, job, forretningsmuligheder og 28 medlemsstaters kulturelle rigdom. Opbygningen af et indre marked kræver en fortsat indsats, men en yderligere uddybning af det indre marked kan bringe EU's forbrugere og virksomheder betydelige gevinster og øge BNP (bruttonationalproduktet) i EU-28 med 235 mia. EUR om året, hvis de resterende barrierer fjernes. EU-institutionerne satte nyt skub ...

The sharing economy (also referred to as the collaborative economy, peer-to-peer economy or collaborative consumption), is based on the sharing of human and physical resources like creation, production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services. For consumers, it stresses the shift from ownership towards accessibility. The sharing economy seems to be bringing about an alternative business model to the traditional corporate one. It is taking advantage of new technologies, by using ...

The development of information and communications technologies offers the possibility to establish faster connections and on a larger scale than ever before. This opens up the possibility to establish businesses offering new services to companies and/or communities. A new generation of entrepreneurs is on the rise, mastering the opportunities offered by the connected world. However, while ideas flourish easily, they often prove to be harder to implement in practice. This note has been prepared for ...

Broadband refers to internet connections capable of delivering information at fast speeds, using a variety of different wireline or wireless technologies. Fast access is important to the development of a digital economy in the European Union: economists believe that broadband deployment increases employment and spurs economic growth. Basic broadband is available to virtually all citizens in the European Union, but progress still needs to be made in coverage and take-up of fast and ultra-fast broadband ...