
Ihre Ergebnisse

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On 15 December 2021, the Commission presented a proposal to regulate methane emissions reductions in the energy sector. The proposal is part of the second batch of proposals in the 'fit for 55' package, seeking to align EU climate and energy laws with the EU Climate Law's 2030 target. The proposal addresses gaps in the current legislation: those relating to methane emissions from upstream exploration and the production of oil and fossil gas, but also those from the gathering and processing of fossil ...

The IA clearly identifies the problem that needs to be addressed and details the problem drivers. Furthermore, the IA discusses the evolution of the problem if the EU were to take no action. The IA relates the objectives with the problem/problem drivers in a supported manner. The options for the different policy areas to tackle appear to be sufficient and justified against the objectives. The assessment of the options retained for their economic, environmental and social impacts is thorough, but ...

Russia's domestic energy policy

Auf einen Blick 01-02-2016

Russia's domestic energy mix is essentially fossil fuels with some nuclear power, a situation which is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Except for large-scale hydroelectricity, renewable energies are still in their infancy. Energy efficiency is very poor and only slowly improving.

Nigeria: Economic situation

Auf einen Blick 28-01-2016

After years of sustained growth, Nigeria is now Africa's biggest economy. However, with oil and gas as the main source of foreign exchange and federal government revenue, it is suffering from the fall in oil prices. Nigeria is yet to transform into a diversified and competitive modern economy. This publication updates an EPRS note of May 2015, PE 556.984.

The volatile security situation in Yemen is closely linked to living conditions in the country. Yemen remains one of the poorest countries in the world – with high rates of unemployment, illiteracy and an absence of basic services. The transition process launched in the aftermath of the Arab Spring has failed to deliver the results expected, instead strengthening the perception of inequalities and government inefficiency. Fixing Yemen's economy and broken society is a key condition for any workable ...

This study, provided by the Policy Department A at the request of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE), aims to assess whether and to which extent European energy markets and manufacturing industries would be affected by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Although the negotiations are currenly on-going, the analysis shows that the TTIP will improve the EU’s security of energy supply through adding liquidity and competition to the natural gas market. The TTIP ...

The present study examines the human rights impacts of the extractive industries on indigenous peoples worldwide. It finds that there continue to be significant human rights risks associated with mining, oil and gas extraction falling disproportionately on indigenous peoples. It argues that the growing demand for non-renewable resources and the need to explore and exploit resources in ever more invasive ways suggest that such activities are likely to impinge even more on the lands of indigenous communities ...

East Africa is at a critical turning point in its development trajectory. The discovery of substantial reserves of crude oil (in Kenya and Uganda) and natural gas (in Mozambique and Tanzania) may bring billions of dollars in new revenues to the region. East African countries are currently drafting and implementing legislation, policies and infrastructure in this sector and should begin reaping the benefits of commercial production in the next four to ten years. Yet the experience of other resource-rich ...

Unconventional gas and oil in North America

Eingehende Analyse 25-06-2014

Over the past decade, the United States and Canada have experienced spectacular growth in the production of unconventional fossil fuels, notably shale gas and tight oil, thanks to technological innovations such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

In 2003, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) was launched as a voluntary multi-stakeholder initiative for the extractive industries, bringing together governments, industry and civil society. Its main objective has been to create a global transparency standard which allows light to be shed on all payments made by extractive-industry companies to governments of resource-rich developing countries, and to cross-check all revenues received by these governments from the industry.